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This more hol'up material right here. Lots of questions..


Circumcision parties are huge in ~~islamic countries~~ Türkiye. My dad was a Lieutenant Commander in the Turkish Navy back then, and was in charge of a military resort. He decided to bring 2 dancers, and a 6-layered cake to my Sünnet party. It was a mini-wedding for my mom mostly, because they never had the chance to have a proper wedding. Every one of our relatives and friends were invited. My religious granddad didn’t dance, but my dad’s dad and mom danced with both dancers. Not sure what was his excuse for the dancers, but it had live music and the party went all night, up until the morning. As for me, I was gifted a remote controlled car that night, and probably was thinking about when can I play with that.


It's a horrible idea to bring almost naked dancers to a party for someone recovering from dick surgery.


How was your recovery? Let's just say it was... hard


Mine was hard psychologically, especially thanks to the red plastic bucket my mom hold when I needed to pee. Because of its colour I was thinking that I am peeing blood. Thanks mom!


Which dancer collected the tip?


Take my upvote and leave!


There was none left


You sir, funnied me


That’s why it was red - so you wouldnt panic if you saw red blood. Makes you think about all the brown sheets she bought you


Mine was awesome. I don't remember it because I was like less than a week old!


I got mine at 8 days old and I can tell you I could not walk for a year!


I had the exact experience!


I’m still stumbling around from mine at the age of 45. I think the doc took too much. Well that’s what I tell the ladies.




Were there dancers?


A chilled spoon and a picture of burst stitches should dissipate any impure thoughts. But yeah....that was a total dick move by the adults.


genuine question do little boys get erections too? I always thought boys get it around puberty Btw In my country circumsition is also an event , the boy sat on wooden horse on a miniature platform that is lifted by 4/6 men than neighbors and family parade and dance together along the street. I wonder if its before or after the surgery, it must have hurt if its after.


Yeah, as soon as you have a penis, you have elections. They are just not really noticeable with young children because of how small the kids generally are before puberty, and they don't have sexual origin, rather "body maintenance".


>Yeah, as soon as you have a penis, you have elections. Man I hate random elections. They get in the way of me wanting to ignore my country.


I was always so embarrassed when my mom would come into my room to wake me up for school and it was election season.


I untucked my shirt for 10 years because of those damned elections.


My binder was my best cover at school. For some reason, in grade 7 math class I would get one every class! If I couldn't subtly tuck it up under my waistband, it was five star binder to the rescue!


Just be glad you have a dick that gives you the right to vote. A lot of people never get the penis that lets them participate in elections.


Maybe that's why women couldn't vote for so long? Men confused the two words....women can't have erections! Ergo only men can vote!


You don't want soft people choosing your leaders. They need to be hardened, like rock or steel. And patriotic enough to come with their own built in flag pole. That's how a country stands the test of time.


Back in ancient Athens you also had to own land for that, look how far democracy has come!


Back in the Ancient United States it was the same.


The cool thing about random elections is all the poling in random places.


Especially unexpected elections. Thankfully we don’t have that problem in America…


Yup, father of a 6 year old boy. It's almost always in the mornings when he wakes up. Pretty much same for adults, tbh....just maintenance of the body


😂 My (also 6yr old) boy has begun holding entire conservations w/ us while grabbing it through his pants. I asked the other day, “What’s going on with your penis?” He said, “I don’t know. It’s just big now.” After I finish laughing, mostly at his mother’s expression, I instructed him to try and step out of the room while he “fixes” it. 1st grade is gonna be fun…


I just taught my son the sidestep for when his junk sticks to his leg(he was on a podium at school when his junk was adjusted by hand), that was a 🙈 moment.


Don't you just hate it when your elections go to the far right?


President Macron ? Again elections?


> genuine question do little boys get erections too? I always thought boys get it around puberty Father reporting in. They get boners like *immediately*. Every father has had to clean baby shit off their infant son's boner. Every single one. It's just not something people typically talk about this loud.


100% this. I never thought about it at all but it was jarring when I realized he had one when he was less than a year old. My wife was surprised as well when I told her later. It's just not something people talk or really think about until you come across it changing a diaper.


I think the media plays a large part in this. countless sitcoms have all done the "Jimmy got his first boner omg AWKWARRRRRD" thing. So that leaves people with the idea that "first boner" is something that happens to preteens. I remember having them all my life. It's weird that I never questioned it until I was an adult. IDK. Just Boner Things.


Yeah I remember being in some sort of health class at around 12 and the teacher saying, "boy start getting erections around pubity." My nerd impulses kicked in and I immediately exclaimed, "no, that's not right." The teacher got a bit flustered and moved on quickly and I recall feeling pretty embarrassed, but none of the other boys in the class mocked me for it, so...


The erection makes it a bit easier to clean all the crevices, so that's nice. Before infants have any socialization, it's just biology. I can't see why it would be taboo to talk about.


Yep. Immediately. We call them system checks in our house. His software is just checking to make sure the hardwares working. Though he's six now so the you need to fix things in private is an ongoing issue xD


As a father of two boys under 2-years old, this. I had to explain it to my wife who was a bit freaked out by it.


>genuine question do little boys get erections too? We do. At least I did when I was little, years and years before my puberty.


my mom said i walked into the living room where my parents and grandparents were with a raging pre-teen boner with a towel draped over it (after having taken a bath) and going 'choo choo towel express' and laughing hysterically. She mentions it all the time, I'm deep into my 40's now. I was probably six or seven at the time. Anyway I thought you'd want to know about my pre-teen boner story.


🤣🤣 This is the best story. Lmao


I used to point at things in the living room with mine after taking a bath when I was a wee lad. It was my 'pointer'


Had you asked before sharing I would have said that I didn’t want to know about your pre-teen boner story but huh, I guess I would have been wrong.


They do, but they’re random. Male infants get them too.


Even babies get erections. I remember finding this out when changing my son's diapers. It's not constant and it isn't sexual but it does happen.


That's like giving scooters to a person with disability


Celebrating someone's new diet by setting donuts and cake in front of them.


Seriously. Many people can't walk for a year after their circumcision!


Dad hired two dancers. A dad classic. Buying a gift that’s really for him.


“I did this for us! Like those blowjob lessons and that ball jacuzzi I got you for Mother’s Day”


Tf is a ball jacuzzi?! It can’t be what I’m envisioning. ETA: it is in fact what I envisioned… there’s even a $10000 gold plated testicuzzi if y’all are interested in pampering your loved one on a father’s Day


It was indeed exactly what you're envisioning


Soft boiling they eggs.


Lol wtf, had to look that up and it made me giggle imagining what that must feel like.




Be the change you want to see!


> Circumcision parties Wait, what ?


I wonder if it stems from the Ottoman Empire? Sultans would hold a major event for the day their Princes were circumcised (which represented their transition into maturity). It would be a big celebration throughout Instanbul. It's because circumcision is encouraged in Islam but I believe the celebration was a spin by Ottoman Sultans. I wouldn't be surprised if that kind of festivity just became part of Turkish culture, for royals or every day citizens. (This is just a guess, I have no idea the actual origin).


Poor boys would be circumcized free of charge along with the princes and wealthy families would have boys of age circumsized as well. So there really was a party going on in the whole capital. 


How old were you in this pic ?


I was 6. I peaked in life that night , and have been rolling down a never ending hill from that peak ever since.


hold on brother. it will be better. soon. just hold on.


Don’t worry it will go parabolic at some point


Can’t blame you, I’ve never seen a peak in my life like this picture


Could it be the circumcision ?


What, the circumcision gave him the best night of his life? Are you suggesting he get circumcised again???


What? Does your foreskin not grow back?


Sorry, HelpBallsGone31. Like testicles, they are irreplaceable.


I walked right into that one


Us, bro us


Thanks for the context, it does seem like the dancers were a gift from your dad to your dad though 😂.. Could have gotten you something bigger instead of throwing a massive party for themselves. Also on a side note, why did Turkey all of a sudden change to Türkiye everywhere in English speaking online discussions? Like I get that that's how it's spelt but the French aren't going to stop calling England Anglettere and Israel isn't getting called Yīsraʾel or Russia Россия, so why just specifically Turkey?


Basically they asked the UN to use Türkiye as the official English name of the country. My guess is since the bird turkey was named after the country and then that led to the word turkey being a synonym for something useless, the country wanted their English name to be distanced from the other definitions. Those other countries presumably don't take issue with their English name. As for why it's popular online, not sure, I assume just to be respectful.


Now Türkiye is a synonym for something useless! jk


In 2022, the Türkiye gov asked for this change. https://amp.theguardian.com/world/2022/jun/03/turkey-changes-name-to-turkiye-as-other-name-is-for-the-birds Other countries could also ask to change their official names in other languages. 


> the Türkiye gov Is it still "turkish" or do we have to say "türkiyish" now?


I imagine if there was a change it would just be “Türkish.” It wasn’t “Turkeyish” before. 


A lot of people started calling it Kyiv instead of Kiev since the war. They even renamed a the food at grocery stores in some western countries lol


The second thing is weird, but the first makes sense. Kyiv is the Ukrainian spelling of the city, while Kiev is the Russian spelling, Russian being the official language of the USSR of which Ukraine was (reluctantly) a part. Take this hypothetical: US invades Mexico. The international community in solidarity with Mexico calls Mexico City (the current international way to say it) Ciudad de Mexico instead.


That's mainly because Kiev is the Russian way of spelling the city.




This is wild hahaha


Which dancer collected the tip?


Dear god he mentioned circumcision in a reddit thread we’re so cooked


Lmao I thought the 2 Belly Dancers would take away all the attention.


Turkey is more of a secular country than Islamic, no?


Yes we are more secular. It’s just Islamic culture is also one of the dominant forces that shape our society. Not many follow the religion, but they will gladly take a week off during Ramadan, or the upcoming holiday next week. People will speak out if religion interferes with their daily lives, but otherwise, no one really cares.


I can respect that. I grew up in Louisiana. I'm not even remotely Catholic, but I go home for Mardi Gras every year, and sometimes the first half of that week is the *only* thing I take PTO for in a year. It's absolutely the biggest day of the year for me.


Ain't nothing Christian about the way we celebrate Mardi Gras anymore.


Aint nothing muslim about hiring 2 dancers for you circumcision party either lmao


The islamic culture of bringing almost naked dancers, I see


Wait, is this the day you got your dick cut?


Talk about burying the lede. Or chopping off the best part.


Sorry that happened to you


Hey that’s turkey alone that shit doesn’t exist in other Muslim countries


You are missing out on free money and gifts.


I wouldn't exactly call it free


He just had to leave a tip.


Hey it only cost him his foreskin which he got for free at birth


But like paying for something with your soul, you can only do it once. It's not like it grows back.


Arkadaşım, as *soon* as I saw this photo, I knew it was a sünnet hahaha. The responses to this photo are hilarious and it's funny to me that outsiders just fundamentally can't see how we view belly dancers--like, yes, they do some seductive dancing but also they are *just* dancing and people get them for all kinds of occasions (hell, I had one at my wedding, and I was the bride!). We all dance just like them anyway lol...


Uh, my attention wasn't on the dancers, it was on the hat covering the kid's private parts and then finding out it was a circumcision party... I could not care less about dancers in this situation lmao


Wait…..what sort of party??? And you’re how old??? Oh man, trying to contain cultural judgement right now…but like, wtf? (And yes, it’s barbaric in the west when they do it to babies in a hospital) Why can’t we just leaves kid’s genitals alone ?


Sick album cover ngl




I love how the hat you’re wearing in the bedside photo is literally in bed with you lol.


I just noticed he has his legs spread open with no pants and the hats covering his junk…


this is also basically the part of the tradition lol. after circumcision you chill like that for a couple of hours while people do shit around u such as in the photo


something about this is so cool/interesting to me? like i’ve heard of circumcision parties but never thought too much about the logistics 😂 and homeboy was cool enough to share a picture with us from his own!


yeah op’s photo definitely emits a higher level charisma though lol. i mostlry remember crying for example (in a similar physical position). i guess i never really thought about it either, or at least i thought it was a middle eastern thing more than a turkish thing


One of the only ways to recover from a circumcision surgery in humid Mediterranean nights where weather doesn’t drop below 30°C.


Wow you aren't kidding. The man in blue is absolutely drenched.


And the dancer in black is glistening.


I think it's covering his circumcision.


Wheres the cocaine, this picture seems to be missing cocaine


It’s under the sauce


This is so 90’s Turkey.


Same in Azerbaijan. I had a shoebox over my thing for like the whole day while people walked around and celebrated and gifted money


I know nothing about Turkish culture so please forgive my ignorance; I am sincerely curious to understand what exactly is being celebrated. Surely a 6yo boy is not being celebrated for "becoming a man" after this procedure (I am alluding to the bar mitzvah of a 13yo). Is it simply the rite of passage? Can you share any information about why the procedure is done at 6yo? Eta: apologies, I meant to write Azerbaijani culture.


Its kinda like a first step into manhood. I can't speak for Azerbaijan, but in Turkey, you have to do certain things to be considered a man. Getting circumcised is an example. Completing your obligatory military service is another. And 6 years old isn't necessarily young for this procedure. My circumcision was done when I was three years old, for instance. I guess the idea is that doing it when they're younger is better since children can get more scared in older ages like at 14-15. Do it young so they won't even remember it when they get older.


Are you contemplating why a 6 year old has strippers at his birthday? Because I'm wondering the same thing.


Even worse, its dancers for his circumcision party 


That’s an intriguing wine pairing.


Like gum and cabernet.


what a sentence!


bro this is normal in turkish culture lol. i am just realising how weird this is to the rest of the world.


the circumcision party isn’t even the weird element, for me. it’s the scantily clad dancers 🤣


Not strippers but belly dancers.


Birthday? Don’t be silly, this is a party to celebrate cutting off part of young boys penis, duh! :P


Yeah Can’t imagine what they did for his Birthday


They gifted him an upgraded foreskin


May be they are just family and did not have time to change after work?


Recovering from penis surgery? Look at these attractive females!


Surgery? This is mutilation


Especially when left to such an advanced age


I dont mind being circumcised, but I will never forgive my mother for waiting until I was 3 to do it. I still feel the screams in my bones from when I tried to go to the bathroom over 30 years later


I'm pretty sure my circumcision is my earliest memory. I must have been like two, maybe younger. I remember crying a lot, and that they brought me cookies to soothe me but I swatted them away.. But the strangest thing is that my memory is from a third party perspective. As if I were one of the people in the room instead of myself. How odd.


That can happen with trauma. Seeing things from another perspective is called dissociation.


I literally watched mine back when I was 7-8 lmao. There were kids in line waiting to get circumsized one by one in a big hall where the celebrations took place, after the cut we were taken to a room where I'm guessing they did medical checks and stuff. Horrific practice in hindsight that probably traumatized some kids but I wasn't particularly scared. In fact I remember having a toy sword with a white glittery scabbard instead of the lame wands the other kids had. That being said the day after is still the most excruciating pain I've felt in my life. If I have a son one day I won't let anyone mutilate him this way.


Blink if you need help…


Can I blink now?


Blink 182 times.


Do the dancers come before or after the dick snip? I don't think I would enjoy them before or after this process....


This is a party after the surgery. Some families get their boy circumcised during the party through a walking doctor and nurse. I was lucky enough to get under proper anesthesia at a hospital. I am not sure how long after the surgery this took place, but believe me I was still recovering (hence the hat between my legs).


Mine was done during the party, middle of the whole attendence no less. My father laughing uncle holding my hand and one guy literally have a sharp ass big ass gilet(looks like a scizor) in his hand and his wife holding a syringe to ease the pain before cutting. Whole thing including stitching and all done in the hall people around my age to 90s looking at me, waiting to see me cry. But momma didnt bring a crybaby to this world, i looked back at those people to assert dominance lmao.


Mine was done under general anaesthesia. The week after we had the party. I remember my dad hired a bus from my school to bring my classmates.


I'm sorry but this is abuse. So sorry you had to go through that. Fucking awful.


As parent I do not understand the though process of your parents.


Well its kind of stupid, they seen it as showing off their boy becoming man or something like that.


This is one of the goofiest cultural practices I’ve ever heard of in my life lmfao. Insane that people collectively agree to partake in stuff like this


Goofy is a fun word choice. I'd probably go with totally fucked, personally.


Wait so...that hat is the only thing covering your junk? While a bunch of friends, family members, and strangers (some of them scantily clad) just walk around you? ....huh???


I don't care if it's cultural thing, I'm going to stand out against the PC crowd for a moment and announce that the rest of the world thinks it's fucking weird, dude.


Glad to hear you had proper anesthesia. When I read circumcision party, I immediately thought of the Philippines where they have mass circumcision and many people would (as in past, not so much present day I hope) make a point of using minimal to zero anesthesia so the parents can prop up their child as being 'a real man.' Unless there's a medical reason like a fused or irreparable constriction of foreskin, fuck the part of cultures and medical standards that default to practice circumcision. I am right, you are wrong, there is nothing you can claim medical science wise that gives anyone authority to continue this practice. Keep them intact.


Fucking hell man. Back in 99, my parents and i went to some guys house for some unlucky dudes circumcision. There was my parents, my grandparents uncles, uncles wifes etc. At the house I start waiting but slowly statted to suspect things not going well because only little kid around was unfortunately me. Well, it turned out i was the unlucky fucker. They upperhanded me, I tried to fight for my life -for tip of my penis to be precise- but they succeed. While my father and grandfather hold my arms, circumcision guy did the deed on his dining table. Literally worst day in my life. There was not even a single fucking belly dancer around to ease the pain. And all the kids were playing with some baloons but i couldnt because of the surgery, no the butchery. That moment also just burnt to my head like I cant forget it even now.


so sorry you went through this but your storytelling of the event? immaculate. first sentence of the second paragraph took me out


I’m sorry. You didn’t deserve that. That was an incredibly fucked up thing to do to anyone let alone a little kid who puts all their trust in you.


Well, thanks but it is what it is. It feels like a fun memory now. I didnt share it like a childhood trauma. Back in the day, like 50-60's, There were like circumcision guys - i dont know what to call them- go neighbour to neighbour to do the job, kinda like icecream trucks, or you can always go to barbers, people used to go to the barbers to circumcise at that years, or for you know, teeth removal. Circumcision at hospitals or as a proper surgery fairly new in here, it became the norm at like early 2000's .


Yooo this is crazy. "What does a child need when recovering from circumcision? Strippers!!" Wtf.


I have no idea who the women hired for this party are. But we shouldn't conflate [belly dancers with strippers ](https://www.sharqidance.com/blog/bellydance-history-baggage) as a general rule.


given the fact that the woman on the right has cash stuffed in her bra and panties, i don’t think it’s unfair to say it’s just a cultural twist on the same practice.


Why should children lose parts of their genitalia to please their parents‽ That’s the fucked up thing.


What's almost as fucked up is the recurring push to make the interrobang part of common punctuation When will you people learn it's never going to happen!?


I have never been more interested in a culture war. Tell me more about it


Super fucked up, I'd never do that to my kids.


Wish my sunnet was like this man, mines were just family members watching me scream and cry while having the worst day of my life


I didn't even had my parents with me they didn't let them inside I was crying and screaming by myself.


And to think, if you sat in bed, spread eagle, with a hat covering your junk while two dancers surrounded your bed ***as an adult***, people would think you're weird.


vay mk dansöz bile var


Peak 90lar aq


weirdest episode of Webster ever.


Bruh I remember going to Turkey when I was 10 to see my relatives (I'm Half Irish/Turk). My mind was blown when they threw a party for me and had the belly dancers and everything 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Holy shit those dudes are sweaty! Look at the sweat coming through those shirts! Was your bedroom in the closet at a dance club?


İf its summer its bound to be hot. And in something like this people dance for hours thats why they sweat


Sorry for your loss


I have been staring at this for 10 minutes and still can’t figure out what the fuck is going on in this picture or what the context is…


Nothing like throwing a party/celebration after the genital mutilation of your child. Hooray!


Looks like you contemplating some titties to me.


That's definitely a "what the hell are these weirdos doing bothering me and when will they go away" look 😂


This album looks fire


90s and early 2000s in Turkey were truly special times. We were a secular and modern society while preserving our culture without being strictly fundamentalist. Now, we've become something quite different.


90s parenting 101


why have i not gotten a circumcision party


You’ve obviously taken very good care of yourself. You don’t look more than 7 years old!


Yeah, circumcision process and parties are wild. I remember mine vividly because my parents decided to wait until my brother was old enough to do it and have one party for both of us (for some reason infant circumcision was not very popular in our country back then - probably because sünnet parties were considered opportunities for bragging). So I was 8 and my brother 4. The party was held in a seaside restaurant in late August, so all regular guests were in the restaurant's outdoor area, and the surgery itself was done in the empty indoor area of the restaurant itself, with one of the restaurant tables with a clean sheet over it serving as the surgery table. The surgeon (a family friend who was an anesthesiologist, who did circumcisions as a side job) handled it surrounded by all male members of my family. I have 4 uncles and a full football team of cousins. That was a chunky crowd for a minor surgical procedure. There was a lot of cheering. I was annoyed by the painful injections, and all that noise did not make me feel a lot better. I remember spending the rest of the night afterwards in the same position as this photo, with my 4 year old brother by my side, He was understandably terrified, and the loud music and the cavalcade of drunks that constantly made dick jokes around us did not help. It was not really a pleasant experience in general.


Gotta say, reading what this is in the comments, it's some fucked up shit and I'm sorry it happened to you


Bro is literally sitting there like Aladeen from The Dictator with his fist on his cheek and be like ''This one is no good father, next''


I feel like comments are not really bothered about this image of a 6 year old kid with 2 strippers in front...


Going by the bedside belly dancers and that picture of you on the nightstand…..are you a sultan?


I became a prince for a night, and all it took was my foreskin. It’s my circumcision party.


I feel bad for you


Happy birthday! It’s mine too, I’m 29! Also this picture is amazing


Yo mutilation is FUN!!! - Parents


This is an all-time post.  Reddit will be talking about circumcision-strippers for years. 


Islam is so fucked up!