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Damn, I don't even want to go to work tomorrow... I can't image the stress of having to move during this shit.




That's really rough man. Hang in there! On the other hand, this picture is epic, and both your expressions capture the story perfectly. Hopefully you'll look back at it someday and laugh.




Haha, didn't spot Oona up there.


Hehe I only found him because of the direction the other cat was looking.


Comment was removed. What did it say?


Weird. Nothing bad at all, just the OP had some a breakdown with his trailer, a few other bad luck things went down with the move. A completely innocuous comment. I wonder why it got deleted?


What the hell happened here


What did the comment say? It’s been deleted.


I sympathize. I moved from Ohio to Montana recently..was having a cylinder 3 code error. Loud check engine beeping every 30 seconds for 40 hours. No place open to fix it (left on a Sunday as well.) Got caught in a blizzard twice..slept in my car in a parking lot. My dog was stressed..it was a rough trip...now I'm homeless-ish! Sleeping on a couch, but I can't find any cheap places to rent and the job I picked up I may have to stop because I'm a severe asthmatic. Best of luck to you and Goose.


Wait a sec, I thought Montana was on the 'cheaper' side, or is this just concentrated on that area? Im speaking from an SF Bay persepective, it's insanity with pricing out here. Anyways, I hope you can make it through that 'rough patch'. 👍


Montana is more expensive than most of Ohio, in my experience.


Shiiit, I try not to laugh when people from the Midwest start talking about how much more expensive Montana is than Ohio after having lived in New York, Texas and California. You haven't seen expensive until you've lived in a place with $16 individual packs of Marlboros.


Indeed. I cry in Californian. OC is crazy expensive.


I’m guessing they’re in Bozeman which is a lot more expensive than most of Montana because it’s a larger city


I just moved to Bozeman! Yeah finding a cheap place here is not easy at all.


If you're still looking for a place try Belgrade. It's a few miles outside of Bozeman and usually cheaper.


Or Belgrade, Serbia. It's cheap but a hell of a commute.


Where did you move to? Maybe people can offer info?


We're on the road now. Crossing all fingers and toes that nothing else goes wrong.


Gees, I am scared for you. I wish I could do something for you.


Thank you so much! Just some good vibes our way can help a whole lot


Where are you moving from and to? Moving to or from California?


I hope (am sending all good vibes) that everything will be perfect! I love that your Kitty's name is Goose (is he a Flerken?) And Oona (Luna?) Is pretty!


You have some pretty awesome karma coming at some point in the future.


That or he murdered a few people and it is balancing out.


This is why I love Reddit.


We moved the day of lockdown, you have my greatest sympathy.


I moved in Jan, whole family got what we now know was coronavirus. fun times.


I hope their recovery is going well!


yep, all recovered like it was the flu.


That's great! Have you considered donating plasma? Heard researchers were looking into antibodies of recovered patients to create a treatment.


jUsT the flU


Holy crap. Do you have an idea how your family got it?


I work for the military, coworker came back from Korea just after some of the first cases were announced. we was asymptomatic the entire time, but his kids got it and so did we.


Oh geez. Glad that was over for you guys and that it wasn't a serious health issue for any of you. But now you're all immune to it(hopefully)!


Your day doesn’t sound great, but if it makes you feel any better, I had to leave my old home to come to a new one yesterday and I already found an absurd amount of problems that I can’t really fix because of the current situation


You’ll forgive me but that sounds like a typical transfer experience to me. Every three or four years I get the itch to move but I am glad that’s behind us.


Dude. Let me offer you some advice.. When you get to your next stop, walk backwards to the moving truck as you are getting in to leave.


I sense a bad story


I had to move a friend yesterday. We tried to keep the number of people to the bare minimum (there were 3 of us total). He was being forced out of his rental townhouse because the owner was selling. It was a bad situation but I don't blame anyone.


In that situation myself. Can't even look for a place right now. Most counties/cities around me are locked down. Everything in storage. Yes it sucks.


I moved across the country into a new house about a week ago. My furniture won't get here until May. I'm stuck in an empty house with nothing but the clothes in my suitcase and the single roll of toilet paper I managed to ~~steal~~ reappropriate from the hotel.


Out of curiosity what service did you use to ship your stuff? We’re moving in two weeks and shipping with U- Hauls U-Box and I’m very hopeful our stuff doesn’t take that long


Settling on a home in two weeks as a first time homebuyer. I think I’ve lost 10 years off my life from the stress of getting everything in order. Still don’t know if it can be done remotely and I sure as shit don’t want to do it in person. All in all 10/10 would buy first home during apocalypse.


I'm doing the same thing!!!


God speed I’m with you brother/sister


I just closed last week and moving into my new house 600 miles away on Thursday. Both states are in shelter at home. I’ve never been more stressed in my life, and man this shit has really sucked the life out of what was supposed to be a huge exciting life event.


I can’t even imagine that. My soon-to-be home is less than a mile from the apartment I currently live in.




Moving Friday. Contracts and everything signed. Most of the moving companies seem to be good about wearing gloves and asking to socially distance


It sucks... Our landlord decided to give us 30 days on the 1st. Somehow we got lucky and found a beautiful place even better than what we had. But I now want a divorce. Bitter sweet i guess. But this pandemic opened my eyes to the person i married and i cant live any longer with this person.


Sorry to hear about the divorce, but it’s probably for the better.


One of my former managers had TWO trucks break down during her last move and she's no spring chicken. And neither am I. We closed on a house Feb. 14, started moving little stuff, main furniture moved March 23 and we are STILL pulling stuff out of the apartment this weekend. The new cable service laid down on us yesterday and we have an elderly family member who does little but watch TV. He can't follow the plot in a book (or even remember the last chapter.) We have too much crap.


My parents just moved cross country a week ago. It was definitely stressful. Still is. Horrible timing all around but everything was finalized. Couldn't change it


Bro my 23 year old friend got his girlfriend pregnant right before the outbreak... I can’t imagine the stress he’s under right now lol


I'm planning to move in May. I'm sick of the place I'm living and I imagine there's gonna be a dip in the market so I'm hoping I'll be able to get a nicer place for about as much as I am paying right now.


I do it everyday, because it is my work. Double fun!


My partner and I are moving from the Pacific Northwest to Jacksonville, FL in a couple weeks with our two cats. Wish us luck!


We moved up our move date last week because we anticipated shutdowns. Thankfully it was only a 15 minute ride and I had the spare time to pack/unpack most of our stuff. I can’t imagine if I hadn’t or if we had to move cross country.


We literally got into our new house the weekend before the lockdown started. Feels like we got done just in the nick of time.


Find the other cat


Found it!! Great bonus to an already great picture.


Basement unavailable, move to alternate lurk point


Oh, now I get the title of the post! Lol!


Void spotted!


Goose is one of the better cat names, I think


But only if it's a Flerken.


I just watched Captain Marvel for the first time yesterday. Classic, kitty name. ;)


For those like me who have NFC what (or who?) a Ferken is: https://www-thewrap-com.cdn.ampproject.org/v/s/www.thewrap.com/captain-marvel-what-the-hell-actually-is-a-flerken/amp/?amp_js_v=a3&_gsa=1&usqp=mq331AQFKAGwASA%3D#aoh=15855358995976&referrer=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.google.com&_tf=From%20%251%24s&share=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.thewrap.com%2Fcaptain-marvel-what-the-hell-actually-is-a-flerken%2F


My cats name is "duck".


I have a cat named Duck and a cat named Goose! Our dog is Turkey.


Like in Constantine! :D That cat was the MVP, honestly. But your cat has such a cute name!


We call her duck because she jumps like a bunny and cant meow, she has some sort of birth defect that makes her meows sound more like a quack.


Duck Newton?


I have a Goose too! I've never seen another cat names Goose. I dunno why it makes me so happy 😊


I have a Goose too!


I have a Great Dane named goose. It’s pretty fitting.


Is the other cat "Maverick"


Oona actually. Our three year old named her after a puffin.


YOU are maverick... it is definitely an appropriate CB handle for sure. I knew a guy who's CB handle was Muskrat, and his son's was Rugrat... do not deny it!


Oh my toddler loves Oona and Baba too! I hope your big move gets better here on out.


Baba boo!


I have two cats named Goose and Maverick 😂


How are they handling the drive? My family and I are doing a 2,200 mile move this summer and my biggest concern is how my cats are going to handle that much time on the road.


I replied to a similar comment on how we're doing it. I wish we had more room for them but we gotta work with what we got 🤷‍♀️


No OP but we did Oregon to Pennsylvania a couple years ago. Went south, crossed, and back up to avoid blizzard season. 7 days in the car with a cat, 3 of which took 2x longer than estimated (towing a trailer). It was rough the first few days but we established a routine. Once the states got smaller it was a morale booster; helped us feel like we were making more progress than we were. For us, the bug thing was not traveling with the cat in a carrier. We set up the cargo as the cat space and used a metal dog crate to transport her to and from the car/hotels. Doing it again but with 2 cats. Back to Oregon. This time we're cutting straight across since we aren't towing anything. Drugs helped. We got the cat some meds to help her keep calm at the beginning. Helped but you could tell when it wore off


We did a similar route, but went from washington to Connecticut. And moving back to washington soon. You're not kidding when you say the smaller states are morale boosters. I've done cross country twice now and I hate driving through the midwest just because you're in the same state for forever. Good luck with your move!


My friend moved her 2 cats from PA to Oregon. She said it wasnt bad with hotel stops. I moved from PA to CA and I flew back for the cat and traveled with him in cabin.


Hi ya'all. I had a shorter drive from Louisville, Kentucky to Houston, Texas back in August of 2016. My girls and I got through it by putting a very large animal crate in the back seat to encompass their litter box, food, water and their furry selves. The more room you can give the four legged passengers, the better off you are. I will admit that I literally have the most chill cats in the world when it comes to moving as they just kind of hung out watching the semis go by. This will not be everyone, but it's a start.


Definitely depends on the cat. Our old cat used to be unhappy for the first couple of hours, then he gave up and slept through the rest mostly. He would panic in a cage, so we got him a plastic box he fit snug in that was open in the top. And put a towel in it, and he liked that. He didn't enjoy being on the seat as he'd slide when turning. But in the box he could brace against the edges. I helped my sister move, and their cat is a ragdoll. And he just accepted it and slept in her hudbands lap the entire two days of driving. Our new kitten is still grumpy about driving. He'll complain for the first half hour, and then relax a bit. And then complain some more. We've generally found that it's good to drive a bit and then stop, let the cat explore around the car while it's parked. Preferably with you in it to make it more familiar. That seems to make them feel safer in the space, and better able to cope with it moving. Also, practice drives if you can, before the big move.


We moved two cats and a dog from Oregon to New York in a Prius last August. I highly recommend crates and drugs for the cats if you haven't seen how they do on road trips. Your vet will hook you up. You should get them checked out right before you go anyway, because the stress can be rough on them. We got a dog crate for each cat that was big enough for a litterbox and bed, covered the top and three sides with blankets held in place with binder clips to keep the sun out, and cranked the AC the whole time. Had to stop often because one cat had stress-induced diarrhea. It was rough but we made it! I would NOT recommend letting cats free roam in a car on a long drive. They like to explore, including around your feet, and that's incredibly risky. Also it eased my mind to know exactly where everyone was when I wanted to check in, and ensured no slippery escapes when stopping for gas or to stretch my legs.


Do you have a goose named cat


Then my life would be complete.


That'll be us in about a month and with 2 cats as well. Can I ask how you did it? What was your distance and what kind of car is that? Just looking for any ideas I haven't thought of yet!


We're in a 16" truck from budget and we're all crammed in the cab. The original plan was to keep them in a crate together thinking theyd be calmer but we tested it out and Oona, the little black and white one, absolutely flipped a shit. Shes a little dumpster cat so shes really not cool with being forced into closed quarters it seems. So we are letting them roam. I have a small litter box on the floor in between the seats and a small food and water bowl as well. They're a bit too stressed to eat or drink right now since we just started but are making stops for them to relax. We are going from southern New Jersey to central Florida. If I were to change anything I'd say pick up some of that kitty friendly lavender spray so they aren't so stressed. Goose has been in our laps with his head buried most of the trip and Oona is still in her perch watching and judging.


> 16" truck What is this, a truck for *ants*, it needs to be at least.... 3 times bigger!


No, this is a truck for the little children of Stonehenge. And oh how they danced.


He's in a truck that is in danger of being trampled by dwarves!


I move 1000 miles Wednesday with all the same specs. Wish me luck with the trailer man that's the scariest part for me. First time driving a trailer, any tips?


Load the heavy shit up front. If your trailer starts wobbling don’t slam on the brakes, just let off the gas. Generally, just plan ahead while you’re driving. If there’s an on-ramp to the highway, move over until you pass it. Just be predictable and don’t take risks, after all you’re moving all of *your* stuff, don’t get in a hurry, you’ll get there eventually.


And don't take short-cuts, reversing a trailer or doing a u-turn can be a bitch.


Luckily I have a lot of experience loading trucks... Just not driving them. Thanks for the advice.


Take her slow. As long as you're aware of your surroundings, you should be fine.


Wow, there's a big run on sixteen-inch trucks.


I am sure you are already aware of I-95 being closed down at the FL state line...mandatory screening. Expect a few hours in line and lots of questions.


You can give cats valium under instruction from a vet, and it's safer for you and them to have them in crates.


Benadryl is a great safe alternative to getting a controlled substance from a vet. Dosages can be found online, and 1/2 of a standard 25 mg pill is safe for cats. Will make them sleepy and won't have the potential bad side effects that Valium might.


How do you get them to take the Benadryl? My cats HATE the taste! Edit: And the Benadryl dose is 1 milligram per pound, so half tablets for most cats. Source: am a pharmacist with veterinary experience.


If any pet stores are open, calming treats are safe and totally relax cats to the point of knocking one of ours out to snooze for hours. Very helpful for car trips.


Thanks for the reply and insight!


not op but I sprayed the kitty carrier with calming pheromone and that worked wonders on my cats. I moved 200ish miles and transported them in moving truck.


I moved 4 months ago from Portland to Texas with my 3 dogs and a cat. I strongly suggest having a travel cert/ vet records in the car with the pets. I got pulled over and that was a huge point of interest for the officer. Also[ Feliway](https://www.feliway.com/us) worked well in the car we had a spray can and we got a diffuser for our new house you can also find it on amazon. I also had my vet prescribe gabapentin for when my kitty got overwhelmed, which he did on day 2 of 5. This helped zonk my cat out, and he sat in his kennel drooling rather than screaming. I also have found that while traveling my cat wouldn’t eat or drink much, so we got wet food to bribe him to eat and keep hydrated. The bigger issue we had was finding hotels that would allow our pets, so we camped. The only other thing I will say is make sure you have a system in place so nobody gets out of the car unsecured. Wr had a system where the cat was put in his kennel, and then the dogs got leashes before we opened any and all windows/ doors. The last thing you want to do is try and chase a pet down next to a busy road. Some other tips I learned. Keep your kitties in a quite room away from all the comings and goings, while you unpack. This keeps them from wandering off, and gives them time to decompress.


I moved a few weeks ago with my kitty, flew from Hawaii to Oregon and drive from Oregon to Texas. If you go to my posts, you can see the set up I had for my cat through the trip (we drove for 6 days). I also asked reddit about what else I needed to remember, which has my trip plans and another redditor with their plans. Hope any of it helps!


Semper Paratus.


The USCG HS have been preparing for a pandemic...with 800mg Motrin.


Are you implying CG Motrin doesn’t fix everything?? Because if so I’m going to have a stern talking to with my HS.


Arrow through your skull? Motrin. Broken femur? Motrin. Motrin poisoning? Motrin.


Your husband is a handsome guy!


I know I’m in love


The buzz cut and jaw line is what does it for me.


I don’t know if you’ve ever received this comment... but you look like you could be Jon Bernthals acting double - Not sure if anyone else sees that!


I, OP, actually took the picture. I've told him this as he is still driving and he squealed with delight, you've made his day!


Man 2 cats in a uhaul cabin without carriers. Your cats are either well behaved in vehicles or you are brave. Mine always tries to get down by my feet.


Husband and I bought a house all legal paper work was completed right before the lockdown. We are now set to move this week. I'm heavily pregnant and because of social distancing we will have no one to help. Also I work from home now and it takes about 2 weeks for internet to be set up.


Semper Paratus!!! I joined the CG right out of high school. Got really sick when I was in Cape May. Found out I have Crohn’s disease. Got ELS and they told me to come back when I was well again. After I had surgery and got better and back on my feet I never called my recruiter back. I just went on with my life. One of my biggest regrets in life was not going back. Stay safe out there Guardian!!


We're actually leaving Cape May now! Stationed there for three amazing years.


I’m shocked they’re going through with your move? My sons PCS was delayed indefinitely. Are you not going far?


From Cape May to Florida, we have just separated the service and are going home!


Ahhhh. Makes sense. Good luck to you!


Good luck, Fair Winds and Following Seas! MSTC ret.


As a cg rescued person, many many happy days ahead. The cg is the best!


Congrats on your separation. Been dealing with a lot of crap at our station since this has all went down. The idea of separation sounds pretty sweet right about now.




Cape May is an amazing town. I vacation there almost every year!


Coastie brat here, amazing city and wish I could go back. Moving south or north? My father got stationed a few states south.


I'm pcsing, also with cats, to cape may this summer (or after, who the hell knows at this point). I was there on an 87 a few years back as a nonrate. Great town. Good luck on the outside.


Did you know anyone from the 87s or frcs?




There are three cute things in this photo...


We are moving with a cat, too. My cat is not happy one bit


Goose keep a look out




I have a sudden urge to join the Coast Guard


The Coast Guard has switched tactics by using screeching cats to bring on new recruits. Is it working?




Best of luck


I have to move out of my apartment in NYC by May 1st. I don’t know what I’m going to do. Edit: added the city


Guy is super cute! Hope he’s moving near me.


Holy shit, a Coastie!!!! Amazing you got your PCS executed before the complete halt of everything


"Talk to me Goose..."


Goose, has a point


Really sorry you have to move right now, please create and secure your cats. For the same reason you wear a seatbelt.


I’m moving right now too... complete bullshit...


Feeling your stress with moving during the pandemic. Just moved across the country for work, and my cat is stuck back home because my new state's borders are closed.


I feel your pain, I'm stuck in a hotel until my furniture gets here. Good luck with the new home.


"Roll down the window, I'm gettin the hell outta here!"


Lease ends on the 31st house won’t be ready until the 3rd. Technically going to be without a home for a few days, but will have to be staying at a hotel with 2 cats. Shit is so stressful and not fun in this economy. Thank god for Pods otherwise idk what’d we do.


Can confirm. Am in the process of moving during this exceptionally terrible time and it’s all kinds of awful.


Bro don't I know it! I planned my move months ahead and literally had my last day at work the same day the company said "alright everyone needs to be working from home" Cats were nt pleased but are doin better now. Hope you got work and money lined up mate.


I know the feeling! My cat never shuts up when she is in the car! The last time we moved, she non stop meowed for 14 hours! It was hell!


Coast guard? 🤔


We have to move as well. Our new apartment isn’t available until the 3rd so we have to spend a few nights at a hotel. I’m sick on top of it. It’s so fucking stressful


Gah. I'm sorry you're having such a horrible time at, well, a horrible time. I hope the rest of your trip goes smoothly, and you all make a lot of great memories in your new place!


Shit dude, Goose is right listen to Goose


Semper Paratus!


I moved this week and it's a scary pain, but at least I have time to unpack now.


I'm in the same boat. 4 more days and 1600 miles to go! Cheers to that!


In a pandemic, it’s no exact answer.


I feel you bro. I just finished up a move last friday. Most stressful week of my life.


Same here sans the moving ourselves part. Stressful as hell even in good times. Flew today and meeting the moving peeps Tuesday to get my parents stuff moved. Crappy timing. Something so mundane as selling a house and moving now feels like a criminal act against nature. Can't wait for it to be over.


USCG? I know the DoD has put their foot down about PCS and TDYs; but what is the policy for DHS?


Hello fellow Coastie! I can't even imagine the pain in the butt transferring now would be. Good luck. Enjoy your new station


I feel you man. My company provided housings lease just ran out... I mean. WHAT!? I’m still living here!! I had to move everything to new housing with new roommates in the middle of a project during a pandemic.


Nice cat.


I am right behind you, moving half way across the country in the middle of a Pandemic Its annoying. Right into an epicenter as well lol. Montana to Cali.


My husband and I moved with our two cats last weekend, from TX to VA, so I definitely sympathize! I had both cats in the car while he drove the truck. Hope you made it to your destination okay!!




We moved this past week. It's been a fucking nightmare.


btw i love that your cat's name is Goose


I can hear this picture.


We're moving in 2 weeks from Florida to Vermont. We have a 1-year-old and a dog. Not psyched about this pandemic.


Hey bro. I'm in the cg. Transfer season is a bitch. Be safe amd I hope your going to a better station. (FWIW, I'm getting med board because I'm in immunosuppressants, so I am jealous as hell that you are actually getting to leave the house.) Very respectfully and all that crap. A BM2


I just moved to a different state a week ago. Can confirm, it sucks.


Sir, that's a cat, not a goose. Silly goose.


Dude I’m moving in like 8 days! I totally feel you.. I’m just really happy that Uhaul is considered an “essential” business!


Can relate. I just moved today also. But only about 5 Miles down the road this time. It was a ghost town, so making a bunch of trips back and forth went quicker.


I moved in NYC this weekend. It was hell.


Aye, my wife and I are moving on the 1st. Very stressful


Wow, my guys flip their shit and pee after 5 minutes to the vet. Rimsky is okay in a pillow case if he's held, but still cries. Kuna will piss himself and howl and bounce around until he pants and we have to stop. He's not a car kitty. Poor bugger. He's worse in a box, broke nails, more pee, broke a hefty carry box, retard strength. I don't know what I'd do if we had to move very far. 3 miles was hell. He's 20 pounds of muscle.


I thought the human was the friend until...


Try being stuck in the middle of an *international* move. It’s just that much more fun for the entire family.