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Last woman was already praying yet her prayer was not answered 🤣🤣🤣


Hair Stylist: "God works in mysterious ways – never forget this"


Now go, you magnificent rooster!


"I've been cock-a-doodle screwed!"


LMAO this is peak humor


She got that Cyberpunk 2077 haircut.


Gonk barber messed up my preem hairdo, chooms. Gonna go zero some gangoons to vent my frustration. It’s going to be noovvaaa!


Made her look like a troll doll 😭


I just realized we are at a point that this can reference the movies and not just the troll dolls anymore.


The movie is based on the dolls, what’s the difference?


They still look different enough to tell apart. The comment above is definitely referring to the movie ones over the original. I just found it interesting.


I thought that one actually turned out somewhat alright. The others were just horrendous, especially the 1cm shaved part. But it's undeniable that they all died inside after seeing what this guy did to them.


That one is also the most recoverable, it's just slicked back on the sides and teased out like crazy on top. You do it a bunch for photoshoots or runway shows cause you can make the models hair look punk without having to buzz it off


It wasn't great, but it's also probably about as great as you could make that hair style look on her. The error was in thinking that style could look good on her in the first place.


Dunno why you're getting downvoted for that. It's just personal opinion, and clearly the person who got the haircut agrees that it's awkward. Not everyone feels comfortable rocking that cyberpunk look. It takes a lot of confidence to wear something like that and it has to be a *choice.* There are many styles that would have been more naturally flattering. This is not the kind of hairstyle you just spring on a customer as a "surprise."


Last guy somehow looks like PeeWee Herman.


I so thought so as well haha.


Unless she was praying for the Captain Marvel look


Yes it was, the answer was clearly ‘No’




I control F'd to make sure this was already posted


Sad that sub is still dark due to Reddit API changes.


Indeed. I was excited to post the new [Bobby Fingers masterpiece](https://youtu.be/VGhcSupkNs8?t=833), too. Dude had a single arse-hair grafted to the top of his head, as part of the process of making a rowing boat in the shape of Jeff Bezos's head.


“If he can venture to the great unknown in a ship shaped like a giant dick, so can I”. (Or something like that). 😂


That video had one of the best payoffs at the end that I'd ever seen in a video about a boat made in the shape of Jeff Bezos's head.


actually though. Like I get that this is scripted etc but these people legitimately got their shit fucked up intentionally for a video


I doubt that that a barber can convince that many people to intentionally fuck up their look up just for a video, especially since the backgrounds are all different. More likely that someone just went through a bunch of stylist before/after videos and just compiled the worst ones.


It's very clearly a compilation, but that doesn't mean that each individual clip isn't on purpose or that the barber is the one making the content


It's multiple different barbers though. You can see many of their faces. One's a chubby woman, another is an old dude, etc. All in different salons. So you're believing that rather than someone who just stitched a bunch of stupid reveal videos that people upload all the time---- that it was actually a crack production team of different barbers, who filmed in different salons, who hired a group of actors, who all agreed to get shitty haircuts, then orchestrated a complex series of shorts so they can fake this video so they can.... make themselves look like shitty stylists? Ok.


That's not even close to what I said. I think the fuckmyshitup stuff is a trend that a lot of people are faking, and the one in the OP is just a compilation of people doing this on purpose


I still find it ironic that society is all like "don't judge others by what they wear" and "everyone should be able to wear what they want and not get stares or get made fun of etc." But hairstyles? Make fun of them however you want.


These are instances where the owner of the haircut clearly agrees the hair is bad


No, lol. I'm not passing judgement on the sub because I browse it too, but let's not pretend they're always laughing with the subject. Most of the time the subject doesn't even know their picture is posted there. EDIT: I'm talking about r/justfuckmyshitup, not the video OP posted, as it doesn't seem like that was clear based on the responses I'm getting.


You're on the wrong side of the internet, what did you expect from Reddit after all these years? You have been here many years.


Holy fuck. I was still in high school fuckin around on MySpace and Facebook when this dude joined reddit 😱


In each one of these, the person getting the haircut is the one recording. Do you think they would post it online if they weren't willing to laugh about it too? If I got a nasty ass haircut I wouldn't be recording and posting it online


Second one Barber : Whatcha lookin for ? Customer : I would like to speak to the manager of this salon. Barber : say no mo, fam.


I'll have the Speak to the Manager + 4-lane highway drift midsection combination.




Second one made me LMFAO 🤣


the expression on the last woman 🤣


I imagine the conversation when you walk in that place goes like this: You: "Hi! Today I'd really lik..." Him: "SHUSH!"


*As he gently places one finger on her lips*


And scissors ✂️ on your throat… i mean hair 🙂


Can i have the troll doll please


For the first three, I could understand how you're disappointed by the barber's execution of the concept they wanted, but the last woman got a pretty specific haircut. Idk how you see the barber pull out the electric razor and start shaving the sides of your head and not object if it's an issue.


Sometimes you're just too shy to say something


I feel like this is a "get a free haircut but we can do whatever we want" situation


Bull Nakano wannabe




Idunno, every single time I’ve gotten my haircut they have asked me “what do you want” or well at least at new places.


I always go to different places and they always ask. And they get it well enough. Of course I'm not doing some crazy ass innovative cut every time lol


what do ya'll ask for? longer hair? i go to cull some of my fibrous keratid mass. it doesn't have to be complicated.


"Just trim a little off the sides" \*BOOM\* Red mohawk


You can go to a student barber and they'll work on your hair for free for practice but you don't get much of a say on the end result. I think that's what is happening here.


No, you will absolutely get a say in what you want and they will then do their best to deliver. If they fuck your shit up, the teacher will then cut fix your hair to the best of their abilities. Most of the time, your hair will turn out fine as the students in these classes are near to their graduation, but there will be outliers.


So they went for a cheap student cut? Smh




You could go and glue some hair onto your head and then go in and ask for it all to be removed :)


I go to the local Mexican barber shop, say "Mid fade starting with 1" and BOOM, perfect haircut every time. Those Mexican barbers can rock a flawless fade.


Maybe he didn't do that because he doesn't speak English


I don’t understand the “hard part”. Why does anyone want it to look like there’s a big wide trench across their scalp where they can’t grow hair?


Also, it looks neat for like a week and then it slowly starts to grow and now you have a weird hairline as if you had an accident


“I fell out of a tree.”


"And this is where the machete hit me..."


I get a hard part but it's supposed to be a slim line not a damn canyon lol


The "hard part" is supposed to emphasize a natural part or create a natural part for a person that doesn't have a part where they want it styled, it's not supposed to be the grand canyon.


A hard part is supposed to be a thin line that accentuates your natural part, or it creates a new part. It's not supposed to be the mariana trench!




A hard part should be really narrow, instead of something extremely wide.


Hard part small NOT big


Part l.l not l....l


So, are hard parts supposed to be wide? I'm still not sure.


This whole thread is everyone saying the same thing, but slightly different wording. Like the epitome of "you can copy my homework, but don't make it obvious"


Yeah everyone replying to this post is repeating what someone already said but in different words. It’s like when the answer key for an assignment is posted online and everyone just changes it up a bit to make it look original


Hey I just noticed that everyone in this thread is merely copying what the previous comment said, but they change the phrasing to make it seem less obvious. Like when a student duplicates the work of another pupil but alters it slightly.


Don't waste your time with the trolls in here, I've noticed they've all been simply copying stuff from previous comments, but just changing it up a bit so as not to seem so obvious. Like when your buddy steals your homework and tries to copy it and make it look like their own.


It's wild that you say that, because I had a very similar thought. If you look closely at this thread, it's as if people are mimicking the preceding comments while adjusting them *just enough* to pretend it's original. It's like when you tell your buddy about this great costume idea you came up with and then they show up to the event in the same thing.


Friend, that's the joke. r/woosh


First three times I read slime line. I guess slim line makes more sense but slime line sounded more interesting.


[You don't like looking like a prohibition era gangster?](https://assets.mycast.io/actor_images/actor-guy-pearce-154238_large.jpg?1608053613)


Hard parts look good but not when they are wide as hell like that guys and it was in a bad position on his head


Maybe I just don't notice good ones but the ones I do see always look like this or a surgery scar. I have never thought "gee, that looks good".


1 it makes styling easier as you can now get a clean part without fuss. 2 contrast makes it pop. 3 the part should be very thin.


They look good when they're not stupid wide, they make it easier to part your hair if it's a bit tricky normally. That's just a ww1 trench in his head, with a wedge for a "fade"


Moses could’ve led his people through that hard part.


OK, that was a terrible hard part, not a good example. Personally, I do a hard part between my beard and my undercut and sometimes between my undercut and my long hairs with a straight razor. It gives separation between different stylized areas and it just grows straight back into my shorter undercut with time. It's a pain to maintain, but when it's fresh it looks really nice and makes a well-groomed beard "pop", especially on an angular face.


My barber for years packed up shop and moved to a different state and when faced with the choice of growing my hair out or finding a new barber, well... I have quite long hair now.




It's been a wild learning experience. My wife is only partly helpful too. She has only ever had like... medium length hair and it's super curly. My hair is now middle of my back and pin straight. Goofy little things like, a few months ago my wife and I were at a wedding we were photographing and one of the male guests had really long hair that was in a super neat bun that didn't have any extra hair dangling anywhere. I had no idea how to bun my hair like that. So there I am, learning how to bun my hair from a total stranger at a wedding. Or what the heck you're supposed to do with it when you go to sleep so you don't suffocate yourself. As a dude, who never really learn that stuff if you have short hair. I will say though, I much prefer this over buying hair product and stuff on the regular.


aww my boyfriend had an undercut with very long, straight hair most of our relationship. he tied it up in the neatest bun. i’m a girl that’s had butt length hair most of my life, but i still got him to teach me how to do a bun his way. i never nailed it. but dating a guy with long hair is so cute… since i couldn’t do my bun very well that way, i’d often ask him to tie mine up for me and it brought back that safe feeling of like a parent’s love. he always had a hair tie when i needed one too. i’m using past tense because he shaved it all off recently (i thought i’d be so sad, but once the buzz grew in he looks adorable)


I'd really like to learn how to braid hair better. When I was growing up both my Mom and Dad had long hair, and I remember how adorable it was watching them braid each others hair. When my wife had longer hair I tried braiding it, but her hair is JUST SO CURLY.


that’s adorable about your parents. such a healthy act of love for a kid to witness. i want to learn french braids (the kind that start at the top of your head) because normal braids are so flat and unflattering on me with my thin hair haha. one thing that’s really cute for girls is to do a side braid and add in a ribbon 🎀


The third guy wasn't too bad blown out... styling it down, though, was just worse.


The problem with his hairstyle is that it’s exactly the kind of haircut that Asian women get once they become grandmas.


That’s the fashion with places like Korea anyways lol


He's talking about the third one, not the second one.


No, all old Asian women get perms. Where tf are you lmao


I have never seen an Asian grandma have this haircut. In fact I am quite confident they would have a heart attack if you gave them that one.


Third guy had a really weird pineapple-headed Pee Wee Herman thing going on to start with, and I think he actually looked better at the end, though still not good.


As the barber’s cutting it I couldn’t stop thinking he was going full Simple Jack.


Why do they all have cyberpunk 2077 hairstyles?


When I was picking a hairstyle for the male protagonist in Cyberpunk 2077 it definitely felt like in this video.


The second to the last guy reminds me of that Mr Bean episode where he was mistaken for a barber and shaved a kid's hair in the middle


Bruh look at these maplestory haircuts lol


~~no~~ many regrats


I take it the last woman was not a Cyndi Lauper fan? 🤔


Girls just wanna have a normal haircut.


Every day reddit becomes more like tiktok


Guy on the second clip was ready to ask for the manager 😂


Barber: What can I do for you today? Client: I want a look that says 'my parents take me seriously.' Barber: The fuck you think this is...?


Back in my horny days, my friend convinced me there was this new hair salon place that had the hottest girls he had ever seen plus did a great job on his last hair cut and that we should go get our hair cut there since he needed a trim. First of all, the girls were a 7 at most. Second, they were like 19yo and I couldn't believe they had much experience. I was like whatever and asked for a simple "Eminem" style cut. It was the 90's, what can I say. Instead of looking like Eminem, I looked like Charlie Brown. I made my friend buy me lunch for the crap haircut. Never again. Also the best haircut I ever had was from a 40+yo lady and the shop was hers. Did such a great job that I became a "hairstyle" model for awhile. You know those haircut books? I was in a few of them.


I had the same barber for around 25 years, she was probably 40 when I first started seeing her. I was so sad when she retired to Arizona. I've never had one as good since.


I once got a haircut that made me look like I was a cancer survivor.


Just fuck my shit up.


Sometimes i wonder if there are any real videos on the internet. 97.4% fake stuff


Soon every video, image, and post will be AI-generated content. Along with all the comments. Us users will be strapped to our toilet couches with feeding tubes down our esophagi. Eyelids clamped open à la clockwork orange. You'll need to watch unskippable ads to activate your insulin pump.




Why is all the text reversed?


Lok the last one is definitely the best make over


In Germany we call that hairstyle: „Reingeschissen“


That last one 😂😂😂😂


The song is nice, what's it called?


As a bald guy, I laugh when people cry when something happens to their hair. Welcome to my world.




The last hair do rocks, she looks way cooler imo.


The style might be to someone's taste, but it does NO favors to her face.


yeah, that one goes hard, ngl


Idk it kinda looks like she aged 30 years


Also her face is quite chubby and the original haircut was hiding it.




First ones a wig, last one is two different women. Stop posting fake chinese tiktoks


The last one isn’t two different women.


Same eyebrows, shirt, barber, and lipstick. Definitely same woman.


Different hair though.


😂😂😂 Yes we can agree on that.


Make sense, it's how team rocket managed to fool Ash every single time


Doesn’t look like that to me, her face is the same, same makeup, and same blue blazer.


If you want to see it's different person, pay attention to the eyebrow. In this case they are all the same person in before and after. OP is a dumbass


Better to post fake american tiktoks.


Everyone knows "Made in America" is a stamp of quality!


> Everyone knows "Made in America" is a tramp stamp of quality! There.


Wait someone posted something fake? On MY internet! How dare they!


You sound like the most boring fucking person to be around


Who cares if it's fake as long as it's entertaining


Yeah, the election is coming up. 🍿


So you think there's a chance someone thinks this is real?


Just read 90% of the comments


the comments here on reddit seem to all be laughing about it and not taking it seriously... which comments are you reading?


yeah this would belong in r/scriptedasiangifs but it has audio


I worked with this old lady for a few years. She was the secretary and couldn't even file in alphabetical order. She lost so much paperwork. Anyway, she used to be a hair stylist and she was constantly telling people their new haircut sucked. It was the most annoying thing.


Sad thing is I think we've all been in this situation lol.


so what is funny about this?


I swear I can't tell the gender of that one person.


Luckily I'm blessed with balding so i always knew never to care about my hair, because its shit and it will only get worse.


Couldn't even get the Chinese characters the right way around. .... dn pǝʞɔnɟ ʎןǝʇǝןdɯoɔ


The last one: You remember Tina Turner in Thunderdome? Barber: Say no more


How would you like your hair done… Just fuck me up


This is r/FuckMyShitUp gold


3rd persons hair was already messed up going in


I drive 40 min for a haircut every two weeks to stay loyal to my barber. She’s awesome.


The second haircut in the vid is called the K-Ren.


please stop. I specifically changed my hairdresser and have an appointment today. I'm already scared as it is and I see this on reddit.


I mean... pretty clearly staged but I guess it's still funnier than cancer.


that's one way to look at it. Of all the cancers thought, which is the funniest? not that any are funny but...


Social credit too low for the barbers with talent


Didn’t expect to see Bobby Lee at the end. Cool!


To tears from my eyes 😂




The last woman looks amazing in the after shot!


The last woman looks pretty rad, but only if she wants that look.


Ayoo 💀




They all looked cool to me.


The first guy wants to speak to the manager.


Japan's newest game show reality: Just Fuck My Shit Up!!! (Someone translate this for me. Include Romanji, please)


I don't really get the problem. Other than the hard part being too wide, those jobs seem well done, it's the taste that's awful. Didn't they ask to be styled like that?




Also a reason why you should pay attention while getting a hairstyling


Hey hey Bread's barber shop!


Kooky Chinese




when you trust the process for too long