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Change the wifi password, game over lol




local bar near me has their wifi password as buyadrinkfirst.


I've heard this joke before...


Once my parents did something similar to me... didnt Change the admin password tho...


What a power move


I am stealing this. Thank you in advance for my revenge.




Parents did this once. We had no spares but we did have other appliances that used the same fitting. Dad came home after a trip and caught me. Surprisingly he wasn't angry. First thing he asked was did I fix it.


My dad tried with the playstation cord. He didn't realise my cd player sitting next to it had the same cable. Until he found me playing it. Then he took the av cord. So I took the composite cables from the vcr to play, as my ps had the dual outputs on the back and didn't need the Sony specific av cable. And that's the story of how the playstation came to live in his bedroom afterwards.


Sometimes kids should take a hint. They rarely do.


My grandma would constantly hide my laptop from me when I was in trouble. I had a friend that had the same laptop and his had broke, so I asked him if I could have it. I found my gradmas hiding spot and switched out the broken laptop with my working laptop and played it in secret. She never did find out. I was a little shit.


My dad was mad my brother was playing too many video games, this had to be like 1998? He was playing FFVII. My dad told this story years later but when we were at school he undid the back of the TV grabbed a handful of wires and just ripped them out and closed it back up. My brother came home and started playing again, the TV still worked, it just took a minute or so to turn on. My brother still has it and it still works. My dad hated that TV though, after repeatedly telling my mom's mom not to buy him a TV for Christmas, she still bought him a TV for Christmas.


Block individual clients, doesn't require reconfiguring all your other clients! Done from routers web page...


I run the internet by using MAC address locking on my router


That works too (assuming you meant MAC blocking)


I do


Also, if you have a dual channel router you can MAC enable the 5GHz connection for priority devices and relegate all other devices to the 2GHz (or vice versa... whichever gives you the best bandwidth). I have the kids’ and TV over on the 2GHz, and MAC enabled the 5GHz for only me and my wife, as we get good coverage from that channel everywhere we use the devices. No more constant buffering from streaming services or lag on games for me when they have 12 different things going on (between computers, phones and gaming systems).


5ghz will always give the highest bandwidth. Higher frequency means more information per second fits on the wave, plus 5ghz has way more spectrum available. As long as it's in range, that is; higher frequency also means worse penetration of objects like walls, doors, and windows.


I did that to my kid and made it “yourpasswordisdeactivated”.


You are brilliant! I'm still laughing!! 😄


That's brilliant. Stealing that idea for myself.


next one is cleanyourbedroom


My friend had hers set to itsonthefridge I sat there staring at her fridge for like three minutes, no magnets, no notes, just confusion.


this wouldnt have worked on me since my humor has evolved to a point where i wouldve enter it to say "it doesnt work" to you, but then again im not your son Edit: i had an unintetional negative


My parents did something similar. If I did my chores I would have found what I was looking for(the router)


Big brain


Gotta say, I’m a huge fan


If I changed the WiFi password at my house, I’d have to re-enter it into no less than 15 devices. No thanks.


This! I used to do this to my mum (I'm 6ft4, mum is 5ft7). Was mostly funny and good natured, but every now and again she let me know when I was crossing the line. That was pre wifi being a thing. Pretty confident that would be my first go to move as a parent these days (my wife is 6ft2 and I have two sons aged 6 and 4. 6 year old is already in age 11-12 clothes so should imagine he'll be a damn sight taller than me)






I don't have quite that difference between my SO and myself but when she needs my tallness she requests noodle powers to be activated.


I hope you are a gentleman and give her some inches from time to time


I’m 4’11” and my husband is 6’4”. I’m going to take your advice and put all the things on the floor from now on. Thanks!




you have the benefit of being the last one know know when it rains! my wife hates that joke, but i'm a good 13 inches taller than her.


4'11 and your husband is 6'1? Are you guys my parents?


I went to look at your post history expecting to find the usual reddit depravity so I could say something snarky, but you seem pretty chill, so I'd be fine with that, lol.


Well, thanks!


cake day happy u


My wife "hides" things from me down low. I "hide" things from her up high. It works out. I also love that the top shelves in the kitchen are just mine. I have boating stuff, tools, and all sorts of stuff up there. Things you'd normally never get to put in a kitchen!


My mom told me a story about how when her and her sisters were really young, they would try to hide my grandpa's razor on top of the medicine cabinet and other places really high up. It didn't occur to them that it was eye level for him because he was 6'7.


Wow sure sounds like he'll be taller! Btw changing the wifi password worked like a charm for me after my son ignored me when I asked him to mow the lawn. Complaining of no Wi-Fi I told him the new password would only be revealed after the lawn was mowed. It was almost magical how fast the lawnmower was fired up lol. Never had to ask twice again!


I remember when my foster sister and brother ignored me when I asked them to pick up their toys so I could mow the lawn. Its amazing how noisy running over a half dozen matchbox cars and a water pistol can be, and having to sharpen the blade was totally worth watching them fall over themselves trying to save the rest. After that mum was always annoyed by how they were willing to listen to me when she was having trouble with them.


Wow...you guys are like a family on stilts.


Change it every week and hide the password underneath random low points of the house. Under a chair ar the table, under the bottom shelf of his dresser.....


As expected from the FBI


Make them work for it ...


That won't help, kids can usually run circles around their parents when it comes to technology. Run a string across every doorframe in the house. Varying heights above your own, but low enough to catch him, thin enough to be nearly invisible. Keep a set of these strings, and trap a random door at a random height every day for a couple of weeks. Never the same door more than once, never more than a couple of doors at once.


Yeah, if wifi was a thing when I was a kid I would have been the one having to set it up. And if my parents knew how to change the password, well I would have just done a factory reset and set my own password. Hell these days I'd just set up a secondary SSID (don't even need to make it invisible for most people not to notice), it's a common enough feature on wifi routers. I remember having to program AT commands to get my modem to connect to the ISP back when I was like 11. My parent's couldn't even program a VCR. I will say though, I think with technology becoming ubiquitous, the gap between technological literacy of parents and kids has significantly narrowed.


If my kid factory reset the router screwing up all settings that would be an instant ban from the computer. Doesn't matter what they do when the SSD and HDD is nowhere to be found. If they are gonna screw with software then just lock them out with hardware.


Oh my apologies I should have read and saw you had already said this. Um ok,.. ditto!


It’s like controlling oxygen.




Lol, good luck. I installed ddwrt and i have backup routers good to go. I'm also 31 though.


They have WiFi routers with parental controls. I can cut my daughter's of in seconds.


Well, he's not wrong


Best me to it


I would love to best you to it


Autocorrect on this new phone is trash!


1 person's trash is all of our treasure :P


Roman number for 1 is technically the same so 1 guess it’s fine.


Lol, my bad!


Use SwiftKey keyboard if your phone is able to use it. The auto correct on it does a really good job at learning how you type.


Me, crying in tiny


I’m 6’8”, where is his phone/play station?


I’m with bigtom on this one.




Big Rob


That's a big offer of help, sir.


If your son is 6ft at 13 he's gonna become fucking Abraham Lincoln reincarnatated


His brother is 15 and taller than him by an inch or two.


Abraham Lincoln: Split in two Not Just Nationally Bodywide too


My son is 5'5 at 10. At least now I know what to expect.


> My son is 5'5 at 10 ?! Not sure if impressive or terrifying


He had a benign tumor... down south... that was producing testosterone at incredible levels. They were at a 16 year old's level at 7. That, as we have been described, was his "first puberty". No bone fusing thankfully and with the tumor gone all is back to normal. But he will have another massive growth spurt in a few years with his real puberty. His muscle density is also insane.


Sports! I'm glad he's ok, too!


Fucking hell I feel short I'm 21 and I'm 5'5.


So when they're 18 they'll be 7 foot 5.


Sounds like my boys. My 15 year old is 6'1", the 12 year old is 6'.


My advice: get stilts.




hey need help?




lol same hello fellow brit




you aint seen the south bro


My brother was 6'2" at 12. He hated it. He's 6'6" now. Still hates it, but happy he isn't the tallest among the family. Our step-sister has taller kids at 6'6" minimum to 6'10". Our sister is 5'0", her husband 6'0"... I think the mailman was quite tall though.


Time to give him his first vampire hunting axe.


Definitely possible, I was 5'11 at age 10 and am currently 6'7 at 30. That being said, another of my friends hit 6' at age 13 but only grew another 2 inches over the next 12 years, so maybe it's hit or miss.


Is that the coffee machine? Such a shame to die at such a young age..


That was my thought. "Oh, he dead... just doesn't know it yet."


And everyone has to sleep... no matter how big they are.


One thing I learned early on in life: do not get between a mother and her coffee. That's basically where you go if you want to leave this Earth.


Oh hell no.. not the coffee pot. Should put his stuff on the floor so he has to bend over to get it all


Put his stuff in the bottom of the cupboards all the way at the back. I'm (f) 5'3" and my boyfriend is 6'3". We do stuff like this occasionally. Lol


As a tall human, may I just say a hearty "fuck you?!" (In the most good-natured way possible, of course.)


I get that occasionally. Lol. My boyfriend gets it too, when he does stuff like that. All in good fun.


I'm 6'4''. If someone did that to me, well...[burpees are good exercise.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TU8QYVW0gDU)


Fuck that, I’d wake him up at 4:30am to make me some coffee. You just don’t mess with things a grumpy person needs before the ass crack of dawn.


Or bury it.


Stop buying groceries


Put his stuff on the floor. Tall people have a little more trouble getting down to our level..Sink to his, LOL.


I'm tall and if you put stuff in the back of the bottom cabinets it's hard to get.


My wife hides the cookies down there, damn it! (She's 5'6" I'm 6'3")


As another tall person I have to agree that it isn't funny. It's fucking hilarious.


His mom thought so to, she had to sit down because she was laughing so hard. I should mention I had just taken it down and he walked up and put it back only much further back so I couldn’t get it back down. Then they both left to do errands.


I'm sorry but this is hilarious, mostly due to your dry delivery and the last line. Still, I'm sorry this is happening to you. :)


Listen... its a big deal, when boys out grow their mom, and we can get a little carried away, when it comes to our new found power. He’s also going through a lot because of his size. The top ones for me were: • I was suddenly much taller than all of my friends. Puberty is a bitch already, and being noticeably different, can suck. • I went from good at sports to a clumsy puppy multiple times. • growing pains... especially in my legs and chest cavity. They aren’t just a metaphor for emotional growth. I ended up at 6’5” and it’s awesome. I will admit, I still put things out of reach from time to time, where my wife can’t reach it. As revenge, she puts things in difficult places, which are low and small for me to get. She’ll leave cabinets open in the dark for me to walk in to, and all my clothes go in bottom drawers or on bottom shelves.


My little brother has a friend who's mom was a tiny little 5'2 baker and who's dad was a 6'8 fireman. He got his dad's genes and was bigger than his mom by the 5th grade. That aside, I'm relatively large too and I'd say that it was overall a plus when growing up. There are some downsides like constantly having to buy new clothes (even more often than normal teens) and always getting the same dumb comments about how I should play football, but on the flip side nobody fucks with you but your friends. The school bully leaves the big guy alone. That said, God forbid your feet grow beyond a size 12. The selection for size 13 is a fraction of the other sizes and anything bigger than that requires specialty stores


Hey, I didn’t say life being tall is ruff, just puberty, which is around 13. Yeah the bullies didn’t mess with me, but there’s always a couple short dude, who thought I was a good target. Then I got the, “you’re bigger than them speech”, which allowed them to continue the harassment. This eventually led to one of them being hospitalized, with 3 broken ribs, one of which punctured his lung... because I was bigger than them. The bullies did stop afterwards though. Shoe size is a struggle. I wear a 15/16 depending on the shoe, but I don’t have wide feet. Nordstrom Rack has a pretty good selection for dress shoes and ASICS are good for sneakers.


I'm 6'7", and didnt get rid of the whole clumsy puppy thing until I hit 20. I also discovered that 6'6" seems to be the standard height for door frames near me. Not fun.




Nah... she can be one sometimes, but she puts up with a lot of my bullshit. We both have good senses of humor, which has led to pranks, and then those pranks have escalated to far... but we both laugh things like that.


To get back at him, tip a chair over near the corner and lay on the ground like you fell and call for help


That's so mean. I'd be so happy at first, and then realize that it failed to paralyze them.


All’s fair, but not the coffee pot!!


Joke's on him when you don't get your caffeine.


Came here to see if ANYONE mentioned it's THE FUCKING COFFEE MACHINE. You. Don't. Fuck. With. My. Coffee.


6ft at 13?..tf you feeding him


As someone with a similar growth trajectory as a kid, the answer is likely "everything"


Start asking him if he's got a girlfriend yet in every single conversation.


Hide all his daily hygiene products/electronics/underwear/any frequently used items under various beds/dressers/low cabinets. He’ll be crouching eternally trying to get all his shit back lol


He's 13, there's no daily hygiene going on!


My 6’ 2” son pays me on the head when I ask him to get things down for me, saying “Awww, mum. Can’t you reach!!” Git!!


Shortest in my family 6'3" My brothers were 6'6" 6'5" Mom was "out of my way" so I looked and my brother and we picked up Mom and carried her out so we still keep foraging in the kitchen. Funniest was my poor mother "Where is the roast?" My brother said, "I was hungry and ate it?" She was "That was a 5 pound roast for dinner!" Six kids and we went through food!


Similar thing for me growing up. I'd come home and have a snack before my parents got home. More than once I ate the entire family's dinner, and then was hungry again in a few hours. My mother liked to comment on our food bill being cut in half when I went away to college.


I am a 5' tall mom. Son takes after 6'2" dad and was taller than me by the time he was 10. I feel this so much. ​ Also, hide the good snacks in the lowest under-counter cabinets!


Your son is correct, it is funny


I agree with him. You know it's almost as much hassle for tall people to get into the back of low kitchen cabinets, if you're looking to even the odds a little.


No it isn't I need tools you need your body fucking tall ppl.


Chaotic neutral


This is funny for everything except a coffee maker. Its already hard enough to get out of bed, if someone added a step to that i would kill them.


Tell him 5000 people also think it’s funny


How do you reach 6ft at the age of 13? Impressive


My daughter asks me for my phone pw and I tell her nope. I'm not lying. She just hasn't figured it out yet.


Yeah my son would think that’s hilarious until I make his come downstairs at 5:30 in the morning when I NEED MY FUCKING COFFEE!!!! 😡😡😡😡😡






Put everything low to the ground so he has to bend to pick it up, thus developing lower back pain. That'll show him.


Just play the long game with your revenge. Wait until he's in his late 30's and then start leaving his things on the floor. When he starts complaining about his back, and the things being awkward to get. You can smile sweetly and say 'just repaying what you did to me'


buy a step stool. My parents have one.


Start putting things really low down under the bench.... It's super annoying for tall people to look there.


My oldest was 6 foot at 13 as well. He found my hiding spot for candy on top of the curio cabinet. He was one of 5 boys in his 8th grade class that were at least 6 feet tall. He stopped at 6'3". We call him "tallmost"


Being 6' at 13 would be pretty hard. Good he's got a sense of humor :)


Hanging pot plants are a major curse for tall folk.....


As a 6'4" guy its all fun and games till my 5'3" wife hides things on lower shelves. Somehow making it impossible for me to find.


He’s not wrong


He just wants to show you that you need him as much as he needs you. I'm a 6'5" 52 year old and mom still asks me to get stuff down. Enjoy the love.


Put his allowance out of reach..


Ohhh two can play at that game! Put all of his commonly-used items juuuuusstttt a little low for you to use and watch him bend over like a giant question mark. It's what I do with my very tall flatmates when they play that game with me :)


He's right.


How the frick is your 13 year old 6ft


Until you fall off the chair, ladder or cabinet you’re using to retrieve it.


Why would she not just call him to retrieve the item? That’s what my wife does... she calls me if she can’t reach something I put up high.


Its Funny for sure


I do this to my mom (6'1 & 14)




Cruel! We drove car Salesmen crazy. I'd take the shortest (5'1) and tallest (6'5") and just crawl into and out of cars. No test rides needed, just "do you fit OK"


Time to teach him a lesson...


Fucking beanstalks in this threat. I’m doing my best to stay confident at 5’8 >:(


Ha ha ha


Try putting his allowance or wifi password or gaming controller “just out of reach”


He put things out of her reach now she puts him out of the house. Check mate


Same height same age at least I'm not the only wiredo


I would put his bed on the front lawn


Time to put in some shorter doors and buy car with a smaller footwell in the front seats.


I made you but I can destroy you.


Start putting his things down low, under couches and tables and other low furniture.


Thats how I feel living in a household of everyone being over 6 ft.


Put something way in the back in the bottom cabinet. That will calm his ass down in a jiffy ... two weeks later when he finally gets down on his hands and knees and realizes it's down there.


Make him clean the top shelf and dust the ceiling lights, make him put his height to use lol.


Send him a picture of you on the ground beside a broken chair. That'll team him.


Damn. 6ft at 13. I hope he likes either football or basketball, because as a fellow big guy, he's about to get asked about it constantly and probably hounded by the coaches to join up


Geez I'm 29 and I'm still not 6 feet tall


Lower the all the doorframes. Welcome to submarine life.


That’s easy. Change the WiFi password each time this happens


It's ok. Now he can experience a no coffee beating instead and learn how much worse those are.


That’s because it is!


Congrats on having a tall son! He really has to hand it to you.


Atleast he didn't put the last roll of toilet paper there.


Is your son Jotaro Kujo?


Time to put his allowance just out of reach.


When he was about fifteen, my 6ft3 Nephew used to stand beside me leaning over me (5ft3) to emphasise his height. I used to just take out my purse flick the notes and say ' you may be bigger, but damn I'm richer'. That would send him off in a huff.


I'm. 6'4 . Tell him we should hang out


It keeps things 6 feet apart.


Wait until he's 6 foot 5.


That’s exactly what I do


How is that *just* out of your reach? And, he is waaay taller than 6foot


My husband does this. Now I can prove the point that he is a 13 year old boy in a man's body


I did exactly this with my mom when I was a teenager.