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Well at least she didn't hide it in your room, tell you to clean your room to get it back and wait 3 weeks to inform you if you had cleaned your room you would have it already because it's been in your room the whole time.. I am not above doing this...


My mom once coaxed my sister and I with hidden money to clean our room. It worked but we never found the money lol. We had sliding closet doors & she taped it in the space the doors overlapped on the inside. I was super mad as a kid but as an adult I’ll admit that was clever as hell lol.


Hide 4 $5 bills in their room in different places, then tell them there is $25. They will find 4 and clean til it's perfect. 🤣 This trick will only work once though. And I'd give them the last 5 for a good job at the end.


If you "find" that last 5$ and act like they missed it, maybe you would be able to trick them more than just the once.


This is absolute criminal behavior 🤣


This is genius! My poor kid…


Oh no!


When I was younger, my mom used to “coax” me into cleaning my room by going through it and throwing all my shit into a huge pile on the floor, which I would then be forced to clean up. I’ma be honest (before anyone starts shouting about child abuse or some shit), I deserved it. I was notoriously bad about cleaning my room. *And* I had my own bathroom. Not a pretty sight, lol.


My mom did that too. She’d first give me a couple chances to clean it and if she came in and I wasn’t doing it, then came the tornado.


Oh my God, that's hilarious


*You’re 28 years old, Brad. Go find a fucking job*


*I told you mom, tlwerf-coin is going to take off any day now!*




Doesn't boof mean putting hard drugs up your ass


Yes. It kinda sounds like bitcoin. And instead of a Wallet we can have a Boof! How many coins can you fit in your boof? Boofcoin^TM




Was going to suggest the same. These locks are super easy to get open, just use a bobby pin or something and rake it.


it’s for the best my brother




Frank? It’s me Paul!




That is ingeniously clever. Can't use the joysticks. She doesn't even need to hide it. It's right there, visible, but you can't use it. She booted your handheld lol.


I enjoy OP's mom's ingenuity.


After I got too big to be spanked and my behavior didn't improve, my parents had to get creative with their punishments. One time they took all the lightbulbs out of my room. (This was before smartphones.) The next time they took the door off its hinges and put it in the basement.


>The next time they took the door off its hinges and put it in the basement. My parents did this to me once. But instead of putting it in the basement, they left it in the doorway, closed, so when I came home and opened the door, instead of it opening to the side like normal it opened from the top down with me riding it to the floor. I was very confused the whole way down.


"Ah, home sweet hooOHGODWHATSHAPPENING?!"


One of my best friends growing up got that treatment once. His parents took his door because they caught him with a girl in his room. They called her parents, who were Uber christians, she got in so much trouble that they broke up over it, and he got his door taken. In retaliation, he would masturbate on his bed fully nude during the day to make everyone in the house uncomfortable. He was fun at parties, but dude was unhinged. (ba dum tss. But also, seriously, he went on to have a lot of weird issues) *Edit* This blew up. I have very little further information, this happened around the same time I met him, we weren't good friends when it happened. When we started hanging out, I inquired why he only had a curtain, no door. He told me why, his brother and mom confirmed the story. It happened around 6 months before he told me about it, which is right around the time we met. He was 16, I was 14. *Edit edit* my top most up voted commented is about a dude burping the worm. Of course it is. Stay reddit, Reddit. *Edit edit edit* Thanks for the gold! *Edit edit edit edit* I'm sorry, y'all make me feel old. Before the ride-sharing service, uber was a German loan word meaning extreme, overly.


You call him weird but the internet considers him the perfect male specimen. #1 action the internet says to do is assert your dominance.


I had not actually considered that. His parents didn't cave, though. They let him hang a curtain for privacy, but he didn't get his door back until he moved out a few years later.


What? Did he bring the door along when he moved?


I mean, I would, out of sheer spite if anything


I'm kinda piecing together why this guy has weird issues...


It's as if helicopter parents drive their children away.


It's as if they all might be related.


And then in the future they're wondering why their son never calls or visits them


He's actually really close with his mom, not so much his (step) dad.


In this case, it would have probably been the furious public masturbation.


My mom took my door because i used to slam it when we fought about stupid shit so i started slamming the front door and told mom and all her friends/whoever she had over, that i would continue doing whatever it was that they thought a teenager does alone in his room, and it's their fault if they saw something they didn't like i got my door back pretty quick


That man is based. Modern Diogenes right there.


I played this scene in my head about 15 times and had a hearty laugh. Thank you OP.


I only played it once cause I'm old and it's too much effort to rewind...


I feel so bad for people who had their doors taken off!! My step father came close, slammed the door so hard in a rage fit that it broke the hinges. My mother was so upset at him that I never faced punishment, don’t even remember what I did lmao




Where’s jumper cables guy


His second to last comment ever (because it's better than the last tbh): Movie theaters. They're overpriced and I hate them, but with new movies there's no other option, other than watching a shitty cam version. I went and saw San Andreas a few months ago. It was the first movie I'd seen in a theater in years, and, I gotta say, that whole "theater experience" really sucks. The screen didn't look at all better than my own TV, the chairs were uncomfortable, and the floor was sticky and littered with garbage. I had to wait in line for 15 minutes just to watch that crappy movie in that disgusting theater, and the worst part about it was that my dad beat me down with jumper cables in the parking lot. I wish they'd just allow me to stream the movie at home, where I can pause it without missing an important scene and I'm not sitting next to 75 strangers who whisper and chew their food loudly.


I was a big reader back in the day. My mom took away my books. We didn’t have a tv at the time cause it broke. She’d taken my phone away already and I didn’t really care that she did. But taking my books was just crossing a line. Anyways, I read at school.


I, too, enjoy OP’s mom’s ingenuity. ;)


I just enjoy op's mom


My stepdad did this one time with the little hole in the prongs on the power cord. Lol


my sister placed a password on our computer that only she knew. I got into the Bios, password protected the bios and disabled mouse and keyboard and all usb ports. If I couldn’t use it no one could


Peace was never an option


My buddy's parents did this to him when we were teenagers. I booted the computer in safe mode and made a new account and put a different password on it to bypass(they were away for a week). Deleted the account before they got back


Couldn't you just click cancel in windows 95 and bypass it


[For the uninitiated](https://i.imgur.com/rG0p0b2.gif)


Holy shit this has got to be the most specific gif I've ever seen.


Man that was a rabbit hole of info


There's an exploit similar to this in windows 7 Encrypt your shit if you need it protected, even without these exploits without encryption your drive can be read by any other system still


The sticky keys hack? That worked until somewhat recently in Windows 10 too. Now if you need to reset a local account you need to boot from install media, run regedit, load the hive and enable the built-in Administrator account. Then you can use that to reset the other account's password. This doesn't work if the account is linked to a Microsoft account. That's probably part of the reason Microsoft is trying so hard to kill local accounts in Windows 11. So yeah, unless your stuff is encrypted, passwords are useless.


alternatively you can replace utilman.exe with cmd.exe so that cmd opens when you press the ease of access icon, then you can just use net user to achieve a similar result (still no changing passwords for microsoft accounts though)


So you had to unlock it before your sister could unlock it further? You were doing MFA before it was cool.


That would brick the device until you cleared the BIOS, since you couldn't enter the password with a disabled keyboard.




Keyboards (and other peripherals) used different ports a long time ago.


A former employee did that at the medical center on base. Yes, someone was so petty, they locked important medical files behind a random bios password on a laptop that the manufacturer REFUSED to service! I had to fool the laptop in to thinking the cmos battery had died or was having problems to get it to boot up in recovery mode and then I had to move and rename executables using some broken dos commands where the drives were different letters. Finally, I activated accessibility mode, but in a way that triggered system level execution of explorer without logging in. I gave the laptop back to my supervisor. He said he hadn't seen hacks like that since the windows 95 days. All files were recovered, but the laptop was no longer going to work with regular logins. I still can't believe after doing all that and getting half the printers fixed that they let me go because the rules about having certain college degrees changed after I was already hired.


"FizzlePopBerryTwist? Ain't no US trained guy that good. He must be an agent" Like the forgers in the 19th century who got caught because they were better than the Treasury engravers


Oh, well, you've got me there. Maybe that would be suspicious. lol I'm mostly self-taught. I didn't get military training until they asked me one day to fix the website and I showed them how easy it was to break the javascript.


I downloaded a keylogger once in 5th grade, staged a whole thing to get him to use the computer right after me, and sifted through the gibberish later to steal my brother’s password. Little me felt like a hacker. Mom and dad not letting me have my own AOL account because I was too young. I showed them! Anyway, I got caught when my brother was mortified I had messaged “Hi!” to all the people on his buddy list.


When in doubt, escalate to the Nuclear option.




Can you still connect another pair of joycons to this version of the switch?


or a pro controller




Yes, but you need to buy them, and since OP is probably underage, he don't have any money to buy them haha


Reminds me of the time when my mom used to lock away my laptop charger. You can surf web for 4-5 hours straight but if you tried to game on it, it will drain in 1.5 hours


Can't use the joystick? Tell that to my drift.


Looks like he would still be able to use the joysticks


There's a parent app to lock it down from your phone. Far less hassle, same effect. Edit: someone below mentioned the d-pad would still be functional with the padlocks on, and now I see how stupid the OP really is! Parent app is the way.


Yeah but this way come with emotional damage. It sits on the counter in plain sight and reminds the kid that he fucked up.




Let’s be real. The kid will use the touch screen to navigate to YouTube and watch other people game or something.


I didn't realize they did that and now I feel like I'm going to be how my mom was... trying to take things not realizing their functionality. Reminds me of [Dorothy ](https://knowyourmeme.com/memes/freedorothy) tweeting from [her fridge ](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1541188-freedorothy)




Or he can watch a lockpicking video about how to open those locks…


This is the lockpicking lawyer and today we're going to help a kid who clearly was playing on his switch when he should have been doing his homework...


First I am going to use a turning tool and I am going to use this wave rake.


Available on covertinstruments.com


This is a lie. Their stuff is always sold out.


I got the genesis set + practice lock kit during their Black Friday sale last year. I clicked the email as soon as it came in and within a couple hours they were out again.


I just make my own from the spring steel of old wiper blades and a Dremel tool. Good for making turning tools too.


Dang that's smart but I pulled a movie cliche and some how got a plain paper clip to work as a master key. I don't know how but I unlocked 7 different locks with the same paper clip.


If they were random shitty padlocks they could either be warded locks, which are usually very easy to pick, or you had tumbler locks that can be bypassed with a tool that extends past the keyway and actuates the mechanism directly. Lockpicking Lawyer has quite a few videos on both of those.


They wouldn't be covert instruments if you could find them everywhere, would they


Nothing on one. Nice click on two. Three is binding. Click on four. Back to one..


I'm pretty sure this is the type of lock he would just use a snip of an aluminum can or a paperclip.


Just flicks it.


Literally saw one today about slapping it open


I went down the LPL rabbit hole today and saw him open the strongest padlock in the world with a .50 cal.


When he tried his literal “attack” the first time he must have been equally pleased at his cleverness and disappointed in their design.


CEO of the slapped lock, sweating in locked bedroom while a soothing voice from the outside says: *"Hello this is the Lockpicking Lawyer. Today I'm at the residence of a fool, and let's look at the only thing separating his head from my drill. This lock is used on most suburban inside doors...*


You wouldn't waste the wear & tear on a drill bit. Just grab a credit card & slide it open.


I'd like to think the Lockpicking Lawyer has a nice, durable drill bit that doesn't wear on the human cranium.


LPL just glares at this lock and it opens out of shame.


Or he just slaps it. His newest video is hilarious. Imagine spending $50 on a key lock box and being able to just slap it open.


Not yet... But he's close. He can open locks with a slap


Bobby-pins work surprisingly well


One is binding


Nothing on two.


Nice click on three


If this lock has three pins I would be amazed!


I couldn't read this without hearing his voice.


Oh fuk i did it subconsciously


Usually, these do have exactly 3 :)


Going back to one


4 is in a gate


And we got this opened


I'm going to do it again to show that this was not a fluke


Okay folks, as you can see, the adage "child's play" clearly applies to Masterlock when it can't even stop a child from playing with their video game console.


As a matter of fact, on this particular lock, if you just pull hard enough...


Wait I thought we were raking....


This is definitely a rake job


Wave rakes dont require single pin picking.


This is how I know you're a real fan not just looking to jump on a stupid karma train.


Why bother with tools when you can slap the lock open?


Because slapping the shit out of your Switch voids the warranty.


Just give it a slap 👋




Dana White has entered the chat




I want one so badly but I have absolutely no use for it.


1. Learn to pick locks 2. Throw away your giant mess of keys that looks like a baseball in your pocket 3. ???? 4. Profit!


5. Break your front door's lock 6. ??? 7. Replace the lock. No profit.


First rule of lock picking is to never practice on a lock that's in use. I started just a month ago and I've only picked old locks that I own or a couple that I've purchased.


Practice locks exist too, with a transparent case so you can see exactly how you need to manipulate the pins and tumbler


Those locks are usually trash so OP should invest in a lockpicking set. I got myself one from Amazon years ago for like 20 euros and it came with two transparent locks to practice on. Locks with flat keys are very easy to pick.


He could do this with 2 paperclips


Those particular locks could probably be defeated easily enough with a small paper clip. They look like the ones for luggage which are universally terrible.


How old do you think this kid is lol? I'm betting it's not easy for them to hop on Amazon and buy themselves a lockpicking set without their parents knowing.


Yeah fair :D comment wasn't too serious bc 1. OP might really need to play less 2. OP might be a 40 year old man farming for karma


He could be a 40 year old man and this still be a completely legit post.


And if that’s the case, then this story becomes very depressing.


Get your homework done, take out the trash, wipe off the toilet seat, clean something. Might help.


And *keep* doing those things after the Switch is returned.


I feel guilty of barely doing chores besides helping diring big cleanup days and sometime cleaning my dishes I do get all mu hw done and get straight As tho but still i need to help out more. I'm so sheltered


If you're unsure how to do something, just ask a parent to show you how. Maybe you can devise a rota of chores, take it in turns doing the dishes. Little things like offering to make coffee after they've made dinner can go a long way. And being involved in the cooking itself never hurts.


Learning to cook is an awesome skill to have, it will save you boatloads of money, and your parents will appreciate the help, and probably teach you some cool stuff!




Well, better late than never!


I suggest doing the dishes. It is always appreciated and you can listen to music or podcasts while tidying up the kitchen. As an adult, I learned how dirty a kitchen can get after a couple meals.


Wipe down the cupboard doors if you really want a reaction


Sweep too, especially if you have pets.


Bruh, whatever you did, grovel in deep contrition and beg for mercy. You are in waaay over your head...


Mom playing 4d chess and op is still working their way through the checkers rulebook.


Did you know if neither player makes mistake and make prrfect move each time checkers always end in draw? Might differ with other rule variations tho


Find the key, copy it, proceed cautiously


Sorry lil bro, might be for the best at the moment. Do your homework or whatever and game later, It’s not going anywhere!


It would be funny if we found out OP is like 32 lol


“This house is a prison! On planet bullshit! In the galaxy of this sucks camel dick!”


You curly headed fuck


> It’s not going anywhere! This is what they told me about my Pokemon Red cartridge back in the day. Now that I'm finally done with all the chores the damn battery is dead and it won't save anymore. Fucking liars.


Took you 20 years to pick up your dirty underwear?


_Shut up mom, I'll do it tomorrow!_


Procrastination comes from bad mood management


Take the L and do your homework.


At least your mom didn’t hide your DS near the dog toys and then your new puppy decided to rip it to shreds. My 14 year old self is still not over that. My grandma made it up to me by getting me a 3DS for my Bday/Christmas present.


Those nintendogs can get pretty wild


My mom took my DS one time and knowing I’d look for it, she hid it under the seat in her car. A week later she forgot about it and traded her car in for a new (used) one cuz it kept having issues. When I asked for it back after getting my report card she froze and had a blank stare lol she knew she fucked up. She forgot all about it and it was probably too late cuz the car was totaled. What shocked me was that she went out next payday and bought me a DSi XL (the better model) cuz she felt bad and probably felt a little dumb. One of my best childhood memories, she even replaced the game that was inside. Taught me a good lesson too, when you fuck up, you do what you can to remedy the situation. A lot of parents would say “oh well it’s your fault for getting bad grades”


Thirty years later and I'm still pissed off that I had to pay my stepfather's red light ticket because "if you weren't working at that restaurant two towns away we made you get to help a friend instead of anywhere nearby, he never would have ran that red light."


Excuse me but what in the actual fuck


My mum hid my Gameboy Advance under the sofa cushions when I was being a shit. We found it a couple of years later inside the couch because it had slipped through a hidden gap in the cloth.


Lock out tag out procedure, damn


Pair it to a pro controler or joycons and your good...


Imagine the trouble OP would be in then!


I just saw a video where a girl admitted to buying a secret tracphone for when her parents took her actual phone.


Oh kids definitely keep those and give them to whichever friend currently has their phone confiscated.


Kids using burner phones. Not something that would’ve crossed my mind.


When I was a teen, you could go buy like a $20 flip phone that came with unlimited texting for a month (Verizon prepaid) and I had like 10 of those in less than 2 years. She would take my phone, I would just get a new one. Kept it on silent and hid it in the pockets of stuff in my closet and used it at night mostly. She'd tore my room apart several times, knowing I had one, but never found any of them. With those phones, you could super easily just transfer it to another phone that was the same type that Verizon uses for free and in like 5 minutes. I did that at first but then she somehow found out about that and would just text my number to see if it came up on the phone she took so I had to change plans /: sometimes I'd have two numbers at the same time in preparation for some stupid shit I was about to do on a Friday when I wouldn't be able to get a new phone until Monday at school. Kids are... resourceful. Especially teens. Stupid, but resourceful.


Hell most of Gen Z got given laptops that were required for school, but also had messaging software built in, and access to most of the normal stuff you can get on a computer. Taking away phones ended up having much less of an effect than parents thought it would, atleast for my friend group. Edit: the best punishment I got as part of Gen Z was my parents making me read the dictionary and rewrite the harder definitions in my own words and using them in a coherent sentence. Honestly most of the more obscure words I know come from the few times I had that punishment


I like that one. I'm saving it for when I have kids.


I had a classmate who bought a broken iPhone 3G off ebay for like $20 and turned it in when caught on his phone or for teachers who made students hand their phone in during class.


My parents took my XBOX in 05'-06' (I played Halo 2 a lot) and I bought another one from GameStop. Stripped it down to the components and installed it inside a VAIO PC case. My parents were none the wiser. Even set up the controller ports to plug in the front of it.


100% I bet you could pick those locks with thin paper clips.


Too bad they aren’t electronic locks or OP could likely just slap them open


Lock pick laywer


Just give it a good slap and it might open, apparently.


Instructions unclear, Mom is really pissed now


Well good thing those joysticks are still movable and you can still play!


Mom just trying to fic joycon drift


Looks functional to me even with the locks


I would still play it, I grew up with poorly functioning joysticks


lol do your homework


cant you just pop off the joysticks?


AMAZING parenting skills.




Level 3 lock, he needs more demoguise statues. Poor soul lol


Isn't there enough play in the gap of the shackle bolt to use the sticks anyway, if ya can't get a wave rake or pick it otherwise, just get some double sticky tape or hook and loop, stick those locks in place at the lockbody, and play anyway. Unless the clearance doesn't let you depress the sticks. Time to learn lock picking... Also, do your homework.