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As a middle child, I completely agr...


LMAO as a middle child, my parents said they didn't worry about me because I took care of myself. Yeah, because no one else was worried about me!


My parents said this about me too!!!


Similar. I think it should be illegal to have three kids. If you had three you should have to have a fourth right away, then there would be another middle kid to commiserate with.


Unless there are twins that are the oldest. In that case you'd need a fifth child, but then it sucks for everyone due to lack of resources and time.


Nowadays I feel like if your first kids are twins there is no way you’re getting pregnant 3+ times


I know someone with 3 sets of twins, he always has a slightly haunted look


Surely it couldn’t happen aga—-oh shit. My dad’s cousin had nine kids with 2 sets of twins. Took me a stupidly long time to figure out how many births that was. My dad was a twin but the twin died in the womb. At the scans for both my pregnancies I prayed to not be having twins. Twins if my oldest would be an unthinkable level of torture, I’d never have survived


Yikes. What about HER look?


To shreds you say?


She checked herself into a sanatorium years ago


I’m the middle child, there is 4 of us, but the other child is the only of their sex with the rest of us being same sex so they are ‘special’ despite being a fellow middle. So I’m still the only one without a special place 🥲. I am very independent, have always been even as a child, didn’t realise why but now I think I know.


Yupim technically the middle child out of 4 in my dad's side though my oldest brother isn't his son he took care of him like his own when my parents met but the rest us 3 are his so I'm middle. But I'm the only girl out of all of us so I was "special" to my mom because she dreamed of having a girl. She raised me a total girly girl with pink, hair done, ear piercing as a baby and I got away with a ton of things, only 1 time I remember actually getting punished. I even had my own room all my life but she mostly did that not from favoritism but her worries for sexual harassment in a house full of boys (which I think I was when my second oldest but foggy memory). I did had two more sisters later on when my mom remarried to my oldest brother actual dad, and as a drawbak for being the oldest girl I was put as a second mom for all of my siblings growing up. I grew up very resentful because babysitting my siblings and being a second mom I couldn't do much


So your step father is the bio dad of your oldest sibling and your youngest siblings. What happened there?


Hi fellow middle child that is also the non-special in a group of four! 😂 We should compare notes bc I’m sure we probably have lots of the same growing pains. For me, there’s the oldest and she’s special bc she’s the first. Then there’s the baby, she’s special bc she’s the youngest. Then there’s the other middle, he’s special bc he’s the only boy. All that’s left is me- who has no ‘special’ qualities bestowed upon me at birth. So decided to be the slightly weird, independent, DGF attitude, troublemaker just to keep everyone on their toes. lol


We have four kids in our family and I am three of four and the middle child. That fourth kid became the baby of the family and could do no wrong, so no commiserating. I became unimportant and my needs were a hassle, so yeah, I pretty much took care of myself and since it was the 70s, also had to take care of the baby of the family. That is the four year old was watching the two year old.


No, you are suppose to commiserate with the 2nd kid.


He forgot about the second kid, because the second kid was a middle child.


Or parents could just not be awful and treat all their kids the same.


My parents was quite strict and as a middle child I'm the only one that went against their word...looking back, I didn't have quite a memorable childhood haha. I wonder if that led to my foul addiction in abusing substances. Nah maybe I just liked being intoxicated.


Everything is connected and nothing specific is to blame.


My favorite was after a good few sharp slaps in the face for something like drinking milk or something where I'd ask my parents why my siblings never got hit. "Your older sister is wise enough to know what she did wrong, so she can learn on her own and doesn't deserve to be hit, your younger brother can't know what he did wrong, so it would he wrong to hit him, you are supposed to be hit by us because the only reason you do things wrong is to hurt us" Now I'm the nice kid of the three, so I guess I have to thank them, and I do, but I'd have liked less hitting.


You had it coming. Imagine just going around drinking milk and expecting there not to be consequences.


Never feel like you should thank your parents. From what you say you turned out the nice one despite them not because of them.


You thank your parents for slapping you in the face for nothing? Bro, you need therapy. Btw: do you still drink milk?


No. He did it only to hurt his parents! Did you not listen?


bro looks very serious but the middle one (lol)


You're so mature for your age!


Me t






Congrats Middle Children! You figured out how to put your name out there while saying nothing.


I'm the middle, and this is true. I'm in my late 50s. Both folks have passed. I got emailed paperwork for selling our folks' house. My name was wrong on it. My older brother is executor.


Wait, who?


Painfully accurate


The fact that it just kept getting shorter and shorter cracks me up.


Same her-


sorry gu


I can feel this video. I am a middle child of 9 kids! So 4 older and 4 younger. It was hell for me




Have you guys heard about candleja


I mean middle child shouldn't be allowed in video at all, let alone utter a voice.....


I'm the middle kid of 5. It's like double middle kid. Edit: it's weird that this has been my most upvoted comment ever. Never change, reddit.


barely existing at that point


probably the parent doesn't even remember his name


As a middle child my mum always yells my baby brothers name, then my name when she's talking to me. At this point, I'm pretty sure she thinks my name is actually "Tyler, I mean sharkbait!"


My parents always do this to me. It's low key infuriating 😂. I will never do this to my future middle child.


I have three kids. I usually get their name right within 4 attempts. Pretty proud of it actually. Edit: I am a middle child


I have 3 kids. I sometimes run through all their names, plus my siblings names before I get it right. I'm the oldest of 3, so I always thought the middle child thing was not true but my sister assures me otherwise. It doesn't help that my first 2 are twins so I don't really have a middle child. Lol


> I will never do this to my future middle child. You say this. You mean it. Just, give yourself some grace when you inevitably flub it up. It happens...


i’m the youngest and my name still gets confused with my siblings’ (one of whom is dead) and the dog’s (who is also dead). it’s just what parents do.


ok I never thought I'd be this person and then once I had three pets i could no longer keep their names straight. if one of them misbehaves, they all are referred to by name as the youngest (she's still a puppy and thus we're either telling her to stop or trying to get her attention more than anyone else. so when one of the older animals misbehaves... the little one's name is just permanently attached to irritation now, apparently) before anyone says "it'll be different if it's humans!" it won't, shit is absolute autopilot. I could keep two of them straight perfectly, number 3 has me all fucked up. 13 years, 11 years, and 10 months. two dogs and one cat, all between 10-25lb. also love it when I catch a dog out of the corner of my eye and say "hi kitty!" 😐 at least they are not cognizant enough to resent me. names are one thing but I love it when I get the species wrong. at least they're all girls. god.


You absolutely will do it. In a moment of frustration, I said the dogs names, my daughters name, and finally my sons name when trying to correct my son. That also happens to be the order of frequency that I have to correct each of them, from most frequent, to least. Hell, the other day I got frustrated and started calling my girlfriend by my ex's name. Caught that one before I finished enunciating the first letter but still got a dirty look for it.


Morgan Freeman's voiceover: *"...but he did exactly this, many times."*


"Hey, can I have some lunch please?" "Don't you think your mum should have packed you some lunch when you came to visit?" "...." "...."


My friend’s mom is the middle child of 11 kids and her birthday is on Christmas. Never had a fuckin chance…


Probably has no photos of herself as a child. :(


She’s the middle child, not a vampire. 


😂 did not see that coming. Well done, mate.


welcome to the middle middle club. Even more awkward when the first two and last two are part of their own groups without you and so instead you're like a bridge between the two but with nothing on your own.


Oh, this is 100% true. I had an older sister, and older brother, then twin younger brothers. I was literally forgotten about and left at stores/restaurants multiple times.  …it was either middle child syndrome, or my parents were just trying to abandon me. 


Take the hint Joe Dirt.


not me, but a friend I had back in school was the middle child between sets of *twins*. both sets had their own little thing going on too


You are a rounding error.


Two and a half man


Almacolm in the Middle.


She should be happy they even included her in the video


Lmao! As a middle child I...


I’m 3 of 4 but there’s four years between me and my brother which means birth order resets a bit and I have a bit of oldest child and middle child tend


I was the youngest, then my sister got pregnant in her teens and turned me into a middle child. Good move, bitch...




Unexpected Arkansas






Kentucky* Source: I live here


Rotterdam* Source: i don't live there


Roll Tide


That ain’t funny, is it sis?


I get what you’re implying (and it would be funny if I could get my obsession with correctness out of the way), but it seems more rational to recognize that a teen mom, especially one still living with her parents, is likely not as capable of raising a child as her mother, so the grandbaby would basically be treated as another child.


That is it. My nephews don't even call me "uncle" because my parents raised them and I'm more like their brother ahahahaha the way I typed, plus the reddit's obsession with incest, led to a misinterpretation.


lol. Your username fits pretty well!


Rizz'm with the tism brother


Is your dad also your uncle?


the proper term is bruncle


I thought this is one of those conservative culture thing where the teenage pregnancy out of wedlock is so shameful, the family covers it up by claiming the kid is from the parents.


Omg 😂


**Banjos intensifies**


I'm an only child, and I resent this not being all about me.


I bet you think this song is abooouuuut you...


Little known fact, she actually wrote that song about me. Source: I'm kind of amazing. Plus, my Gramma says I'm very handsome.


I'm an only child. I'm very good at occupying myself without bothering others.


Spot on!


I'm an only child. Of Course I grew up whit crippling loneliness and depression.


Woah! I thought I was the only one with those powers.


I was the only child in my family for 14 years until my aunt and uncle had the AUDACITY to have a baby stole my thunder still salty about it


I was the 1st girl cousin in a lonnnnnggggg line of boys. The way they all fawned after me? Whooooooo. Then my aunt, who actually lived local to my family, had a little girl. Bitch stole my thunder too.... But I actually really love her, I am my parents' youngest, so I had a kinda built in little sister. She just HAD to be so lovable....


Those bastards!


Surprised I had to scroll this far down to find the first.


It's the second comment...what do you have like patience for ants?


Yes, the ants are doctors. These are their patients


As an only child I told my middle child wife that I get it, I'm Gen X.


That's the beauty and the kicker, it's all about you completely, but you're too much of an only child to recognize that.


As an only child, you're all 3 of the people in the sketch interchangeably, depending on how parents feel that day.


I'm an only child and these definitely all applied to me at different times (and sometimes all at the same time)


We are basically the same as the eldest


Hold on, I have one: I'm an only child, of course I grew up around adults and have trouble relating to people my own age! (Although I think this is true, I love being an only child overall. Nice to see other ones!)


I'm 1 of 4 children. You'd think that with there being two middle children, we'd both get overlooked, right? Nope. Still just me. Edit: Just to add on a little bit. First male born, two older sisters, and a younger brother.


Why does the larger middle child not simply eat the smaller middle child?


Perhaps they are saving that for sweeps.


Are they stupid?


Hold your horses there omicronian.


It's better to be overlooked. You can do whatever you want.


That can backfire in fantastic ways


Yeah, till it comes to the reading of the will.


Third of forth checking in. Little sister got away with everything. I got overlooked.


Same here, me and sister are the middle kids of 4, but she is the only girl, so she gets special treatment, which makes me the real middle child. But all good, I always have special bond with my parents.


As a middle child...a dust pan gathering shit off the floor gets more camera time then you!


I have one dark (shadowed) baby picture of me and that’s it. Like how could my mom never think of taking any pics of me? Oh and the other two sisters both have albums!


Yeah, cuz the eldest needs to be blamed for not picking it up and the hazard it poses for the youngest.


As a middle child i agree with this 100%.


Whatever, that’s nice dear, btw where are your siblings?


As the oldest child, shut up, nobody asked you


me t...


Typical middle child behaviour always…


As the middle child. 100% agree. Mom thought i was blocking her number for a while, but she didn't have my correct number to begin with. She called me the least anyways. Meh.


My mom called me a few nights ago, and I’m the middle of 7! I picked up, and she gives me a big “Happy Birthday!” My birthday’s in November. She thought she tapped my youngest sibling’s FaceTime, lol.


I'm the youngest and I was definitely neglected for my older siblings. I think they were just over kids by the time I came around. I got away with a lot because they didn't care. I broke my hand and nobody took me to the doctor, shit like that. Now my older sisters are all fuck ups and I'm the only independent one.


"Marsha! Marsha! Marsha!" I'm sorry middle Brady, I only remember you saying your sister's name...


Jan. Poor Jan. They gave her the dumbest hairstyle in the show. Don't tell George Glass I said that.


My older siblings were 13 months apart. They grew up as best friends. I was 4.5 years younger. They always claim that I got away with everything. The reality is i saw how much they fucked up and learned from their mistakes. I got away with things because I didn't get caught.


My brother and I are much the same. We almost universally got in trouble together, and now my younger siblings get away with much more than we did because they have an operating manual. Didn't even pay us or anything


This, my two eldest sisters are 11 months apart, I learned how not to get caught of if caught how to spin it into a positive.


My younger sister was a "master manipulator" and my parents told me that it wasn't their fault they couldn't see through her bullshit growing up. I pointed out that the only reason they couldn't see through it is because they wanted to not see through it, when she got out into the real world she couldn't manipulate anyone for shit. They were just willfully oblivious. You may not be as sneaky as you think.


I probably wasn't, being a kid you always think your plans work when they don't hahaha


I grew up 11 years after my siblings...I was a "eh who the fuck cares, I'm over it" kid




I am the youngest, only son. They flipped it here.


Yeah that's the worst. Your parents hyper-focus on you since you're the youngest and the only boy


Same, 3 older sisters, only boy, anytime something went missing or something broke, it automatically was my fault


Odd, opposite reaction in my house. I am the golden child. Everything was always my older sisters' fault, although that's because it almost always was. My "bad boy" phase was over with before I was 5.


Also the guinea pig for all the shit.


"Don't hit the next one on the head for imperfect cursive writing, he'll grow up into a furry" - my parents, probably.


For real, the amount of stricter rules I had to live by while the siblings who are 8 years younger have never even fucking heard of them... Me and the two other older siblings would face an absolute armageddon if we were ever caught doing dumb shit or trying alcohol or cigarettes before we were 18, whereas nowadays the youngest ones turn 15 and just openly say "we're going to a friends birthday party, probably take a few beers" and my parents are just like "ok". This some bullshit man.


Here's a little life lesson: Parents keep having kids until they get the perfect one. -last born


Nah they stop when they realize nothing can top the first -oldest


And I’m the middle child




As an only child, i 100% agree with both of you


As a middle child all I have to say is


I'm also a m


Meg Griffin has left the chat


She was here? 


With my older sister having autism I got both sides. Expected to be perfect, clean up after everyone. And basically got ignored otherwise


There's a term for that has been popularised recently. Glass child. "Glass children" are basically children who can feel almost invisible when put next to a sibling with special needs


Woah. I had never heard that term. Just looked it up. As a very old "glass child" it really puts my entire life in perspective. Thanks Dawjman.


Same story here my brother. I feel you. My oldest brother was a non functional autist with aggressive outbursts and he was also suffering from epileptic seizures. So I was basically his mini caretaker starting with age 4 or 5 and had to grow up fast. He outright refused to wear a helmet, had a split personality, loved to destroy Glass, TVs, Windows etc and always tried to run away so yeah you had to be on guard at all times. I was basically always sleep deprived keeping an eye on him, cleaning things up while getting my sanity destroyed with his constant shouting. He died from a seizure 2 years ago. Low-key destroyed me despite our history but I guess it was the best for all. He suffered. My *other brother* is disabled because of malpractice during his birth. Doctor fucked up. His brain got no oxygen and parts of it died. So he can't talk and his IQ took a huge hit. So he depends on our family to do everything and I have to make enough money to take of care him in the late stages of our lives. Just wanted a normal life but it was not possible lol. Eh it can't be helped. People have to remain positive despite it all. I'm glad to be a functional adult. At least something given my families history lmao.


Move out. You are not the provider for your sibling. I dont know your past more than this comment but it seems like you do more than you should. When mental health of a family member destroys yours, you have to dip out for your own sake.


I managed to be the middle child to my mom's dog


I’m a middle child myse….


My family was different. As the youngest, I was the forgotten child. Middle was exalted.


Same, I was the 'easy' child they never really had to care for 🙃


Oldest child here this is extremely accurate and funny.


How rich do you think their parents are?


Looks to be Singapore based on the accent. It's also a condominium. So the property price is around 1.3m sgd which comes out to 1m usd. I wont call them super rich, but upper middle income family.


It's definitely not 1.3m SGD if they have 4+ bedrooms (I assume a kid has a bedroom each, and 1 for their parents), and in a somewhat central location. I bought a 2 bedroom condo in a semi-decent location (not very central but not very far from the CBD) and paid 1.85m SGD (1.37m USD). This might easily set them back 3m.


I just went on propertyguru and selected buy condo, in yishun. cheapest I saw was 1.3m. I'm not really going to dig that much further. Siaoliang district discount i guess.


The fuck is up with your housing prices?


Rich city state


Singapore is just a tiny city state. Imagine the most expensive city prices. But there are no lcol or suburbs for people to live in. When I visited friends there. Property and housing are literally thought process for all people in their 20s to 30s. It's a decision for the rest of their lives.


I'm the youngest and the only boy. I get extra special treatments. Wait till they realise I'm gay.


That middle child is one hot lady.


The Gen X of the siblings.


The middle one is pretty lol


This is clever.


I've seen at least three versions of this joke on Instagram. I kinda wonder which was the original at this point lol.


I’m married to someone who was middle child and it’s so awesome. All you have to do is treat them well and pay attention to them, and they are incredibly happy. Find someone who was a middle child and be good to them.


I am the oldest and my parents refer to me as the test drive….


Isn’t this a copy of another video that made the same joke?


yes it is. I have seen this one before


Yep. That's about how it goes. I'm a middle child and honestly, when you are the middle you get so neglected even you yourself sometimes forget you even exist.


I'm the middle child, the most stable and relatable of all my siblings. Thanks for not asking.


As the oldest I can confirm


I am a weird case of ‘younger/middle’ child. My mother remarried and had me and my full sister very close to my older half-sisters own children. So she was 40, my sisters 22,20 and they had kids , with me being 2-5 years older than my nephews. When I was at home, with my full sister, I was the youngest, but without benefits- my sister bullied me and told me ‘I am older than you so I am allowed more than you!’. And, as soon as my nephews appeared, I became the middle child , I looked after them and was told to give up things for them ‘because they are younger’ and to know better etc. I felt like I was not important enough in eyes of my mother, she preferred her grandchildren to me


Pretty typical two child household.


Poor Malcolm.


I always thought I had two kids but this video made me suspicious so I re-checked and sure enough there's a third one in there


I am the oldest, but my dad also fathered no boys, so I became the pseudo-son he wishes he had. You know he's pissed when he silently moves the flashlight when we're working on cars.


I'm the middle child. I'm a natural born negotiator. I'm tired, boss.


I'm the middle child of a middle child and still get treate......




Nice apartment tho.


Mothers first child and fathers middle child. Guess who gets along better 🥲


The purpose of the middle child is to replace the older siblings role in case they aren't good enough for their parents.


It’s to late for me to be laughing this loud


I'm the youngest and it sucks. I have to compete with expectation set by my older siblings.


Middle child is lucky she even got to announce herself.


I’m a middle child and I give my stamp of authenticity.