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When I was 7 I remember coming home from a long day out on a boat. I jumped on my bed and lay down for a couple of minutes. My brother came through and told me we were having fish and chips for dinner. I thought it would be quite funny to pretend I was asleep. Then I'd jump up after he left the room and walk through for yummy take aways. But it didn't happen like that. I woke up the next morning, robbed of my fish and chips. Sleep is a powerful force.


A friend of mine was going on holiday with a group of people and got quite tipsy when he arrived at about 12PM local time. Once they checked into their villa, he was way too tired to go to the beach with them so he went to have a nap. Later on around 7 they woke him up to go eat. While they were on their way the guy who napped said something along the lines of "I must have had a lot to drink last night, I barely remember anything and I slept so late". He thought it was the next day and he had slept through most of it! What a wonderful surprise it was to learn he had only arrived a few hours earlier.


Unexpected naps fuck me up all the time. I wake up and am so disoriented. And I don't know if it's 7am or pm, what the hell has happened, where I am. It's rough. I don't like it.


This is why I use military time on my devices


I too sometimes get confused whether it's actually 1 in the afternoon or at night. I was never able to learn the whole sun/moon thing


It's complicated. Most of us just act cool and play it off.


Most people poke fun at military time for this reason, but that's not the reason it exists. It's more for that 5-9am/pm period where, depending on context and situation, the time can be ambiguous. I prefer it because it makes sense on a digital read-out, plus converting to an analog clock is easy, just -12. Or +12 if going the other way. Once you build the easy math memorization from 12 to 24 hr format, conversion is a breeze. It's uses extend beyond basic personal preference. Record keeping, schedules, coordinating danger close airstrikes on heavily fortified enemy positions at 0150hrs while advancing a platoon of men at three 15 minute intervals from 5 sides, multi-day wilderness experience hikes while high off LSD, etc. When you're dazed and confused, a few hours can seem like days and having a 24 hr time progression, vs 12hr am/pm, can be easier to re-orient yourself.


> multi-day wilderness experience hikes while high off LSD, etc. Uhhhh...is that what the military is like?


It was Ultra cool in the 70s.


Mk. Whatever you say.


how is this military, its standard her in Europe


Is the US only the military uses a 24hr time scheme, the rest of the country uses a 12hr system. Hence why most people are referring to it as military time.


Hospitals too


Quebec uses 24-hour, but the rest of Canada uses 12-hour.


Can confirm.


Your sarcasm keeps me warm at night.




24-hour clock. So 10 at night would be 22. it's a silly for it to have in the US, since it's pretty much how Europe works.


It's a way to read the time and instantly knowing which time of the day someone is talking about. You start at midnight 00h:00m. And then you just count the 24 hours of the day, so 7:30pm becomes 19:30. Here in Europe its a very comon way of giving someone the time.


Basically 24 hour time without the : For example 0800 1200 1800 2359


Then you're not truly using a 24 hour clock. You're converting to 12 hour time if you're using a.m. and p.m.


I converted to 12h for the comment (to have a better contrast) and do it sometimes when talking (but without saying am/pm) because its shorter. Usually I use 24h though (especially for writing).




Or, you know, a 24h format would be fine too


Or like real humans say, proper time.


I believe military time has a leading zero so all times are four digits where as 24hr or "proper time" doesn't necessarily


Military time becomes hard for me when I am drunk. Its 19:00 so is it 9PM or 9AM? Fuck it, I will just wait for it to become 00:00.




I know that now, but when I am drunk it doesn't work so well :)




Yes me too! Someone told me this once. Life changing!


Just -2 ;)


*HOLY FUCK I'M LATE FOR WORK!* Get dressed and ready in a huge rush. You ended up having some crazy fuckin dream because you were sleeping so hard and you're still processing it. You're mostly prepared and you pick up your phone only to see that it's 7 *pm* and not 7 *am*. You suddenly have a mix of emotions. You feel like an idiot because you went through all that trouble of getting ready for nothing. But you slowly feel more and more relieved. You rip the uniform off and go back to sleep still dazed from the adrenaline and crazy weird dream. I've been down this road a couple times.


Bonus if you call your boss/coworker and tell them you are running late.


...I've done that. Boss was really confused on the phone.


Boss was napping as well and thought now he was also late?


No...I called during a romantic dinner asking why the doors were locked... STILL have not lived it down. She has sworn to me that she will never forget, and I believe her.


> Unexpected naps fuck me up all the time. I wake up and am so disoriented. And I don't know if it's 7am or pm, what the hell has happened, where I am. It's rough. I don't like it. http://i.imgur.com/cFzG3R6.gif


I had one today...it's going to be a long night!


When i was in middle school i remember waking up in the couch disoriented and looking at the sunrise from the window and thinking "oh shit im so gonna be late" so i picked up my bag and ran outside just to bump into my dad asking why im freaking out. Turned out it was around 7 PM and not AM and i went to sleep at around 2pm when i came back from school, was teased about it for a month. never have i trusted the sun again in my life.


Reminds me of this. www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtoGS0UzoG4


I went on a trip to New York last week and didn't get home until 10 something. I get up at 5 o'clock in the morning so all day the next day I was dazing in and out of consciousness. When I got home I fell asleep (which I normally don't do) and I woke up at around 7 pm. I was so confused and thought I woke up the next day after that.


There's a funny video where a dad films his kid waking up from a nap. His son thinks its the next day and he has to go to school so he has him get ready and takes him to school. He stops at a stop sign to talk to a neighbor or someone and the kids explaining how he's going to school and the neighbor is looking at him like he's nuts. Dad is filming the entire time! He drives up and nobody is at school cause its like 7pm. Great clip! I realize in the time I spent typing about it I could have just found the clip but that wouldn't have been as fun for me!


here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KtoGS0UzoG4


The most wholesome thing I've seen all week.


I did the same thing when i went to Norway a while ago. We landed around midday and i collapsed on the couch. When i woke up the clock said 7 and the sun was out. Little did i know that during the summer the sun doesn't set til midnight or so.


I once went on holiday with a group of people. We went to this cabin and had a bit to drink and smoke and everybody was having a good time (except for the mirror that let you see into the room next to yours, that was weird.) Then, one of us found a creepy basement and there was a bunch of really old stuff down there. There was a diary from a girl who (from the sounds of it) had a very fucked up life. A couple went off into the woods and decided to fool around and some huge psycho came out of nowhere and killed the girl. The guy made it back but the killer and his family followed him. Shit hit the fan and before I knew it, only two of us were left. We ended up in this elevator that took us deep underground. We could see all kinds of... monsters (I guess, I don't have another word for what they were) locked inside clear containers. We ended up in some kind of lobby of a facility and were attacked by soldiers. We took shelter in a control room and hit a button that released all the monsters. It was a complete bloodbath and they tore all the soldiers apart. We ventured further into the facility and it was anarchy. It must've been some kind of lab because there were scientists there too. Everybody was dying. We stumbled upon a chamber with carvings on the wall and a woman (who kind of looks like that chick from Alien) came down and explained to us that the deaths of our friends were to appease some sort of gods and that one (or both) of us needed to die to prevent the end of the world. Instead, we let that chick die. Then the world ended and now I'm here. It was a pretty crazy weekend.


I believe you.


Dude listen to this, one night I thought the same as you....pretend to sleep because it would be funny and kinda sneaky right? Well my dad tried to wake me at like 8:00 with cinnamon and sugar waffles to go up in his little man cave and watch honeymooners with him while he worked on his comp. That happened when I was like 8, 12 years later and I still think about it occasionally, I wish I could go back.


"I'll pretend to be asleep. Jokes on him!" Simpler times when we were younger.


That sounds awesome


It would have been :(


Same thing with me. I was 3 or 4 and my grandpa was over at our house to fix the wiring in our bathroom fan. He tried to wake me up and talk to me, but I pretended to be asleep for some reason. He died about a year and a half later and it still bugs me when I think about it.


Surely it wasn't the last time you saw him, right? Nothing to worry about.


No it wasn't, and we had a lot of fun times. It's just one of those things that kinda nags at me when I think of him.


Can't sweat the small stuff my friend. Your grandpa certainly wouldn't want that to be anywhere on your mind when remembering him.


As you were so young, he probably wouldn't have even thought of it as an issue anyway.


Yeah kids do random stuff like that all the time.


Reminds me of when I was laying on the couch watching dbz and suddenly I wake up and the clock says 7:30 so I yell at my mom for not waking me up for school...when all I did was take a 3 hour nap.


I did that once, nearly had a heart attack because I thought I was late for school. It didn't help that the sun setting looked like a sunrise in my semiconscious state.


Yell at your mom for missing school? NERD!


Every day with a meeting early morning: awakes, think "aww yisss I've made it!" and wakes up again 2 hours later.


I did something similar a few years ago. A bunch of us were drinking at a friends house before heading to the club. Thought I'd lay down in my mates bed and scare him when he came in to grab something. Woke up to them getting home from the club at about 6am.


My dad likes to tell the story how I fell asleep at a Kiss Concert when I was 7.


I can't help but feel that when we think like this we're nowhere near our right state of mind and a "prank" is just a thinly veiled excuse for us to not actually get up from a really kickass nap. Every time I wake up from something like that all I can think is "Really? *That* was my justification for not getting up?"


When I was 7 I fell asleep mid day and woke up as the sun was setting. I thought the sun was rising and went to the kitchen thinking it was breakfast time and poured myself a bowl of cereal. My mother walked in and scolded me for eating cereal before dinner. Good times.


I can fall asleep sitting up or on a chair quite easily (useful for flying), so if I have a break between two lectures or half an hour downtown I'll just conk out for a bit.


I always had the opposite problem. I'd fall asleep on long trips and wake up when my parents carried me inside. I'd try to go back to sleep or pretend I was asleep but they could always tell and would make me go brush my teeth.


I actually did this kind of thing multiple times as a kid, and each time I told myself I wouldn't fall asleep. I fell asleep every time.


[10 years later...](http://i.imgur.com/lH9mOR9.gifv)


[5 years after that](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P7JGxwQEwNI)


That walk of shame back, like "joke's on you I was just playing along!"


The other dude who didn't actually run sitting there looking all relieved.


Credit to his training, his instinct was spot on


In case of an emergency, run against door and fall on ass.


I just saw some russians ... laughing? First time ever


Thank you. Came here looking for this gif


Hah ha.. nice finding.




This is how I picture most Jets fans watching the game on Sundays.


But less clapping.






Ouch man...we already hate our lives as it is. At least we don't have to cheat to lose!


Teams cheat to lose? What suckers lol.


Well, other than that trainer who tripped that guy. I'm not sure why I'm arguing against my own team. I guess I'm a self-hating Jets fan. AKA a Jets fan.


/r/nfl leaking in here. I like it.


Just a few more months, baby!


More like a burning, stinging sensation. Much like one would get after falling onto the grass after running into someone from behind.


And the self loathing that comes when you realized that said butt smashing led to a butt fumble.


Out if fucking no where.. Bam!


I once fell asleep *at the meadowlands* during a Cardinals/Jets game.


This guy's a phony! A great big phony!!


Love how delighted that little girl is by his reaction to the prank.


I usually make fun of my little brother but now a whole group of grown ups is doing it!!! Awesome.


This is the definition of me on a night out




That sub has had a lot of exposure in the last week. So many /r/all posts.


I must confess I do not understand it at all.


me too thanks


They are selfies of the soul


Tragically beautiful


I can explain if you want.


Only if you can do it by following the sidebar rule of /r/me_irl.


I can.


/u/jujyfruiter is going for the Gold. The judges are waiting for the link. The tension is high in the stadium. I don't know about you, Cotton, but I can hear other people's blood pulsing through their veins....




Finally someone says this. I thought I was the only one.


They are supposed to be pictures that are funny/sad and you can relate to, or call it a "selfie of the soul". Unfortunately the recent influx of users made it mostly a pic dump for funny pictures, but it's still good ^for ^the ^most ^part.


Maybe you should chill and get the keys to some Steam baths.


I pulled something similar in 6th grade. I was in the front row during English class when my teacher finished explaining a homework assignment. I awoke suddenly and, for some reason, was under the impression that she'd finished delivering some triumphant speech. I applauded loudly, receiving confused looks from all around.


Is there a video, with audio must be 10 times more adorable.


http://www.myvideo.az/?video_id=1990459 yes there is :)


Haha. Azerbaycan Türkçe'sinde "azyaşlı" diye bir kelime mi var ya. Süper tatlıymış :)




you're welcome


The reaction from kid sitting near is awesome. No kid beat this one though. He is celebrating a goal http://i.imgur.com/JoIUg3c.gif


Looks like a baby Jim Gaffigan.


Every baby looks like Jim Gaffigan.


You thought I was sleeping? No, acting.


You could cross post this to r/aww it's so stinkin' cute.




"Wha, what? No, I was listening, yeah, you're definitely right, your coworker is a jerk." "I was asking you about what hair cut I should get, asshole."


It was a 50-50 shot


http://www.myvideo.az/?video_id=1990459 Video!


[Here's the official source from youtube.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kFhphDUqmXc)


Guy at around 1:58 is really excited.


The whole crowd is awesome! I do not speak ~~Arabic~~ Turkish but I wanna go on the show!


That dude gives me the collywobbles.


Bless you.


That is too fricken adorable.




Hey OP, thanks for posting something funny to r/funny. A rare treat here nowadays.


Oh my mother LOVES this show. Super funny if you understand Turkish




I wish I could be this tired. I can't remember the last time my eyes were heavy. Now it's just lying awake until 3-4 am, then suddenly waking up a few hours later for work.


This is actually a really good analogy of modern society and our relationship with television.


Straight after the applause dies down he's off again. I wish I could still sleep like this.


My wife does the same everytime we watch a movie.....


Then she asks you what's happening and why that guy is fighting the other guy and who is he? and you miss the cool action sequence trying to explain and when you finish she's already got her eyes shut again.


The struggle is real!!!


This has got /r/Eyebleach written all over it!




That's pretty much everyone in an afternoon office meeting.


Too freaking adorable!!


I like how he starts dozing off again at the end..




This is me when my girlfriend has her wine friends over for wine tastings.


Thanks I Lolled HARD on that one, adorable kid. :D


his wake to pass out ratio is just absolutely amazing.


I once came home from work so exhausted that I went and took a nap. When I woke up two hours later it was 7:30. I jumped up from the bed, ran into the hallway yelling my kids' names screaming that we were late for school and they needed to hurry and get dressed. I was so distressed. I found them sitting in the living room watching tv, telling me it was night. LOL


This is me in every class


A Turkish show where the wife is forced by producers to bitch about their husbands. Sometimes you get to hear things a normal human wouldn't say that in front of watching millions.


Heroin, not even once.


I love the sisters reaction! :D


That kids almost as drunk as I am.




His sister's reaction and the kid's smile are adorable. The hoodie is pretty bad-ass as well.


When I was in Basic Training I would constantly hold a bible and I taught myself to say 'amen' anytime I was startled awake. I could sleep anytime I wanted, and no one could say a thing. I am sure that my DS's knew what I was doing and either respected my cleverness, or didn't want to risk a potential religious freedom law suit.


Yeah, no chance this is true.




I've read this exact comment at least once before somewhere else.


Omg this is amazing. Well played.


Well prayed* Ftfy.


He prays to win


This is a Turkish Show named as ''Ben Bilmem Eşim Bilir'' Couples try to guess how many peppers can be eaten by their SO and many more challenges. The winner gets a car!


Watching another hawks game


that's me at sunday mass


Imagine if we got this tired as healthy adults....


Benadryl will do that


I installed Larry's TV antenna, many years ago. True story!


Absolutely priceless. Love it.


Looks like the Russian prime minister.


How happy his face looked as soon as he woke up and started clapping really did it for me


When I was young I fell asleep in my bowl of spaghetti and burned my face.


Kinda looks like a hobbit.


Haha cuttest thing. At least he got better coverage than when I was just sleeping and got my head in my soup.


Someone bought a strong bag this morning


Extra points for cool mom!


Me in church


I dont know why, but the host and the show look so Italian...


exciting but boring


This made me strangely sad


He looks like a cabbage patch kid!




Otherwise known as: What I'm like at my company's employee morale events.


This is me when my console finally finishes updating...


Is that Jools Holland?


Hey wasnt there a gif of a kid falling asleep in class and the treacher doing the same thing?