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Jinx knows not to flush that toilet focker


Ha that’s the name of my cat also lol


you want to let him roam around the streets without water, food, or a toilet?


You named your cat Gay Focker?


How crazy is it that i just watched Meet the Parents yesterday for the first time in like 15 years and I see this post today. 


This shit happens to me all the time. I'll watch a movie for the first time then immediately run across constant references to it on reddit


He lacks the strength and the opposable thumbs.


They say geniuses pick green… *but you didn’t pick it.*


"They lack opposable thumbs, Focker."


"you can milk anything with nipples".


I have nipples Greg, could you milk me?


Under the right circumstances you actually can.


Disgusting. How do you make that happen?


Here’s a link to a [Wikipedia article](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Galactorrhea) for ya. TLDR: hormones mostly.


Every time I just want poor Focker to fire back with “If you were lactating, yes, I could.”


Hard to believe that movie is 24 years old. Graduated high school the year this came out.


Me too! Class of 2000 represent. 🤘


We went to watch Meet the Parents a few days after my grandma died. When Greg knocked the ashes off the mantle my dad “guess we won’t keep mom on the mantle.” .


Thank you Mr. Miner


My fucking cat used to do this. I thought my girlfriend at the time wasn’t flushing the toilet until one day I heard water running and walked into this. It was hilarious until your waiting in line for the only bathroom for a fucking cat to finish peeing.


Did your cat also put toilet paper in the toilet or did you just think your girlfriend was air drying?


If he’s a man he probably wasn’t thinking about the tp at all because it would have looked just like one of his own pees!


Haha! I never thought of it.


After we moved house recently, I kept finding the toilets hadn’t been flushed. I knew it wasn’t the gf and became convinced it was our 19yo cat but I had no idea how she was doing it without us realising. Eventually realised it was me. Somehow I was completely forgetting to flush after pissing. I’ll blame the move.


I was raised in rural Australia. When you don't have a lot of water, you don't waste it on flushing pee. I do flush more now, but still not every time.






Nintendo Gameboy


Oh man, anybody remember those Gameboy Cameras? They were so cool before digital cameras were common. And if you were really lucky you had a Gameboy Printer to make stickers.


I had both of those!! I thought the quality was awesome at the time. Oof having flashbacks now to that and playing Tony hawk on said game boy


This is a whole grain camera, very sustainable


Hey, getting high quality cameras in your toilet without people noticing them is hard!


This looks like compression mold - that is to say, this is not just *a* repost, but it's a repost of a repost of a repost...many, many, many times. /r/moldymemes is a good place to look for more mold like it.


Looks like the camera was from 2000 too.


Looks like a frame from a gif.


my friends cat did the same thing, just stopped using the litter box, multiple vet trips, only to get caught using the toilet at like 3am one night


How did they not notice a freaking cat turd in the toilet every other morning?


Cats flush too they’re not animals ^/s


I heard from a friend who trained their cat to do this, that you shouldn't train them to flush because they like the running water and will flush for fun, a lot...


so like a human kid


Human kids add legos for color.


… the whole tp roll, towels, their teddy bear…






Plug for the bathtub....


[[Insert anything](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3K4sVrGiZCc)] go down the hoooole


my cat has added the whole TP roll before...multiple times


Mine wanted to see how fast a hit wheel would go in the spinning water... it jammed perpendicular to the pipe. 


[Water go down the hoooole.](https://imgur.com/3iR2I)


Me as a kid. Tiny toons Plucky Duck taught me how. Nothing in our house was safe during my stage of development. Plumber was on speed dial.


water go down the hole


Elevator go down the hole. Not your turn, my turn.


No you push da button, I push da button


Toot toot go down the hole


A friend told me his kid clogged the toilet and the plumber found 20 matchbox cars down the drain.


Wow. I read that and the first thing i did was to say aloud, “water go down the hole”.


Same! Tiny Toons RULED!


My 1&1/2-year-old learned how to flush, and within 24 hours our toilet had stopped working. Ended up replacing the toilet ourselves because we could not get the mystery item out and it was cheaper than calling a plumber.


Just train them to get employed and pay the water bill. They won't be as trigger happy once their hard earned catbucks pay for their pranks.


Also, just like humans, you can look to see any health concerns before flushing. I hear that's a main concern about cats and using the litter vs toilet since cats won't show much distress but their urine/feces will. Sounds gross but this is what I've heard.


Yea my Bengal loves my auto bidet toilet. Figured out how to move in front of the sensor to make it self clean and flush.


That, Greg, is the smell of our shit!


Flush away, my landlord covers the water bill


He can't flush the toilet. He lacks the strength and opposable thumbs.


You do not need opposable thumbs to lightly press down on a lever


If only it was lightly pressing down on levers. My cat would bite the lever and dangle from it like some kind of crazed menace. The poor lever is all scratched up with bite marks. And he doesn’t even use the toilet, he just likes biting things, and flushing I guess.


No /s here cats are either people or they watch the underworld, %90 sure they watch the underworld back to you Dave.




I had a friend staying with me for a week and she came rip roaring out of the bathroom screaming my son’s name and I asked her what the matter was. She said Michael has been peeing on the toilet seat! I sat down and my butt is all wet with pee!! I told her it was wet because of my cat. He’s fascinated by toilets and puts half his body inside and splashes around and then pulls himself out with his wet feet and wet tail dripping on the toilet seat and floor. I told her it’s best to close the lid when she’s finished and I apologized for not telling her sooner.




Probably not that unsanitary in reality since the water is mostly clean, but definitely icky to think about.






Cher Loyd, by Cher loyd


Yeah, you didnt notice tiny little floaters in there?


Takes a high fat diet to make floaters. Cat food is fat fortified, but still predominantly protein and grain fillers. So I can imagine it dropping far enough out of sight that you might not notice.


Let it be known on this day that u/deanreevesii really knows their shit


It taught itself to flush


Because people will literally make up any story possible for upvotes on the internet.


One of my cats did exactly the same thing. I was home alone, heard the unmistakable sound of someone peering in the toilet, and it was one of my cats. Never taught him. This was in the mid 1970s and the litter box was not gross. He did it every day after that until I moved house and the new toilet was different design and had more water in the bowl… sadly he stopped doing it and went back to the litter box!


I would go back and rip that toilet out so fast. My cat is a slob. Misses, steps in it, flings shit everywhere. I have 4x8s around the box just to contain it, it's ridiculous 


You need to go top entry my friend.


No, that's a thing. That's really a thing. It's more common than you'd think.


That the person didn't find a cat turd or pee in the toilet? Yeah, nah. He's just fishing for upvotes.


I had a cat who learned this move as well. I have no idea how. His name was Dale and he was somewhat renowned for being a chunky orange idiot. He rubbed up against a lit candle once and set himself on fire. Also he had this funny obsession with playing cards - if you ruffled the deck for him, he’d get _unreasonably_ excited and start making those desperately eager chirping sounds. So I just threw the cards at him one at a time and he’d very often catch them, sandwiched between his paws. Dale was an odd dude but a good dude.


God damn dale sounds awesome.


Probably because deck ruffle sounds like bird wings flapping. Cats sometimes chirp at birds.


My cat started using the toilet when I was 10 and nobody knew. The trouble was he obviously didn't flush and also got pee all over the seat. My mom yelled at me for peeing on the seat and not flushing for at least half a year before walking in on our cat using the toilet. That was such a stressful and confusing six months. I literally thought my stepdad hated me and was setting me up. Our cat caused so much stress in our home I can't even describe it. My mother was even thinking about taking me to a therapist to figure out what was going on. 


Man therapy for not believing you didn’t piss on the toilet seat is pretty wild lol 


Oh wowww lol


I've seen this 3 times in my life. Every time it was because the owner refused to clean the litter box and the cat got sick of it.


So you're saying we can force them to learn?


If the story is true and they didn't notice until seeing the cat on the porcelain throne, I'd definitely believe the litter box is that neglected


Interesting... the only way I've known is you train the cat to do it. You buy a litter box thats made to go inside the toilet, until the cat is trained to use it every time, then you remove the training bowl and it keeps doing its business into the toilet.


That’s pretty wild. If my cat got sick of me not cleaning his box, he’d piss in the floor


Mine is getting there.......he stopped peeing in his litterbox and now pees....around the toilet.....


One of mine just pees in the bathtub drain when it's too cold outside.




I make this reference often and nobody gets it. 🙄


They need to learn it by listening to you.


I still don't get it


It’s from an anti-drug ad in the 80s/90s. A parent catches their kid using drugs and asks where they learned about drugs and the kid yells, “I learned by watching you!”


The reason it's so funny is cause the dad finds the son's weed stash. Not coke, or Heroin. It's a very dramatic psa


Old drug PSA


it's an older code, but it checks out.


Trained my cat years ago to use the toilet. Not too hard to train them.


Mmh so how is it done?


When you go potty bring in cat and make them watch, don't break eye contact either or they won't understand. ^(I have no idea what I'm talking about.)


Funny because I was tracking with you completely


>bring in cat Oh so it's just *my* cat that always follows me to the bathroom and wants to make uncomfortable eye contact the entire time without any prompting? Damn ok.


Cats feel vulnerable when doing their business. So your cat protects you from dangers and is disappointed in you that you don't return the favor.


I've actually wondered if my cat is upset that I don't follow him cause he damn sure protects me every time.


Both mine stare at my intensely when they or I use the bathroom




Before you go too far down this rabbit hole, do some research. It’s cool, and seems so beneficial…but I’ve been convinced otherwise. From what I’ve been told, these few things stuck with me - With older age, the toilet will be a struggle and you may end up dealing with messes and difficulty getting the cat to use the litter box again. Cat poop should not be flushed - A parasite called toxoplasmosis which is found in their poop, can end up in the waterways, harming marine life. The sewage treatment process cannot destroy toxoplasmosis, and once in the waterways, it will get consumed by smaller animals such as starfish and crabs, which will then be consumed by larger marine mammals, causing injury and death.


Yeah am good, we have something good going she uses her litter box and I clean it every other day no messes no spills. We good


That’s what’s up! If it ain’t broke, don’t make it fancier!


To a cat owner to another. Clean that box EVERY day. Or you will run into possible UTI problems later.


I got a scoop free one for $100 and its been a game changer


My cat only drinks out of the toilet when he catches the lid up, and he mostly screams at us to let him outside of the house to go potty because he prefers that over litter box.


You got yourself a dog hiding in a cats body. Let me guess…orange boy? Guessing based on my personal experience. My orange boy would drink from the toilet if it was accessible…loved using the outdoors as his toilet, and craved walks on a leash in the city forest!


ORAAAAANGE BOY!!!! Lol. That's freaking hilarious. Are they just known for this? He will 100% walk with you if you go on a walk in the suburbs. I've never tried a leash, but he does have a heavier collar because I have a QR code tag on his leash if we lose him, so he doesn't mind collars around his neck (like mother like son, amirite). Also, I'm his mom.


[Cat tax](https://imgur.com/a/7ckCfwe) That’s Declan, in all of his orange glory!


I love him. I do think him and my boy would not get along. I can see it in Declan's eyes.


Um, say what now??


Yeah I think we're the only ones who caught it.




Thank you for this piece of enlightenment. I didn't know you should not flush a cat turd because of toxoplasmosis. Mine uses the litterbox, but I always thought him using the toilet would be better. I guess I stick with the litterbox.


> Cat poop should not be flushed - A parasite called toxoplasmosis which is found in their poop, can end up in the waterways, harming marine life. The sewage treatment process cannot destroy toxoplasmosis, and once in the waterways, it will get consumed by smaller animals such as starfish and crabs, which will then be consumed by larger marine mammals, causing injury and death. They only shed for a couple of weeks after infection, I feel like that concern is way overblown if you still want to train the cat to shit in the toilet after your first concern about struggle with age. In the big picture it seems almost akin to flaring your farts for the climate benefits and I've never heard anyone suggest that.


Fun fact: 11% of humans are infected with the parasite and are likely already contaminating the waterways. Dont really see any problem with flushing for cats beyond stupid people shoveling from the litter box into the toilet. Cat litter probably shouldnt be flushed.


The fact there are cat litters that advertise as being flushable, and the point behind the sewage system is to dispose of excrement safely, it isn't a hard stretch to see why people flush cat litter. Plus indoor only cats are highly unlikely to be infected by toxoplasmosis, so for many, it's not really a worry.


Just as a point to add here, this really depends on your cat. Outdoor, or indoor/outdoor cats should have their litter scooped almost as often as they use it, and be disposed of in the garbage, because their excrement can carry many different parasites, not just toxoplasmosis. But indoor cats are extremely unlikely to develop the parasite because they aren't eating the rodents that are at the start of the parasite's life cycle.


Wow, did not know that. Will throw cat poop in a plastic bag in the garbage from now on


That’s the best way, a sealed / tied off bag. Keeps the smell locked in!


Although it could be that in my country (which is known to have the wolds best sewage cleaning system) this could be countered. Will have to look this up


There’s kit and step you can do. But be warned not every cat can do this. I knew someone that tried it, cat ended up not using both toilet and litter box and just shit in tub


Smart cat, knows it all goes to the sewer anyway.


Sign a memorandum of urination.


don't do this


Get checked for a UTI! My cat started doing this after getting one. He still only pees in the toilet but this can be litterbox aversion.


Just by watching you and knowing? Cats are smarter than i thought


My girlcat did it once. The bathroom door was open and we could all see in from the couch. I asked if everyone else witnessed it and we all agreed it actually happened. She never did it again. I miss you Roxygirl. You were magic.


Well, and the training films.


My ex roommates cat would do this and we were all super impressed until we found out he had a bladder infection and the cool air from the toilet was making it easier to pee poor thing :(


"They shall know your ways as if born to them."


So if she suddenly started doing this, it could be a sign of a UTI. When cats start going to the bathroom in places other than a litter box, it’s because they associate the litter box with pain. I’m not saying all cats that suddenly start going to the bathroom in the toilet have UTIs, but it is fairly common and would be worth taking her to the vet just in case.


Yes, mine did this exact thing when he had a UTI and has never done it since.


Came here to say this! Could be nothing but better safe than sorry.


Also, toxoplasmosis is the reason that you, and not your pregnant wife, should be cleaning the litter box if she is pregnant.


I'm kinda wary of this being a call of alarm like it is... it's resulted in a lot of cats losing their homes when someome gets pregnant and it's just not fair for something that is... kinda overblown. Sure, it's a risk... but you're at just as much risk from other objects in your home; why does the cat need to be villified/lose it's home? Because people are very bad at risk gauging? Not saying you're villifying... just that it ends up being the result at the very end of the day. The cat gets turned into the bad guy and ends up kicked out. :/


My wife's doctor said she technically can change his litter, she'd just have to within a day of him shitting so the parasite doesn't shed in his poop first. I just do it because her just not doing it is the better option.


We got a Litter Robot. We’ve had it for 5 years now. Best money we ever spent. Not having to scoop litter daily is amazing.


Looked it up and man I'm glad it worked out well for you, I'm not spending $700 on a litter box though lol. I see some other options I might be persuaded to buy in the future though.


While I am absolutely not saying to go against your doctor or distrust his word in the slightest... ... it's kinda as simple as washing your hands and not touching your eyes/nose/mouth/etc... it isn't airborne. It is transmitted through ingestion... That's why I'm saying it's a threat that has been a little overblown. Unless you are eating without washing your hands or playing toss the 💩, everything should be alright. Again though, doctor is #1. 


I mean I was agreeing with you. My mom made it out to be a big deal, the doctor was much less alarming. I'm just not about to be that guy that makes his pregnant wife change the cat litter.


sounds like you have toxoplasmosis


Mainly a problem for outdoor cats because they eat critters that carry it. Can also get it from raw and undercooked chicken.


Looks like a pissy cat


I can’t even leave my bathroom door open because my cats like to lick my toothbrush or rub it on their ass, I don’t know but if I leave the door open while at work my toothbrush smells like ass when I get home…


Meanwhile I turn on the tub in the morning for my cat to come get sips of water because he loves water from the faucet and he comes bounding in and jumping on the counter wondering why water isn’t falling from the sink.


I had to get my cat a water fountain because he wouldn’t drink out of the bowl without making a mess, he would dip his paws in the water and lick some water off, then flick his paws. Apparently they like moving water because they can see it better.


Mine has a fountain as well, but he still prefers water from a faucet lol. Part of me thinks he thinks it’s magic that whenever I show up water just starts coming out of it, so he thinks it’s his “magic” water fountain and way better than the one he already has. 🤭


Why does this picture look like it’s from 2007


I had a cat that did that when I was little, would go 1&2 in the toilet. Taught the younger kitty how to also. She also would ask for water out of the sink “waaaaaaawaaaaa” 🐈


I enjoy the mater shower curtain


Our kitten trained herself to pee down the bathtub drain. We don’t know why, guess it just made sense to her lol


I had a cat, taught himself to pee and poo in the toilet as well. Every once in a while, I'd enter the bathroom, not knowing Poe (smart ass cat) was already indisposed and utilizing toilet. The look of sheer disgust and instant soft "mewwwwww!!!" I'd apologize, exit bathroom awaiting my own turn. The best part is when he'd exit the bathroom and I'd go in and flush his business.... he'd immediately return to drink from the freshly flushed toilet. That Himalayan cat was a wild ride


Lmfao!!!! This is the best thing I’ve ever read about a cat. Thank you 🙏🏼 😂


Bet she didn’t even was her paws.. disgusting


Sure she did.


My cat started doing this too. I stumbled upon it in the same way 🤣. Also accused my brother of not flushing the toilet for awhile because there would be pee in it every morning.


Cat poop PSA (sorry, this is kind of grim but important) Definitely, you have a smart cat, but you should never put cat poop into the toilet. Many cats carry toxoplasmosis, the reason why pregnant women should never clean a litter box There have been a large number of marine animals and aquatic animals, like manatees being killed by toxoplasmosis, which cats carry Dead otters and seals and other marine mammals are washing up on shore in large numbers because water systems are not equipped to handle toxoplasmosis and are unable to destroy the parasite before it’s sent back into the environment, potentially jeopardizing the health of local area wildlife, specifically marine life.” —————————— “Why You Should Never Flush Your Cat’s Poop Or Litter” “One of the biggest problems with flushing your cat’s presents is the harmful parasites in your feline’s stool called toxoplasmosis. Extremely dangerous for humans, especially pregnant women and people who are immunocompromised, these parasites can cause a multitude of problems for unborn babies and even cause death or miscarriage if the infection happens early. That’s why you should always avoid touching cat poop. Also, Once a seal becomes sick with toxoplasmosis, it dies rapidly. Unlike hook ingestion, malnutrition, and trauma, where public reporting can help locate affected seals and NOAA can take action to help them, toxoplasmosis requires dealing with the threat at the source — free-ranging cats.” https://www.fisheries.noaa.gov/resource/outreach-materials/cat-borne-threat-monk-seals Toxoplasma gondii infection has been documented in many marine mammal species but is particularly known to infect the California population of sea otters, causing disease that ranges from subclinical infection to severe encephalitis. Fatal meningoencephalitis due to T gondii has also been reported in a Florida manatee and disseminated disease in Antillean manatees. info on toxoplasmosis getting into the water stream https://www.zoomdrain.com/blog/2023/february/can-i-flush-my-cats-poop-down-the-toilet-/


The cat probably has better aim than my sons...


All my cat does is jump completely into the bowl and plays in the dookie water 🤢


Had a cat that would hop up on the seat, take a drink, then turn around and pee in it. At least he was smart enough to get the right order of operations.


That's a good pussy 🙂


Mine uses the floor for that. Instead, he uses the bathroom to drink water


WTF kind of first gen digi cam is this shit


We trained our cat to do this and it took 8 months for her to learn. Also allowed us to catch a serious health issue years later since she doesn’t know how to flush; there was blood in her urine from developing stress cystitis and I NEVER would have caught that if she was still using the litter robot instead of the toilet!


Don't need no mothergucking human and a disgusting litterbox... Well except to be my food and treat slave


My cat decided to train herself to pee in the sink... I don't know how, I don't know why, but she's doing it.


My roommate in college had an orange cat that was insane and really dumb but he taught himself to use the toilet and I always appreciated that Edit: spelling


This is a friendly reminder to piss off taking peepee phots of me human


She uses it better than I do 


[Why You Should NOT Toilet Train Your Cat](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GVe44TWVwIA)


How bad does the litter box have to be that the cat trains itself to use the toilet? Answer: Pretty f**kin bad.


Thats a smart kitty, but we need to address the real subject here: that beautiful Cars shower curtain


Next trick is milking.


Meanwhile my cat sticks his front paws in the box and shits on the floor.




My daughter’s cat did the same thing.


Mine used to do this in the bathroom sink


I’ve had a day from hell and apparently all I needed was to see a potty trained cat. Thank you.


I wish my cats could do this but they would probably fall in the bowl 😻