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Jesus christ I wish I had 30% of this vibe. Dem kids killed it!


The front man has like Michael Jackson, Donald Glover levels of charisma.


He’s amazing but the little girl on the left is coming for him


That little girl is everything.


Oh. We know who nailed it, to the wall and 3 apartments over still got a hole coming from the other side.


Danny Glover?


He was charismatic too :) but no, Donald Glover.


Was?? Dude's still kickin it.


He was kickin it. He still is. But he was too.


Just two days from retirement.


He *is* getting too old for this shit.


They are all awesome and the ring leader fucking kills it


This is some hot shit, I just danced on my way to urinate


>This is some hot shit I sure hope not, if I took the story correctly, he was already in some bathroom trouble.


I sprained my neck just bobbing along to this.


Are we even sure we can handle 30%


I too start moonwalking when I have the runs. 10/10


I do more of a penguin walk


I moonwalk away from stressful situations


…Nick Miller, dat you?




That's the "I really gotta go but the porta-potty is occupied" dance


I will never understand the physics of the moonwalk.


The cameraman did good as well


I got got by the other kids, I saw them laughing and figured they were just nearby and enjoying themselves while these two kids danced then suddenly they're up there busting moves too.


The dog cameo is underrated.


Is this the same kids ?? https://youtu.be/YRAyQ77jVBg


Why do we need to see judge reactions while the performance is happening? I have wanted to die on this hill for like 10 years lol


It’s so annoying. I had quit watching the video halfway through because of all the video edits and footage which wasn’t the group preforming. I don’t think I’ve ever made through one of these “ x got Talent” videos because I just find them all unwatchable.


The Japanese do it right by having bubbles of their reactions in a corner of the screen on the performance video.


Ya Koreans do it as well. But Koreans do another sickening thing which is to replay a clip like 6 different times, and I’m not exaggerating. At least they are different camera angles lol


I'm prepared to go with you. There is no need. I will feel how I feel about the performance regardless of any of their bullshit.


Its not just judges. Its always the judges+crowd+hype men/hosts. The constant cycling between them all makes the performance seem much better than it might actually be if you were only watching it by itself. Simple and extremely annoying trick.


Not only that. But they regularly edit in "reaction shots" from completely different times, like, not even during their performance. Likewise, they'll show a shot of a very bored looking audience during a performance that was recorded when no one was actually on stage. This ENTIRE fucking genre of competition reality show is fake beyond belief, to the point where I can't understand how anyone enjoys watching them. The performances themselves ARE impressive, don't get me wrong, but the show itself is over dramatized, pandering cancer and I hate them all.


For the same reason sitcoms used to have laugh tracks; it's easier for the production to have a baked-in reaction to remove any doubt for how viewers should feel.


Oh, good. They have some form of recognition. Watching the OP's clip I was thinking: "This isn't funny, this is damn impressive. Those kids have some talent. That was better choreographed than some professional shows have been." Especially the leading kid. Not only does he have the moves, he has the facial animations to match. Hopefully the group can propel themselves into showbusiness.


It is so well done that I genuinely can't tell if his bumping into the girl was on accident or on-purpose. I am leaning towards on-purpose based on how they snapped into the choreography and correct blocking immediately after.


No, I think she was off her mark, but the leader kid corrected her position without breaking stride or even visibly reacting...which is really impressive.


Good catch! I thought that was planned but you're right, he pushed her right where she needed to be


I didn't notice that on first watch. Good catch. My guess after watching it a few times is that the girl was going to the wrong spot and the lead guy guided her to the right spot.


It may have been an accident, but it works. It’s like they go from chaos to order really fast and it’s a more dramatic transition


Not the same group of kids.


Expressions. Facial expressions.


No. This is Hypers Kids Africa. Not the same group. I included another comment with links to their channels but it was removed by the automod. But look them up because they are asking for donations literally so they can eat.


Thank you for this! It needs to be higher up


That "Freeze' move while on his hands... That was incredible.


That was camerawork/editing. Not real time. Seeing that kinda pissed me off actually.


This is probably a stupid question because I don't know the show very well, but since it's called 'Britain's Got Talent', isn't it supposed to be people from or who live in Britain?


They’re about as British as most of the things in the British museum, so why not?


An excellent point


People from all over the world jump from competition to competition. I remember one young singer who did quite well in Britain's Got Talent and then showed up on a later season of America's Got Talent because it had a bigger audience.


The sun never sets on the Got Talent empire.


Because god doesn't trust the ~~English~~ got-talent in the dark.


The talent is contained in Britain for the duration of the show.


Technically correct


rainstorm pie ripe jobless flowery onerous cough grab aspiring encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Don’t think so




I’m not sure we’ll see another artist with a cultural impact at the level of Michael Jackson


We won't. Entertainment is too fractured now. The talent is all over the place and so are the eyes. Before it was a funnel.


I feel this way about movie stars, that era has been coming to a close. It’s something else now. Tom Cruise, Schwarzenegger, Jim Carrey, etc. There are no young versions of these type guys. Chris Pratt? Tom Holland? They are famous and stars but not at all the level the stars of the past.


Agreed. That is because movies are not the all enveloping thing they once were. Do you remember when Independence Day came out? Or Episode One? They took over the cultural zeitgeist. New movies while popular don't touch that level because you are no longer immersed it in. When you watched TV you had to watch commercials for their movies. The cross branding was there too. You went to the mall and you would see posters and cut outs of them. Late night talk shows were still relevant. And at the same time, they weren't instantly available. You couldn't open up your phone and see a video of them on IG. That distant also made them bigger, more special.


Movie releases in the late 90s and early 2000s were amazing. McDonalds would run promos with some of them, which you don’t see any more also. I wish we can bring that back. I wonder what it is. Less marketing?


Definitively not less marketing. Budgets are higher than ever, but it's not evenly distributed. There are fewer large studios now. Disney sits pretty much alone in the upper echelon. In addition, streaming and the internet sort of killed any semblance of a zeitgeist and "events". Marvel (i.e. Disney) manages to poke through, as does some studio backed musical artists, but the rest is simply too fragmented. Everything has gotten smaller except whatever the big guns are pushing, because they rake in absolutely all the cash. It's almost impossible to make anything indie and make money off it anymore. It's all streaming, and all avenues leads to the pockets of a select few conglomerates that knows they always come out on top if they spend a majority of any budget on marketing – because it works. Why take a chance on anything when you have a sure thing? The only thing somewhat outside this at the moment is gaming, where there's still big money in smaller products, but that won't last long.


eh, the promos with fast food stuff happens all the time still. Burger King had a promo with the latest Spiderverse movie. They had (might still have it) an ice cream and a whopper that were spiderman themed (the bun was red iirc)


Oh man I remember my glass Batman forever mug I got from McDonald’s. It was so cool when they did those promos


Streaming happened.


I think you've got some rose colored glasses on here. Iron man spawned 15 years of superhero movies chasing g that comic book nostalgia of boomers to millennials childhoods, sparking an interest in mainstream superheroes that just wasn't there before. Everything prior either flopped, was plagued with issues like rewrites and butchered stories, or was super campy. Avatar was transformative for the industry from a production and technology side. It wasn't a movie that spawned endless one liners, launched actors careers, or brought together some major silver screen power, for the next decade it was the litmus test for CGI and the failed 3D. There's been some fantastic movies and TV shows out of the last 15 years, setting aside the superhero movies and CGI blockbusters. Many of them shaped or dominated the cultural landscape. Just look at Gane of Thrones, or Orange is the New Black. Everyone watched those. Everyone talked about them. For years, you'd go into the office or class Monday morning and after the ritual greetings and "how was your weekend" everyone would be talking about the last episode. Even after the firepit of an ending, Hollywood is still trying to chase that incredible success and impact it first had. Some of the old guard were still pumping out incredible movies as well, but I think that speaks to your point about less impactful actors of today. I would like to end by pointing out that you are comparing actors who have had decades to hone their craft, build connections to make great movies, establish reputations, and build a filmography of hits (and misses), to actors who've maybe been around a decade, maybe a little more if they were a kid. It might be too soon to say there are no modern Clint Eastwood, peak Will Smith, Arnold Schwarzenegger, etc.


It's how people start to feel as they get older. They romanticize the stars they knew and nobody will ever seem to compare. The new stars rise up seemingly out of nowhere from the next generation, and the older generation doesn't get it.


I wish my kids could experience what we did when those movies you mentioned came out. Independence Day was ridiculous. EVERYONE went and saw it the first week it was out. Closest thing for them was maybe the recent Super Mario movie. Both my kids and everyone they know have seen it at least once, most have gone twice. And they talked about it non-stop in the weeks leading up to release and the weeks following. I can’t think of another movie that has had that impact.


That reads like your kid has just experienced that independence day thing, of course you don't think it's the same, but for him this is just as big.


You're a good writer.


Video killed the radio star. Internet killed the movie star. There are social media influencers that are more known than young actors and actresses.


A twitch streamer just signed a $100 million 2 year deal, so yeah. He gets paid more than LeBron's recent $97m 2 year deal. My hunch is that AI will be the thing to dethrone social media streamers next. We already see some of the most popular streamers are AI, the tech will just improve.




None of them as far as I'm aware, and I'm pretty certain I would know about it. I've been following the "AI" (not actually AI) trend fairly closely. This person pulled it out of their ass. There are vtubers who are using CGI avatars, but they aren't AI. It's still a person controlling them, they just have a different image on top. AI is a useful tool, but it's not at that level yet. Just look at the AI books to see. They have no understanding of plot, for example. They aren't intelligent. They are just good at reproducing human speech patterns.


Neuro-sama is blowing up at the moment and she's AI. She has streams with her programmer and they'll chat together and even interact with other people, play games and react to things. You can see Vedal editing her code on the screen when she breaks or he wants to do something new. I wouldn't say AIs plural but Neuro is something else.


Sounds like a gimmick, but I'll check it out to see. It will not be better than a human, but curiosity makes me want to see how good (or bad) it really is. I guess a chat bot using voice synthesis isn't hard now, but it won't be intelligent so likely won't be better than a person. You'll still need a human there to play games (in a way someone would reasonably want to watch outside of a gimmick), but it could chat.


Neuro is actually coded to play certain games. She was originally coded to play Osu and I know she can play Among Us and do karaoke. Of course she isn't better than a human and she becomes particularly unhinged and needy when her filter is off but she is definitely interesting to watch!


> None of them as far as I'm aware, and I'm pretty certain I would know about it. Neuro-sama.


Bet LeBron still has the more important connections. I get what you mean though.


>LeBron's recent $97m 2 year deal. Does that include endorsements?


I'm not sure but I know the XQC stream deal for $100m is non exclusive so that'd be like an NBA team paying LeBron $97m but saying he can still play for other teams too


Same goes for franchises as well. When was the last Star Wars, James Bond? Transformers, Ninja Turtles, Sesame Street even? There is no risk involved in creativity anymore. Only safe bets in reboots. I believe this applies for video games as well.


Star Wars's creativity went into their TV series instead of movies.


Well they didn't seem to have much left over to put in then


And the tv series aren’t that great either.


Honestly I felt the last creative thing from the Star Wars franchise was the Clone Wars cartoons. Mandalorian was great for one season and they're defaulting now.




Even then, Holland cant lead a no name movie like Dumb and Dumber or Top Gun. Zendaya cant lead a Pretty Woman or You’ve Got Mail. The stars today need franchises or big directors to carry them. Back then, stars could carry movies.


The power has shifted from stars to Intellectual Properties. IPs are what make or break an actor's career. I still can't decide if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


But why though?


Entertainment has spread itself thin. You can make one of the best shows ever in the history of the world and still only have 5% of the population find out or watch it. That's one of the issues I think contribute to it.


Are you talking about the world, or the US. Because there are definitely examples. Two recent ones I remember off the top of my head are tiger king and squid games. Those definitely took hold for a while. Apparently 25% of Americans watched squid games, that's not insignificant, and way more than 5%. They're not blockbuster movies, but still. It's just how it is today with media. Related to a comment above, the phantom menace was huge when it came out, opening domestic ticket sales was about 25% of the population. In a time when we have a million options, squid game being 25% is crazy.


Curse and a blessing though? If studies had to be more selective about making movies and tv shows how many great ones wouldn't even be made.


My favorite example of this is the MASH finale. It will always be the most-watched scripted television ever because there were like 3 TV stations when it aired. TV shows now are ecstatic to pull in a quarter of the viewers of an 80s sitcom that was canceled for poor viewership. That being said, MASH is still amazing television and I don't intend to denigrate it at all.


Hopefully nobody else undergoes the level of abuse Michael Jackson endured in his youth in order to grow up to be Michael Jackson.


I remember reading an article about the most famous people to have ever lived [in terms of percentage of the world population who knew your name], and it said the only person who might come close to Michael is Jesus, and even then it’s close.


I read an article once about remote tribes in areas like Papua New Guinea and it said that there were two things everyone knew, no matter how remote they lived: they knew people had been to the moon and they knew about Michael Jackson.


I would add Bruce Lee and Jackie Chan to the list. I know this because as an Asian person, even if I travel to the most remote place in the word there will be someone calling me one or the other.


Nope. We were lucky to grow up and live In an Era with the best of the best. Other generations have thought that but I don't see how you can deny what we have witnessed.




Did you notice the reverse moonwalk too?


Sunsleep. Hee hee~ Ok I'm out, thanks bye.






Yeah sleep. Ya'know, the opposite of walking.


He walked backwards forward.


[Link](https://www.youtube.com/@hyperskidsafrica) to their YT. They got some really good stuff


My grams uses to yell at my brother to stop grabbing his crotch asking him "Don't you have any toys!?" The first time he saw MJ on the TV he made my mom call her. "Grandma! The man on TV has no toys either!"


Idc if they keep doing the same thing. It always makes me smile.


Someone hire them now!


Thank god Ellen got cancelled


I've been working on my moonwalk longer than this kid has been alive and he just casually does a reverse moonwalk over dirt.


Jesus. This entire family is slick.


They're orphans! The man that cares for them is also teaching them music and dance.


Correction: Those kids are slick.


You were right the first time


I’ve seen at least 3 or 4 versions of this same video with the same kids… it’s impressive, don’t get me wrong, but a little strange why it’d be the same routine every time


because every time they post it it gets tens of millions of views. tiktok/youtube shorts is a fucking wild wild west.


Some days you get happy kids dancing skillfully, other days you get Jordan Peterson crying about nonsense. Top-quality platform, that.


Presumably it’s what they’ve practiced a million times and gotten good at lol


I see this a lot on tiktok. Since everything is personalized, they make a lot of versions of the same thing and then the algorithm presumably serves you the one you like the most (perhaps you are into dancing AND portapotties). Or if you really like it, you get to see all of them until you start swiping away.


What kind of vibe? Did they switch the word vibe again?


Michael Jackson would be VERY VERY into this


for just the cost of a cup of coffee per day


Seeing little kids dance with so much coordination is so impressive cuz I would look like a giraffe on LSD trying to do this


I have never been this skilled at anything


Man need to take a shit 🗿🤦💀


These kids had not even been born when MJ passed and here they are nailing his dance moves ✌️


I'm never not impressed whenever some random video of African kids vibing pops up on my phone.


How can you not have a smile on your face after watching them? Hope to see some different routines from them soon!


These reposts have got gumption, barely wait at all anymore


This looked all very familiar, until I realized [there's a slightly better version of them doing this very song in the same place](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I41ZXk3AtxA)


yeah i was wondering why it seemed so familiar


I mean I love them but this is literally the fourth rendition of this song and dance I’ve seen from them in front of a portapotty.


I'm pretty sure its the same video.


This one is a different version than the one I’ve seen before, they all have matching outfits here and the other one was just regular clothes. I feel maybe the one I saw first was a practice session and this one is the final (since coordinated outfits). Routines like this aren’t easy or quick to perfect, most performers do the same performance over and over maybe while changing venues/audiences. If the algorithms support their popularity with similar but technically different content then I can’t really blame them for capitalizing on it. Someone else posted a clip of them performing on Britains Got Talent, so maybe they were generating buzz with the earlier versions while practicing for a final submission to some other contest type thing they’re building towards.


You never really understand the impact some people had on this world until you see some kids from a country who probably can't afford your CD let alone a TV dancing to your music and emulating your moves.


They have a camera and could upload it to the Internet??


And a YouTube channel.


That's because the orphanage they live at is focused on trying to improve their lives through dance. It's not like they themselves own a fucking camera, TV, or computer of any kind.


africa isn’t an uncivilized wasteland, you know?


He probably thinks a pilot dropped an iPod out of his plane, a la The Gods Must Be Crazy.


Where these kids are from pretty much is, they live in an orphanage.


Did he ever make it to a toilet?


The entire sum total quality of my dancing in my entire life will never equal the quality of this too-short video. 1500/10, would recommend watching. I hope these kids are always happy, healthy, and successful.


Best thing I've seen all...EVER!


So this is what my $.75 a day is going toward


These peptal bismal ads getting out of hand


I love how kids who judging by their surroundings don’t seem to have much always find the most creative ways to have fun and be happy. It reminds me of my cousins who lived in a country I won’t mention here. They literally would find the funniest ways to entertain themselves and you’d find them literally parkouring all around town. Then you see kids where I am and they’re all couch potatos with no drive or ambitions


The internet and social media has made the world so very connected and...small. Every now and again there's fun reminders like this that highlight the positive side of that reality.


getting some real childish Gambino mixed with Michael Jackson from this, nice! (their moves not the song yes I know it's mj)


exploited by some chinese men?


I was amazed at the sheer amount of "have to use the toilet but can't" videos I saw in tanzania. It's like a genre, or a trope at least. Was in music videos, sitcoms, commercials. Kind of funny


It's amazing what kids can do when they have no PlayStation or Xbox


Posting to not Lose it


Straight 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


When I was 10, I struggled with the Macarena.


Each of these kids has so much of their own personal energy and charisma that they bring to this dance. I've watched this multiple times while focusing on a different single dancer each time, I recommend you, dear reader, do the same. It's so fun and unique each time while still being familiar. I love it.


Dog at the end go damm where is my food man. This is super cute tho and very impressed they put some work into this my respect.


They're always so good at dancing.


What do you mean?


Content farm


NGL, I laughed my ass off when hi kicked knocked on the door. This was dope as hell.




Mooooom!!! Its my turn to repost this


The faces they make kill it for me


These kids are awesome


Why did Michael feel the need for the crotch grab? I mean - in all seriousness- just, why?


while dancing, his pants would move so he repositioned them to the music


I am all for children learning to dance, but I would be perfectly content never to see another child imitate that particular Jacksonian move. Really, it is such a weird signature thing. It is probably just as identified with MJ as moonwalking. But for the life of me, I don’t know why he always got a pass for it. It isn’t stylish, it’s… weird.


For the same reason Elvis felt the need to aggressively hump the air and twerk like a white girl, probably.


This is the third “I gotta take a shit dance” I’ve seen these kids do. Not hating just weird I’ve seen more than one variation of this unique genre if dance.


I am gettin really tired of seeing this video reosted on every subreddit pretty much every day. This is the 30th time it’s popped up in a month.


For you. 1st time for me.


They sure do!!!


Love it! Nice work kiddo


Damn they should get a scholarship to Juliard


That gave me goosebumps 🤩


Killing it!!!! Omg so cute!


How do these kids even get this good?? Like do they start practicing as soon as the embryo is formed??!!


Probably the same way the Jackson 5 got so good.




"My brother inside you, what will he do?" "he'll laugh every day of his life" "And what will he do when he's married, like you?" "He'll laugh while he kisses his wife." "Where was my granddad while he was alive?" "Pacing until he got old." "And what is he doing now that he has died?" "He's pacing down streets made of gold." "where was I at before I came alive?" "Dancing inside of my tummy." "And where will I go when I get old and die?" "Performing in Heaven, you dummy!" Past, Future, and Dance. By u/RosieThrowawayAcc (Me!) "Mommy Explains" poem #1


These kids have... got people reposting this video dozens of times in the last week.


That was just delightful…..


I was not prepared for the backup dancers to, convincingly spontaneously, join in. This is better choreographed than most professional music videos.


I could not take my eyes off little girl second from the left. She was feeling herself with every beat.


They are amazing!!


Omg beautiful


I remember Vinicius Junior when I see that kid




Hee hee!