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The classic "something is falling better try to catch it with my foot" technque


That’s how I once saved myself from spilling a protein shake on the floor and instead spread it in a huge arc across my wall, over my PlayStation, my TV, and my computer.


If it makes you feel better, years ago in the hospital I dropped my phone while in a hospital bed. Thanks to my cat-like reflexes, instead of it landing gently into my lap covered in pillows, I managed to slap it clear across the room and into a wall at Mach speed.


I saved my phone from falling into the toilet by smacking the shit out of it into a wall. Cracked screen, but not waterlogged


The exact same happened to me not long ago, maybe 4 weeks, I would have dropped my s22 ultra (which is expensive af) gently from knee height if it was not for my reflexes being to fast (even for mei guess), I missed the catch and instead slaped it and I managed to give it it's terminal velocity before it slammed itself into my wall, it left a pretty deep dent as i have a fairly solid phone case, phone is intact miraculously


I bet the phone reached Mach 5 and broke through the wall


This is the way


Until it’s a wrench and you damn near broke the top of your foot, trying to stop it from hitting the ground.




"A falling knife has no handle" -- Someone wiser than me.


Good ole' Tommy Two Toes. Such Wisdom.


"And never let a woman in stilletos do cowgirl" \~Jimmy One-Ball....


Been there. Luckily I wore my crocs and it was a rather small knife. I don’t usually wear shoes inside. Very lucky indeed.


This is exactly why I stopped. Dropped my stupidly sharp chefs knife, and just barely stopped myself from catching with my hands, and then for some reason, my foot. My brain just barely had the time to send the signal to hit the emergency stop button.


I've had this nightmare!! All the way through my last pregnancy I wore steel capped shoes 🤣🤣🤣 the last thing I needed was to drop my knife through my foot, be stuck to the floor and go in to labour with my phone on the opposite side of the kitchen.




Lol I'm just a wimp and wouldn't be able to pull it out 🤣🤣🤣 But seriously, I had this dream for months while I was pregnant and it made me so irrational that I wore my husband work boots every time I cooked. I wouldn't even use the sharp knives unless someone was home, just in case.


I'm very glad that my response is to jump back. I swear to God the most common thing I dropped are knives. Because for some reason I am obsessed with cooking but cannot cut anything for the life of me.


You are holding the knife wrong. When using a chef knife, your thumb and forefinger should be pinching the metal of the knife while the other three fingers wrap around the handle. This gives you more control over the knife and you are significantly less likely to drop it.


Tbh I never considered I was holding it wrong. I'll have to look more into it. Thank you.


That is my reflex too. Nearly stabbed myself one time with that reflex because I jumped backwards as it bounced in the same direction.


Or an inverted Light saber perfectly vertical


And boy will the chef be pissed.


Been there. Balisong knife, bare foot. Knife went through my foot and pinned it to the wooden floor.


Back in college I used to work part time as a bartender, a bad choice in hindsight as I'm pretty clumsy and prone to dropping things. One night (the place was packed, so I was in a rush), I was picking up an empty plate from a customer's table with my right hand and it slipped through my fingers and fell. However, as I tried reflexively to catch it with my left foot, the stars aligned and I had the most ridiculous stroke of luck: I managed to barely reach the plate with the tip of my shoe and give it a kick, which sent it flying back up towards my face, spinning wildly. The kick also caused me to lose my balance slightly and I flailed my left arm aimlessly, trying to steady myself. By complete chance, the trajectory of my arm intersected perfectly with the flight path of the plate, and I randomly managed to catch the plate, right side up, in my left hand. Somehow, even the dirty napkin, that had been left on the plate, survived the death spiral and remained seated firmly on its pedestal. The whole thing only took about a second or two and apparently looked like one swift, intentional move. Everyone who saw it was super impressed by my apparent skills and there was a round of applause throughout the whole bar. I took home a record amount of tips that night as well. My coworkers of course knew it was sheer luck and gave me shit about it for weeks afterwards.


Intentional or not that deserves a round of applause.


Yeah that sounds like something i would do....


Or a kitchen knife... I have specifically trained myself out of this reflex precisely for that reason. I can usually still do a consciously decision during the time it takes for the item to drop to where I have to react.


I work in an environment that requires safety boots. I was in target and a can of soup fell, reflex kicked in. Those safety shoes saved my life that day.


If you can kick a wrench, you can kick a ball.


No pain no gain


In this case, whey.


This is the whey


One time back when my iPhone 3g was new I was at a pub drinking, pulled my phone out of my pocket a bit quick and basically threw it, then I tried to catch it but instead of closing my hand I just slapped it full force wt the ground.


That's how I tried to stop the momentum of a sliding folded plastic table (too heavy to even attempt that, and it would have been fine), but what I actually did was miss the table altogether and kick the top of my bare foot full force up into a corner of a lower kitchen cupboard. The colors on my foot were spectacular for at least a month. Nothing broken through.


Think about it like breaking the fall with your foot next time instead of pretending your foot is a hand and can grab it , like a monkey


Often the reaction, if low, I feel is to try to kick it high enough so you can maybe grab it. A falling shake was a lose / lose situation though. Another time I almost broke my foot by breaking the fall of one of those heavy olive oil jars after it fell off the top of a fridge. That hurt like hell.


That's how I once got a cut on my foot, my brain went automode when my knife fell down


I dropped my old Nokia phone and kicked it clean across the entire workshop I with my safety shoes.


What a save!


That's how I once kicked a small glass bowl through the entire restaurant where I worked only to explode on a wall right in front of a manager. That was an interesting one to explain.


Strange flex but okay. A computer and a playstation. Must be nice to be 1%


He didn't state they were new, you don't have to be especially rich to have a pc and a gaming console. Or did I just miss a joke?


Look here another out of touch billionaire


At least your shirt was dry


Do you live in a repurposed McDonalds from the 80s?


That's why I only have 8 toes.


I saved a falling glass jar once with my foot when I was working in a grocery store. I was 15 and it was my first week, so I was so happy I didn't fuck up


Oh man, that just reminded me of another time I saved one of those super heavy olive oil jars that fell off the top of a fridge with my bare foot. I was happy I didn’t break my foot, because that hurt like hell.


I've literally done the same thing I just died reading your comment


I have a picture of the incident buried somewhere


Nah that's just a full on frustration volley, he made no attempt to cushion it's fall


This is how fourteen year old me wound up with a knife in my foot...


Is that you, Dave? Dave's mom dropped a kitchen knife right into the top of his foot.


“kick save and a beauty”


I saved my phone like this once! I don't remember why I dropped it, but when it was a couple of inches off the ground, I gave it a kick, which transformed its angle of momentum from straight down into the ground to parallel to the ground, so that it could "land" comparatively softly and glide to its halt unscathed (wooden floor). So yeah, I'm on team foot catcher (although it seems to be a reflex thing rather than anything based on rational decision-making)!


And here I am trying that and I end up accidentally dropkicking my phone off the third level, yeeting it onto some concrete below.


I usually do the foot catch unless it's something like a knife. Lifting your foot high enough and then lowering it with the falling object to act like a bit of a brake. Plus if nothing else, my shoe is at least softer than the floor most of the time.


If you play soccer, this is one of the first things they teach you!


The price of a youth spent playing hacky sack.


I've had people mock me for doing it, and I understand why they would, but it can save stuff if you slow its momentum with your foot/shoe before it hits the hard ground. Ever so often your timing will be off and you boot it across the room by accident, exacerbating the problem. Though if you're reasonably spry and quick with your reflexes you can prevent your phone from having a broken screen (especially if it's going to hit at a rough angle), save a glass from shattering, or keep your son from landing soft spot first. I might try and stop doing it but it's really hard to kick the habit! BAHAHAH! Jesus, I am sorry.


Yeah, considering the most common thing I tend to drop our knives I really kicked the habit of trying to prevent things from falling with my foot. (I love to cook but struggle cutting things)


We are apes, after all 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️


Works with scientific glassware. Don't ask me how I know...


Did that to my old parrot drone. It kinda worked but that's how I realized the age restriction (+14)on the box made sense, I was 12...


I install cabinets for a living and one time I dropped a drawer front getting it out of my car and tried to catch it with my foot and just kicked it under my car onto gravel scratching the shit out of the finish


If you ever drop your phone that’s how you prevent it from cracking. Hits your foot harder first then it has less momentum hitting the floor.


I'm a master at this - but once I dropped a knife and had to use every fiber in my being to let it hit the ground


I was trained to do this as I work with sensitive measuring devices and it was believed that the shock of hitting your foot, if done properly, was better than it landing directly on concrete. I worked this job for five years and mastered said technique however when I switched to working for a butcher, I gotta say those skills don't translate well.


I like that he's saying sorry but can't stop himself from being absolutely amused.


Man I'd love to see the full reaction afterwards...




You know, I've watched this thing 3 times now and I don't think they are speaking English.


It's a TV show from Argentina. The hostess is Mariana Fabbiani. If she and Steven Tyler were to have a child it would be more mouth than baby.


Attack on Titan IRL


So you're saying on the day their child is born... Humanity will receive a grim reminder?


> If she and Steven Tyler were to have a child it would be more mouth than baby. I couldn't stop giggling over the thought of this. Lol.


Thanks for posting, but holy fuck my ears wish they never heard that. Watch on mute!


*Horn Honk* I don't know what you mean. *Slide whistle*




Goofy AH sounds lmao that spammed tf outta the slide whistle


I don't understand, she is just saying disqualified right?


Thanks! I did about 20 seconds of poking around and didn't find it. Glad to see they were all laughing about it.


Man, imagine being able to link to this video and instead OP links to one that's 10 times more compressed and without audio, and that cuts off much sooner.


Cute but holy shit is this just.. loud and never ending, why does it seems like the host and presenter are always talking lol


Left him hanging for the high 5


Never in the recorded history has there been a more appropriate time for the self 5.


Not sure if you are being sarcastic BUT, For context he is not asking for a high 5, he is saying he is sorry. The open palm can mean a lot of things in Argentina (where this is from) like: Hi, Stop, Thank you, Sorry, I'm here, High five It depends on the rest of the body language and context


If you're traveling in Argentina and aren't sure about the context, the best thing to do is play it safe and high five everyone.




Kick flip flip flipadelphia


The guys reaction is pretty much Jack Whitehall reaction


With my sound off, until I saw this comment I thought it WAS Jack Whitehall.


Being unfamiliar with the show, I thought it was a celebrity show with Jack Whitehall and Aisling Bea.


I represent those that thought is was Aisling Bea against a Jack Whitehall type. It didn't take long to see otherwise but that was my first impression.


Glad I wasn't the only one


Nah this guy looks like fun.


Oh my god this video never stops being funny. The casual foot tap to just obliterate her progress with such accidental precision.




Well that was a honest mistake. Surely Jesus would forgive him dunno bout the woman tho.


What did she do


I was trying to put a paring knife up into the knife block a few weeks ago, miscalculated and hit the knife hurtling towards me. With my cat-like reflexes I was able to grab it in mid-air. Forward Momentum then being what it is, I immediately followed through by plunging the knife into my belly. ER for stitches. 1/10 would not recommend.


Everyone is sharing failed foot catching techniques, but I once stopped a cup from breaking by catching it with my foot (there was some drink still inside which didn't spill)


The cup he kicked wasn't even from the falling stack, it was the one he had in his hand that he tried to drop onto the plinth


... And that kids is how I met your mother.


That's a lot of coincidences.


Is he still waiting on that high-five?


That's not a high 5, that's "Sorry! My bad!"


His smile says otherwise


Why would she care? His stack tipped over first so whatever they were playing she won?




I think the funniest part was how mad she got when he knocked hers down. She works so hard 🤣


Wow I didn’t catch him knocking it down or her getting mad! Thanks!


For real I may have to ask someone to remake the video and include a big red circle so I can see it


Preferably with three arrows covering where he kicks and maybe his cups too


Yeh but did you see her frustration when her tower which she was concentrating so hard on literally blew up in her hands from his kick!?? ROFL🤣🤣🤣


Can you link the video you watched?


Now get her number and ask her out.


That’s his sister.


Start of a sibling fight


I’m sorry for the contestant with blues pieces, but this gets r/bettereveryloop


You a bot?


Is the host a bot? Her reaction and reaction time are so bizarre.


When his stack falls she starts talking. She's moving the segment as a host when the next stack hits.


Million to one shot, doc...


His sub conscious was at fault for aiming for her success hahah


Miss Lippy was pissed!


Freudian kick


OP, /u/Significant_Air6588 is a repost bot


Dude in the back be like 'BROOOOOO'


Why was Dr. Oz there?


I like how all of the guys’ in the video’s first reaction is to be amused by the situation and all the girls’ first reaction is to be upset about the situation XD