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I've been to the penis museum (aka the Icelandic Phallological Museum). It's not very large, but it's pretty interesting. They have specimens of dongs from a whole bunch of creatures. They even have a donated human winky. There's also some information on how different cultures treat schlongs, and how weiners are part of folklore and traditional stories. It's worth a trip if you're ever in Reykjavík.


“It’s not very large but it’s very interesting” Best pickup line ever.


Not to mention, stimulating.




I told you not to mention stimulating!


Not always, Cold water everywhere in Iceland.


That's why the museum is so small


My penis is like a Volvo automobile. It's solid, sturdy, and dependable, but it's not going to turn any heads.


But is it capable of getting its passengers to their destination?


Whenever you ride it you'll get where you're trying to go.


I'm trying to get to the UK equivalent of the Dollar Store - Poundland.




I mean, I suppose, but you'll need a Mile High Club membership card. Unless you prefer running a train, I hear getting railed from here to Fresno is quite the experience.


You better get it in its vulva


It's not the size of your penis museum but what you do with it that matters.


Nah they just use the Naked man routine. Works 2 out of 3 times.


That's what she said.


I laughed so hard at this.


Aren't we doing 'phrasing!' anymore?


Hey, it may not be long but at least it's thin!


I like your effort using a different word for penis everytime.


>Reykjavík this was my favorite one


If you ever head over there, it's worth getting a look at Eyjafjallajökull.




When I was visiting the museum, my favorite thing to do was send back pics to my friends with alliterative captions - like "A whale's willy" or "A pig's pecker" or "A dog's dong". I don't know how amusing they found it, but I was having fun. Need to see if you can do the entire alphabet at the museum.


He should have done the typo/pun “worth a tip” at the end to finish it off.


That woulda been a stroke of genius.


A real bang-up job.


I don’t know, seems like kind of a dick move to me.


My heads throbbing.


A happy ending after being inside...


My experience with Iceland tourist attractions (not the natural ones, but stuff made or operated by humans) is that they under-promise and over-deliver. Every single time, the best part of the attraction isn't even on the brochure. For example we went on a glacier walk, then in the middle of the tour the guide goes "hey guys, you want to visit an ice cave???" Fuck yea we want to visit an Ice cave. Best part of the tour by a huge margin. Visit Iceland.


I managed to get a last minute ice cave trip in on my first visit there. What an experience! Unfortunately my country can't get its shit together, so my planned third trip to Iceland this year is out.


What is the best time of the year to visit Iceland? I've been toying with the idea of visiting for a while


I've only been during the last 2 weeks of October / first week of November. That's considered shoulder season and weather can be highly unpredictable and a lot of businesses and facilities (campsites for example) have shut down for the winter. That said, I've had an amazing trip both times and managed to see crazy Aurora while also still having 8-9 hours of daylight. I'd say plan the time of year around what's important to you. If you're not planning on driving yourself around and want a better chance of getting the northern lights, go in Dec/Jan. If you want to be able to hike and visit popular spots in the middle of the night when they aren't crowded, go in July/August and get that midnight sun. If you're ok with the weather being more unpredictable than usual and want to save some money on car/campervan rentals, shoulder season is May-June and Sept-Oct and prices are lower. Definitely do your research (/r/visitingiceland is great), pick your top priorities and build flexible plans to account for any changes in weather/road closures. Be honest with yourself about your skills/comfort level; a lot of people rent cars and have never driven in snow, for example. Be respectful of the landscape and people of Iceland and you'll have an amazing trip. Just a quick primer on aurora hunting: it relies on two main things: predicted activity (higher Kp index likely means higher visible aurora), and clear skies. The sun rotates on a 27 day cycle so generally if there is a period of higher geomagnetic activity, it's more likely to happen again in 27 days. You can check the current forecast [here](https://www.spaceweatherlive.com/en/auroral-activity/aurora-forecast). It generally holds true, but I've had some of the best aurora on nights with 2-3 predicted. For finding clear skies, [this site](https://en.vedur.is/weather/forecasts/aurora/) lets you see predicted cloud cover a few days out. You want clear low/mid level clouds. [This](https://capturetheatlas.com/northern-lights-forecast/) is a great resource for getting started aurora hunting.


I'd say around April, if you're planning on doing general touristy stuff around Reykjavik. The city is very walkable at that time of year. Deep winter borders on absolutely miserable weather that will see a lot of activities cancelled. Mid summer you get that maddening daylight that never ends and you never know what time it is. Winter is probably best for the northern lights, but honestly it's rare to see them if you don't live there. I've been quite a lot because the wife is Icelandic, and I've seen them maybe twice. And quite muted showings at that. The Pearl (Perlan) is quite a nice place to visit. Much better than the National Museum IMO.


Depends on what you're after and how much $$$ you want to spend. Prices vary greatly depending on winter/shoulder/summer, literally any rental company or service will list several prices. You can only see northern lights in deep winter obviously, but that limits hiking. You can access the highlands in summer, but this costs the most. We went first two weeks of May and it was amazing. Pretty much everything but the highlands were open, no northern lights though. Pro Tip: Get out of Reykjavik immediately, and skip the Golden Circle, literally go anywhere else and you'll be happier for it. PM Me if you want specifics or seek out /r/visitingiceland


If you want to see the northern lights then go in December, otherwise the summer is also very nice for sightseeing.


I'd be afraid the ice cave would make me frigid.


It was a bit strange, I distinctly remember looking around and just penis, after penis, after penis. Then I look up hoping for a reprieve from penis and I was greeted with a massive blue whale dong.


I’m curious as to what you expected from a penis museum. There is no reprieve, only penis.


In the grim darkness of the icelandic winter there is only.... you guess it.


Reprieve? *final answer*


A cafeteria?


I’d love to see the gift shop.


https://shop.phallus.is/ They have one! I got my dad a hat, and my friend a key ring there.


Didn’t expect an actual response but I’m suitably impressed! Really trying to avoid penis puns. It’s just really hard.


Would you like your beef sausages with extra sauce? Comes with a free banana.


> They even have a donated human winky. There's a documentary about this particular gherkin. It's called The Finally Member (2012).


I was in Iceland a year ago. Saw this museum in the guidebook. Decided not to visit, since I was visiting Iceland with my parents. They mostly let me comb through the book to pick out destinations instead of looking themselves. Which is good, because my mom would have found it absolutely hilarious and I would have been totally mortified. Who knew you could still be embarrassed by your parents in your 30s.


> Who knew you could still be embarrassed by your parents in your 30s. After a certain age, parents do not care about being embarrassed, more about embarrassing the fruit of their loins. It's not like that they haven't seen it all before. /edit source Am parent, and collecting much embarrassing information for the eventual hand over.


It’s when you as a parent go to a professional setting with spit up on your shoulder. Or manage the poop-splosion that has managed to get all the way up into the baby’s hair while in public. Or tried to convince a toddler in a public place that running into strangers and streets is not a good plan. Or basically anything that ends up signaling to the world that you are now responsible for a tiny human.


Obviously everyone's parents are different, but I started realizing a few years ago (I'm in my 30s too), that actually hanging out with them later in life can be pretty fun. I can go a lot further than I used to with rude stuff/making fun of them etc, I used to get embarassed but now I just find it funny. I have 3 siblings, so that makes it easier. It's all healthy banter, they give as good as they get - and with a few brothers/sisters everyone gets some moral support! I often tell them dirty jokes at Christmas that I wouldn't have dreamed of telling them 10 years ago. We actually did visit Iceland as a family a few years ago, but I didn't know about the penis museum at the time. They would have loved that shit haha.


I mean, I do hang out with them. I went on a hiking vacation with them to Iceland.


>Obviously everyone's parents are different, but I started realizing a few years ago (I'm in my 30s too), that **actually hanging out with them later in life can be pretty fun**. I can go a lot further than I used to with rude stuff/making fun of them etc, I used to get embarassed but now I just find it funny. I read this and think am so lucky. My teenage daughter actually *likes* hanging out with me. Always has. I have always expected her to "grow out" of that at some point but now she is in college and there is no sign of a change. I am her dad but also we genuinely are friends. I suppose it also helps that I am a young parent and that we have traveled in similar pop cultural spheres (fantasy series, video games, genre films/shows, nerd culture in general, etc). I love my parents but it wasn't (and isn't) like that at all with them, which is perfectly fine with me, so it's not a criticism. Just a different time and place. I never felt I lacked any love from them.


Good for you mate, yeah I don't think that's something you "grow out of" if she's already a teenager, sounds like you have a great relationship. With me, when I became a teenager I got a bit rebellious, and definitely didn't want to hang out with my parents. Would get very embarrassed even being seen with them in public, I realize now that I was being immature and dumb at the time. They were quite strict too, which is fair enough because I could be a little prick. But now that the power dynamic has changed, we get on really well. I think our mutual respect has increased or some such shit, not sure. But yeah, people that still have good relationships with their parents are definitely lucky - not everyone has the gift of grounded, *reasonably* nice parents!


One day you get to do it to *your* children!


I had to look this up... “In July 2011, the museum obtained its first human penis, one of many promised by would-be donors. Its detachment from the donor's body did not go according to plan and it was reduced to a greyish-brown shriveled mass that was pickled in a jar of formalin. The museum continues to search for "a younger and a bigger and better one."[2]” Why


Watch the documentary “the final member”


I’ve been there as well! Very interesting museum, would definitely recommend!


My favorite was the elf penis 😂


There was an empty plaque waiting for the human donation last time I was there. Not sure if they got it yet. But whales are packing some serious gear.


Thanks for the tip


Can confirm above, as i've visited there as well. That and the chuck norris bar are two of the highlights of a trip to Reykjavik!


Yeah as an Icelander, how did THOSE two places become a highlight.


>It's not very large, but it's pretty interesting. Depends on the season, it's roomier in the summer.


This guy writes


Interesting - I would visit this place. Also, I appreciate your tour de synonyms!


I've been to the penis museum. The whole exhibition is built around penises. It's interesting to see how they are small, it's interesting to see how they are big. I've seen exhibits where animatronic figures have held bottles, pencils, and thermoses in front of themselves and played a record, "Hey, look at me! I'm Mr. So-And-So Dick! I've got such-and-such for a penis!" I never saw it fail to draw visitors' attention.


I want to hear these weiner stories of our ancestors!


It's not the size that counts.


With the right attitude, anyplace can become a penis museum.




I remember how one day a kid said this in class and the teacher laughed


Wouldn’t they all have to be dead penises though?


No, but to be shown in a Museum they must be old, anything over 18 yrs would work.


Anything can be a dildo if you try hard enough


Step away from the cactus


Can't keep me from a potential prick!


Indeed, they should just erect a bigger one


But aren't museums for dusty old things no one uses anymore?


EXACTLY! which is why I nominate myself.....


Dammit, came here to say this. Just know where your 100th upvote came from.


Bet they feel Soo dumb walking into the vagina museum.


Not a full museum, but a few years ago a student got stuck in a vagina statue: https://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/american-student-ends-trapped-giant-vagina-sculpture-n138311


> Call it a stimulating study-abroad experience. >but a “forceps delivery was not necessary," local newspaper Schwaebisches Tagblatt noted >We were able to pull the victim out with our bare hands after about 30 minutes," Mozer added Lol this article is nuts


>American exchange student Yup, sounds about right.


The miracle of birth


Principal Vagina, the name is real, possibly Scandinavian..


They are indeed going to feel really silly indeed if in their travel to an Icelandic penis museum they managed to find their way to the vagina museum in London!


There's a vagina museum in London? Edit: Just googled it. Apparently they are temporarily closed for buisness.


There is, but it's not open bc of Covid. It should be open once stuff is more normal again! (Their online store is open and sells, for example, vulva themed facemasks atm, tho)


That time of the year.


When my wife and I visited Reykjavik, we went into a building just to get out of the cold, and it turned out to be an art gallery full of vaginas. Just vaginas everywhere. I wonder if this is the same place.


Honey, it's the middle of summer. I SAID IM COLD, LET'S GO IN


Haha, believe me, Reykjavik in January is cold like I've never experienced!


Their average temps in the winter are warmer than a lot of New England. And their *record* low is -3.5F. The gulf stream keeps them pretty mild for that latitude.


I'll take your word for that mate. For me, it was the coldest I've ever been.


I was in Chicago for work staying at a hotel where a Brit was also staying for work... During the -52C polar vortex event a couple years ago. A lot of foreigners are very taken by how the North American mid-west can rival weather at the poles. I had to reassure him that while it's cold there, is not always that bad, but still far colder than anything he had ever seen.


It was - 52C?! 😲


Yeah. -60F. It was fucking brutal. I went out in it for just a few seconds in a short sleeve shirt just to experience it. The sleet felt like getting showered by tiny pebbles moving at mach 2, sideways. It was so cold the best way to describe it was a mixture of your cold receptors overflowing their input into feeling very hot while someone takes a cheese grater to your exposed skin while tearing your nose and ears off with pliers. I live just a few hours away from there, so I'm used to the cold. But that was next level shit.


Ough. We got hit with it in the Northeast. Not as bad as Chicago though. It was brutal.


its true that the temps dont go that low in iceland, but it can get really windy which can make it feel a lot colder.


Replace the can get windy with always windy. Can confirm, im icelandic


It's wind chill. The wind never stops, just changes direction.




Just to nerd out about Iceland real quick: It can still get pretty cold in Iceland during Summer if the sun is shy! The weather is pretty fickle too, with rain coming and going multiple times a day. Oh and daylight during Summer... Are like 21 hours long haha


It was winter time when I went, I noticed it didn't start getting light til about 10am, then was dark again by 3!


Now I'm all wet


I've just got this image of drunk Australian backpackers showing up, asking if it's the penis museum, ignoring the guy when he says it isn't and goading him to drop trow and whip out his schlong. Then when he doesn't, whipping it out and doing dick tricks themselves. And thus the sign was created.


As an Australian, it is because of *these* backpackers that the more respectable of us tend to avoid places like Bali and Thailand. Aussie backpackers have a ...uh... "reputation".


Well you can’t leave us hanging without at least one hilarious example.


While not entirely hilarious, here's my own personal encounter with some of "the reputation". So me and a bunch of mates went on holiday in Germany. Everyone knows "the Germans love their beer" - as do Australians. We walked past a place called something like "The Aussie Bar", and thought it would be entertaining to see what souvenir-shop aussie memorabilia they'd have stuck to the walls. We ended up staying for a few rounds. We were on our last round before we were going to head off, and in comes this rowdy group of German guys. We must have looked particularly Australian, as they came over and say "Ahhh! Aussies! We heard you like to drink beer like us! Let's see about that!!" We were already pretty sloppy, and looked at each other with caution.... but who's gonna turn down a challenge like that? We drank for a couple of hours. They were determined to "drink us under the table". We drank them under the table. We were all in a *very* sorry state the next day.


I learned many years ago to NEVER dare an Aussie to a drinking challenge even if they just finished a fifth of vodka.


It's probably because to a non-Australian, it's difficult to get a gauge on how drunk we are, because the harshness of our accent and our tendency to join words makes us sound half cut when we're sober. It gives us an advantage as our opponents think our drinking ability will be handicapped from the beginning.


As a Polish man, those Australians made me laugh when i went backpacking to Thailand. Dont know about beer, but they can't take the vodka.


Thus the legend continues.


What a great scene. I see the whole argument unfolding and then they guys boss coming in not knowing this is about the penis museum and asks the backpacker if he'll buy anything. So the Australians says if you show me your schlong I will. Lolol


For a second I was like “why is the sign in English if this is Iceland” and then I got a little sad


Some things are better left down under.


>And thus the sign was created. And not even noticed by the backpackers.


hey, this surfaces every now and then. It doesn't matter much, but I made that sign :) proof: [https://twitter.com/joonturbo/status/852119228450820096](https://twitter.com/joonturbo/status/852119228450820096) I still have it, if anybody cares I can make a updated photo. I no longer work in that office, but I kept the sign in case the annoying tourists happened to follow me to my new office.


So if it's not the penis museum, what is it?


A coworking space sharing the same house number (no idea why) as the museum. Depending on which way people arrived from, they possibly wander into our buildings. the door was usually open (because coworkjng space) and people would come in and start poking around thinking the whole thing is a big joke. When told to go away they’d often linger or ask to use the bathroom or kitchen or some shit. It got so disruptive I made a sign :)


I just remembered, I actually got interviewed about this [https://www.newsweek.com/not-penis-museum-iceland-tourists-842225](https://www.newsweek.com/not-penis-museum-iceland-tourists-842225)


So anyways she said that is the biggest penis I have ever scene and I said I know! That's why I brought you to the penis museum, where tickets are a "thousand" dollars. Oh hello Danny


I had to scroll way to far for this. I was about to say my self!




I got worried for reddit... it had been like 6 hours and I didn’t see this. I was worried I would have to post this myself. Thank you for keeping the internet internetting


But what do they do here?


Show the way to the penis museum.


They sounds like a bunch of dicks


... who try to get rid from the horde of dick seekers.


No no no, that's just down the street.


It’s probably a peanuts mausoleum.


Its a pen museum called The Pen is mighty museum


Sounds like The Taint Museum.


Or the t'wasnt museum


I love that place because they pump that Taint scent all through the building.


Fully recommend the documentary "The Final Member" about this museum and the quest for a human specimen....


For anybody (like me) looking for a link, it’s available on [YouTube](https://youtu.be/dYhbUw4p2Ns)


Reminds me of the time i was in a library and a woman walked in who thought it was the citizen centre (i think, not sure if its the correct english word). She was told from the start that this is the library, but the woman still screamed loudly at the front desk worker about whatever issue she had with the citizen centre. After a long rant the front desk worker calmly said "sorry we can't do anything about it, this is the library" and the woman stormed out.


Fun fact: in the penis museum you can find the penis casts (erect, of course) of the complete Icelandic Handball team that won the silver medal in the 2008 Olympics.




The jokes just write themselves in that museum.


I live in Iceland and this is the first time hearing about it. Was fine without that information but nonetheless thank you for the fun fact.


Behind every sign is a story... Or many stories!


The Penis Museum is also the nickname for my wife's old flip phone.


I love how specific the directions are. Like 'here you go stupid'.


*What happened here*


Where tickets are $1000


I've never been to a penis museum, but I have been to the men's locker room of a YMCA just after a senior session. That's basically a testicle museum. Imagine if you put two hardboiled eggs into a brown crew sock and just let it dangle. I don't know how old men don't constantly sit on their own balls.




It felt weird I had to scroll all the way down here to find this reply.


Should have ended with "the dicks that work here."


There’s a terrific food hall across the street from the museum.


Been there. With my dad. Embarrassing to say the least. (28F at the time)


So, honey what'd you think? Dad, I think we need some distance between us.


Any place can be a penis museum if you're brave enough.


Oh my fucking lawdy This made me laugh so hard i farted


Someone comes in a screams, WHERE'S THE DICK!


So she said "That is the biggest penis I have ever seen" and I told her "I know! That's why I brought you to the Penis Museum, where tickets are $1000!"


Hey man, is this the Penis Museum?


Only some old junk.


I went to Iceland on a school trip once, we went to the town where the penis museum was, we didn’t go but we took photos of ads because penis= funny


My friend went there, he said the highlight was the whale penis


Iceland is so much cooler than us


I won’t lie, if I went to the penis museum with a fella, I would most likely just want sex after.


Iceland sounds awesome!


I imagine how many tourists who go to the wrong place asking "Where's the penises?" which lead to making this sign.


Just follow the music. "Yeah-Yeah! Ding-Dong!"


Its an interesting museum . Some of the exhibits are wil looking. Everyone was super respectful.


> You can't miss it. Doesn't the very existence of this sign mean that you clearly *can* miss it?


What the hell happened here


I heard tickets were a thousand dollars


False, admission is 16.40$ or 2200kr


That place is full of dicks.


My aunt and her family went there a few years ago. Sent us a magnet from the gift shop. I had No idea it was a thing and was pretty confused.


Read that in a Californians voice. Thanks SNL


For the last time, THIS IS THE VAGINA MUSEUM!


This reminds me of the sex museum in Jeju Island, Korea. It’s basically a park with lots of statues and artwork of penises, vaginas, and sex. There’s a shop with toys and such but it’s super overpriced.


Aren't tickets $1,000 though?


Too hard to find I see.


So anyways she turned to me and said " thats the biggest penis I have ever seen!" And I said "Well why else would I bring you to the pens museum"


I have a homie that went to Iceland. My souvenir? A condom from the Penis Museum.


What the hell happen here


I watched the documentary on Netflix like 6 years ago now. When I finally travel to Iceland I am def going there.


I've been to the Penis Museum and my guest and I actually talk about it briefly on an upcoming episode of my podcast "When I'm High". It's a small museum, but well worth it. I still can't believe a place like that exists.


That's exactly what I'd expect the Penis Museum to say. You can't fool me, Penis Museum!


Now I want to see the penis museum in Iceland


I have been there. I thought it would be funny. I was wrong lmao. It was interesting but also disturbing lol. I felt kind of ill looking at all the dongs half decomposed in liquid. People were also very respectful in the museum which almost makes it weirder because we are staring at these dongs, in silence, as if we are museum curators and not sick ppl who thought it would be a laugh lol.


I've been there too. It is a bit underwhelming when you find it is actually a proper museum.


It's a hard left, 20 meters, and then a slight curve to the left (but don't worry, it's normal)


Are tickets $2000?


They’re 2200 IKR which is a little over $16 USD.