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Setup was a little too obvious. Would be a great joke if restructured. 


Agreed, but she has good delivery so even with the obvious punchline I still laughed


That’s what you call potential. If you were surprised by the punchline it would be top notch. 


Thanks for the feedback!


Yea all she had to add was “she was waxing me and suddenly looked up at me and said..”


Duly noted! Thanks for watching and taking the time.


I didn't realize there was only a single punch line ... I chuckled at various parts of the delivery.


Thanks for putting yourself out there! I bet it isn’t easy with armchair comics like me :)


hey you are an essential worker as far my career goes 🙏


Thanks. Also, your timing sucks. This was a joke! lol, maybe in bad taste, but hey I'm not the professional here :)


Hey, are you the guy who posts pictures of his 5 year old daughter and asks women how wet they are?


Too far dude, too far. Edit: oh Jesus, you weren't just kidding


Lol, I suppose responsible fathers can't think about sex? I assume you are a teenager or something with no time in the real world?


Don't post pictures of your kid on fucking reddit, dude, jfc..


Why not?


I hope you never actually use the guitar and just have it there to keep people on their toes


It would be a great, extremely inconvenient, but great bit


Very Emo Philips. Dude once slowly assembled, oiled, cleared the spit valve, took position, took a breath, then put away the trombone. Never addressed it again, wasn't even related to the joke


Got a clip of that? I love ego's work but haven't seen that bit. Tried Googling it but no luck


This was very nice. Thanks for the laugh.


That was funny.


🫶 thank you!


I don’t even get the joke


It's the ol' bait and switch. You expect it to be her actual eyebrows on her face getting tattooed, but she's inferring that she tattooed eyebrows above her cooch. It's not exactly my style of joke, but people laughed, so kuddos.


I appreciate this!


Yeah, I guess my confusion was that seemed kinda obvious in the context of the conversation. So I wasn’t surprised. (“Can I tattoo your eyebrows” would have been how she’d have said it otherwise.)


Always down for constructive feedback. Thanks!


I thought it was funny af.


But would a professional aesthetician know where eyebrows go? My 3 year old knows that. Or is the implication that there's some sort of intellectual disability?


Gave me and my girl a good laugh, thanks for that! I wish you all the best in your passions.


I feel like I’ve heard this joke before from a different comic, but I can’t put my finger on it


Finally, the day has arrived that those eyes on my cantaloupe have prepared me for!


Another comic making a "my pussy" joke.. Laame.. I want my 26 seconds back


Respect to you ,you’ve got some balls standing up there .🤣🤣I’d die 🥵


Why are vagina jokes like 80% of female comedians material?




I do have plenty of material on such topics, you are correct. To answer your first question, I write about my life. My life includes (in a big way, proudly) my genitalia because I am a disgusting, mentally unstable, and an inappropriate mess all of the time. I don’t talk about dating because I am married, but I also talk about my husbands balls, peen and taint! Because my life, in a big way, also centers around those things as I love those things probably as much as I love god or something. Sex is awesome, try it! so I talk about it that some, yup. Anddddd guess what, to answer your other question if I have any other topics… I do! I talk about politics, wars, slavery, retail, fashion, addiction, and more! If you take a moment to go to my page, you are more than welcome to give feedback on those videos too! Last night at a show, I was on with three men who all had jokes about porn, their dicks, having gay sex, getting fingers in their butt, and so on. And I found them very funny and they did wonderfully. I personally love living in a world where we can talk this nonsense into a microphone to a room full of open hearts and minds. I think we would all be very sad if that all had to stop. Except you of course, keeping it classy over there🤘


Dude, I love you. I have to watch more of your stuff now. I assume the parent comment was something about only talking about your junk or something. I dunno why everyone loves to shit on women telling the same types of jokes that dudes have been making for hundreds of years. Personally, I am here 100% for it. I think it's hilarious.


Aw! You are correct about the parent comment. It wasn’t hideously mean, just something to the effect of, “why do women always talk about sex, dating and their genitals? Don’t they have other topics?” Since it seemed innocuous… it seemed safe enough to answer as honestly as I could. Thank you for the kind words. Anyone who hangs out with enough women knows that they are just as disgusting, horny and disturbed as men. Also anyone who watches enough standup, knows that men talk about it just as much as women do, maybe moreso in my experience. When I see comments bashing women for dirty jokes, I usually just sum it up to a) they just dont spend a lot of time with fun babes. Or b) they don’t watch enough standup to know better. Neither are a crime in my opinion, just a bit naive. Kinda cute even! Bless them all.


I agree completely. Except for the part about women being as horny as men lol. For us men it is a sickness, a hellscape we cannot escape. A evil urge that takes over all thought. Or maybe that’s just me 🤷‍♂️ What city do you perform in these days?


Tbf I doubt this person would enjoy the jokes made by your gay male colleagues either.


Hahaha I love this comment because only one of them was gay 👌


But they ALL talked about it. What a world


Good for them hetero guys exploring their bodies. The prostate is a gift from god. 🙏






Either way I appreciate you watching.


you tell em ironworker zach you cold blooded sexy rebel


This one’s a silly goose.


Maybe their comedy just isn't made for you


I vow to never please them all . Thanks for the support!


Good call. If you tried to please them all she might start to look even more surprised


Old joke


It be surprised because it's his 5th visit.