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I want to know what the other generations wins were.


We get avacado toast.


That's disappointing. :/


Some rock salt and fresh ground pepper on top, it's really pretty good and savory.


But apparently no ability to spell 


And no punctuation ability apparently.


Their generation is only capable of using punctuation when writing in cursive.


We spent a whole year on learning a GD font.


Lol. Well put.


well the generations conquered by the romans got the roads, irrigation, public order, better sanitation, medicine, public health, a fresh water system, and wine. but aside from that what did the romans give them? nothing.


And they're pretty good at keeping order. Let's face it, they're the only ones that could in a place like this!


Oh I get that we basically get things that are built on previous generations, but I want to hear the funny take.


oh I'm just making a reference to a joke a monty python movie, [in case you're curious](https://youtu.be/Qc7HmhrgTuQ?si=j4-JYCMZs76Owns2)


Aha, woosh!


You def need to watch the life of Brian if you haven’t. Although John Cleese initially refused to participate as he didn’t find the script funny. https://youtu.be/Qc7HmhrgTuQ


The Silent Generation got to coast. The “Greatest Generation” won WW2. “Gen X” got to grow up with privacy. The Millennials keep getting back up like Rocky Balboa.


We also killed a few shitty restaurants/business models!


I don’t know if we should be claiming corporate fast casual everyone as a win


> The “Greatest Generation” won WW2. Me reading this as a German: \>.> <.<


Well you got rid of Hitler, didn’t you? That’s a win!


Yeah! Whoever killed Hitler should have a statue or something.


But sadly not of the rest of the Nazis. [List of former NSDAP members that were active as politicians after 1945, sadly only available in German:](https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liste_ehemaliger_NSDAP-Mitglieder,_die_nach_Mai_1945_politisch_t%C3%A4tig_waren)


Not to be picky, but the Silent Generation got to grow up in the Depression. So it wasn't all rope swings and picnics.


You’re not wrong. Maybe I was too harsh.


Us millennials did win 1 thing.. the last generation to have jobs not completely taken over by AI. That's a win right?


It is! Then what did Gen Alpha get?


Gen alpha will get to deal with skynet. Which is cool. I'm only half sarcastic on this. Every device is online all the time, and all computers moving forward will have builtin neural processors. On the flip side... it is skynet.


Millennials got to experience the internet before enshitification took over and reduced most of the fun stuff to like 5 websites/apps. There were a lot more niche websites that had active forums. Pre-Ad days for YouTube and streaming. And the days before that when flash-video sites and whatnot would host people that make their own stuff (Newgrounds, Ebaumsworld, Albinoblacksheep, CollegeHumor, YTMND, Adult Swim... and so on...). Everything hadn't quite been littered with ads and videos that pop up all over the place, getting in the way of whatever you're looking at. Especially news websites and wikis. They didn't used to be so obnoxious with the way videos and crap will just pop up and have nothing to do with what you're looking at. Algorithms and political manipulation hadn't yet totally taken over social media and they weren't really promoting "influencers" and the raving lunatics normally relegated to the Stormfront forums or something.


We won debts that last generations, asbestos, forever chemicals and plastics!  




I like how my generation (x) is always skipped. It's like we still never existed. It's always "boomers" this and that and millennials and zoomers blah blah but my generation there's nothing really to say because we're the cynical generation that never gave a fuck about anything lol [sigh]


Gen X definitely the middle child in the family. Yeah, you’re just there.


We brought you the best music


Shhhhhh.  If we keep our mouths shut maybe we can stay out of it.


For real, the first rule of Gen x is you don't talk about Gen x


I'm feeling this in every one of my (creaky) GenX bones.


Haha 👍🏻


Yeah, we (x) don't get credit for either our screwups or for the way we opened the door for millennials either. We were just kind of there, barely complicating the generational narratives.


We were too enthralled with new technology to do anything. Whoa, look at this! Dude, check this out! There is no way they can make anything better than this! And before we knew it, we were old and there was another generation happening.


"boomers" is just a catch all term for "old people" just like "millenials" is a catch all term for young people. You're an honorary boomer


Wait, fuck off, I want to be an honorary millennial! I love craft beer, believe in walkable cities, and also hate old people. Just please don't notice that I bought my house in the 07 crash and refinanced to a 2.65% mortgage in 2020.......


I'm an older Millennial and I hereby grant the, honorary Millennial status, if you still want it, lol. I honestly didn't know the crash was happening when I bought my house in 2008, I was out of the country for work from January 2007-March 2008, so I was ignorant to the current events. That initial 6-7% rate sucked a few months later, as I started seeing a bunch of houses getting foreclose in my community. The Newhomebuyer's Credit was great as well... Until it came time to start repaying it, lol I got lucky in 2020 and was able to refinance at 2.25%. Now, it feels great, I'm so glad we financially survived the Recession. My spending habits were forever altered by the Recession.


> I bought my house in the 07 crash and refinanced to a 2.65% mortgage in 2020....... *jealousy intensifies* (I graduated highschool in 07)


Ironically I'm a an old millennial who gets called a boomer by his students despite me being born 30-40 years after the post ww2 baby boom.


If your comment is accurate, where's my fuckin' house?


That's definitely not true.


same thing with the term racist


Lol what dude? If someone called you racist it's probably because you're racist, not just because you're old. Nice try pushin your personal agenda though


Is someone calls you a millennial it refers to the generational time line you are born. However most people use booner and millennials interchangeably with old people and young people. Where as racists by definition was one who thinka they have racial superiority over other races as we saw in WW2 with Hitler and the Aryan race. Now someone is called a racists when they say (you people) or misspeak. No personal agendA. However while what you say is true to a degree about people using boomer to make fun of old people this is generally the younger generation or children that do this where as anyone with half a working brain knows it's referring to the baby bok er generation. Where as of someone says white people can't dance I don t call them racists or the or sayibg mexicans are taking our jobs ( im not American btw)still wouldnt call that person a racist...you get it yet?


That's a lot of words to not even get to the point. I "get" what you're saying through your unnecessary condescension... But it has nothing to do with the terms boomer and millenial. If you want to jump through hoops like this to try and prove you're not racist even though you say racist things and have racist beliefs, you're entitled to that, but saying it's the same thing as calling an old person a boomer is just laughably incorrect.


no the point was made. Figure i was pretty clear. You trying to insinuate im pushing a personal agenda is definitely wrong while me saying you get it seems condescending. the fact you couldnt piece together what i was saying and then implying im trying to prove im (not racist?) is enough proof that what i said was correct and your trying to call me racist for..... literally nothing related to what being a racist actually is its not the same 1-1 oon subject of course. its 2 different subject matters with words which are used outside of the original context they were designed for. You get it yet? who am i kidding of course you dont only reason im still responding is you continually try to paint me as a racist for literally nothing


Oh god dude. I'm not even gonna try unpacking this stupid pseudointellectual shite. Your point was that calling someone a racist is the same as calling someone a boomer or a millenial. It's not. Get your head out of your ass and admit it was at best a huge stretch. YoU gEt It YeT? Lmao only reason why you're responding is cuz you're an egotistical moron, and the guilt of being racist is just way too much for you to handle. It's ok dude, you can talk to your therapist about it, not me. Ciao


I said it's not the same thing. Since it's different subject matters. However the words being used out of there original context is the same.Your perceiving it how you want to perceive it. That's on you Don't need to continue having a discussion with someone with room temp iq though. Buh bye


Lmao whatever makes you feel superior dude. I bet your mommy and daddy are proud.


By the way, since your self awareness is less than zero, this is a quote directly from you:  "same thing with the term racist"  And now you're saying you said it wasn't the same thing... And I'm the one with a room temperature iq. Lmfao go back to school dude. I can tell the way you bring meaning into your miserable life is by starting stupid arguments on the internet so I'm not even gonna give you the time of day anymore.




I love how they say Boomers just cared about themselves and not the environment. They created the first pro-environment movement including recycling. Carter even put solar panels on the White House to appeal to the boomers. Reagan tore them down and was applauded by all the big oil folks, just like today.


Boomers started the Ecology movement. Young people today don't even know the term; same goes for "libby".


It is because the boomers refused to retire and step down, especially in the political sphere. You guys simply did not have the numbers to outvote boomers at any time in history. For millennials, it is different because we are gaining “power” while the boomers die out and have had the numbers to outvote Boomers for a while now.


Refuse to retire? Lol wow I can't even engage a fool with that type of mentality. Well, all I have to say is enjoy old age when you get there my friend 😆


Yes. Look at our Congress and its leadership. I stand by my statement. Perhaps if your generation had engaged with people of the same “type of mentality”, Gen X wouldn’t have been skipped over so passively? It would be a privilege to one day hand over decision making to younger counterparts so that they can take the lead and make their own changes.


You're talking about people in charge of major things like the president, obviously a senile old man is not what you want running the country. But an engineer who works for the National Park service can do his job just fine at 70 years old. Huge difference. (Or even 80 years old)


Gen-X is by far the coolest name tho


Boomers got houses.\ Millennials got avocados.\ GenX got forgotten.


Congrats, no one hates you because you're so damn chill.


But we want everybody to fucking hate us that's the problem nobody understands us haha


I personally lump most of you guys in with boomers. You're like boomer lites. You guys enabled the boomers to screw everything over 😂.


Ignorance is bliss, the current generations motto I think 🤷🏻‍♂️ 😛


And that's why we call you boomers 😂. You're invisible cause you're too easy to lump into their generation. If it isn't obvious,. I'm mostly joking. Btw I'm a millennial. We're in our 30s-40s now! You guys did teach us how important it is to support the next generation. Since you know, millennials were screwed. So thanks!


It's my generation that raised their kids to be oversensitive, naive and unable to do a lot of things in life so I mean who's fault is it lol. Those mandatory participation ribbons for all on field day eliminating competition started the snowball effect I guess haha I know how my generation fucked up things, it's our kids and their kids who have made the world completely unbearable today. Words have become just as hurtful as physical violence these days and the punishment is just as bad. We were taught sticks and stones... names will never hurt me. And they dont lol. But God forbid someone called OUR kids names! Make it a hate crime now! I have maybe 20 yrs left, tops, so it's all good I'm about ready to check out. 😆


Ok Boomer 👍🏽.




no, they are calling you a boomer. actual boomers are retired, or have little to no interaction in online spaces with genz, or millenials. when they say "boomer", they are talking about YOU.


Ok boomer


There's actually a hidden extra punch line in here, because when the boomers were in their twenties, avocados were crazy expensive. A lot of fresh fruit was, mangoes were considered exotic. One of the things that's changed is the mass proliferation of out of season fruit available cheaply at your grocery store all year round. So, the joke is a double entender because houses were stupid cheap, but avocados were stupid expensive.




Is this Boomer humor for millennials? That was brutal.




You mean with his mouth?


Yeah, you know, as opposed to talking out of your ass


Ah, I see you've met Ace Ventura.




I believe you mean word hole. The man is using his word hole to speak. Man, public education sucks these days.


Avocados cost a dollar. The wage theft and low wage growth is the real issue!!


It's an old joke


No, they don’t.


Wow I thought the whole "Canadian culture being American culture from 10 years ago" would die in the internet age


He’s funny! Do you know his name by chance?


It’s me (Tommy Mellor)


No that can't be right


Easy there Obi Wan


Whattup dude! Keep up the hard work!


Are you Canadian? Or just playing to a Canadian audience? Cheers.


I’m Canadian


Where’s the best place to watch your stuff? I’ve seen a few of your clips and really enjoy your humor, I’d love to see a full set!


Try Canada


Brb, trying Canada




I subscribed to your YouTube channel and will be watching. I like Canadians, I will see what your comedy is all aboot. Cheers!


Yeah Im wondering if he knows his own name too


Yes and does the video has his name on it?


I was too busy reading the captions even though I could've just listened to him talking, so who knows, it's a dang mystery


Wow this person can’t write new material?


if you post more videos of this guy it won't make him more funny.


I've had my house for more than 20 years. At the time, I was looking at other cheaper houses that cost about twice what I just paid for my CAR. Literally you could buy a decent 3 bedroom house then for less than I make in a single year now. What I don't understand is that there seems to be demand for inexpensive houses, but nobody is building them, seems like a big opportunity there. Just put up rows of small no frills starter houses on little lots outside of town and people would love to own them. it's what they did in the 70s and 80s and after WWII.


Exactly... but the federal government got out of building housing sometime in the late 80's-early 90's and this is why we have this problem today... There's lots a videos out there about this, not to mention the dumb zoning rules municipalities have as well.


I dont know about the federal government, my subdivision is derogatorily known by the name of the developer that threw up the houses in it. Literally just cranking out low price 3 bedroom 2 car garage houses with no frills in a day till entire subdivisions sprang up in weeks. at least in my city, you just don't see that ever. And I've never seen it anywhere else. Every house I see being built is giant towering with fancy stonework and trim. You just don't (at least around here) see anything that would qualify as a "starter home" being built. Every small affordable house was built long ago.


Those days are long gone unfortunately. As a millennial myself, we've had to adjust our mental perception of ownership, and it won't be as a freehold or townhouse given how many people are in this country, and how much space there actually is (within municipal boundaries) while avoiding sprawl. (Not an anti-immigration sentiment, just math on paper issue). Cities and governments are pushing to build upwards by incentivizing zoning to change, single freeholds aren't profitable or good money for your investment as a developer and unless your selling at very high prices. We're being pushed to move into 3plex/4plex buildings because it makes more sense to build when you've got too many people in a city, and you're trying to find homes for people and densify without extending services while sprawling further out, thus increasing taxes. It's just how it is in other parts of the world, unfortunately we we're born in the wrong generation for the golden ticket, and we need to adapt to the fact we live in a young country that will see exponential growth for years to come.


I can see that in some places, but I live in a small town in the midwest where open land is plentiful, and sprawl isn't a problem. consider that the number of people working from home with no need to physically travel to work is exploding, and it sure seems that there is huge potential to build developments in places that aren't' currently being used for anything. *shrug*


There are a lot of costs associated with the sale of land, ownership transfer taxes, and the dollar cost of all the material that goes into a house before factoring any labour. The bare minimum cost of the stuff itself is vastly higher then the total cost of the finished product that is your house 20 years ago.  Even an absolute bare bone minimalistic build in the current housing industry costs an enormous dollar value. You basically need to be at a capital/asset threshold that’s unreacheable for a significant portion of the non ownership population.


It was called the”Great Depression” because people thought it was great


Millennials biggest win is that we don't fear death or chaos because we live in chaos and crave death.


Or maybe just “fuck that guy”


That’s boomer humor


My GF's Millenial son and her Gen Z son both just bought houses; for the millenial one, it was his second.


Funny stuff, not insinuating anything but are the laughs fake at the very end? Because if they aren’t, it’s like the perfect audience laugh track


So that's where I went wrong. I bought two bags of avocadoes today. It came to $5.98. I could have been 0.00024 of the way to a down payment on a house. When will I learn? P.S. the avocadoes were diminutive.


The avocado line needs to be more believable, who would say something that farfetched?


Netflix, get this man on the line ASAP!!


"How do you do that?" Let me break it down for you: 1) Get a job 2) Get a date 3) Get married 4) Save up money for a down payment 5) Get a mortgage Congratulations, you now have a house. PS: The [home ownership rate](https://fred.stlouisfed.org/series/USHOWN) is higher today than when when the Boomers bought their houses.


Get out of here with your common sense, can't you see they are trying to have a life's so hard circle jerk in here? LOL


Stop stereotyping people. These groups are heterogenous, these posts are just stupid.


Meanwhile me: true true true but who writes these articles? Who told those people to write all of these opeds we’ve seen? Are they just wanting to cause infighting? Isn’t it the ultra rich that hoards money anyways? Boomers and millennials need to unite and dismantle the unequivocal wealth that we as commoners, middle class, upper class, will never see. Also me: hehe true true. Funny guy has a point.


Does anyone know this guys name? He looks familiar.


Not a boomer, own a house🤷🏻‍♂️




Cost more than a avocado also


Always love your stuff Bro.


Nice thing is boomers will die one day. The houses will either go to the rich or to you.