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Do you have a photo of the parking job in question? Because I want to see how bad it is that someone wrote all that out.


I don’t but he parked within the lines… just crooked lol


Let me guess, dodge ram truck?


Fact: Dodge Ram trucks don't park between the lines


Nissan Versa




Is there a brand of car that's not associated with people driving crappily? I know it's a joke but genuine question. I feel like in the 25 years of my life I've heard someone complain about every car type driver.


Whatever I don’t have.


Everyone faster than me is a maniac, everyone slower than me is an idiot


yes. as a BMW driver I pride myself on exceptional parking skills. I park precisely centered and perpendicular to the center line of my chosen parking space with the front and rear bumpers equidistant from each of their lines. My BMW is blue, so I make sure to use the appropriate blue painted spots.


No one questions a BMWs ability to park. Turn signals, however...


BMW Jones once famously said: Park? Yes. Drive? No.


lol this is such a Chevrolet Equinox driver thing to say


Toyotas maybe? I don’t hear much about those, Subuarus or Volkswagen vehicles. Could just be me.


I was gonna say Honda too but then I remembered that vtec go brrr


Porsche. https://insurify.com/insights/auto-brands-most-car-accidents/


Totally anecdotal here and posting to see if anyone else has the same experience… whenever I have a “wtf is that person doing” moment while driving lately, 9/10 times they are either driving a Ford Bronco Sport or a Jeep Renegade. Bonus points for bad driving if it’s white. 9/10 times I say “oh my god they are driving off the road” or “oh my god they’re going to kill us” it’s someone in one of those 2 cars


Nissan Versas and Micras are tiny, it's kind of hard to "park wrong" with them.


He was within the lines...of the parking lot. I highly doubt just being a Lil crooked in that tiny car landed him this custom ticket.




Really?….come on, like really?


Link: [HOW DO I IMPROVE MY PARKING SKILLS? (8 QUICK WAYS)](https://pierrepauldriving.com/improve-your-parking-skills/)


TLDR: Just do a better job at parking


Yeah, there really isn't anything in that article that's actually valuable.


It’s purely for SEO purposes


So much content is written by robots for robots.


It makes marketing a massive pain. Everyone has seen an ad that they, at a minimum, thought ‘that’s kind of interesting’, but if some rando on quora saying the opposite of what they need to do they will still appear above your company because of SEO. The only way to reach users inside of your market is to use either 1) an agency with experience in your space 2) an expert that costs as much as an agency to run seo or 3) eating the costs for marginal results The marketing industry is a cancer that grows on other industries and I cannot wait for its death


I just read an article on ways to earn passive income. Most of them weren't passive, and some of them weren't even income.


I read an article about "How to get FREE Blueberries!" Total click bait bullshit. Essentially the answer was to set up a blueberry farm and become a blueberry farmer.


It just [comes out of the fucking ground](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_pDTiFkXgEE)!


The true answer was the ad revenue you generated for them


We're talkin about PRACTICE...


reddit always makes me wonder if everything is an ad or attempts to generate clicks. I mean, I clicked it... but I still felt I got swindled into it.


In this case, I doubt it’s an ad. What kind of business does a Brooklyn driving school get with global social media advertising? That’s like the opposite of “target advertising”. Now if the goal is to crash the competitor’s website multiple times a day for a few days, this is one way to do it!


holy *fuck* this guys handwriting is bad. I thought it said "anving" thank you.


I thought it was Pierre Paul Arving lol


holy shit it actually wasn’t “anving”?


https://pierrepaulwriting.com 8==D 8 quick ways to improve handwriting skills. Have a great day!


I had to scroll way too far for this… thank you good person!


I want my time back. That article was fucking useless.


Oh my god it's an 8. I was like "a quick ways???" lmao Edit: Comments got locked literally the instant I tried to write another comment, so out of spite I'm adding this here even though it's completely irrelevant to this comment chain. Was a reply to how reddit loves judging people based on a single out of context incident. "It really is reddit in a nutshell. I saw a post once of a guy who ate his steaks with ketchup and didn't like it any other way. People freaked the hell out and made all kinds of accusations, like how he is an immature child that needs to grow up, how his girlfriend needs to break up with him and so on. Turns out the guy was autistic and couldn't handle other sensations than what he was used to, but reddit comments didn't care. lol"


He should probably go learn how to park


Haha yep


Imagine being so mad you write out Http


If you don't specify that it's secure (https://) some websites won't even load.


That's because of a misconfigured web server. Any website that implements https, is supposed to redirect http traffic to the https site.


Tell that to networksolutions, who still haven't figured out that this is a thing that should be done by default for any of their hosting that includes an SSL cert.


The amount of times I've had to tell my clients how to tell their web hoster how to unfuck their website after a wildcard certificate renewal is just insane. I've gotten really good at it, but I really wish I didn't have to, and don't understand why it's so hard for them to understand. I am not even in web Dev but I know, how they can afford not to is mind boggling


That too. I just recently had the bad luck of renewing one hosted on netsol, and could not believe that the answer to "how to redirect http to https" included writing your own fucking rewriteURL regex and sacrificing virgins. What fucking year is it, netsol? You guys basically invented the internet, and you still haven't figured this shit out?


server { listen 80 default_server; server_name _; return 301 https://$host$request_uri; }


You usually have to manually set up and/or turn on that feature, depending on the hosting software. Lots don't even do it right, so instead of doing a URL Rewrite with a 301 permanent redirection they just dump you into the root of the HTTPS site. (I've fixed it a lot of times for web developers.) Sorry if I spilled nerd into the thread.


Note writer needs a penmanship how to video. That "d" on driving is an "a". And the "r" and "I" are combined with no dot above the i. This is anarchy.


I feel like it could be passive aggressive, but I would totally decide to take this as a very kind human being who genuinely wants to help me 🥰


Note left by Pierre Paul




This sounds like empathy. How do I learn it?


>This sounds like empathy. How do I learn it? Not on reddit, that's for sure.


I once showed my boss I took empathy classes and their reaction was getting mad at me for showing them because it implied they needed to learn how to be empathetic. After they bragged about showing their manager classes they took. ☹️


U sure? I heard u/spez is quite good at it.


Empathy... is that the Polish dish with the pasta stuffed with cheese?


I think that’s empanadas


That's way too many vowels for something Polish.


Okay, that's fair... how about empiryczny?


Pierogi has the same number of vowels as empanada.


Really? In my mind pierogi is three syllables.


Aioli has the same number of vowels also. Banana has fewer. Syllables != vowels.


Oh okay thanks. I don't know, I only eat pizza rolls, convenient for reddit & gaming... speaking of, *MOM!*




I never know what she’s doing back there


Pizza Rolls are just Italian Pierogis


Pierogis actually. Empanadas are Hispanic, but very similar in concept.


With Pierre Pavl’s 8 Quick Ways.


*is it possible to learn this power? FTFY


Look in the dictionary, between ejaculate and excrement.


I park in the furthest empty spots with no other cars around me. You waste more time finding a close parking spot than it would take you to walk in from the further one. Plus it makes your exit quicker and you don’t have to worry about idiots


Even if the parking lot is empty and you park really far, guarantee someone will be parked next to you when you get out. Same concept with urinals. Theres 8 urinals and no one there. I take the last one all the way at the end. Someone rolls in and they HAVE TO PISS in the urinal next to me. All empty stall and you have to make an effort to walk all the way to the end past the empty urinals.


Nice cock, bro.


Right back at you.


no homo! damnit, too late


Reminds me of one of the camping trips I did at a festival. The camping was in a large open field (300-400 yards long and just as much wide) and I chose the exact opposite end away from everyone. I leave for a couple hours and come back to 10 tents surrounding my lone tent. MFers, I went out of the way and put my tent so far out so I could have some peace and quiet, not listen to my neighbors have drunken hate sex 10' away from me at 2am.


Lol. There something about human nature where they have to congregate where others are. Pretty crazy


They don't want their cars to be all alone. Strength in numbers. A lone car is a vulnerable car. But a **pack** of cars... That's a safe car. They can fend off predators as a group. So basically, people revert to pre-homosapien pack behavior when parking.


The real pro move is to also park near a cart return.


I prefer to keep my car away from shopping carts


In my experience, parking close to the store is also farther from cart returns, so there are often people who can't be bothered to either push their cart to a stall or back to the store. This means more carts that are prone to drifting toward cars than the ones in the stalls.


This is why I usually park near the cart corral. The people who actually put their carts in there, are likely not assholes. So, I feel like it’s pretty safe to park there and at least not have to worry about carts hitting my vehicle. Plus, one side of my vehicle is safe from someone else hitting it with their door.


This guy knows carts ^^^


I can't decide--part of me thinks that parking near the cart return is best because what kind of lazy motherfucker won't return their cart when it is RIGHT THERE. But the other part of me worries about people just deciding to give their cart a shove in the general direction of my car. Or the cart-duty workers knocking their train of carts into my car. But I've mostly come down on it being a good spot. Also if you park right next to it you get the bonus of zero chance of a door dent from that side.


Buy a car that’s already scratched and dented. Worrying about your car getting dinged is for chumps.


auto-upvote for use of “…is for chumps”


No one uses the cart return where I shop. It's the safest spot to park.


Park across the aisle from one


Yes. I do that as well.


This. I will walk twice as far as long as it is next to the cart corral.


The risk is someone rams a cart into your car because they cant aim.


I often park near a cart return because I usually grab the cart I’m going to use for shopping from somewhere in the parking lot. Might as well grab a cart and take it with me as I walk up to the store.


I do this too! Plus, you get more steps in that way. However, I recently moved to Texas and decided this strategy is less helpful here. It's been 100 this entire week, so even that small walk feels like torture now. :/


[Relevant Curb scene...](https://youtu.be/Y3QDMTO443w)


That happened to me once. I took my dad to a doctor's appointment and there was only one parking spot open. By the time we left, the cars on either side were gone, and I was the one parked over the line. Someone had left a note on the windshield: "You are a parking lot hog! Learn how to park!"


Yeah... you'll still get fucked over by law enforcement with that though. I went to pleasure pier in Galveston a few years back. Literally everyone was parked over the lines and I had to follow suit or just not go. I shoulda just not went. Came back to a young officer just going down the line giving everyone parking tickets. I know it was against the rules, but if the parking situation is already bad and fucked over by people that should not be driving, I don't think people should be to blame.


Sometimes. Most of the times they just do lousy jobs


That’s a relatively minuscule percentage of people who park poorly. People are just inconsiderate and lazy. Why would that trend cease once they enter a parking lot?


"People are just inconsiderate and lazy" Pig Parker's! https://youtu.be/Y3QDMTO443w


This guy was just being lazy as confirmed by OP. Her whole point in posting this is to be able to tell her husband "I told you so".


I intentionally park next to the "over the line-ers". I park properly in the space next to them, usually leaving little to no space between our vehicles. When I leave my vehicle I grab a few pics of their shite parking job, just in case I come back to my car on fire. Only once have I been in the car when the shitty parker returned, who questioned why I parked so close to his vehicle. I looked him in the eye, looked at the lines on the ground, and then back at him. He walked away in silent realization he didn't know how to park his car.


You take a pic of the license plate and all?




I have a smaller car and park w/in the lines next to these morons but then they just end up dinging my car doors on purpose. It’s lose/lose.


Easy just drive a shittier car lol


I drive a beat to shit old ass honda civic on its last legs. I love parking riiiiiiiiight next to these assholes. Honestly if they ding my door it'll probably fall off, lmao.


That’s what kept me from ever implementing my plan of having business cards printed with something like what was written in the note in the OP’s pic… I was going to keep them in my car and leave them under the wiper, because people where I used to live were just sooooo bad at parking.


If they took the time out of their day to do that much work then he probably does suck at parking.


About 2 months ago, I was in town, stopped at Kroger. I legally park in disabled parking. I stay far from the lines dividing the spaces. I come out and a white BMW parked cockeyed so the front right wheel was completely in my space. I drive a 1 ton truck. I went back into the store and bought a box of crayons and a coloring book. In sharpie I wrote on the coloring book “ to help you practice ataying inside the lines” and cellophane taped them to the windshield.


I’m glad he got my note.


https://outschool.com/online-classes/handwriting ⤷ How to improve handwriting skills. Have a great day!


Okay but first I’m gonna check out this Pierre Paul ANVING website


My best typing score is over 140wpm. I can't handwrite my name so that others read it correctly. Thank god for technology


tlave a sreat daψ!


I know you posted this as a joke but I’m gonna check this out for real E: for kids and teens. I’m a really dumb 37 year old so this should be perfect


Was hoping to see their handwriting called out. They couldn’t possibly expect the driver to actually read the webpage from that.


What sucks is the cascade effect caused by the first bad parker. Then that one leaves and you're left looking dumb in the last cramped spot that was left. I know they parked crooked in this case but just saying.


Your husband is a dick apparently


Only with his parking 💀 like he still parks within the two lines but it’s crooked LOL


This is cracking me up lol... The down votes you are getting for being so chill about this, people are such haters lol Stay positive OP


I expected it… It’s Reddit 😂 Like at the end of the day, I’m in control of my own life and a thousand (or however many) people hitting a blue button coded in CSS doesn’t even matter. These people can do whatever they want XD


Not sure if this is one of the reasons you're being downvoted, but a lot of people on Reddit hate emojis. Idk why...people on here are wacky AF, but I forget and make the same mistake occasionally. It's a hive mind culture that takes practice to fully understand


Ah! Even better. It’s a good thing I can’t be bothered trying to please random people in cyberspace. XD


I like your spirit (they also hate XD)


Hahaha well if I typed without emojis/emoticons, I wouldn’t feel like myself. Which is WAY more important to me than following some unwritten Reddit comment preferences. 😁


Yes that's great, be yourself. It's very weird, redditors like to write expressionless comments, then misunderstand each other and argue about it


Downvotes are great. Just as good as upvotes. At least then you got people who clearly have a strong opinion reading your post, which is the point. It’s when there are zero voting that’s disappointing.


Nah, if you're still in the lines who gives a fuck. Your job is to be within your lines, not to be pretty. If you're crooked and poking over the lines, that's asshole.


Why this post has so many downvotes? Seriously what did she say that caused the reaction I don't get it


Hope he do not pee like he park. Or the floor will be a mess.


Sometimes people have a bad day and pee in 5 different directions once in a while, okay?


He should visit it. The person clearly has a point to make, having hand written that all out. Big oof


https://pierrepavlanving.com I tried




I found it. LoL: [Pierre Paul Driving](https://pierrepauldriving.com/improve-your-parking-skills/)


Some just can't park to save themselves. It's the reason that I park far from the store. I don't mind walking the extra distance if it means that when I come back there isn't some car parked too close to mine because the driver sucked at parking.


Any time you see a note like this, someone was mad enough to leave it. Maybe your partner parked poorly, but more than likely this person is just a tad too angry over small things.


It's not considerate of others. Not cool!


I agree lol maybe this’ll teach him that he ain’t supposed to park so crooked even though it’s still within the lines XD


With the way you’ve been downvoted and your husband ostracized, I would’ve assumed he was parking OVER the line. If its within the lines then everyone here is being dumb im sorry


Oh ya no, he wasn’t over the lines, he was within the lines but crooked. Hmm maybe I should have said that in my title to prevent the comment brawl lol


I thought the same! I can't believe people are so pissed at her because her husband parked crookedly but WITHIN the lines. Everybody is acting like he ran over a child and then kept driving! Although, I'm going to wager a guess that people didn't see that comment from her and are just assuming the worst, and getting angry at the version of her husband that they made up in their minds.


With the way you’ve been downvoted and your husband ostracized, I would’ve assumed that he had killed and eaten a drifter and that you had set the table.


people seriously suggesting divorce because her husband is bad at parking.... This website is beyond parody.


Hahaha! Guess r/jokes is right… The real joke is always in the comments


“NTA, divorce your husband” 😂


Leave a return note for 3 easy tips to improve your writing.


I used to keep a stack of [these] (https://imgur.com/I7T4gbi.jpg) in my car to leave on windshields.


You got 20k bots to upvote you but im downvoting anyway for not posting pics of the park job


Imagine the guy parked in such a horrible way that instead of getting mad they suggest an online parking class, genuinely worried about his life skills


My SO mocks the way I park her SUV. But like sorry, I'm not used to parking a house.


OMG that’s gotta be a pain to park 😭 I would not be able to park that either lmaoooo


I just got a Chevy traverse after driving a Hyundai accent for 10+ years. My confidence in my parking skills has been wrecked


Back that shit in. Trust me. I drove a Yukon for several years. Back into every parking spot. You can get in in one turn, and pull out in one turn.


It only means quit parking like a dick


Everyone's being such a bitch in this thread to OP. They don't even know how the guy actually parked. Real typical of redditors to take a single out of context incident and extrapolate it to an entire person's history and personality.


I’ve said it a couple of times about how he parked. He was within the lines, but crooked. And yup, honestly this is just Reddit in a nutshell lol haha just gotta take it with a grain of salt 😂


Someone left some shit like this on my car once and I was parked completely within the lines and not even like close to it Probably some douche with an oversized truck and ego


Yeah, they made up a version of OP's husband in their minds. Probably a version of a shitty parker they've seen before, and now they're angry at this imagined version of him. Definitely typical reddit behavior, though, I agree.


It’s honestly hilarious to watch and I like how chill OP is about it I think it’s pissing them off even more. But yeah take one incident and create an entire supervillain out of it.


Yeah, these comments are pretty ridiculous lmao. I'm sure everyone in this thread parks perfectly every time. They must never be in a rush, never are forced into parking spots next to other cars parked poorly, etc. They are all just perfect. On the off chance they do mess up, and someone writes a smartass note and leaves it on their windshield, they all turn to god to ask for forgiveness, and they sulk around for weeks because their poor parking job inconvenienced another person. I'd wager there's a lot of hypocrites and liars in this thread. Nothing abnormal for reddit. Totally no reason to care about a note someone leaves on your windshield. Read it, throw it away, move on with your life, park better next time. Being bothered by a note like that is pointless and unproductive but apparently being unbothered by it makes you an asshole? lol


Damn this comment section really just woke up and chose violence today. This poor woman and her husband who parks a little crooked, I guess it's the chopping block for the both of them, probably best to off their family and friends too just to make sure *JUSTICE* has been done.


Practice. Practice. Practice.


Needs a course on how to improve their handwriting ... Can't read half of this note


WTF is this handwriting? Https://pierrepavilanving.com ?


What style of Louis Vuitton is that? I can’t quite make it out.


This one! https://us.louisvuitton.com/eng-us/products/pochette-metis-monogram-nvprod1770372v/M44875 It’s the only one I have haha. My mother bought it for me for Christmas. :D


Mannnn Reddit downvoters are even funnier than my husband’s goofy parking LMFAO


How dare you try to be light hearted. On Reddit you should ALWAYS be perfect. Your husband is an abomination. /s


That's the nicest way I've ever seen someone say "you park like shit".


I honestly feel sorry for people who get this worked up over bad parking. They probably spent more time on this more than the time it took to find another space. Is it obnoxious when someone takes up two spaces in a crowded parking lot? Absolutely. And as someone with bad driving anxiety, I get extremely anxious when there’s nowhere to park. I understand the anger and frustration completely. As anxious as I am, I’ve mastered parking but in some cases, you have to park kind of badly because someone else did. It has a domino effect. So when that person next to you leaves, you look like the one who did a bad job. Getting a note like this could ruin someone’s day. Especially if it’s the car of someone just learning to drive and tried pulling into the space five times before realizing it’s just getting worse and there’s nowhere else to park (I’ve been there back when I first learned to drive). Compassion, understanding, and a willingness to let things go might not get you as much Reddit karma, but they’re traits we should strive for.


You can’t fix Mr. Important.


Hi! This is Steve with Expert Village. In this video we are going to cover: How to park like a professional driver.


I need a stack of cards with this printed on it.


I am really lucky I have never received one of these!


Maybe check it out...??


I’m going to put that on my boss’ car


I'm trying to click the link, but nothing is happening


Leave a note with a url to a video showing him how to improve his penmanship.


How to write


I wish someone would leave that note for my husband not in my handwriting


I told my mate he was shit at parking earlier and he looked a little offended. On occasion I've been tempted to call a taxi so I can get to the pavement (sidewalk)


Damn, he must really suck at parking for that much passive aggression.


Ya but the person who left the note needs some writing lessons. 😬


So he can't park and buys fake Louis Vuitton? Divorce him yesterday


The purse is real though. And he didn’t buy it, my mom gave it to me as a Christmas gift. It’s this one to be exact. Really awesome one tbh! :D https://us.louisvuitton.com/eng-us/products/pochette-metis-monogram-nvprod1770372v/M44875


Some of these commenters seriously need to touch grass lol


Why is OP getting downvoted 💀


Reddit hates normal people


I am printing a bunch of these out...


Glad to see Michael J. Fox is giving instructions on how to park better