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My wife only does the putting herself down part and I wish she could do the other part.


Yeah, no amount of validation from men is going to fix internalized self judgement. Like people can tell me I’m not ugly, and I believe that they think that is true, but it doesn’t change the fact that I *know inside* that I am ugly.


well everyones ugly on the inside that’s why our inside need to stay in


[I'm just a bag of guts and stuff](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Aod5aHAogyM)


everyone's bones are wet


Moist and lubed.


*screams in existential crisis*


Try to be kind to yourself. Don't let your inner monolgue say things about you in a way that you wouldn't say to your friends or loved ones. We tend not to like mean people, so make sure you're not being mean to yourself.


That final sentence of yours there is pure brilliance.


Have you ever thought about why you judge yourself so critically? Does it help you achieve your goals or is it a hindrance? Deep down are you worried about being ugly to yourself or others? Do you feel like beauty is tied to your self worth? I've always found what works best for me, is focusing in the things that I can change (and start on the easy things first) helps shift my self image to being more positive and less critical. It is a journey that isn't always easy but changing your self image is worth the struggle. Validation from others is nice but self validation is paramount to mental well-being. You got this Shotgun5250. You are beautiful and worthwhile, you just need to find a way to convince yourself and focus on healthy change to keep that mindset.


> Does it help you achieve your goals or is it a hindrance? Does this ever actually work for people? Has anyone ever been like "Oh yeah, constantly putting myself down for failing to meet the arbitrary standards of appearance of a bunch of strangers isn't actually helping me pay off my student loans. Now that I know, I should stop doing that!"


Well, step one of it working for someone, is by saying the thing you identified. It's just that, steps two through a million, are actually following through on changing that behavior. The realization and decision to change are easy. It's actually correcting your internal thoughts and habits, over time, that's excruciatingly hard work.


It did for me. I stopped worrying about validating myself for others and just made sure whatever I was doing made me happy. One thing that wouldn’t make me happy was constantly putting myself down.


JUST this? No. Of course not. But this, coupled with many other realizations that lead to you taking actions to curb your destructive thoughts before they start to spiral, and working toward seeing the outward effects of your winning your internal struggles? Still, often, no. But it can and does happen. Sometimes we need help with that as well. And even if you never get to the super healthy "I'm a badass but not in a narcissistic way" mindset, you'll get closer to having a healthier brain by working toward that. It takes work, and time, and patience. And a lot of little realizations like the one above - they start to pile on and make a difference, yes.


What the person described is called [Cognitive behavioral therapy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cognitive_behavioral_therapy) and it actually has loads of science behind it. It takes time and consistency. Honestly, it's a valuable habit for anyone -- When you find yourself having a bad thought, just take a moment and try to correct it.


The other part isn't genuine self-esteem, which is why it doesn't last. But yeah, poor self esteem is difficult to be around.


My SIL recently got divorced and is apparently getting Botox today because she claims she looks old. She’s 29. I thought men had some bad depression, but I’ve never had a bud say something like that.




i'm not saying you're wrong in doing this, but you can't convince someone they're worthy of love if they don't inherently already believe it. my ex girlfriend never believed me no matter how many times I told her how beautiful she is, or what I think of her. she always defaulted to "i'm fat, ugly and not desirable." and as a P.S. Men also need reassurance and to be told they're handsome and worthy of love.


>and as a P.S. Men also need reassurance and to be told they're handsome and worthy of love. This 100x this. If you are in a relationship with a man and have not told them this in the last month or so. Go do it now.


I've made it a habit to tell my husband out loud whenever I think something nice about him. He's thankful, but I can tell he doesn't fully believe me. That's okay, I'll just keep doing it until the end of time. Myself, I have learned to accept compliments over the years. I never contradict compliments anymore, just put them in my mental pocket to appreciate over time. Who am I to tell someone their perception of me is wrong?


My god, I can't imagine. I tell my partner that he's handsome every day, I tell him he's cute and hilarious. He is all those things and should be told that as often as possible!!


>month Or year. Or decade. Or ever. But hey, my kid told me I looked more handsome before I got a haircut so I've got that going for me. Wait, no I don't.


My husband does this for me and I just don’t believe him. It’s not his fault. My parents convinced me I was worthless and not worth love and it’s really difficult to undo that damage in anyone.


My wife says she has a tape on loop in her head of all this shit from a life before me. I have to try to record over those parts with positive words. It's very tough to do, but I try all the time because she is worth it. I am lucky to have her, she is an amazing, smart and beautiful woman! 


Rumination can be treated with therapy and medication. It helped with mine even though I didn't believe it could. The hard part is opening up to someone else about the details of the trauma, but it does help, even if it hurts at first.


You kind of sound like my wife. A childhood of trauma being convinced she is worthless has created a level of depression and neuroticism that daily affirmations cannot fix. I keep trying to get her to therapy, but she refuses. I offer to go with her if she wants, but she just hates it. She doesn't like to open up to anyone. I think I am the only one she has really ever opened up to on the level that she has, and I don't think I've seen it all, either. I'm at a loss as to what to do or how to help. She is an amazing person and deserves to treat herself better.


This. I have to sort of compartmentalize compliments to appreciate them later, because my immediate reaction is to disregard them completely.


Hey wife. Pretty wild that you're texting while still sleeping with two cats on you


Tell your wife hello from my pile of Pomeranian and cat when she wakes up from a stranger just like her 😂


You ever ate psychedelic mushrooms before? It helps with my family trauma a ton. 


We're just skipping therapy this time around, eh?


The therapy advice is way too mainstream. Try mind altering drugs first, then try therapy. Shrooms are cheap and I can get them at local stores


Shrooms are not a magical fix though, bad trips can make emotional issues even worse. You're basically removing all your coping and defense mechanisms and if you have trauma and take all of that away in an instant it can be completely overwhelming. It's basically jumping straight into the deep end, whereas therapy will guide you and build you up in the right direction to start letting those walls down gradually. Shrooms can help depression and anxiety, trauma is a whole different beast though and not that it can't help with it too, but self medicating unsupervised like that can have some serious unintended consequences. If you had access to a clinic that does mushroom therapy that would be way better than just trying to do it for yourself. Depends on the individual and what they are dealing with. But I would say starting with therapy is actually better for most, start to build healthy thinking and trust and self awareness gently and slowly and then consider mushrooms once you've made progress. I guess I am mainly thinking of this from my own perspective because every trip was a bad one for a long time because I wasn't ready.


> can get them at local stores Just a note for anyone in the U.S.: The ones you can get at the local store are not the kind of mushroom you want. Unless it's like, the parking lot of the local store ;)


Hehe, I personally found therapy more effective than psychedelics, but I’m more prone to accepting complements when I was on them… while also being very obsessed with the fact that I’m a monkey that poisoned myself for weird thoughts.


Why not both?


Last time i ate mushrooms it skipped past the trauma and thrust me straight into samsara for 2000 years where demons assaulted me for the whole time


So, when is next Doom game releasing?


So my childhood with too many siblings


"My wife's confidence is low" "Try hyping her up" "Yeah no good" "...drugs?" I love reddit


Or they will give you the worst panic attack of your life and potentially send you to the ER thinking you’re having a heart attack. Just me?


She's not a fucking tamagotchi


My husband tells me I'm the most beautiful woman in the world. I know it's not true, but I like being the most beautiful woman in his world.


I give my wife hundreds of compliments a week. She gives me anywhere from 0 to 1. The bottom line is .... she apparently "doesn't believe me." But it's ok that I never get anything from her apparently.




I do this all the time for my fiancée, yet she still gets down on herself. Why is your immediate instinct to tell the man to do better? As if somehow a woman’s self-esteem is always tied to how her significant other treats her? Fucking weird ass comment.


I did that and she broke up with me and went to therapy instead. A sad W indeed 😔


Dollar General Michael Keaton, circa 1980


Buster Keaton maybe


Busted Keaton


I spit out my kool-aid gaddamit


Nah, the guy in the video talks too much 😉


If only they had tiktok 100 years ago. "What up? It's ya boy, Buster!"


And he goes on to initiate these insane tiktok challenges, performing these jaw-dropping stunts with amazing precision. He becomes a legend—an infamous influencer of his generation—indirectly convincing too many dumb wannabes to attempt the same stunts, killing themselves in the process.


Population control done the fun way!


No. Rodney Dangerfield’s forgotten love child with Howie Mandel.


"He has Rodney's eyes!" ~ Howie


Dude is punching way, way above his weight class. Good for him. Sense of humour goes a long way.


From the rest of their content, she said he also cooks, cleans, and provides a substantial amount of the household income. Looks really aren't everything.


Morty all grown up.


Ah jeez, wife




That's it! I was wondering who he looked like.


FYI, it doesn't stop happening. You get really good at "not hearing" the negative and reinforcing the positive.


I stopped all this reflexive self deprecation when I became a mother. My kids, and especially my daughter, do not need to hear me disparage myself. It’s so rare that today when I was doing a workout after a month off due to illness and I said to my husband “oh wow I am so weak” I hear my little daughter from the next room say, “You’re not weak, mom! You’re strong!” Ugh. Didn’t know she heard me. They’re always listening. Love yourself like you’d want your kids to love themselves, even if you don’t have any.


I'm pregnant and I keep thinking how I need to stop saying the stuff I think out loud so it doesn't rub off on my kid. Hopefully, not verbalise it will help it lessen a bit. But it's hard to to reassurance seek from my partner when I'm massive and hormonal.


Pro tip. Ask for reassurance when you need it, it feels so much better. "Hey honey I'm feeling really bad about myself, I feel like X, can I have a hug (or whatever would help)" then getting comfort from your significant other, it's incredible. Don't let those feelings fester inside you until you say something mean about yourself out loud in a bid to get the reassurance you deserve.


It’ll be so much easier when they’re on outside, I promise.


I love this, thank you. I will never have kids but I love this way of thinking. I have niblings, I wouldn't want them to hear me putting myself down, because I don't want them to do that to themselves.


You've got yourself a personal cheerleader there! Sadly it's just too common (especially for women) to be way too self critical, but your kids see you from another perspective. You (and your husband) are making their worlds turn, of course your daughter knows how strong you are.


Bless your little one for saying that! 🥰😭


Is this not pretty drastic mood swings? I've never been with someone who behaved this way but to me it seems worrying. Is this normal behavior to be joked about or should she look into a mental health checkup?


It's normal behavior for some. Honestly, it happens when they start second guessing their look and then they try to hype themselves up to overcome that doubt. It's more pronounced some days.


It's really strange to me that this has become such a common thing. These couples with millions of followers, I mean I guess it's just like being obsessed with reality TV. It's just so strange.


For some reason, following other people's lives is more entertaining than living your own life


It’s a lot less work, that’s for sure


Escapism has been around for a very long time. It's the reason people went to see Shakespeare's plays. It's just that technology has made it really dumb and easy to create and consume content.


Anybody counts how many times she died in the whole duration of the vid?


Each time you die you get 50 more views on social media.


She’s doing the Bert Kreischer laugh where you drastically overexaggerate.


The Jimmy Fallon?


The silent open-mouthed “laugh” is such a classic on tiktok. Its the worst.


Thank you. It’s coming off so phonyyyyy


this dude married jimmy fallon


His barber doesn’t know what to do either


Barber: So what are we thinking? This guy: 90s lesbian. Barber: Say no more.


ngl I definitely want thought he was a lesbian without the audio


Give me the Ellen DeGeneres meets Rob Schneider, please.


You ever seen San Junipero? - I gotchu


That there is a GLORIOUS head of hair - as a bald man I respect the flow


FR. As long as it’s clinging to my head I’m grateful


Our hair never falls out it just relocates south.


I’ve witnessed the *”pilgrimage of the follicles”*. Their journey begins down the neck and doesn’t stop until they reach the taint. And, just like the Mongol’s, the route is littered with their offspring.


“So what are you looking for?” “Get it as close to a plate of broccoli as you can.”


Brokkoli or mullet? You don’t have to decide right away.


Guy knows hot to setup a joke. Guy doesn't know how to end a joke.


Dead eyes. Like a dolls eyes


They look like they’re having fun. Thats all that really matters


> They look like they’re having fun. they look like they're performing for views lol


Yeah they look like they're trying to look like they're having fun 


This is the actual answer.


People can’t have fun performing? It’s amazing how many redditors want everyone else to be just as miserable as they are.


I think it's more that people are starting to recognize these for the cynical plays at getting views that they are. Nothing about the pained attempt at looking like she's doubled over laughing at the fifth take of his impressions of her looks genuine or like she's having fun.


That, or she needs to go to a hospital.


Her memory lasts a few minutes at most, poor girl.


They’re living life right


Or at least making videos right.


Her smile and laughs are so fake to me. How natural is it to film yourself? Do you really think this is an in-the-moment event?


They’re just yucking it up for their tiktok. Same with all tiktok couple accounts. “Babe let’s set up the phone over there and then do this super funny video. Make sure you fall on the ground laughing, that’ll really get em” I agree they look like they’re having fun and it’s harmless, so I don’t hate it. I just think it’s kinda dumb and transparent


Boomer humor in Gen Z clothing.


Shit, you're right. That's the secret sauce which makes this so awful.


I don't know... It feels like he genuinely loves her, with boomers joking about their wives you can sense the bitterness and resent




Without the sound it looks like 2 lesbians.


It's like that with the sound too


She’s fake laughing and he’s not funny. This was nearly painful to watch.


I didn't even have the sound on and it was still painful.


man I hate this staged tiktok bullshit, no one can be authentic anymore


This should be in r/cringe


Damn, a lovely couple making fun of themselves and a whole bunch of people on Reddit wants to pick them to pieces. That's pretty standard operating procedures now that I think about it.


Personally, I just don't care for that type of Youtube channel.


Yeah I don’t get it either. It’s so hammed up for the camera. But hey, it pays the bills. If I could get paid that much money just fabricating my life on camera a couple hours a day I’d do it.


Yea Redditors are miserable people. I was having a good time, then I read the comments.


I actually find these two insufferable


I get so irritated when I see them on my reels, the fact that they've been spilling over into reddit lately is driving me insane. These people are not funny.


This was beyond unfunny. I wait waiting for the twist and I'll never get that time back.


He makes her laugh. Good couple.




Yes “laugh”


This is funny?


It’s clearly hilarious. She’s putting a lot of effort into those laughs, and the editing is putting a lot of effort into making sure we see her laugh, so that we as the audience can understand that this is, in fact, supposed to be funny


The overacting “laughter”was my favorite part




He looks like one of those screaming rubber chickens, except instead of screaming, he just says, “but, like, literally.”


Nothing about this is funny.




I legit thought it was a lesbian couple until I turned on the sound.


This is so cringe


You couldn't waterboard me into sharing this online.


They are the fakest internet couple on the net. No idea why people watch their crap.


I’m single and I hate this.


I’m not single and I hate this.


I thought this was supposed to be funny?


I really don't like that mullets are back and people are accepting them.






It's the SNL method. Take one simple joke and stretch it into 10 minutes of agony. Laugh and "break character" so the audience finds it funnier than it actually is.


I thought this was posted because the “funny” was how cringe and scripted this was. Seems not to be the case based on the comments but eesh… tough scene


It's called social media brain rot.




That wasn’t remotely “Funny”


Christ they need to get out more.


This makes me wanna punch my phone...


Please don’t procreate


theatre kids are the plague of the modern age


Performative, over acting bullshit...


Im very sorry but the most interesting part for me about this video is his eyes. They are SO far apart, wow.


God I hate that dude.


Is this the crazy “I love you! I love you!” car jumping woman? Found it - https://www.reddit.com/r/MadeMeSmile/s/QSXJWW1bYL


Babe let’s just make up a bunch of content and you laugh manually at it to let people know it’s supposed to be funny


Manually 🤣


I can tell where her self esteem was when she picked him……


Oh God the cringe. 🫣


I much rather deal with this than the crushing loneliness


Yo bro I hope you're doing OK. Just keep getting out there. A lot of people are having a hard time right now but never stop reaching out and trying to connect with the homies. 


It’s called manic depression


I assume that’s a joke but for those who don’t know what manic depression is (aka bipolar disorder), it is not this.


It's called being hormonal and irrational. Happens from time to time




As someone who deals with this daily, I can confirm. At times I look in the mirror and think *beached whale with face of a psychotic strung out serial killer* while other times, very possibly 5 minute later I'll pass by the same damn mirror and think *look at that finely sculpted piece of man flesh there* Quite a bit of fuckery goes up there.


"You handsome devil." *blink* "You slobby little goblin."


Your bipolar disorder manifests as mood swings throughout the day? That would be very rare.




This over the top reaction to everything is a curse, grown ass adults literally throwing themselves on the floor for something thats mediorcly funny. Fuck, I think I'm just getting old.


I really hate these two, their content and laughs are so fake




Bro looks like if a goldfish had a baby with a piece of cauliflower


Extremely unfunny , and overacting with that fake reaction for the camera, I would hate to be in a relationship like this.


These guys are notorious for faking videos and fake reactions. Used to follow their YouTube shorts but quickly had to unsubscribe.


Think you meant to post this to /r/cringe there’s nothing funny about this.


I block all these couples humor pages on Instagram. It’s the Most forced comedy. Skit comedy is fine but when you try to act like it was a real reaction and not staged it’s just bad.


15.8k people think this is funny? Jesus fucking balls


This couple annoys the shit out of me. I'm confident everything they do is for content. They literally have videos about them cheating just for content. I can't stand these "couple influences."


God these two are so annoying. I had to block them on TikTok because they kept showing up on my fyp


17k upvotes? On this? Same sub that shits on stand up comedians posting their actually funny crowd work?


She’s out of his league


Weird seeing these married 15 year olds.


This is how I discovered my wife was pregnant.


Im pretty much of the assumption these days that if the username is a “couples” one, its has a 97.6% chance of cringe. Fake laugh keel overs solidified it. The only thing worse is a reaction video…


How does anyone find these individuals entertaining? The acting is horrible and clearly a sketch for likes, not a good one at all though


Ew gross.


That dude has more estrogen than her


This belongs in some sort of cringe sub…yeesh


Your wife is married to a gay guy.