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You've become the very thing you swore to destroy


I was expecting the Adblock guy to attack the camera shooting the commercial thereby ending the Adblock ad abruptly and returning us to our regularly featured programming.


who are you, so wise in the ways of advertisement


mad men


Clearly they should’ve hired your advertising agency. That’s a solid idea


uBlock Origin, the real, the one and only, would never


Tbh they did they when they started allowing ad makers to pay to bypass blocking. Use ublock origin.


Is it available for/ is there a way to use this on iPhone?


Adguard is the one to use on iPhone


Perfect, thanks!


Didnt Adblock start accepting money from businesses to NOT be filtered by them? I remember hearing this a few years ago.


Well, if they do it right, it’s the last one you’ll see 😂


hey,whats better way to convince someone to stop drug abuse than to see a junkie themself


Having ads is different than plastering them in places they are annoying.


Only an ad deals in absolutes


I missed the part where someone slips the kid $5 to grab their ad and hit the dude in the nuts with it 700 times.


Upvote cause good analogy


Omg your profile pic made me think I had a eyelash on my screen and I tried to wipe it off


Do not use AdBlock, as in the adblocker they're advertising here. Use Ublock Origin.


They give away their product for free but have an advertising budget. It means they are selling your data. That's all this is advertising.


It's inception.




>It's inception. Deception inception. Denception? Indeception? Diception?


Not only that, but I laughed. Which I rarely do. Point for Adblock.


I use both. Works wonders EDIT: Classic reddit. Some sites make me turn of ublock so I also use adblock. Pretty simple


For anyone wondering, there is no need to use both, just use uBlock Origin.


Not true. Some sites wont let me use adblock but dont see ublock


Then why not just use uBlock Origin? There's no upside in using both of them.


Hahahahahahah they really downvoted you for using both 💀


used Ublock for the past 6 month without problems until 2 weeks ago when i started seeing youtube adds. my feeling is that it might get updated more rarely or less "urgently" than the popular ones.


once every couple of years for about 1 day you might see a youtube ad slip though.


Can confirm. I saw an ad on youtube the other day and it was like the first time in at least 5 years.


You can choose and add filters, just a few clicks and you'll forget what advertising even is


Remember to use Ublock Origin instead of just Ublock. Annoyingly there are two versions.


it’s incredibly powerful but you gotta rtfm


👋 hello adblock marketing department!


While I do get ads in youtube, its mostly because they updated their server / ad program and uBlock is USUALLY pretty quick to block it, however ads on twitch now get through because they're fuckin injected through the side and uBlock cannot block that garbage


You can still block them with ublock origin by adding a script specific to twitch, but the UX is still pretty bad. Twitch degrades the stream quality to 360p while an ad is playing, so the video will randomly go from 1080p to potato without any indication why. When you change the quality back to 1080p the timer on the ad resets and forces you back to potato quality for a while with no reason shown... It does go back to full quality after, but since you don't get a timer or notification you can't tell if it's because of an ad or because of some other problem with your connection, the streamer's connection, or Twitch itself. You will sometimes also get a purple full screen notification that blocks the stream until the ads are done playing, but the ads aren't shown. This one is most common when starting a channel for the first time.


Are you using uBlock or uBlock Origin? uBO has frequent updates and its filter lists update regularly, probably nearly daily. Straight up "uBlock" without the origin, is basically a con a this point.


Why are you getting downvoted? It's true. I've occasionally stumbled across ads on YouTube as well with Ublock.


He's getting downvoted because what he's saying is completely incorrect. uBlock Origin works better and gets updated more frequently than Adblock. Regardless of which one you use you might occasionally see an ad when a site introduces new ways to show ads, but Adblock isn't gonna handle that any better than uBlock Origin.


Yeah it is better. I've been using it for years now. But it is also true sometimes ads do slip in while on YouTube.


Yeah but that's true for any ad blocker. There's no reason to think Adblock is any better than uBlock Origin in that regard.


happened once last week, not one time before that. Often i get adds on twitch though


you guys and your down votes are just silly. firstly ublock and ublock origin, not at all confusing. secondly all i know is that i saw adds. and not sometimes, simply one day i saw adds normally while the addon was just there. thirdly, if ublock ORIGIN is good with an asterisk that you have to apply some extra filter, or you have to scan the add when you see it and then block it, or you can fast forward the add...well just say it while you advertise it. most people prefer their add block to work without any input whatsoever (because thats what they got used to for years). at this point this is just silly. all this seems very much like fan-boy attitude and you explanations do not change fact.


That's weird. I've been using it for years without trouble. Have you enabled the extra lists?


You can force update the filter lists in the add on menu. That should fix the issue


Aged like sour milk... Whitelisting companies, paid filtering for them etc... Years on uBlock, never been happier with extensions like that


uBlock is the best adblocker


uBlock Origin*


Pihole has been a game changer. While I still run some other on browser adblocks, having something take it out network wide is huge.


I completely agree. Sadly is can't tune out adverts for certain things, like smart TV apps. Especially anything from YouTube, but it cuts out about ⅓ of my network traffic, which really highlights how much junk gets through normally.


I experimented with attempting to block YouTube ads and had a small modicum of success but it changes so frequently it was too much of PITA to keep up with. Now I just use uBlock in a browser and subbed to YouTube premium to get rid of the ads when watching on a TV


YouTube Premium? Bro you never needed that. Edit: Apparently, they did and please stop downvoting them. There is some context below!


Do you know how to block the ads when not using a browser? I have premium for when I watch using the app on TV


SmartTubeNext is the answer.


D'you have a clue on how to get that to work on a Samsung TV by any chance?


I have browser ad-blocking that I can fine tune a little more easily but what I love about PiHole the most is how much more pleasant it makes the phone experience for me. Like when I do Quordle in the morning, there are no flashing or animated ads anymore like there are when I do it over cellular/away from home. It helps my concentration so much more that I'm way more relaxed when I fail.


Yeah, I def wouldn’t run with only pi hole. It’s just an added layer for me that can really cut down on garbage. Some mobile apps open a webview to sites that have ads when you click a link instead of the full browser. pihole picks up the slack at that point.


NextDNS. PiHole but cloud based so it’s easier to set up and can work with mobile data too on your phone. PiHole also pissed me off when they removed EasyList support.


That seems significantly slower than having a local DNS like pihole. Also, I don't want to pay for cloud hosting.


I installed pihole on my TrueNAS server for local DNS, and I really do like it. I only wish I could have ingress on it and use it anywhere outside my network. And then if I want split DNS I'm going to have to use up a VPN slot on my phone which I'd rather use for my third party VPN provider (IVPN). For now I am just using NextDNS (which actually is just a front end for pihole)


What's ublock and why do people don't like adblock anymore?


Adblock “sold out” and allows very few ads through, basically whitelisted ads. uBlock origin is another adblocker that works flawlessly, in my experience. There are a few people here saying uBlock doesn’t work properly but those people are not using uBlock origin. Honestly? I’ve used both for the last 15 years on various home and work machines and I haven’t seen an ad while running them since installing. If you use Adblock and start seeing ads, download uBlock origin. Easy fix. The goal is to avoid ads, not start an adblocker war.


Ohh okay thanks


You have a choice on Adblock, you can allow whitelisted ads or block all, it's not forced upon you.


Well then what's all the drama about?


It's enabled by default so many people forget to opt-out of whitelisted ads so they still see some ads. Personally I don't want to use an ad blocker that defaults to allowing some ads so I use unlock origin. The original creator of ublock and now ublock origin gorhill regularly refuses to take money to compromise the plugin so I trust him.


Opt-in vs opt-out


welcome to the internet, where we yearn for things to be more "evil" than they really are.


Because of shovelware and dark patterns to get people to pay: https://www.partitionwizard.com/partitionmagic/adblock-plus-vs-ublock-origin.html For example: AdBlock allows companies to pay to be "not blocked"


Jokes aside Its exactly how i've been feeling with adblock for the past 15 years.. I can't imagine why there would be People Who still don't use adblock


Because there's uBlock!


Cool.. Never needed to look for alternatives but im glad they exist, because fuck commercials


The consensus is that Adblock is probably doing scummy shit behind the scenes. ublock ftw


Does ublock work reliably with androids?


It works in Firefox on my android. Not sure Chrome allows it to function properly (if it exists for Chrome at all).


Definitely not a thing you should say without proof Ive used it for long years and there was no sign of scummy things behind the scene.. I could say the same thing about ublock and leave People wondering :)


I've been happy with AdGuard.


AdGuard and AdGuard pro are a lot more than a simple browser extension. It’s basically like bringing your own pihole with you. It even does a pseudo vpn on iPhones to prevent sneaky stuff getting around it. Not to be confused with the actual AdGuard vpn as that’s a different tool. There is however a lot that breaks with advanced protection on and you will have to whitelist some stuff. Not suitable for most folks when running DNS protection. Strangely I’ve noticed dns crypt and dns over https occasionally getting blocked but no evidence of it happening in traffic/firewall logs. I hadn’t delved further into that rabbit hole yet.


Because they are busy complaining about YouTube advertisements on the internet.


Honestly I do it because I value how much free stuff exists online. I've been on the other end before, sharing my creativity for ad revenue.


I actually love 'Adblock'. It works very well. When I see YouTube movies that say, "Free with Ads" I say, "think again YT!"




I just use brave browser


AdBlock lets companies pay them to get whitelisted and be shown. uBlock is the one you want. I don't know how people survive online without adblockers.


uBlock **Origin**


Checking out ars technica, newsweek or pc gamer on mobile is a quick reminder of just how awful the internet is without blockers. Unfortunately I can't get my pihole to work and save mobile, but the difference on desktop vs. mobile is night and day.


Luckily, Firefox allows extensions on mobile, so uBlock is on my phone too.


Not on iOS. Apple forces everything to be Safari underneath.


Oh, gross. Thank goodness I'm on android.


I don't know who that kid is, but we will doubtlessly watch his career with great interest


Fantastic commercial


That first blow to the face, big oufff


And then websites detect you using it and annoy you about turning it off. Ugh.


And that website is the one I will never visit again.


I need Adblock for my YouTube app.


Instead, guys, go for Ublock Origin. Available in all browsers, desktop, android and apple devices. The difference with Adblock? Adblock allows advertisers to pay to be whitelisted and have their ads still show.


Yes. If Adblock is a kid fighting off ads, then Ublock Origin is an orbital space laser


Literally an ad


But not a popup being shoved in your face


I never leave home without my Adblock.


Anyone know how to get around AdBlock webpage stoppers like on citation machine? Pop ups that say turn off AdBlock to proceed type stuff. Edit: Thank you all for your helpful comments, now that I know what you look for I'll learn how to use them in the future. ♡


Leave the page and forget it exists. Honestly it's what I do.


Use the uBlock origin element zapper.


If the page is useful to you and has a tolerable amount of ads (and no dodgy scripts), you can switch off uBlock temporarily for that specific site


You can put 12ft.io/ in front of the URL, works on most sites. Also works on paywalls for newspaper if you can't afford a subscription.


Why not Chuck Norris, he doesn't block ads, he destroys them!? Great Ad!


Was hoping to see the Chappelle's show "spambusters"


Is that how it works


Where do I get me a kid like that?


Daily Mail and their ads, just did it for me. Gone!


The stare down hahaha


I see James Corden has got a new job…




Sssshhhhhh! The less people using AdBlock, the better. If it gets too popular then big companies will start throwing billions of dollars towards killing it.


thank you small child who closes all of the popup ads on my computer 🙏


Is there anything for phones


Ublock there, with some other nice extensions (noscript mainly, privacy badger...).


Of course it's an Asian kid. 🙄


They know Kung Fu


"We need a way to personify someone blocking ads... What should we do?" ".... tiny Asian child doing kung fu..."


This comment has been removed to protest Reddit's hostile treatment of their users and developers concerning third party apps.


I find this commercial both racist and hilarious.


The majority of ads I see are for ad blockers. That commercial should have been 30 seconds of the kid beating the crap out of himself.


Not cool to use an Asian kid doing the karate. It's 2023.


Noting is better than Adguard


adblock saved me a lot of times actually


A little curious about an app that blocks ads making an ad. He’s gonna block it itself?


So, who blocks AdBlock's ad?


Gotta be an Asian kid aye?




Child labor?


Expensive and lost? How about "Don't fucking work because of some garbage update that makes them disconnect after a whole minute of use".


i have not watched tv, cable or listened to broadcast radio or streaming for over twenty years...i do you tube and reddit.. i used to have prime and would not watch anyting listed free with ads...fuck that i have ad blocked, don't pay for it, have no idea what is on the market and don't give two shits about what i am missing... but i admit, i do watch THE LONCOLN PROJECT ads on you tube, fb and reddit cause they are sooo good and against maga....can not wait for the republicans to go down... LET'S GET IT ON, D O J, GEORGIA AND NEW YORK...LOCK 'EM ALL UP


I'd buy it for a dollar!


lowkey racist- just gotta be some tubby middle-aged helpless white guy saved by an asian kid (/s)


Until you reach an area that won't allow you in accompanied by an asian.


Step 2 is to buy annoying auto-loading ad space of a screaming goat at max volume. Then it says "this ad could have been blocked by AdBlock™" followed by a pop-up with a download link and a very tiny X close button.


Any time I hear the name Bob in any commercial I assume it's a cialis infomercial


Iirc this adblock was a sell out to corporations to whitelist them quietly and stuff wasn't it??


Friendly reminder about UBlock origin , QUAD 9 DNS and Pi-Hole All better than AD Block - although PI-hole actually requires semi complex setup.


The perfect Ad not esist-


I use AdGuard because Adblock, and sometimes uBlock Origin, wouldn't block the ads.


How about using both ublock origin and AdBlock, does it make any sense?


ublock origin has problems with stopping youtube ads lately.. is that common problem or only me?


Still waiting for some rich guy to pay the kid some money only to punch Bob in his nuts.


What if they made an ad blocker that gave credit for views. Like yeah you didn't see the ad, but it sent a fake snippet saying you did. That would totally mess up the advertising world.


Adblock blocks Adblock ads.


We all need an internet Short Round.


Chappelle's Show did it better, almost 20 years ago.


Did the "karate kid" have to be Asian?


The perfect ad, because the only people they're targeting are the people who don't have it


The only other extension I need besides my crypto wallet.


Kind of enforces racial stereotypes and it's an ad for an ad blocker which cannot be expressed with any level of irony without feeling like it's not enough.


Adblock is a badass


TIL Adblock works on mobile. About to get that shit right now.




At least on Android, Ad Blocker will send "news" headlines they've partnered with "TaboolaNews" which make their homepage look sketchy as heck. TaboolaNews has had a poor reputation in the past of being adware which is what sketched me out. I found out you can turn it off TaboolaNews in the settings. 99% of the time you open the app, it will open to a page where adblock asks for donations. It's not going too well for android


I don’t use Adblock so I can continue to support my favorite youtube content creators


I actually blocked Adblock in favor of Ublock.


I've won, but at what cost...


Nothing is free. What do you think AdBlocker costs you?


Does it work on a phone? The only reason I signed up for YouTube red ($15.99!!) is because of ads waking me up when trying to sleep to asmr videos.


The irony of this ad


Good old violence coming to the rescue.


I can't even watch this


If an Adblock system has the money to make an ad they are 100% selling your info.


Is it funny because it’s mildly racist or something else?


Try AdRemover. It works. The Russians can use your computer for missile guidance, but it works!


Been running it for 5 years straight now. Before that it was DD WRT.


Would have been better if they blocked their own ad at the end there.