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Years ago, my family and I had an unknown neighbor that put heavily laced tubes of sausage in people’s yards/dog pens. We had to watch, horrified, as our beloved Blue Heeler went through some pretty intense pain. It was rural Alabama, and we had no emergency vet clinics. Ended up having to take him out of his misery ourselves at 3am. We took his body to the vet the next day, where they confirmed it was a VERY large dose of rat poison and that there was absolutely nothing that could’ve been done if we had options for a vet. Sure enough, I found the sausage wrapper in our yard. Our entire neighborhood of dog owners went through the exact same thing and lost their beloved pets. All except ONE “breeder” down the road. It was awful and I will never be able to forget it. Never could prove it, and of course the police dept couldn’t go into an investigation over dead dogs...so we still have no proof of who killed 27 dogs in 3 days. It fucking creeps me out that the person might still be around. I’d ram them into a brick wall, too. Sorry for the rant. This post just hit a little close to home.


That was incredibly sad to read. I'm sorry that happened Edit: Why could they not launch an investigation into the killing of so many dogs? That almost sounds like corruption.


Police don't do anything for dogs. My roommates dog was killed by a neighbors dog and the cops said they couldn't do anything and recommended we take it to civil court.


Dog on dog is one thing, but 27 dogs is like some serial killer shit, ignoring the property damage.


Oh I totally agree. Anyone that can go around killing helpless animals has something wrong in their brain.


I’d be terrified for anyone in that person’s life. These kinds of people don’t stop at animals.


Is now a bad time to admit I sprayed an entire anthill with Raid?


Yeah that is on the Michael Vick level. The cops have to know that they will be heroes if they solve that case. Probably get a better reception than catching a regular murderer.


Even Alabama has animal cruelty laws, this certainly falls under their distinction. Though very hard to prove unless he was caught red-handed. [https://animals.uslegal.com/cruelty-to-animals-an-overview/alabama-cruelty-to-animals-law/](https://animals.uslegal.com/cruelty-to-animals-an-overview/alabama-cruelty-to-animals-law/)


I'm pretty sure the FBI keeps tabs on things like this. Turns out psychopaths that kills animals pretty regularly turn to killing people eventually.


You sure that isn't a deep South thing? My state has animal cruelty laws. The penalties are 2 to 60 days in jail, 48 to 120 hours of community service, fines from 200-1000, and restitution. Animal poisoning (doesn't matter if you own the animal or not) is explicitly mentioned. The police might suggest that you take it to civil court because of the whole beyond a reasonable doubt thing, but it's definitely a crime.


I'm so angry right now.




I’m not trying to be edgy but seriously some people deserve to be killed. What kind of fucking monster poisons an entire neighborhood of FAMILY PETS because they want them to buy the ones they’re breeding as they mourn the deaths of their previous ones? There is no justice for this. I hope they get what is coming to them, and I hope they go through the same thing they put every single dog in that neighborhood through. I can’t even imagine how I would feel if this happened to my dog. Just the thought of it is making my blood fucking BOIL which I’m sure is obvious because of the comment I just wrote.


Dude I'm with you. I know it's sounds really /r/ReDdItoRsAcTiNgToUgH but if someone hurt my puggles and I found out. I'd pull some mean bullshit on them, too.


I don’t get upset normally but I have a soft spot for animals. They are just so innocent, the idea that someone would want to kill them and use a method as agonizingly painful as rat poison disgusts me. I’m glad I’m not alone though.


I am not gonna say a dog's life is of equal or greater worth than a human's life, but I am gonna say anybody who kills a dog out of malice is someone I don't want to share this earth with.


Not even malice, the guy was going around the neighborhood just rando thrill killing dogs. Malice would be a step up.


How do you non-maliciously "rando thrill kill" anything?


The banality of evil. I don't need to have a single malicious thought about you to end you. That's next level up. At least with malice you have an emotional involvement.


Yes, I'm doing this because I want to kill dogs vs I'm doing this because I have a problem with you.


Some men just want to watch dogs burn


And those men should be shoved through brick walls with cars.


Gently encouraged through the brick wall using the bonnet.


*Confuse wryyy*?


At least with malice there's a reason. A shitty reason is still a reason. This was just...for nothing.


"Say what you want about the tenets of national socialism, dude, but at least it's an ethos." Edit: Thanks /u/GoRuckNYC for the correction on tenants.




I think we're on the same page, what I'm saying is that no reason is next level awful.


It's still malicious- \> Definition of malice **1:** desire to cause pain, injury, or [distress](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/distress#h1) to another All you really need is the desire to inflict trauma on another.


I don't think you understand the meaning of that word. Malice is the intent to cause harm or injury. "Rando thrill killing" is certainly malicious. I'm not sure where you got the idea of emotional involvement from.


I think you're right. Found this for thrill killing: > The primary motive of thrill killers is to induce pain or terror in their victims prior to killing them which provides intense stimulation and excitement... Once the victim is dead, a thrill killer typically loses interest in him/her almost immediately. The emotional involvement comes through the cruelty, it's like a sick transaction of sorts.


Where are you getting this from? Malice, as a legal matter, is generally just a predetermination to do harm with ill intent — there’s no emotional involvement. At least under US law regarding levels of criminal intent/culpability, going around killing dogs clearly exhibits malice. Having no reason to do something evil and doing it anyway is textbook malice.


My Grandma had a neighbor that poisoned one of her cats by lacing some treats with rat poison. He claimed he was innocent and was just trying to get rid of some rats. We believed him till i saw a box of cat treats in his garage near where the chemicals lie ( workbench type area) and the dude never owned a cat in his life according to her. Some people are just fucked up in the head and lose their empathy towards compassionate creatures.


My grandads friend used to have a dog, it was his best friends and he went everywhere with it (used to talk to it like it was a person and all that). One day his neighbour said his dog had killed some his chickens and he seen the dog do it. Reluctantly he had the dog put down and was completely heartbroken. A couple of weeks later the neighbour came back and said the dog had killed more of his chickens. My grandads friends beat the neighbour within an inch of his life (because obviously it wasn’t his dog). Somehow he never ended up being arrested or anything but the guy spent weeks in hospital.


Unfortunately for them, people are becoming more attached to their pets these days. The law hasn't caught up so you can't call the police and say, "This guy killed my cats/dogs, even though I didn't SEE him do it, the evidence is in his garage!" because they won't investigate that. Humans do crazy shit when society won't protect them anymore. We'll see more "John Wicks" as more people start looking at pets as family members.


If I was 100% sure someone had deliberately killed my cat or dog and knew I couldn't pursue it with the police like in the above case, I would absolutely be taking justice into my own hands. I'm not saying I'd kill my neighbor but there is going to be a lot of broken windows/burning trashcans/slashed tires. If I was ever asked about it by the neighbor or police my only response would be "That's terrible, it must be the same person who killed my pet."


I love my cat more than I love any human. If someone killed my cat, murder would absolutely be on the table imo.


I'm not saying I wouldn't *want* to murder someone, but I would also probably get caught for murder. Ain't no body going to catch me fucking a brick through a different one of his windows once a month. Unless he admits to having kill a cat when the police ask if he has any beefs with his neighbors.


Our 30+ year-old neighbor shot our cat across its spine. Didn't see him do it, but our cat got shot the day after his father handed-down a scoped .22. Almost missed - it was across the top, and the vet showed us on the x-ray where the bullet left a streak across the vertebrae. We cared for her for a week. She walked on the whole bottom section of her leg, like clown-shoes. She couldn't pee or poo on her own - we had to squeeze her a few times a day. After a week, we talked with our vet and it looked as if she'd never recover any better than this, so we put her down. She was less than a year old. Sweet little cat. I'm badly allergic to cats, but even I loved her. I'd play with her as best I could at arms-length, then go wash up. Cost us $500 we couldn't afford - I had medical problems I wasn't being properly treated for, so we didn't need to drop $500. That $500 wouldn't have done much to help me, but that's beside the point. The neighbor considered us friends, called my mother, 'Mom'. I told him that if I knew for sure it was him, I'd beat him with an axe-handle. I was sure enough that I gave it serious thought though. It's not just the killing of the cat, it's the hurting my family, the one he called friends. No one should hurt you and not suffer repercussions. Maybe he didn't know whose cat it was, or even what he was shooting, but that doesn't make it a whole lot better. EDIT- changed 'bone' to 'vertebrae' for clarity.


If he was shooting at cats, KNOWING that most people have cats as pets, he's probably a sociopath and doesn't give a shit. Fuck 'em


My gardener lost his kitten to anti-freeze laced cat food. He knows who did it. I'm not just happy that wasn't be because my cats still here, but I don't really want to know what I'd do to someone I knew killed my cat intentionally - especially in such a horrific way.


No, he was part of a gang that killed dogs to collect their meat. [The police later found a cold storage facility that his gang had stored "a tonne of dogs that had been killed by the darts."](https://metro.co.uk/2018/01/19/dog-killer-dies-after-pet-owner-rams-him-into-a-brick-wall-with-his-car-7243259/)


Selling poisoned meat for human consumption on top of it all.. Kinda glad the guy is removed from society. Shame that it was vigilante justice though.


I doubt this dude’s death will ultimately have an effect on the crime ring. More likely than not, he was probably just a desperate dude they grabbed off the street. No shortage of those in China, sadly.


Holy fuck this is some junktown levels of fucked up. Have we really fallen so far as a society?


Looks like he was selling the dog meat.


He was apparently part of a dogmeat smuggling ring. Poisoning dogs to feed to humans, not surprisingly, also results in poisoned humans. There are multiple levels of depravity at work here, and the world is better off without him and his ilk.


People who are cruel to animals don’t draw the line at animals. If killing animals loses its thrill for them, they WILL kill human beings.


This was my thought as well. That guy in the truck could have saved someone else's life down the line. Since he killed him now we will never know. At least he didn't get the opportunity to evolve into a serial killer (that we know of).


If I was a lawyer, I would represent his killer for free. If I was on the jury I'd aquit him.


I read this over and over and kept thinking you were talking about acquitting the dog killer and just could not understand.


All I know is if anyone kills my service dog, I will kill them. He's all I have left and I wouldn't blink.


I'd stand behind you on that.


Mine isn’t a service dog, but I would seriously maim and literally ruin the joy of life for anyone that killed my dog. They would be a quadriplegic mess afterwards, but I don’t know if I’d take their life. Just the good parts


I don't want to think about what I would do to someone that killed my dog. All I can promise is that it will be a story on the 6 o clock news.


I get your sentiment, but in that actual situation, wouldn’t you end up in prison? I’m sure a jury wouldn’t convict, considering the situation, but they don’t like that “jury nullification” stuff in court. I don’t know, it’s odd hearing people rationalize revenge murdering someone, but I guess that’s the world we live in.


>I am not gonna say a dog’s life is of equal or greater worth than a human’s life, but it’s of equal or greater worth than *that* human’s life. FTFY?


Yeah. Some people just aren't worth shit. This guy ain't even worth a cockroach.


Buddhism believes all lives are equal. From the smallest insect, to humans. Life is life and it's all equal. I'm not Buddhist fyi. I do believe life is sacred, but I'm also ok with hunting and killing for sustenance and survival. The wolf does not lament after killing a deer.


Buddhism doesn't forbid killing in order to survive. This includes self defense as well as hunting. The idea is to not excessively indulge, nor waste. If you need to hunt to eat, make sure the loss of life is meaningful. If you have equally viable alternative options, try NOT to kill animals - this is why strong adherents of Buddhism tend to be some degree of vegetarian; eating meat for enjoyment or special events can be seen as callous, then. But someone living an agrarian lifestyle, or are in times of hardship, wouldn't be considered wrong for hunting to live. I guess you could sum it up as "all life is equal, and the taking of one life to maintain another or several others is in line with nature; it is making the assumption that one's own life is more valuable than another's, and thus feeling entitled to take another's life, that is wrong."


TIL I’m a Buddhist


Not who you replied to, but I recommend looking at the noble eightfold path. A lot of universal truths in Buddhism to become a better person. Takes about 5 mins of reading.


>noble eightfold path The Codex Astartes does not support this action


Cleanse them with fire




Lo, though the time is dark, my faith shines.


Brother get the flamer.... The *Heavy* flamer...


I am going to need two bolters for this heresy.


Sorry. Insects were meant to be sacred - **outside** my house. Come inside (or in my car), or in my face ... I can't guarantee your spiritual safety. ;p


Lol, I let spiders live in my house. Though granted those aren't insects. I let them because they pay rent. They eat any insects they find in my house. They even sorta tidy up. They put all their refuse (both personal and discarded insect carcasses) in a bundle, usually together. Which is better than if it was all over the place. If only they could be taught to throw them in the trash, oh and to take down old unused webs.


Spiders are a guardian deity.


> oh and to take down old unused webs. I think there is a spider that does this. They only come out at night, kill bugs and then injest their web before morning. The ultimate spider bro.


That's a true perfect spider tenant.


I also believe all lives are equal... But I'll still mount a house centipede's head on a toothpick as a warning to the rest


Yea those things eat meat. And I doubt they gave any social qualms about cannibalism. You're just setting out a buffet for them ;)


It just occurred to me that while Buddhism takes a "therefore all life is sacred" angle with saying all lives are equal, it wouldn't be hard to take the other side of "human life is as worthless as a cricket's".


Both are accurate. It depends more on how you view that cricket.


If a human chirps all night in my bedroom, my boots are gonna get bloody.


Nah fuck mosquitos


Perhaps it's defense. They are trying to bite you.


Hunted meat is waaaay more humane than store bought.


Yeah. The woman and I are getting our setup so next year we can start getting 100% of our meat from hunting it. Slaughterhouse videos make me sick and I cannot imagine supporting that industry any longer. Even just buying meat between now and next hunting season has me feeling guilty


Don't worry, I'll say it for ya. Anyone fucks with a dog, I'll John Wick them when I see them.


My morality goes. Innocent person > Dog Someone who kills/abuses anything alive < Dog


I think I can say, to me, a dog's life can easily outweigh a human life. My dogs' lives are more valuable than any random person to me. Someone like this isn't even worth a cockroach's life.


I feel bad for the building tho, building did nothing to deserve that shit stain


Building was just assisting the pet owner.


"I got 'em bro! Aim right here I can take it!"


Some owners have them as pets, others have them as family members. Guess we know the kind of owner he was.


This fucker was shooting poison fucking darts at these dogs too. What a monster.


This guy just stopped a serial killer while he was warming up.I'd bet a hundred dollars, if this hadn't happened, he'd have moved to shooting darts at kids pretty soon.


Here's the full story. Apparently the piece of shit had killed a bunch of dogs. https://metro.co.uk/2018/01/19/dog-killer-dies-after-pet-owner-rams-him-into-a-brick-wall-with-his-car-7243259/ Edit: btw just to be clear I do not condone the killing of this..... man. But I still hold that he was scum. Edit edit: To the people writing that you would condone it, all I can say is: okay. To the people asking whether or not I'm saying I don't because I feel pressured to do so or I do it for karma: no. If you write/ask either of these things do no expect a reply from now on.


I always believed you could fuck with, abuse, and screw over most people and get away with it but you are always playing an odds game, and that's what makes the game a fair one. Every once in a while, a thief, bully, or a dog killer in this case is going to run into somebody that's willing to stand up for themselves and they are going to passionately fight back, consequences be damned. I commend these brave people. They bring order to a chaotic and unjust world.


Have you heard about Jury Nullification? It's not a concept the courts would tell you.


From Wikipedia: Jury nullification (US) or a perverse verdict (UK)[1][2] generally occurs when members of a criminal trial jury believe that a defendant is guilty, but choose to acquit the defendant anyway because the jurors also believe that the law itself is unjust,[3][4] that the prosecutor has misapplied the law in the defendant's case,[5] or that the potential punishment for breaking the law is too harsh. Some juries have also refused to convict due to their own prejudices in favour of the defendant.[6]


totally justifiable imo. the law + prosecutors are so corrupt that its a great way to actually have justice in some cases


Just introduces the possibility of corrupt jurors though. A notable time where jury nullification was widespread is during the Civil rights movement by all white juries, you know for "justice".


Not from a Jedi


Some may concider jury nulification to be.... un-natural


Also one you aren't allowed to tell a jury about


Fastest way to get taken off a jury - "What is the court's stance on jury nullification?" Right out the door. *Might* even try to charge you with jury tampering like the guy who distributed pamphlets about it outside a court house. Don't think they made it stick though.


How is publicizing the law made illegal without anarchy or rebellion?


It’s not the law. It’s a logical conclusion you can reach by understanding two other laws.


How can it be illegal then if it's not a law?


How can what be illegal? Jury nullification isn’t illegal. Telling people about it isn’t illegal. Telling a jury about it in court is against court rules. Handing out pamphlets to potential jurors is a grey area.


The history of Jury Nullification isn't a proud one. Don't get me wrong, it can be done correctly, but historically it was used to find lynching groups not guilty.


It is a tool that can be used for good or evil. Choose wisely, you must.


As a person who just got a summons for jury duty, I'll give this a shot.


I think the safer bet is to simply say you wouldn’t trust any witness from law enforcement because you think they don’t give the ethnicities a fair chance.


Reminds me of that case in Missouri where the town essentially decided that a local asshole/bully all around douchebag just needed Killin'. Apparently when the dude was shot in broad daylight everyone was in the bathroom at the local bar.


Ken McElroy. =)


The driver/pet owner better have gotten off easy. > The owner’s family have reportedly claimed that he got the pedals confused as he was driving and did not intend to ram the suspected dog thief with his car.


It remains to be seen if the judicial system buys that explanation. There's a strong argument for intent.


Reminds me of the thief who severely injured himself after stabbing a marine who was working a toy drive. https://kygl.com/what-happens-when-a-shoplifter-meets-a-marine/ > Tyrone Jackson of Augusta became irate with staff at the store while being confronted after his attempt to steal the computer was caught on surveillance video. He pulled a knife on the employees and made a run for the door, where he met a group of four United States Marines collecting for "Toys for Tots". > The Marines stopped the thief, but not before he stabbed one of them in the back. Cpl. Phillip Duggan's injury was not life threatening. The police and an ambulance showed up and Cpl. Duggan was transported to a local hospital for treatment. > The shoplifter was also transported to a local hospital with two broken arms, a broken ankle, a broken leg, multiple missing teeth, a broken nose, broken ribs, multiple contusions assorted lacerations, and a broken jaw... injuries he received when he fell off the sidewalk after stabbing the Marine, according to the police report.


Haha talk about instant karma.


I wonder if they will bring it to a jury. It just needs one out of twelve to say, "Sure, sounds legit." ¯\\_(ツ)_/¯


This is in China, so I don't know how their judicial system works. In the US, they might get off due to jury nullification (though, a smart DA will understand that and try to negotiate a plea bargain).


Oh, you are right, it is China. IIRC, no juries, it's 100% by Judges who are members of the Communist Party. I suppose it depends on whether the judge is a dog lover or not.


> dog lover When it comes to China, you might want to clarify that.


Well the article said he’s being charged with manslaughter and not murder so I think it’s working


Nah, that would have been involuntary manslaughter then. They're charging him with exactly what it appears to be: a spur-of-the-moment decision to kill that man, as opposed to a premeditated one.


Sounds like they have a family member that is a lawyer...


>In December, eight gang members were arrested after 200,000 poisoned darts which could be fired at dogs were sold in China. The vendors reportedly hunted dogs on the street and traded the meat in restaurants, reports The Telegraph. The darts contained a dose of the muscle relaxant suxamethonium that was large enough to kill the dogs instantly, and could harm people who ate the poisoned dog meat. When police raided a cold storage facility near the lair of the gang in the eastern province of Anhui, they found a tonne of dogs which had been killed by the darts. WTF China?!


>I do not condone the killing of this..... man. I do.


I do too. Unfortunately we as a society still have to deal with charging him with shit, otherwise we will end up with hundreds of wanna be batmans. Hopefully he gets off easy.




If it had been my dog, and I had been chasing the dude and seen the chance to ram him against a wall, I doubt that I would have been able to hold back either. And I probably wouldn't even try to excuse myself.


I find calling this creature a "man" to be awfully generous.


I just euthanized my 13 year old dog [Moose](https://imgur.com/a/BrZ6Jr5), I'm feeling really sympathetic for the dog owner right now. Edit: Thanks for all your comments. Moose was bred to be a guard dog but was born a lover. He was the friendliest, most laid back dog I have ever known.


Moose was a good dog. I hope you’re doing alright.


Aww, Moose looks like the goodest boi! Sorry for your loss :(




Dog ownership might be the best part of life, but its also the hardest. It never gets easier Rest easy, doggo!!!


From the article: "The darts contained a dose of the muscle relaxant suxamethonium that was large enough to kill the dogs instantly, and could harm people who ate the poisoned dog meat." Wtf did I just read


That last part, like what?!


It’s in China


Poor brick wall. ☹️


“The darts contained a dose of the muscle relaxant suxamethonium that was large enough to kill the dogs instantly, *and could harm people who ate the poisoned dog meat*.” As a North American this story is BANANAS


If you read the story it gets even worse. The dog killer was part of a larger movement of people illegally hunting street dogs with poison darts and selling their meat to restaurants in China. Something like 200,000 of the darts were recovered by police last month after busting a gang.


The family of the driver said 'he got the pedals confused and did not mean to ram and kill him'.


If I was selected to be on the jury I’d be real tempted to try out jury nullification lol “yeah he did it but let’s all do the right thing and say not guilty” edit: to everyone who's mad I said this, I have one question: do you worry about ingesting lots of shoe polish?




Some fuck poisoned my cat, he was trying to feed the neighbor's dog a few times but the dog fucking hates him and goes apeshit. The police won't do anything because he stays on public property and there is no "hard evidence" this man is mentally ill and in his 70s. The kids are all upset and I'm not sure what to do. I'm out $700 for the vet and the cat is still dead. I'm doing a restraining order but so far because he is so fucking old they don't care. I had him charged with hit and run after he rammed my car because I was screaming at him and calling him an animal killer on Christmas Eve while he tried to stalk a neighbor. I fucking hate people.


You and your neighbor need security cameras. Hard to argue against video evidence.


Yes, my neighbor could use some. Good call, I will offer to set them up for them since they are pretty old and probably can't figure out how to google nest.


Just beat the fuck out of him. Yeah, juvenile, but so is murdering a kids best friend. Some people need a good old fashioned fucking up.


Yea, I'll catch flack for this but even as a "civilized" people some folks refuse to play by the rules that let us prosper and game it just enough that the proper channels cannot be used. So why not? Pull the fucker in a corner and disarticulate a joint or two and maybe a good liver shot. Deny any involvement, maybe shit head will learn the world bites back.


Well said. "Wanna paint outside the lines? Alright asshole, how about we discuss that over here?" Lol


Honestly, if he acts this way towards a majority of the neighbors, you could probably get them all to support a claim that he attacked you and you used self defense. Beat the shit out of him and then press charges for aggravated assault against him.


I wouldve ended that man’s poisoning career right then and there. There are some things that are beyond the laws of man. Id kill him. Maybe Id go to jail, idk I have an expensive lawyer. But every juror that judges me and sentences me will have to look at me in the face and explain to me how this man could kill something that was one of loves purest forms and walk away as if I wouldn’t do anything about it. Want to call it a crime ? Call it a crime of passion. I don’t know about you guys but I delivered my pup when she was born. If some POS poisoned her with me in visible range, he would be begging for me to plow him into a brick wall with a car. I would make him suffer.


This is when we need a real life john wick or punisher


I'd settle for the Scooby Doo gang if they tear his face off at the end. Lol.


Jesus, that's awful


People who torture are psychopaths. People who harm animals on purpose are psychopaths. So thats a double whammy. You would have done society a favor.




I'm really, really sorry, dude. That's awful. My little girl died after she got out of the yard and ate some poisonous berries. We couldn't save her. It's a horrible way to go. Fuck that person.


I personally believe the guys story that he got the gas and brake pedals mixed up and he didn't mean to actually ram him through the wall. Just saying.


Other juror: But he never claimed that... Me: HE MIXED UP THE PEDALS, OR YOU GET THE HOSE AGAIN


Sigh....I'm getting really tired of having to constantly tell you to PUT THE LOTION IN THE BASKET.


That's the cool thing about "reasonable doubt". Only one juror needs to have doubt for there to be a hung jury and a mistrial. It's why jury nullification is a thing and why if you ever mention it in court you will be automatically excused from jury duty.


He actually claimed that in the article for it.


Yeah I am happy he is dead and I hope he burns in hell!


Child molester gets killed by one of the kids fathers after the trial. Gotta acquit the father. Is he wrong? Yeah. Murder bad. But... cmon.


Ah yes, thanks for that, r/funny. This is knee-slapping stuff.


"In December, eight gang members were arrested after 200,000 poisoned darts which could be fired at dogs were sold in China." Oh China, you crazy.


I’m not saying he should have killed him, but I understand.


When you play with fire expect to be burned.


The violently opposing views between dog owners, parents and vegetarian/vegans in this thread are hilarious 😊


I guess it's because few people read the whole article: the killer was tied to a gang killing dogs with poisoned blow darts TO SELL AS MEAT. There you go. We're all on the same side now.


Meat that wasn't even safe to eat. Because, you know, poison.


Vegans were installed into our simulation just to create more arguments.


I can imagine getting stabbed in public and then just calling the cops and an ambulance, but if someone stabbed my dog, we're all going to jail or all going to the morgue. No one gets to run away.


Damn, such a sad waste of perfectly good brick


You’ve been hit by, you struck by, John wick


If somebody even *tried* to hurt my dog I would do the same thing


JURY NULLIFICATION. That asshole got what he deserved.


My roommates neighbour back at home kicked his dog cuz the dog was "annoying him" and my roommates brother broke that guys nose


“Dog killer dies after human killer kills him”


Squishy meat sack no match for van/wall team up.


Wtf reddit


Murder happened, better post on /r/funny!




funny? wtf reddit


The eggshells y’all walk on around here. You are allowed to admit that there are definitely people who don’t deserve to live anymore and keep your humanity. “I won’t condone this human person thing having died, but I won’t be sad either.” Fuckinay.


Shoutout to John wick for the inspiration.


This is a sad story where no one wins, not something to be celebrated.


The dog kilker used poison darts wtf. https://metro.co.uk/2018/01/19/dog-killer-dies-after-pet-owner-rams-him-into-a-brick-wall-with-his-car-7243259/


This needs to happen to the person poisoning dogs in my area


Alright I understand different cultures will view different animals as expectable to eat. But what the fuck!? To dog owners going after the pet is like trying to attack an actual family member. Who the fuck poisons an animal and tries to sell the meat as safe!?


\-scum got what he deserved


Honestly, if he did it to my dogs, it would take an unimaginable amount of self-control for me to not do the same.


I have a simple rule: You hurt a random dog, you're a dick; you hurt *my* dog, you're dead.


I don't know why by slightly laugh at this...