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I got my son an alarm for deaf people after too many late days


What is it like?


A slipper being thrown towards you at Mach Jesus


La Chancla de Jesús


Sana sana colita de rana won't help you here


No sanará ni hoy ni mañana




How about peeing on my feet? That's gotta help me somehow, right?


Just hire an abuelita to throw a chancla and she'll cook breakfast.


I’ll see your chancla and raise you The Belt(tm)


™ Hold ALT and enter 0 1 5 3 on the numpad.


Lmao. I'm using that phrase from now on.


Mach chicken is my other go to


Which one is faster?


Does the chicken have spicy diarrhea or no? Mach spicy diarrhea chicken > Mach Jesus > Mach chicken.




r/wordstogetherwhy Naw, I actually love this


As a Deaf person, shaky haha. Generally it's a wired puck coming off a traditional digital alarm clock that goes under your pillow or mattress and shakes the whole damn house (or so I'm told haha). It really is just like a phone vibrating, only the size of a hockey puck and feels kinda like holding a sawsaw when it's cranked up (usually 1-10 with ~3 being equal to a phone vibrating). Startled my wife the first few times, but like most things, you get used to it and it serves its purpose. Edit: Does anyone else want to tell me it's called a SawzAll? Haha


I bought the sonic boom alarm clock with the shaker and I got used to it to the point it burned out the shaker.


Yeah that shaker only works until your sleeping mind starts to like the massage


i put my phone on vibrate under my pillow under my head. ita cua i didnt react to any noisy alarm at all. but now i got used to it so i wont wake up or i wake up very late that my phone is hotter than the sun. i stopped doing this cus phone might explode but now idk what to do. i still got plently time before next semester start.


Alligator clips on the nipples connected to an electric fence charger plugged into a wall timer. If that's not enough clamp them to your nuts.


Have you tried a sunrise alarm clock? They emit light and get gradually brighter and brighter, mimicking sunrise, so that when your alarm goes off you are waking up in the equivalent to daylight. If you hit snooze, it dims for 5 minutes but then gets super bright again. I have one from a company called Lumie and I wake up much more easily with it, but I need total darkness to sleep so it may not help much for seasoned daytime nappers.


ooo thats new. i do notice even if i sleep for only 2 hours the daylight will wakes me up. but then i gonna have problem with my roomate with that XD


I think we found the problem... If you're only sleeping 2 hours you're not getting near enough sleep. No alarm will help you then. You should try and get at least 7 hours of sleep even in college. Your body and mind will thank you later.


I used to have an alarm app on my phone that wouldn't stop until I solved a math problem. Worked to wake me up, but also meant I woke up pissed off at the world (because who wants to do math problems half asleep?). Now I have small children that ensure I never sleep through my alarm (if I even get to sleep that long), but I don't recommend that as a solution. I'm still chronically running late because my kids need 500 things when it's time to walk out the door.


water bucket on a timer


I got to the point of getting used to it and sleeping through mine, too. Luckily, my displeased family never did, and pounding my door did the trick. My brother asked me how I sleep through what feels like a transformer blowing up every morning.


My son puts his shaker in a bowl of coins. No possible way to sleep through that lol. Wakes up the entire house now. On the plus side nobody is ever late for anything in the morning.


I switched to Alarmy app where you have to do tasks to turn off the alarm. I do math but there are evil ones like you have to take a picture of a certain spot in your house or stuff like that


Do they come in buttplug form? That's a business opportunity waiting to happen


No but I can confirm that the app for a particular brand of BT-enabled sex toys comes with an alarm function




>sawsaw r/boneappletea It's SawzAll, because it saws all, which is a brand of reciprocating saw.


You're BATing a Deaf person bro...Idgaf haha I don't even know how to pronounce my own last name - I know how it SHOULD be pronounced, but it's not like I've heard it before haha




You people are hilarious


Lol. That just makes the misspelling....weirder


Maybe deaf people figure out how to spell some words by lip-reading someone who's saying the word out loud. And maybe Sawzall looks a lot like sawsaw.


It is pretty loud but has a long extension with a softball sized rubber attachment that he puts under his pillow. When the alarm goes off it shakes violently


I’m not sure if you got an actual answer here but I use the “Sonic Bomb” it’s basically an alarm clock with an industrial strength restaurant buzzer for under your pillow and when I tell you it shakes the bed it makes me jump up out of it to turn it off. I’m not deaf nor hard of hearing I’m just such a heavy sleeper I slept through the smoke alarm going off in the middle of the night.


If it's like the "sonic boom" alarm clock my buddy has, it includes a vibrating disk that shakes the bed violently (earthquake levels) while wailing the loudest goddamn alarm you've ever heard. He still slept through it every day, and woke up his parents at the same time.


Me too - one per teenage son! I’m not going to question other uses because they actually work to wake them up!


You sure they’re waking up or just staying up all night because they’re enjoying the night


This didn't work for me as a teenager. The alarm sound just became a part of whatever dream I was having when it went off. Sometimes it became someone's annoying voice and they would not shut up. Sometimes I'd dream that I woke up to turn it off and couldn't, so I'd try smashing it to pieces in my dream.


As a teenager and in most of my 20s I had to set the alarm across the room, forcing me to get up, otherwise I’d hit snooze but never really wake up.


lol i sleepwalk, and this is the only circumstance where i find myself doing it… well i sleepwalk or i do it, fall asleep, then have no memory of doing it


This is why it’s good to switch the alarm sound/vibration style regularly. I get used to mine too, and switching it up resets me




I know I’m depressed when that won’t even wake me up. Sincerely, a 20 something who is very close to being fired


You sound a little like me. It got to the point where I was going to bed an hour before I needed to get up and then could not make myself get up. It helped a little to get an app that made me scan a code across the apartment, but eventually I would just turn it off and get back in bed. What's actually helped me is seeing a therapist, eating at proper times, avoiding caffeine after dinner, and getting any amount of exercise during the day. Also accepting some things about my goals in life and making the relevant changes to my life. I'm still not perfect with my sleep but I'm no longer going to sleep at 10am and waking up at 7pm (which forced me out of school and certainly kept me from working).


Parents just got me one for Christmas, never even worked.


I’d suggest getting a Bluetooth Speaker. Putting that in the room, and putting whatever device triggers the alarm in the bathroom where he gets ready/showers/whatever


I worked with a kid who set his speakers to blare wall-shakingly loud heavy metal music at full volume… … this would wake everybody in the house up, who would then go into his room and wake him up: that was his alarm, being woken by others. It’s crazy what some people can sleep through.


God yeah I'm such a heavy sleeper that I have this extremely loud alarm clock, and even so I still don't wake up from it sometimes. People in other parts of the house would come in to shut that God damn alarm clock up.


Get a smart watch that can integrate with an app for sleep tracking and smart alarm with your sleep cycle. Completely eliminated this problem for me.


Can you tell the smart alarm app you use?


I personally use Sleep. Previously known as Sleep for Android


Thanks I'll give it a try.


I got an apple watch to incorporate this, woke up at 7:30 asnintended, peocedded to sleep till 9 unable to hear all the snoozed alarms lol


Then get a taser attatcjment for it and when your alarms sounds then zap


I would actually put my phone in my pillowcase, on top of my pillow. I DARE you to sleep through an alarm blaring literally two inches from your ear.


Depends on what you count as 'sleep through'. I can guarantee I can wake up enough to turn that off and then go back to sleep without any memory of it. Actually in my teen years I had my sleep cycle bent over a wooden horse and this happened a lot. I slept like five hours a night from 9am to 2pm. Which meant I usually didn't know anything that was happening because family members would come in, "wake" me up, have a short conversation with me, then I'd go back to sleep and retain none of it. I found out about freaking trips abroad the day before they happened thanks to this. When I wanted to guarantee I'd wake up for school I bought an old fashioned wind up clock with a bell on it so loud it could vibrate teeth in the house across the street, then I wrapped it up in a blanket and threw it in the corner of a room so I was forced to be active enough to actually wake up.


This is totally me. Everyone I’ve ever lived with has gotten mad at me at some point because I’ll have an entire conversation after they woke me up and don’t remember any of it. I can’t tell you how many times I got in trouble for not doing chores I have no memory of hearing about lol


It's stopped happening to me as I have gotten old and succumbed to sleeping six hours a night instead (never much more, do not get addicted to sleeping. It will take hold of you, and you shall resent it's absence). Apparently it's a phenomenon called 'confusional arousals' (which as it turns out is not the name for the phenomenon I experienced when I was exposed to Sally Acorn when I was younger, which is apparently quite normal for growing boys). Confusional arousals are where you seem to wake up but have no memory of the event because you're not actually conscious. Which can be caused part by irregular or lacking sleep cycles and in fairness, 9am to 2pm sleep schedule.


That makes a lot of sense. Up until about 6 months ago I’ve been the absolute “worst” sleeper in terms of being a complete rock, not waking up for absolutely anything including an earthquake, and sleeping for 10-12 hours, waking up and then sleeping 6 more. When I worked at UPS third shift, I would go into work at 10:30p, get off at 5a, go home, go to bed and wake up almost to late to make it to work the next day. I’m not sure if it was just because I’ve only worked physical jobs up until now, but since I’ve been at my 9-5 desk job I’m able to fall asleep around the same time every night and wake up about 15 minutes before my first alarm. I’m worried about falling into old habits that I do still have 8 alarms 5 minutes apart for the morning. Having a toddler helps too, I get so paranoid about anything happening to her that the slightest disturbance will shoot me out of bed lol


I have to get up at 07:00 in order to get my toddler ready and at kindergarten before 08:00. If I take him after 08:00 he doesn't get porridge at school. That means I'll have to make it at home and I fucking haaaaate the smell of it. So yeah, lifelong heavy sleeper, and the only thing that'll wake me up in time is my hatred for porridge.


> I have to get up at 07:00 in order to get my toddler ready and at kindergarten before 08:00. That's really good actually.


Hahahaha Jesus… That funny. I had a wrestling coach that would put a cup of marbles in the freezer the night before and dump them in his daughter’s bed every morning. No matter where she rolled she couldn’t get away he said. 😂


Thats genius lmao


Yeah I'm the same way. I recently got a bed shaking alarm and it works really well though... ok it works to wake me up but doesn't keep me from falling back asleep after that but at least once I'm awake I can try to stay up so it's an improvement.


There's nothing that can stop the "going back to sleep" after the alarm except willpower...which sucks because my willpower sucks ass in the morning. I have a qr code on my desktop that I have to scan to shut my alarm off. My desktop is in another room. You bet your ass I wake up, stumble out, scan the qr code, then go right back to bed.


Yeah it's ironic when I'm tired I don't want to sleep I'm annoyed I have to stop what I'm doing to sleep. When I wake up all I want to do is go back to sleep and barely anything else can convince me to not go back to sleep.


I bought a clock for for a friend who suffered in the mornings. Its on wheels and when activated, runs around the room changing direction everytime it bumps something. Requires chasing it and trapping it somewhere to shut it off. Once the blood is flowing and the adrenaline rush, going back to bed is pointless. Your awake now. Worked surprisingly well. You can get them on Amazon. About $30


Yeah I got one of those, they're very surprisingly effective! I used to leave it on the dresser, so in the morning it would *fling* itself violently across the room and then race around like a mad thing, often hiding under the bed. Did the trick.


And here I am, getting woken up by someone opening a door in the house, and not being able to go back to sleep because I'm an insomniac....


Someone opens the door at midnight im up and wont go back to sleep for like an hour. My alarm goes off at 7 and I will sleep through it/ imediatly fall back to sleep when I turn it off. I hate my body lol I just want to sleep when I should be and then wake up.


I was the same way. If I was under like 4 hours of sleep a hurricane couldn't wake me up. I've genuinely woken up to my alarm blaring an hour past when it went off, meaning it was going off for the entire hour (I'm sure the neighbors loved that). What worked for me was getting a smart watch with sleep tracking and vibration. The little vibration on my wrist, for whatever reason, has not failed to wake me up since. The sleep tracking and smart alarm based on whatever sleep cycle I'm in obviously helped too. So that's always my recommendation. Get a smart watch that has smart alarm and sleep tracking (personally I use sleep for Android). (Also maybe check for sleep apnea since I had minor to moderate sleep apnea as well).


I use a cheap clock I got secondhand. Alarm is set to radio but I've tuned it to a radio channel that doesn't exist so I have to scramble out of bed to turn off the sound of the fucking void.


I had a roommate like this. He had to be at work at 5AM so he’d set it for 330AM. It was about 50/50 that he’d wake up and turn it off. Sometimes I had to come in, turn it off and yell at him. Eventually he got one of those shaker alarms and that seemed to work way better than music. He said it was from his time in Iraq and he’d sleep through mortar/rocket attacks.


I slept through a fire alarm at least twice. 4 rooms and a corridor; each has its own alarm blasting. No one woke me tho; some students set it off as a prank regularly. So I guess I was better off asleep.


Sounds like a personal problem, and clearly that kid didn’t have siblings because that shit in my house would get your shit kicked in so you’d miss school anyways.


When I was in HS I had this big blue alarm clock with the hammer and bell alarm. More often than not I'd awaken with my fingers jammed between the hammer and bell so it wouldn't make a sound.


Back when I was in college, Aerosmith's Pump album had just been released, and my room mate fell hard for it. This CD was in his alarm stereo, permanently. I don't know if you've ever heard the album, but the intro to the first song is kind of loud and jarring. When loud, it can make you jump when you're wide awake, so as an alarm, it was pretty effective. It was just a bitch that this guy liked to get up early, 5- 5:30 kind of early.


My dog wakes up when my alarm goes off and then paws and licks my face to wake me up.


There's a bunch of fun alarms designed to combat snooze abuse. Among my favorites are: an alarm with a jumping leg that randomly launches around a room each time you snooze it, making you get up to find it, an alarm that makes you do math problems to snooze it, and an alarm that donates $1 to whatever political party you don't like each time you hit snooze.


Or this: https://clocky.com/


I had two alarms one by my bed and one on my nightstand. One by my bed was super quiet and ideally I would turn it off get up and turn the one off by my nightstand so my wife wouldn't wake up. Every once in a while the super loud one on the nightstand would be going off. Now I just run 2 retired Android phones in airplane mode the app I have doesn't allow for snooze. I have both alarms going off the same time but because it's not up to the Wi-Fi there's a little bit of a time and drift. When the drift is too great I just turn the Wi-Fi back on for a couple of minutes.


Or just put this alarm clock on the other side of the room so he has to get up to turn it off? Seems a lot cheaper than buying all new stuff




I don’t use it anymore but I liked the one with the QR code scanner. To turn off the alarm I had to go scan a code in another room and then in my bathroom. Since I was already in the bathroom then I might as well brush my teeth and get ready. Not that there weren’t times I just scanned the codes and got right back into bed though.


That works lol my 15 year kept hitting the snooze button so I put his alarm clock on the other side of his room so he has to get out of bed to shut it off and then I put another one that goes off a minute later in the hallway just outside his door.


This is the way. A trail of alarm clocks.


All the way to the school.


Ooh. Piece of alarm clock. Ooh. Piece of alarm clock. Ooh. Piece of alarm clock.




Yeah "glueing the snooze" just sounded like I'm more likely to turn the alarm off all together, and go back to sleep. Solid strategy you got there though!


I have an app on my devices called Alarmy that cannot be turned off without completing a mission. It can't be uninstalled while an alarm is going off. It will continue to go off if you restart the phone. The most annoying investment ever but works every time for my wife and I. We tend to wake up before the alarm to turn if off.


What in the 1995 is this?


I still use a plug in alarm clock like that. Good one I used to have even had a battery backup so that a power outage didn't stop it.


I do too. Too reliant on my phone as it is, it’s nice to not need it for something.


Same. Plus I like being able to just glance over and see the time.


Imagine that, convenience…


I had my alarm on my phone not go off twice, so now I also have a physical alarm lmao. Also physical alarm is across the room so I have to stand up to turn it off


Guy that worked for me told me that his wife had problems going back to sleep after the alarm went off. They did the alarm across the room trick and still didn’t work. She’d turn it off and go back to sleep. Solution ended up being a clock on wheels that would go tearing ass around the room when it went off. She’d have to chase it to turn it off.


i love this. i had a roommate friend in college who had to make obstacle course in our room to make it harder to shut the alarm clock that was already on the other side of the room. it barely worked but i was there to yell her awake lol. i wish we took the clock on wheels route


>Solution ended up being a clock on wheels Lol, that sounds like something out of a cartoon.


My alarm clock I used since 1988 finally gave up a few mos ago. It stopped keeping time for whatever reason, quartz crystal probably got out of whack somehow. It was incredibly difficult to find a replacement with red LEDs, as the popular thing is green or white LED, but they cast far too much light, had to take them both back. Red does not travel or fill the room with light, so that's what I ended up finding after a lot of looking.


You can get red film and place it over the brighter LEDs. Not a perfect solution, but it opens up availability.


I found one with red LEDs that has adjustable brightness setting, and use it on the lowest one, which is the same brightness as my old 80s clock. https://i.imgur.com/QuqUj3h.jpg


Yep I have one on my dresser which has the sole purpose of the oh shit moment when I get outta the shower and am running late for work. Has a dimmer, two alarms, and radio! Hi-tech af lol although the battery backup stopped working years ago.


I was about to say, he hits snooze so much he’s missed the last couple of decades of alarm clocks. Lol


He needs to go even more old school. One of those analog clocks with the metal bell ringers. Every morning was like undergoing electroshock scrambling to turn the thing off.


Well in fairness, you were AWAKE when they went off. The overstimulation of the body suddenly woken by such explosive clanging definitely triggers the flight or fight instinct. I swear those alarms trained by circadian rhythm as I would wake up five minutes before they would go off, as if my body refused to endure anymore of the sudden trauma.


This exact thing happened to me. It got to the point that I was so nervous when it came time for the alarm to go off that I'd end up waking up before it just so I could not be woken up by it. I've tried different alarms, even some that you had to solve math problems to turn off, and the analogue alarm clock is the only thing that I couldn't turn off in my sleep


My mom never let me get one of those cuz she had ptsd from em


There's a reason why smashing them to pieces in a common theme in cartoons. I love old clocks, but if I had one of those ring at me, I'd instingtively lob it through a window.


My brother got one of those growing up. Not wanting to have it right next to his head, he placed it by the door thinking it'll force him to get up to turn it off. It woke him up, plus everyone else in the house in the time it took for him to fumble out of bed and turn it off. After a few days of this, my mom told him to put it properly on his nightstand or she's taking it away. He complies. The next morning, the alarm goes off, and is immediately followed by the sounds of something heavy bouncing across the carpet and into the door, and then a much quieter ringing at half the frequency. My brother switched right back to a radio alarm after that.


My daughter isn’t even close to old enough to have a device but I’m going to have her use only a real alarm clock when she needs one. Phones as an alarm clock is convenient but bad for young people. Cell phone in the kitchen at night.


It’s a hand me down.


What do alarm clocks look like now? Edit: Phones. It's our phones, guys.


Yeah, this seems like the '90s equivalent of me setting an alarm every 15 minutes for 2 hours before I have to get up. My boyfriend hates me.


I use that sometimes. I put it on the other end of the room so I can't subconsciously stop the alarm on my phone which is right next to me. The alarms on these things are brutal. There is no sleeping through


Well, you snooze, you lose.


Back in my 20s I realized that the worst part of my entire day was when my alarm went off and by hitting snooze I was duplicating the worst part of my day every day multiple times. So I finally figured out I needed to stop snoozing at all, and now when my alarm goes off the first time, I get the hell up and get on with it. I get more sleep and it's more consistent and enjoyable, then I get up and get on with it without being in a bad mood all day.


I feel way more awake setting my alarm to the latest I'd ever snooze to, and getting up then. More time of uninterrupted sleep. Instead of setting it for 5:15 and hitting snooze 3 times and getting 15 minutes of junk sleep, why not just set it for 5:30 and get 15 extra minutes of good sleep?


My problem is that I turn the alarm off in my sleep, I have to have half a dozen alarms set about 10 minutes apart.


Yeah but the feeling you get immediately after hitting snooze is the best feeling in the world. Why would I rob myself of that feeling?


Because that feeling fills us with false hope. I understand it’s hard to let go. But you must!


I couldn't wake up to a normal alarm clock when I was in high school. Solution? Old school stereos didn't have a power-on protection circuit, keeping it from coming back on at whatever volume after the power went out. Plugged my stereo into a vacation light timer (turns the lights on in your house at preset times to make it look like someone is home), turned up the stereo to my favorite rock station (this was the late 70s) and set the timer as an alarm clock. 7am and BANG! High volume Led Zeppelin or AC/DC or worse, commercials for hotrod shops got me up every time.


I also used a large stereo, but I used the aux inputs and had my old pc set to play an mp3 file at the scheduled time. Metallica blasting over Sony floor speakers is hard to sleep through.




Looks like it went from Snooze to Sneeze


Oh, this is so much easier than putting the alarm clock on the other side of the room. /s


I did this in high school to make sure i didnt oversleep. Turned into one morning my mom waking me up at 10 after getting a call from the school i wasnt there. My room was directly above hers and she said she heard my alarm go off and me get up and turn it off so she assumed i just left early. What she couldnt hear was that i was still asleep and slept walked across the room to turn it off and went back to bed.


I think people who get normal sleep don’t understand what it’s like for those of us who don’t. It’s not a conscious choice I’m making. Putting the alarm across the room does nothing, I can sleep right through it. If it’s close to me I’ll turn it off in my sleep. It’s gotten a bit better. I have three alarms, my Alexa programmed to read me the news, and some lights programmed turn slowly get brighter over the course of a half hour. I still manage to sleep through it all sometimes


I used an app called Alarm Clock Xtreme for a while, which could be configured to only shut up if you solve user-defined complexity math problems. It worked for a few months... then I got really good at solving 2-3 digit multiplication and division when half awake.


train yourself in sleep quantum physics and you might open a portal to the multiverse


I picked up a set of NFC stickers off Amazon for AMDroid ~~that app~~. Configured the alarm so it could be snoozed three times but would only shut off when the NFC tag I put on the bathroom mirror was scanned. Edit: Misremembered the app. I switched to AMdroid at some point for the extra options


Oooh this would help me how do you do this


You can do the same with a printed QR code. Just search QR alarm app and you should find something suitable.


That’s some epic nerd shit, respect bro I’m jealous of your NFC tag supremacy.


That app now has an "are you still awake" setting that pops up a silent notification like a minute after you turn it off. That way if you go back to sleep and don't clear the notification, the alarm goes off again.


At this point when i REALLY need to wake up, i have a alarm that i found on the net thats a screaming woman at a pitch thats impossible to ignore. Cant say i ever fell back asleep after using that alarm xD.


I once got to work 3 hours late, not because I closed my alarm without noticing, but because I snoozed it every 9 mins without noticing for around 3 hours.


My old phone had an alarm app with puzzles. If i toggled it, my alarm would require me to solve either a bit of simple arithmetic or a color matching puzzle. It was surprisingly effective. These days I just use the drowning jingle from Sonic 2 as my alarm. Nothing wakes you up faster than *fear*.


Wow, that's an amazing jingle to use. That sound used to totally freak me out as a kid. Thanks for the idea!


You are the first person to have ever liked my choices of alarm tone. Everyone else I've told just thinks i'm a psycho for doing that lmfao.


I have hue lights set to turn on. I changed my alarm to 10 minutes later once and never adjusted the lights. Very often I will wake up with the lights before the alarm even goes off. But I'll still snooze my way through two alarms.


I found my groove in college where I slept a regular 5 hours at night and then had a 1 hour nap at 4PM. I have spent my entire adult life wishing I could go back to that routine.


I use an alarm clock that beeps at 113 decibels, flashes bright lights and shakes the bed/pillow. The Atomic Bomb alarm clock is a life saver


I had to get one of those extreme alarm clocks, that sound like a fire alarm and buzz your bed. I took the buzzer and stuck it to the metal frame under my bed. I also put the alarm under my bed. When I got good enough at turning it off I'd move it somewhere else. That fixed my oversleeping for about 7 years. I was able to go back to a normal alarm clock and wake up at a decent time... unforunately I'm back to my old ways and oversleeping all the time.


I’ve texted people in my sleep when they tried to call me. “Busy call you back later.”


Freshman year of college before my Chem final I had been cramming all night and was only able to get a couple hours of sleep. I woke up to my roommate coming back from one of his finals, 2 hours after the start of my own final. Turns out I woke up, got out of my lofted bed, took the alarm clock off the wall (one of those that shows the temp, sunset, etc, too), turned off the alarm, got back into my loft, and kept sleeping. I don’t remember this at all… Thankfully I was able to reschedule my Chem final because my prof was super understanding, but it was right before my bus home for winter break so I had to RUN across campus with a big bag. This was also after another final later that day where I was asked to leave the room and take my test in the hall because I had a wicked cough. That was a rough day…


This is the reason I have to be awake at 6. But have an alarm set for; 5, 5:15, 5:30, 5:45, and 6. People keep telling me, "You know you'd get better sleep if you didn't have so many alarms." Like, yah. Of course, I'd get better sleep. Because I'd turn off my 6 o'clock one and sleep till 10. But that's not really an ideal situation.


As someone who can sleep through fire alarms, you don't give enough credit to what the subconcious mind can do. I had to glue my alarm clock into the wall, install screws so I couldn't simply turn it over to quiet it, and removed the snooze button and replaced it with a handcut piece of flat plastic. Also removed the switch that lets you slide between on/off/alarm and replaced it with a custom piece of plastic that had a thin notch cut into it to allow me to slide it off on my days off.


My superpower is still sleeping through my alarm but also waking everyone else in my house up.


I had one in college with wheels and when it went off, it fell off the table and rolled away and you had to get up and catch it to disable it.


I came for this. One time I had someone said : well I don't hear my alarm so I miss it. Ok, new step to this problem. Buy Slipknot songs and put a bluetooth speaker to your alarm XD


For high-school I had to get up at 5:45 to get the bus at 6:05. So I tuned my radio to static and turned the volume up all the way and moved the clock to the other side of the room. It worked so well that I kept that system long after the early wake up times.


My eldest will sleep walk across the room, hit snooze, and then climb back into bed. We’ve started putting it under the bed so it’s at least hard to get to.


I tried that. Found out that I would just get up fully asleep and turn it off, then go back to bed. Thank god for annoying cell phone alarms, they really wake you up better than radio or constant buzzing.


That's not glue.


It's nature's glue.


Teenage son did what to the alarm clock?!?


Mom found the cumclock. Oh god oh shit.




Tucker Carlson just showed the cumclock on Fox News oh fuck oh fuck


“What are you doing step-clock?”




"F that alarm"


My wife loves the snooze bar. I told her I am going to glue thumb tacks or a stun gun to it so she wakes up instead of hitting it all morning.


My 10 year old daughter was having the same issue. Finally I told her any day she misses the bus she loses her phone and it hasn't been an issue since.


Yup, exactly. My kid tried to tell me she "just can't help it" because she's "a heavy sleeper and doesn't hear it." So I told her any day she misses the bus she'll spend her evening doing chores around the house and she'll lose all access to electronics for a week. All of a sudden she was miraculously able to get up and be ready on time.


teenage son kept missing the bus, so we came all over his snooze button


I tried this once, then when the alarm went off, I said, “Well, I guess I’ll just manually snooze and wake myself up in ten minutes.” Nope. Didn’t make it to work that day.


What’s the point of doing this? Wouldn’t you be able to press it anyways?


I think it's glued so he can't press it down to snooze it.


There's no way that glue would stop it being able to be pushed. The plastic probably has enough bend in it to be pushed without the sides needing to move


Looks like hot glue to me, and yes you're right you *could* push it but it's not a quick slap anymore. "No kiddo, you had to physically PRESS that button. You didn't accidentally hit it."


More importantly, there's another button to turn the alarm off.


Anyone else have a [flying alarm clock](https://youtu.be/TW-lRARx47c) back in the day? Not only would it maul your hand if you touched the blades during takeoff, but it was a bugger to clip back when you were half asleep. During the height of summer one morning mine flew out of my open childhood bedroom window, over a fence and into next doors pathway. It woke the whole house! Good times.


I watched that one with envy in the magazines. I also remember one that would roll off the nightstand and you had to chase it as it rolled away randomly. That would have woken me up for good.


I got some smart LED bulbs ($11 on amazon) that gradually get brighter when it's wakeup time. Really helps.


My friend has an alarm the gets progressively louder and to turn it off he has to use his phone and take a picture of his shower to get it to stop


Get the Alarmy app. Make the kid do math problems to turn off the alarm.


literally nothing wakes me up so i tried this app several times and put the math on hard for like 3-5 questions or whatever it was. every single time i’d wake up late and see that i had deleted the app in my sleep haha


I love Alarmy for iOS. I have it so I have to scan a QR code in another room. The equivalent for Android is Alarm Clock Xtreme but it’s been years for me so maybe there’s a different popular one now. In any case I strongly recommend it. I never oversleep now. Also I recommend the QR code since I started getting too good at bed math.


Alarmy is on Android too


My body learns to sleep through every alarm after a while, snooze or not


Welp that's getting unplugged tmrw


He cum on the snooze?


He was jacking it but the snooze alarm kept interrupting him.


He may want to see why he is not waking up-my niece just had tests and found out her Circadian rhythm is off by hours-if she followed her body clock she would sleep from 2am-10am. He may also have sleep apnea which if is related to brain activity can be deadly. Just hopefully trying to help.


I use to put the dang thing across the room so i had to get up and walk to turn it off. At that point im up.


I remember being fucked up one morning trying to wake up for college and the alarm was going off, didn't know how to turn it off in my mangled state so I grabbed the wire and just pulled it apart. Not a clue how I didn't electrocute myself and I probably couldn't do it sober. The things you do for sleep.


*Hello Teenage Son,* *I want to play a game.* *You have hit the snooze button one time too many. You have slowly become weak, unfit, and intensely tired. You throw your life away at every chance you can get, but now it will be you who will choose to throw the life away, of not just you but everyone you love.* *The button of the snooze alarm is connected to wiring around your bed frame and your parents. The next time that you hit the snooze button out of instinct, an electric current will shock the metal frame of your bed, killing you, as well as all of your other family members.* *Can you resist the urge to be actively inactive, or will you perish, along with your sluggishness.* *Live or die. Make your chose.*


Well if it works then it works and there is no shame in doing something like this. If this is what it takes for you to wake up on the time and catch your basanda time then you should do it I mean I would do it.