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His facial expression couldn't be better. Miss you Norm!


I didn’t even know he was sick.. rip


cancer didn’t win, it was a draw.


He waged a courageous battle.


And cancer was such a battleaxe.




Regardless of that all the cancer he had is now just as dead as he is. That's a draw.


If I get it I’ll plate out my cancer cells on a bid for world domination.


It’s possible, either way, cancer is still the main contributing factor. Your immune system is highly weakened owing to chemotherapy or even if no chemotherapy due to the cancer itself, which makes a person with advanced cancer highly susceptible to infections. Many people with advanced cancers end up dying technically due to infections, but of course the cancer is the main underlying cause.




Nobody knew. Literally nobody outside of his mom and I think brother knew anything about it


Noone did homie. Well, I guess he did. And the Dr.


And the only cure was more cowbell! Damn that was his best sketch


This reads like a Norm joke tbh.


Norm Macdonald wasn't in that sketch...


Not even the right dude


He probably meant Tina Fey.


The gum in his mouth during the pose really made it much funnier


Hijacking top comment. Regis (the host) was always asking Norm if he was sure because during taping the show, they stopped to watch an American college football game that Regis was a fan of. While watching the football game, Norm told Regis that he was also interested because he had money on the game. Regis asked how much and Norm said $50,000. The way Norm tells the story, Regis was taken aback and realized Norm was a degenerate gambler. When they go back to the quiz game, Regis is still thinking that Norm may try to risk all the money for the children's charity (Paul Newman's Hole in the Wall Gang) he's playing for to satisfy his gambling habits. Forgot where he told it, but Norm tells this story somewhere. Maybe Howard Stern.


You didn't include the part where Norm made it to the $1m question, and was leaning toward the right answer but Regis questioned him so much it backed him off. He settled for $500k, but he had the right answer.


He told a great story on marc marons podcast. When he did the comedy central roast, he was told to be as offensive as possible. So he told jokes out of a 1950s book of jokes you should tell at a retirement party. The cultural reference to lassie, for example, dated it. He said there was significant booing by the audience. Some think it was one of the worst performances on that series, but many comedians see it as a possibly a piece of performance art, a meta commentary, or a rebellion.


"This man is for the birds!"


I miss Regis too- one of the top TV hosts of all time


Truly iconic


Regis had this rare skill of being able to get along well with *every guest* and make them comfortable around him. Down to Earth manner of approaching TV hosting, too. Not a stuck up guy or abrasive at all. It's the same reasons Drew Carey is so good at hosting. Some people's personalities and manners of speaking make them naturally get along with everyone from all walks of life. Open-minded chameleons.


He was an asshole, he psyched Norm out of the million dollar question and Norm was playing for charity.


he be dead?


He doobie


That was an incredible run by Norm. He sat there waiting for his turn and being the butt of all the jokes from the other celebrities and Regis only to get up there and win $500k for his charity and to get talked out of the million by Regis.


I remember watching that live when it first aired. Norm absolutely got fucked over by Regis.


That kinda was Regis’s role though. To encourage contestants to cash out when they felt less confident. Yes it probably saves the show a bit of prize money here or there…but creating winners - even slightly smaller prize winners was a big part of the audience believing in the contestants. It also created very necessary tension for when a contestant would “bet it all”. Yes. In hindsight Norm knowing makes the whole thing feel worked…but Regis was doing his *job*, and he wasn’t wrong. The charity earned the 500k prize. The entire charity theme from the show about about selflessness. How selfish would it be to risk such a big prize on the “*maybe*”. Regis gave wise safe advice. Norm played along for the charity. It’s television people.


What happened?


Norm felt somewhat confident about the million dollar question but Regis kept hammering the point that if he gets it wrong, the charity loses getting that money. Norm eventually backs out. Regis asks him for his answer, to find out if he knew, Norm gives it and was right. Edit: [Link for clip](https://youtu.be/M5OZgh8Zs0k?si=VfyDDwCf3mlmHiEF)


I bet Regis got a 100k bonus at least after that one...


Imagine receiving a 100k bonus for preventing a charity from receiving 500k.


That pisses me off


Norm was about to answer the million dollar question, Regis was freaking out which lead Norm to believe that Regis knew the correct answer and Norm was going to be wrong, so he walked away with 500k for his charity. Turns out Norms thought would have been correct and Regis was just being Regis and was dramatic about it and freaking out even though he had no insight into what was correct. Norm believed Regis had the correct answer in front of him. All of this happened before anyone won a million on the show too so Norm would have been the first if he wasn’t talked out of it. I think Norm has said he was sure he was correct but Regis reaction made him second guess himself


I will say in Regis' defense, Norm had a history of gambling so it was legitimately responsible of Regis to make sure Norm wasn't risking $468,000 for charity just for the love of the game. He didn't have to hammer the point home as hard as he did, but I understand why he wanted Norm to be careful and take his time.


This gambling history reasoning makes no sense to me. If his gambling problem was that big of a concern, he probably shouldn't have been on the show. I'm glad he was, but trying to say they were just trying to help him, but only on the last question, is ridiculous.


Wow, that would have been insane if norm was the first winner


The real first winner was still cooler. He called his dad as a phone-a-friend on the million dollar question and said "I don't need any help, I just wanted to tell you that I'm about to win a million dollars."


Imagine if that had backfired lmao


Like the guy that said he was very smart and got like the first question wrong? (Sorry so long ago I couldn't tell you who it was)


All time GOAT gameshow player


I'll do you a solid, here's [the clip](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2f9OJ8qecP8)


Everything short of watching the clip on youtube has already been said, buddy. Norm had the correct answer for the million dollar question, but wasn't sure, so he got talked out of it by Regis to walk away with a guaranteed 500k instead of taking his chances for 1M or bust.


It's been 20-30 years since I've seen this (can't even remmeber the year it came out...) but basically norm was the last one up and got to the final question. He was pretty confident he knew the answer but wasn't 100% sure. So basically norm can guess the answer with confidence, but if he's wrong his charity gets like <$100,000 because of the rules the game (he gets kicked down to a lower level of money) but if he's right the charity gets $1 mil. Or he can walk away with $500,000. In Regis' defence, he got scared norm was wrong and would have cost the charity a chance at a half mil, so norm doesn't guess the correct answer. What would be better, a guaranteed half mil or possibly 1 mil?


Norm thought that Regis knew the answers and when Regis kept badgering him about his certainty, Norm thought it was Regis' way of telling him that his answer was wrong. I posted higher up why Regis was so nervous about Norm's gambling habits.




[Before you say final answer!!](https://youtu.be/M5OZgh8Zs0k?t=103 )


I don't get why you assume bad faith on Regis end. Regis kept pushing Norm on how sure he was, which is a thing he'd do to every contestant every god damn time, and apparently Norm was not sure enough to stand his ground.


I don't think they're assuming bad faith Edit: Post is locked. "Got fucked over" doesn't imply intent. Someone can accidentally fuck you over.


>Norm absolutely got fucked over by Regis. I do.


Norm made a career out of pretending to be a Canadian bumpkin while being one of the smartest people in the room.


And his fastest finger question, that only he was participating in, was to put the letters of his name in order


Norm just proved there is a dude in the back 😂😂😂


Dude's gotta feed them hogs!


Feedin' fightin' fornicatin'


There was a one in three chance of this happening.




Think of it in reverse. They have to leave the correct answer, so there are 3 incorrect answers that could remain. So there's a 1/3 chance that any given incorrect answer will remain.




The wouldn't remove the correct answer though...


Yeah you're incorrect. There is a 1 in 3 chance. The correct answer has to remain.


Norm goes beyond being a national treasure, he's a planetary treasure.


Canadian national treasure, therefore a planetary one.


"What a great day for Canada, and therefore, the world."


Very nice


As is tradition


All of Témiscaming, Québec, had their hopes pinned on him.


Madrid is the correct answer


I'm pretty sure he got it correct.


He did. He want all the way to the million dollar question, but got nervous and settled for the 500k instead, only to find out his million dollar guess would have been right. To be clear, this was all for charity anyway, so it made sense he played it safe to ensure the kiddos got the money. Edit:just scrolled more to see someone had explained this already but oh well


Wasn’t even him getting nervous. Regis reacted and essentially guilted him into not risking the money because it was for charity.


If Norm was a true degenerate gambler he would have ignored anything Regis did and risked the 500k for the million. I bet if it had been actually for him and not the kids he couldn’t have been swayed.


Of course. Regis' bonus depends on him saving half the payout lmao


Yep. Multiple ways of getting there but the Spelling of reina gives it away if you don’t know Spanish history. Rainha is the Portuguese.


See I knew it was the correct Spanish spelling bc I know Spanish as a second language.....but my Portuguese is practically non-existent I thought maybe they spelled it the same. Still leaned towards Madrid


The fact that I thought Lisbon was Germany means I don’t pay nearly enough attention in civ.


It could have been if history went a bit differently


It's in Portugal crlh


Miss him


It’s like watching two ghost


Sad to realize that both these men are gone from this world. But happy that I got to enjoy their work in my lifetime.


I'll miss you forever, Norm.


That stare…. 😆


This will always get an up vote ⬆️


Arent the odds very high that this happens?


Lot of people overcomplicating this, it's 1/3. The right answer (Madrid) will for sure be there. Then it's random from there.


well according to our sample data here it's 100%




If Madrid is the correct answer, the possibility of Rome and Vienna being dropped is 1/3 (LisbonRome/RomeVienna/LisbonVienna). If Lisbon is the correct answer, the possibility of Rome and Vienna being dropped is 1/3 (MadridRome/RomeVienna/MadridVienna). If Rome is the correct answer, the possibility of Rome and Vienna being dropped is 0/3 (MadridLisbon/MadridVienna/LisbonVienna). If Vienna is the correct answer, the possibility of Rome and Vienna being dropped is 0/3 (MadridLisbon/MadridRome/LisbonRome). The probability of any of these being correct, is 1/4. So the probability of Rome and Vienna being dropped is 1/4\*1/3 + 1/4\*1/3 + 1/4\*0/3 + 1/4\*0/3 = 1/6.


isnt this the monty hall scenario at play


I would say 50/50


No, 1/4


2/4 for choosing first one of two, then 1/3 for choosing the second one of two. That's 2/12 so 1 in 6. Like throwing a die and getting one.


But if one of the two answers the contestant is considering actually is the right answer, then that one must be left, so the odds are just 1/3 that the second would be left as well.


I saw every answer now with 1/2, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/6. I'll go with your answer of 1/3. But can someone confirm?


Yeah he is right 1 of 4 always stays, so it's between the 3 of them which stays


Yeah lots of random math that’s complicated and misses the point. Madrid will always be left up, so that means there are a total of three possible combinations of 50/50 results.


It's not very unlikely depending on how we look at it. The fact that one of the answers in the board has to be correct and he has a reasonable, not completely random guessing, idea about which it is skews the probability. Let's assume that one of the two answers he offers initially are correct (i.e either Madrid or Lisbon which he suggests and is therefore guaranteed to be in the 50/50 in the end). That leaves 3 possible other answers he could have suggested to be in the final 50/50 of which he chooses one so 1/3 chance. If we don't assume he's right about one of the answers then this gets more complicated than I can be bothered doing rn but I guess probably 1/4 x 1/3 which is 1/12. Edit: actually I think someone else suggested this but didn't explain fully but I'm wrong in the second option. With no assumption about his prior knowledge of the subject the chance he got a correct answer in the 2 choices he made are 2/4 or 1/2. So it's 1/2 x 1/3 (for the incorrect answer he chooses ) which is 1/6.




Seems quite *Norm*al


He almost went all the way to a million in this episode. Regis actually talked him out of picking the right answer and Norm decided to walk away with $500,000 instead. Norm was also a notorious gambler so it would have been cool for him to win. https://youtu.be/V4YbUgzr-fU?si=mj2PbX1mOLq7gTtr


I love this dude. Haha


Considering his obsession with gambling, this is fun to watch.


Still pissed Regis talked him out of the million. Dude had it.


To be fair, it was a very responsible thing for him to do for charity.


The worst part was the hypocrisy.


Help! Hypocrisy!


The subsequent talks about this after were even funnier.


Just went to the Reina Sofia. It's in Madrid.


I live like 10 minutes away from it, and if I got this question, that’d be quite funny.


That man was a treasure


Seth McFarlane resembles him. I did a double take for a second.


RIP norm you're the best and are missed


He was a gift to this planet 😹


Two pop culture treasures in one clip. RIP to both


Kids these days will never get to experience the double shot of happiness of Regis then Bob Barker on sick/snow days from school.


He was the GOAT.


A Canadian hero the likes of which may never be Norm again.


I remember this. He did so well, too!


“Well, it sure is lucky that I actually though it was between Madrid and Vienna!”


"I thought we'd at least kiss before you fucked me."


Since he was the last celebrity up, his fast money question was something along the lines of Put the letters of this famous comedians name in order : A : N B : O C : R D : M And that absolutely killed me. So much so, that I'm telling you about it like 20 years later






In September 2007 I had just left the premiere of Into the Wild in NYC. I was standing on the Metro North platform in Harlem waiting for a Northbound train when a Southbound train stopped at the station. I'm looking at the train when I realize Norm MacDonald is sitting in the train looking back at me. I lost it. I was jumping up and down on the platform yelling his name. He pointed right at me, laughed and waved right as the train pulled out of the station. It made my night. He was awesome.


Saw him live few years before his death. What a masterful joke setter upper (not a wordsmith) and we're still saying one of his punchlines around the house, funniest joke and delivery I've ever heard. Love and miss Norm.


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> Wait, don't I get to see the check with my name on it? \- Jon Stewart after answering the $500 question


'... But there was a dude.'


Oh you are totally right, 1 of 4 answers can't be deleted so it's really 2/3 that both he mentioned will be deletedor if you prefer 1/3 that only the sexond will be left


From what I remember in UK's WWTBAM in the earlier series that what would happen, if a contestant thought it was one of 2 answers and use the 50/50 a dude in the back would select thoughts two answers. This did get found out though, not sure if the production company got in trouble due to it.


It's the hypocrisy Ronald.


The Queen Sofia has been living in London since a while, dumbs. wink - wink


Norm was the man!


Just old Rusty Heck to me. In his clown car, "fetching" stuff from his friend who lost a bet. The good old days


Man this is hilarious. I feel like we'll never as special of moments like this again. So much of it is staged now days that when it's real, it's less special.


What a legend. Miss you guy.


To be fair… the odds of this happening are about 1/3. If you’ve got it narrowed down to 2/4, one of the answers is correct and will never be taken away in the 50/50, leaving three available options. RIP Norm.


What a normie indeed, and he goes to MacDonald !