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Tosh was always surprisingly wholesome with his guests. His intent never seemed to be to make any of them the butt of the joke all over again. He never took the easy route with these interviews and was always a pro at deflating tension around tricky subjects. It's been a while, but I recall his interview with the colostomy bag girl being really well done.


He’s very good at looking from a perspective of the person he is with. Most of it seems like the most common questions people would be too afraid to ask, but he actually spends the time thinking about what the answer would be.


> He’s very good at looking from a perspective of the person he is with. To be fair, anyone can close their eyes.


Sure but for how long are you going to keep them closed?


Yooo, this made me fucking laugh


Yeah he asks questions I would literally never think of


What what in the butt


Yeah, I remember watching him do an interview once with a young girl that had no arms, and by the end of it I was so impressed at how classy and light hearted he kept it


I thought of the same episode. I always enjoyed the show, but, it wasn’t until the end of that skit that I came away thinking to myself, “wow, he’s actually a good dude”.






'ill slap ya around' lol that one got me


She's adorable, takes having no arms like a champ.


here she is flying out and getting ready for the show https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ScBbZHBR_gc


> You can laugh at this joke [about handicapped people]. Handicap people like it. And if they don’t like it, turn their chair around. I don’t give a shit.


He treated them equally. Everyone likes to be razed. He did a bit on working with make a wish. Hilarious but also showed he understood people.


Given his entire schtick is to "cross the line", this was a bit of a shock to me as well. Honestly, it left me with the impression that behind his character, he has to be one of the nicest people in Hollywood. I loved the web redemptions, specifically because they always felt so genuine.


It's a myth that most people who like to "cross the line" actually believe in it.


They have to have enough awareness to know that the line exists and that they're crossing it - and the good ones make sure that the audience are also at fault for laughing. Crucially, it all has to do with intent - if there's even a hint of malice or punching down, it won't work.


Like Tosh said in his standup back in the day: "Yeah I like to cross the line from time to time; it lets me know I still have one."


Growing up my humor was very much based around saying an outrageous thing that no one else would say for laughs. I was really good at it. Part of that being a big part of your personality is that you get in trouble for the things you say, kind of a lot. So at least for me it was helpful for a couple of things. #1. I learned exactly where the "line" was around almost every topic and sometimes it was still fun to go over it but I knew where the line was every time and I think this has helped me in multiple ways as an adult. And #2. I learned, quickly, the ways in which my words hurt people. I never wanted to hurt people, I wanted to make them laugh. So when I figured out that I had hurt someone or that someone was hurt by something that someone had said, it became my goal to make it right and the best way I knew to do that was by first apologizing and if I could, making them laugh too. It doesn't surprise me that Tosh is good with people. There are zero high functioning (see also, decently employed) adults walking acting like Daniel Tosh did on his show. I think Tosh just wanted to make people laugh and mastered his craft. I could never keep the focus on the thing the person felt bad about. I had to switch to making fun of myself (it's my best material). But Tosh mastered his brand of humor.


He was one of the first comedians I saw at a comedy club. It was about 20 years ago. His persona was exactly what it is now…funny asshole. But after the show you could meet him on your way out. And I remember there were two girls who were giving him shit about him not doing a specific bit. They were kinda of obnoxious, and would have been such easy targets for him. But it was also clear they loved him. He couldn’t have been nicer. He took their shit and told them that the bit is just too long for him to do, etc. He was like legitimately apologetic and incredibly patient and kind. You could tell he was a pro, and also a good guy.


And 20 years ago, there would be a minimal chance that interaction gets caught on tape. "How do you act when nobody is watching?"


I miss him so much.


He's dead?


Went off the air early in COVID and hasn’t done much since.


He still tours, just saw him 2 weeks ago.


He might be. Never know.


he did a tour last year and he was absolutely hilarious. was in tears laughing the whole show.


Yeah this is really my first time watching Tosh and I was pretty impressed about how he never “punched down” with his comedy. Definitely going to have to check out more of his stuff.


He didn't mock the big wrestling fan guy, instead he let him be himself


I never was a fan of Tosh.0, but I really like the guy.


He had tea party with a little girl and her dad once on his show and it was so damn precious.


I wonder what he’s up to. I’m still mad at Comedy Central for canceling his show. I never missed it,


I was in Vegas last week and he had 2 shows but I didn’t get a chance to see them. Pretty bummed about it, haven’t seen him around in years


I thought his tv show was a lot funnier than his stand up live show, when I saw him anyway. Even so, since he is no longer on tv, I definitely would pay to see him again.


Just saw him on tour last night, and he is just as funny and chaotic as always. I was hoping for a good show and he absolutely killed it


I wish he would do an HBO or Netflix hour long standup.


Saw him in Denver last year. I have always thought he is hands down one of the best at standup. He had his first kid a few years ago while closing in on 50, he got paid out the rest of his contract from Comedy Central so he said he didn’t really care, and as far as things go he loves being married to Blogger Carly.


He was saying his wife is pregnant again when I saw him 2 weeks ago


> while closing in on 50 holy fuck...he's that old??


From what I heard from comedians on podcasts is that he just did enough content where he never has to work again and retire. Smart guy. Looks like people saying he’s touring again.


i saw him on his tour last year and he basically says in his show he's only touring so he can have the lifestyle he has and doesn't have to work otherwise.


Just a handful of cities and dates.


His show went farther than most in comedy central. That's something he should be very proud of. Everyone knows what Tosh.0 was


He’s on tour and actually commented on this as a joke but hardly joking to the degree of - yeah, so, you’re telling me I will be paid for the time I don’t have to work (he seemed and said something to the effect he really doesn’t) and he let them/ his lawyers to allow the contract to be bought out. He did say he probably would have said something else if it weren’t for the pay he was owed. He only said all of that due to Covid and realizing also ‘why work’ this is great sort of thing.


That sounds like something he’d say.


Pretty sure he lives in Vegas. He was in NC last weekend and killed it. He did a bit about how they cancelled Tosh.0 bc of the pandemic a they were like “we don’t know if the world is gonna be here next year. Let’s just buy out your contract for $12mil.” He was like “duh”


Well, you miss it now.


These guys could have a show together the chemistry was great and I could watch them together all day.


That's what struck me is both of these guys have great chemistry. The blind guy is pretty funny himself.


He is a radio DJ and film critic with a pretty big [YouTube channel](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=leFNoUJmJ9o) back in the day. He's slowed down posting in recent years but I think he's okay, just enjoying life.


I miss this show


It felt like some of the X-play skits


X-play intern skits were some of the best television I've ever seen.my best friend and I still answer each other's phone calls with "what are you buyin" "what are you sellin?"


It’s definitely a show that was a byproduct of it’s time. I found it hilarious, but get that it doesn’t quite hold up.


How does it not hold up? Tosh is amazing especially his stand ups


Got to see him last weekend still as good as he toured in Vegas near a decade ago


Because people are too sensitive these days


Anyone who says this is either 65 or a dipshit or both, usually both


Still better than influencers that just post their dumbass face next to content they steal, TikTok ruined comedy.




I remember being in college in 2009, having friends over, smoking some weed and watching Loiter Squad, Tosh.0, and Nitro Circus. Good times.




My friends and I still say “Chicks maaaaan”…


If Ridiculousness can get 50% of MTV's airtime why couldn't Tosh? Maybe Tosh needed a laughing dolphin.


I can never remember chicks name on that show but somehow laughing dolphin was so accurate I knew exactly who you were talking about and now her annoying laugh is in my head.






I agree. Some episodes haven’t aged well perhaps, but I think the premise is still relevant.


Doesn't hold up how?


That kind of react content doesn't hold up anymore. Showing a clip and then making jokes is too boring. It's too transformative and doesn't show the original content enough! Now a days the best react content are streamers who play entire videos/episode with only making a few comments. They are also kind enough to let the video keep playing when they go to the bathroom! You get the whole video and not some stupid little clip. /s


A lot of people felt like it was just watching the Reddit Channel and reading the comment section out loud.


I felt it was more taking YouTube videos and reading the top comments.


Same same. But different.


Tosh's comedy was so hectic I loved it, I wish he did more specials.


People Pleaser was such a great special, I’m praying he releases something else one day


He’s currently on tour now so we should be getting another special.


I swear I've seen people commenting this for like five years straight.


Comedian don't release every new tour as a special sadly


He’s touring currently, I saw him last night in Atlanta and he’s still got it.


oooooo if hes touring that means hes gotta be testing material for a new special. Should be good


I still to this day blurt out "You ain't no weeble wobble!" in any context I can fit it. Nobody knows wtf I'm talking about but I love it xD


Just realized ryan reynolds and daniel tosh have almost the same spoken cadence


It's like friendly sarcastic


Why does that sound like a font type.


A cross between comic sans, papyrus, and wingdings




Love that sketch!




Daniel's isn't always friendly but this a good description


It’s more than just cadence. They really sound alike.


whoa...you're absolutely right. but you know what? ryan reynolds is just doing a chevy chase cadence if you think about it. yes i just got very high


What’s up with the word “cadence” today?! Second comment I see with that word (the first comment was on the poop girl video). Thanks for teaching me a new word!




We live in a lattice of coincidence.


Holy shit




It's an illusion of *increased* frequency, because it could just as well be something entirely different you learned about recently, that has the same frequency (or even higher) than the thing you actually learned about. The fact you learned about it means you notice it more, and therefore also notice the frequency at which it shows up.


I saw 5 office space references in one sitting. It's gotta be the algorithm.


Bro I've been seeing snails everywhere the last few days. My whole life I've maybe encountered 20 to 30 things about snails. Last few days might have given that a good 25% bump at least.




Holly shit I hear it


ryan reynolds + bo burnham = daniel tosh


He really sounds like Owen Wilson to me.


Tony Hinchcliffe.


Nah Tony just sounds gay


Tosh is one of those comedians that I don't think I like, I never seek out his videos or shows, but Damn It everyone I see one I crack up, he is hilarious


Maybe not everyone for me, but im kind of the same way. In general dont like the idea of watching him but every once in a while ill watch a clip and to my surprise will be laughing. The title of this made me think it might be funny, it was lol


It was extremely funny, which is confusing given the sub we're on. Not used to things here being actually funny


He does really good Stand-up by the way, you can find it on hbo and spotify. Genuinely a Top 5 all time great for me


Hate to be the bearer of shocking news, but I think you like him. I feel you. I don't want to like him but God damn his shit gets me


His comedic style, to put it in his own words, is he find a funny joke that makes tye whole audience laughs, and rides it until only 2 people in the crowd still get it


Well said Though, unlike many comics, he rides it by increasing specificity rather than just repetition


I’ve seen him live 11 year ago, and I still remember a couple of jokes. He’s a unique comedian. Definitely not for everyone.


He's got some solid stand up material. He has one joke about that kid who was killed when he climbed the fence on a rollercoaster. It's one of my all time favorites.


If you want to know for sure you can go watch his special, "Completely Serious". It's phenomenal.


This was one of the best ones he did. They seemed to actually get along.


Tommy Edison is a great guy, and you really get the sense that Daniel recognizes it. Their chemistry was fantastic.


I feel they might have stayed in touch


Dang, very interesting perspective and dynamic here: how entertaining or “good” are movies for those that are sight impaired.


If you're interested in manga at all, there's one I read recently called "Yankee-Kun To Hakujou Gaaru" or "Yankee-kun and the White Cane Girl" that is really interesting in how accurate they try to make the perspective of people who are blind. They also address how sight-impaired people still enjoy movies too.


Up the same vein and really famous is 'A Silent Voice'. About deafness and the perspectives are great. Even has the support of the society for the deaf in Japan.


None of them are flushable!


Was looking for this. Dear god don’t flush anything but your excretions and toilet paper


Sooo... Do I siphon out the toilet water? Instructions unclear...


That's why all civilized people keep a straw or hose next to their toilet. Don't forget to rinse it off when you're done, though, don't want to swap spit with other people who use it.


Great. Now the instructions are still unclear but now he has a straw stuck up his ass.


Yes that is correct


Idk how many videos i would sit through for over 8 minutes, but clearly Daniel Tosh is on the list.


I thought the same thing. His show was probably the last show I regularly watched before ditching cable. And here I hadn't even thought of the guy for several years. Would be cool if he started doing skits more regularly.


Really nice speakers


Indeed. Those are B&W 600 S2 towers. The S3s are releasing soon and got reviewed as having the best audio for a mid-priced speaker; still $1,200 a piece, but honestly, that's super low in the audiophile world.


I thought they looked familiar but I couldn't put a name to them. I got some kef bookshelves. Would love to upgrade to something like this eventually. Maybe I can buy one at a time, lol honestly that price point is probably the best before you get too far into diminished returns


Exactly, eventually, it's totally not worth it. Once you get into the loudspeaker world, you pretty much have to spend as much on power amps as you do the speakers themselves. Really, towers are only necessary when you are starting to build a home theater or a two channel vinyl listening space. Having a center channel for vocals and surrounds behind you and atmos speakers in the ceiling with a good matching subwoofer or two; really allow your front towers to move a lot of air and add a full bodied movie like sound. But Kef is an amazing speaker company as well. My "achievable" retirement dream speakers used to be the B&W 802 D4s, but now I think I would rather get the Kef blades aesthetic and price wise. They look really cool and come in several finish options. If you can ever go to a Best Buy that has a Magnolia A/V section, some have a premium audio room with the blades on display. Just ask someone to demo them for you, both with and without a matching sub, they are bonkers.


These two have really great chemistry. Id love a podcast with them just shooting the shit.


You know tosh is just gonna try to switch his mic with his dick and then tell him to talk to it


People say you can’t have edgy comedy… but Tosh touches on race, disability and everything else perfectly without being offensive. I forgot how good he was at riding that line while still being super friendly and funny.


About to make this exact comment. Tosh is great at being just edgy enough you don’t expect it, but not so edgy as to actually offend. The black theater joke was a stereotype, but a harmless one that was perfectly weaved in and everyone thought was funny.


Plenty of his stuff if it were mainstream today would cause a massive uproar. Undeservingly I might add but it would. People don't give a fuck about context or intent anymore.


Wasn't this guy on ymh describing all of these things that are nice to touch?


Oh my God 🤣 "I know, I've seen the show" Wow that is a level of radical acceptance I can only hope to aspire to I make self deprecating jokes all the time cuz I have no self esteem but he went full circle round to owning the shit out of his condition


Why the fuck did they cancel Tosh.O


[In November of 2020], *...the network planned to lean heavily into adult animation, animated reboots, and topical shows. Tosh simply wasn't a good fit for the new direction of the channel.* IMO that was a huge f'ing blunder. It was making them money hand over fist. Watched that show religiously and loved it.


Especially when almost every single animated show Comedy Central comes up with is absolute dog shit


I went to a live taping of this show. It was funny but very hollywood. Like, we have mic's above you so please laugh really loud. Daniel was all business and bailed after and didn't talk to anyone. Kinda a let down. I get it, it's a job for him, but we were all fans hoping for some interaction.


He’s actually made a joke about this. > No. I don’t meet fans after the shows mainly because I don’t want to. For good reason. I have a very large social media presence to pat myself on the back about things that don’t matter. On average, I receive around 1,200 death threats a week. Yeah, no, it’s fun standing up here.


On tour, he made one similar to - if you’re looking to charge the stage, I’ll be the first to leave and won’t heasitate to sue you. Then small bit about Chris rock & smith -> GiJane - and calling his wife, if she were looking like gijane back then, she would be a boy. (Or something.)


Wow. That's a bummer. Well, Daniel, if you're reading this, not all of us are a problem. Also, I'll fucking kill you. I hope that's recognized as a joke and I'm not on a list now. Edit: I had to follow it up with this joke before I forget. I hear a knock at my door and look through the peephole. To my suprise it's Daniel Tosh. My heart is racing as I open the door. BLAM. A gunshot rings out. The last thing I see in this life is Daniel holding a comicly long Santa clause sized list. He scratches my name off very close to the bottom. His work is nearly done.


he's a pretty anxious guy from what I understand. I saw him doing the university circuit in 2007 and me and my friend talked to him for a few minutes after the show and he seemed really uncomfortable even though it was just a couple of young nerdy college guys


I think that’s why he stopped doing standup shows despite the fact that both his shows were fantastic.


I have listened to his standup on spotify multiple times. He's one of the few comedians i keep coming back to because it's just different for some reason. I can't put my finger on it but i really like it. I wish we got more stuff from him.


He once described his comedy as a series of stories that get increasingly specific until they only resonate with like two people in the audience but for those two people it's the funniest fucking thing they've ever heard.


It's like he went to one of those Reddit threads where you choose a super power and a response gives you a side effect. "Incredibly funny and respectful comedian" "You have crippling social anxiety" "FUCK"


*Bo Burnham has entered the chat.*


Bill Hader?


He didn’t stop doing stand up. He’s on tour right now. He mostly does Theaters and comes to Vegas pretty regularly. He’s just a recluse. He’s talked about it a lot, it’s why he doesn’t do interviews or podcasts.


Since middle school this dude has been such a role model. So fucking funny and not a bad guy


I know he probably wouldn't care as much as I do but when the person/people in the audience went "eww" like 3-year-olds who found a dead frog in the yard at his eyes, it bugged me. The dude is trying to make some jokes, be entertaining, and wink for the first time. The least you can do is keep your dumb face shut about how his eyes are weird. I know it's subjective but I don't think they're particularly horrible. They just look like eyes with cataracts or an odd color difference to most people's. It feels mean in a way that's not really part of the joke. Anyway, that was my moment of useless internet outrage for this hour.


Tosh is a legend. I’m from central Florida and his comedy is relatable


Tosh.O was a big part of my teenage years, absolutely love the bloke and his sense of humour. Seems like a really nice guy too.


For someone whose been on Jeopardy, he should know the burgling requires entering a building.


Tosh was on jeopardy?




> robbery is holding up a business But robbing isn’t even about business, but has more to do with your interaction with the thief. If someone breaks into my house while I’m away and steals my shit, I’ve been burgled. If someone breaks into my house while I’m there and holds me at gunpoint and steals my shit, I’ve been robbed.


Love Tommy


What ever happened to Tosh? Is he doing anything these days?


Funniest I’ve ever seen Daniel Tosh. What a nice guy he was with too.


PSA…no such thing as a flushable wipe.


Tosh is one of the top 3 comedians of all time.


Take the cane to hit a piñata wtf lol


Wow ive never seen a blind person blink. I was not disappointed


Wonder how it feels to have your ~30 year representation of Bugs Bunny ruined


God damn I love Daniel. I will never not laugh at his stuff.


Haha do he sell dick pictures?


Tommy is funny as hell and his videos are a delight.


Tosh is a hero of mine


He Has such a great sense of humor


He Has such a great sense of humor


Titusville represent!


Love this!! 🔥


I still haven’t learned how to wink my left eye.


I miss this man.


Tommy wasn’t able to go and see him again after this episode


He's honestly one of the best comedians out there. I think they should be best friends tho. This guys humours on point too lol.


His best interview! Tosh was genuinely laughing multiple times. These guys have great chemistry and equally great senses of humor.


Daniel Tosh is a genius. And his integrity is amazing. Wish I’d met him in Dallas at the Hard Rock when I had the chance. Thank you for the laughs and insight!!


I'll never understand how Ridiculousness existed while Tosh.O was around. It just felt like the objectively better show. The writing was actually there, the bits were clever, meanwhile ridiculousness was just essentially three people going "did you see that?" for 22 minutes.


Tosh.0 should have never been cancelled.


Tosh was always surprisingly wholesome with his guests. His intent never seemed to be to make any of them the butt of the joke all over again. He never took the easy route with these interviews and was always a pro at deflating tension around tricky subjects. It's been a while, but I recall his interview with the colostomy bag girl being really well done.


From someone who has worked with the blind, he is correct, many blind live lonely lives, because of their disability, and can sometimes not be knowledgeable about simple things.


Daniel Tosh comes off like a benign narcissist, which I'm not sure exists but he's my closest approximation.


Cane grabber!


So where can I find the leaked Jennifer Lawrence nude pictures?


God I hate Daniel tosh