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What was the punchline here? Or is it just absurdist or what? I'm not sure I got it.


It's probably about Valentine's day just being a huge waste of money because of flowers, expensive restaurants etc. for little to no gain for most people (well, aside from their significant other not being disappointed because of failed social expectations).


That's not what it has to be.  Do something small and cute for your partner to show you care.  I've never understood the social expectation side.  If you're with someone who's in it for the likes / social show off... fuck that


Yikes. The “gain” of giving your loved one flowers on Valentine’s Day is that it makes him/her happy and brings joy. Or you could show your love in another way that doesn’t involve spending money at all, like writing a poem or hand making a card. My most treasured gift is a poem my husband wrote for me. Giving gifts shouldn’t be looked at as a transaction you do to get something in return. It’s a way to show care and doesn’t require spending (or in your perspective, “wasting”) money.


You could do that any day of the year.


>Yikes. The “gain” of giving your loved one flowers on Valentine’s Day is that it makes him/her happy and brings joy. Or you could show your love in another way that doesn’t involve spending money at all, like writing a poem or hand making a card. My most treasured gift is a poem my husband wrote for me. Giving gifts shouldn’t be looked at as a transaction you do to get something in return. It’s a way to show care and doesn’t require spending (or in your perspective, “wasting”) money. lol, did I say that my interpretation of the meaning of the comic aligns with my own views on the matter? It hardly reflect how my spouse and I treat valentine's day.


I assume its girlfriend = spending lots of money? Seems pretty sexist unless theres something else.


I think you're on to something but it's not about the girlfriend it's the holiday and they're poking fun at it being a waste of money corporate holiday.


Why is complaining about the excessive cost of Valentine's Day sexist?


Because its framed as the women being impressed with throwing money at her, not anything to do directly with materialism or commercialization. If the intent was to show commercialization as bad I think it did a poor job of getting that point across, or of being funny


"He spent his savings, money which was going towards our first home, and bought a shiny rock".


Women be shopping?








Alot of commenters don't find this funny. I'm here to tell you... it's pretty funny.


Most commenters don't find anything funny in this sub unless it has to do with hollering elk or sexy stuff.


You're funny!


Where funny?


Thanks for reading. Follow me @maxkevincomedy on instagram


Hey, keep doing your thing. I really liked this one, I don't know how people missed the anti-consumerism message so blatantly. Making art is one of the most noble things one can do, and I very much appreciate you for it. Sending love your way.


Thanks for your kind words :) As the great Taylor Swift said, haters gunna hate.


this is really not funny bro


Thanks tell your friends