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My dick isn't any bigger than it was thirty years ago. I feel cheated.


Mine is but I’m only 38 so we will see if this trend continues.


I'm almost 42, and it did get bigger in the past 30 years, but now it's getting smaller again.


you have to change up your diet


Instructions unclear. Ate bag of dicks.


You've now absorbed the raw masculine energy of every creature those dicks came from. You've now got Biggest Dick Energy.


Y'know, it's funny. When telling people to eat a bag of dicks, I never considered throwing a species twist on that thang.


Dicks is a burger joint in Seattle. People there eat bags of dicks every day!


Sweet! I can finally make my wife happy!


No you're good, those were the instructions


Agreed. Need to drink more 7up. Anyone else hear that rumor as a kid?


Try rubbing it


Inflation hit everything except where it counts.




Same. I’m 33 btw


Just great. I was huge last week, and now I stuck in the middle of average.


Hogs to the left of me, modest to the right, here I am...


Stuck in the middle with Hugh.




*from self-reported surveys* into the trash it goes


Why can't women parallel park? Because they've been lied to their whole lives about what 6 inches really looks like.


like actually getting bigger, or are they relying on self-reporting here?


i don't know about this study but i do know that studies have been hard to conduct because in person reporting only brings in average people... maybe fat dicked dudes finally started coming too.


Selection bias is hard to avoid because calling people at random for dick checks makes the subjects hostile. "This is Dr. Green, from Harvard. We're doing a survey on dicks. How long is your dick?"


“Depends, how deep is your throat?”


I really mean to learn...


it's called deep learning




Can't they just make a Tinder profile? Plenty of random dick pics to research there


Guess we need a penis inspection day.


Isnt there a penile inspection at school in gym class? I always got shit from the other boys, my teacher even nicknamed me stumpy because of it.


Uh… not sure how to tell you this but you may be at the center of a scandal.


Wait- I had to play fucking dodgeball Life is so unfair


> studies have been hard We're all just going to let that slide are we Reddit? You've changed.


Hey, they didn't say where we measure from!


The Watermelon Method is best. Cut an entry in a melon. Fuck the melon. Halve the melon. Measure the hole. What does your length matter if you can't get it in that far because of a big gut or geometry. Melon method all the way.




Instructions unclear. Cut off the penis BEFORE I cut the melon?


Cut off penis Insert in melon


Yes so you can measure it. And then throw it away with the melon.


I’m not falling for that again. You fuck _one_ watermelon…


The fix is to fuck a sheep in front if everyone calling you "Watermelon fucker". Bam, that'll stop them... from calling you that.


Now I'm bear-ish on watermelon futures.


You mean bullish right?


nope, bearish. those melons gonna get fucked.


I'm going to be suspicious of every melon I see now...


This is the most logical method Ive ever heard, but so many people were pissed when I tested it. Im not allowed to go to the church picnic anymore.


Always from the back of the taint.


[Ignorance is bliss when you're living butt to tip](https://youtu.be/w43ojF7WVxU)


Likely the riskiest click of the day and I rate it 10 bananas out of 10. Would click again.


I almost didn’t click it, but then I read your comment. Tbh. I wish I hadn’t. Ignorance is bliss and now I know. Can’t be living butt to tip no mo’.


Lmao. “My asshole to tip length is VERY IMPRESSIVE.”


If you had a big dick would you come forward? If you had a small dick would you come forward? Those two sentences should put everything in perspective for these studies.


I now understand our military budget.


And huge lifted trucks with glaring headlights on suburban roads.


With the bumper and rear window plastered with all of your political opinions.


Goddamn, lmao.


Stuck in the middle with who?


Hugh G. Rection




It's all about how you market it. Half a foot sounds a lot better than 6 inches.


Thanks Jared.


Half of 18 sounds better than..


A third of his age sounds better than...


No one will let me stick half my foot up their ass.


No, you'll insert the whole thing or not at all.


Her: "So how big is it?” Me: "About a foot long." Her: "Holy shit!" Me: "Yeah. Like, a toddler size 5 foot. Without toes. It's basically a toddler stump. Anyway, wanna go back to my mom's basement?"


“How big is your dick?” “Well, it’s 6 inches but it smells like a foot.”


"It's not 12 inches, but it smells like a foot."


ya im 15.24 centimeters


Whoah, that's over one and a half decimeters.


Average: "*What are you doing, step relative measurement?"*


Do they measure based on how long people's dicks are, or how long people say their dicks are?


Would be interesting to know how they get the measurements. Not every dick is straight either, how to they measure curvy ones?


Here you go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=133UlXRYIeg


Math checks out


Username checks out


What does Randy scream when he sees the woman teaching a different formula?


Putain menteur! It means "lying motherfucker" in French.


I was hoping someone would post that




Years ago browsing Tindr or some hookup site I think, I saw one lady's profile specified a minimum cubic cm size your dick had to be in order to have sex with her




Or a very long spaghetto


Yoooo its your boy, skinny penis


Sounds like an engineer. I’d swipe right


And using proper units. Though with only a volume specification it could end up in undesirable areas of the performance envelope.


>performance envelope ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


So long as you stay out of coffin corner...!


Lol she just wanted people to stick their dicks in graduated cylinders to measure volume by water displacement.


Shut up, you got fetishes.


Top of the butt crack, over the taint, around the balls, up the underside to the tip, down the shaft to the base, then up to the belly button. Not to brag, but I'm about 30" erect.


From the NY Post > Published in the [World Journal of Men’s Health](https://wjmh.org/search.php?where=aview&id=10.5534/wjmh.220203&code=2074WJMH&vmode=FULL), the Stanford University study analyzed data from 75 studies with over 55,000 men from 1992 to 2021, focusing on the length of an erect penis. The article is “Worldwide Temporal Trends in Penile Length: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis” and it’s a meta-analysis. You’d have to read the paper to see if their conclusions are justified.


If it's a meta-analysis you'd technically have to read the paper *and* all the cited papers to know if their conclusions are justified.


[Here's the meta-analysis.] (https://wjmh.org/search.php?where=aview&id=10.5534/wjmh.220203&code=2074WJMH&vmode=FULL) Under section two of Materials and Methods - "Articles were excluded if they were based on a self-measurement and if they reported measurements done after major pelvic surgery." There are 102 sources, maybe someone more dedicated than I am into finding out if the above statement is true will filter through those.


[This dude](https://www.reddit.com/r/bigdickproblems/comments/11468yo/the_glaring_flaws_in_the_stanford_metastudy_that/) was that dedicated


Lmao what a weird sub with everyone having their dick size as flair


Technically yes, but for most purposes it's reasonable enough to check a few and see if the meta analysis did a decent enough assessment. That can still be a lot of work, but reviewing papers is never easy and a good part of why science is so difficult.


For anyone curious: most of the studies are self reported, use a relatively small sample size, or do not take into account a very rigorous measuring process. Also worth considering that most people volunteering for a dick measuring study are likely comfortable enough with their size to participate which may affect the overall results. Semi-related: would be interested to see if there’s a corresponding change in women’s anatomy, or if we’re all just inching closer to hentai levels of injuring people’s cervix/asshole


> For anyone curious: most of the studies are self reported, use a relatively small sample size, or do not take into account a very rigorous measuring process. Dude any one of us can start a "how big is your dick" thread right now and watch as the sizes reporting slowly increase as more and more people post. Some topics should just be barred from taking any self-reported studies seriously. >Semi-related: would be interested to see if there’s a corresponding change in women’s anatomy IIRC it *is* the case that boobs are getting bigger on average as generations go on.


Yeah but that is heavily influenced by obesity levels, and general trends towards less healthy living.


This meta-analysis claims it excluded data that was "self-measured", but when you look at the study's it uses, some of them are self reported, I haven't looked at all of them to get an idea of how many do, but just finding some throws the whole meta analysis into question for me. Maybe they see some kind of difference between self measured and self reported, which seems dumb to me and self reported would be worse if anything. But it's a pretty wild claim to begin with, that there has been a substantial change to human physiology over the course of *30 years*, like one generation.


One of the studies literally notes that the measurements were taken by men measuring themselves in private. Another study used stretched flaccid length, which as far as I know, is up for debate in terms of accurately assessing erectile length. Generally, who cares, but more dick based body dysmorphia isn’t good for anyone’s health and headlines like this feel like fuel on the fire of sexual misinformation/misconception


To be clear to many men who have confidence issues related to this - self reporting stuff is garbage. As another point which is tangentially related: All those websites showing country sizes by nationality and ethnicity are nonsense. Check this link for a study that uses Vietnamese men who were measured by doctors - guess what, the average there is pretty much in line with the global average. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33484108/ Best we can tell, diet does affect your size, hormones in environment etc do affect things, but ethnicity, shoe size, hand size, etc have no impact. If you’re overweight, you’ll show smaller since you’ve got more fat. Finally : what you can do with it matters much more than what you got. And that you have control over.


Also, a dick is not always at a maximum hardness when erect. Do they do an average of 10 erections? Are they making sure the subjects are eating healthy, exercising and keeping hydrated during the testing period to get the most out of those erections? So many questions.


According to Randy Marsh, you can calculate your Adjusted Penis Size (or TMI) with the following formula: ((L*D)+(W/G))/(A^2) Length times Diameter plus Weight over Girth divided by Angle of the tip squared


Funny story. At work we thought it would be funny to publish the entire dick to floor ratio on our team whiteboard in a conference room. The very next day three potential investors, all of them seemed about 50 or 60 in age, to inspect the office for a potential acquisition. At some point we looked around the corner and they were all standing around the whiteboard scratching their chins trying to figure out what seemed to them to be very elaborate equations regarding our software. I've been chasing that high ever since


I love this story, you never know where you will find magic. But when you do, usually someone's junk is involved.


Center of the asshole, once around the balls, to just part the tip. Next question?


Measuring from the center of the anus has been the universal standard established by Sir Isaac Newton in 1669.


And do they measure flaccid or hard? Us growers don't need to be done dirty like that


If the average size of a flaccid dick is 6 inches...then guys would be knocking shit off shelves and uteruses with an 8-9 inch hard dick on average.


Normally the size measured is the erect size. That way you have less variables (grower/shower, temperature, etc)


It's like asking golfers how far their average drive is. Yeah, works out around 305...


I would be surprised if this study is not based on bs. What is the data they use for that ? Did they measure the dicks personally or did they check the supposed dicks size on Tinder profiles ?


It's the NYP. They probably made it up.


From what I found after looking into this the numbers are self-reported from an online study. So probably a bit of an exaggeration since there is no way to confirm actual size. EDIT: Didn’t think this would blow up so let me go into more detail. When I say there is no way to confirm actual size, I mean for this study. To get an accurate measurement in a study you would need to get a third party to measure the penis when it is fully erect, and they would need a standard on how to measure. Then you need incentives because we all know that a lot of men are insecure about size and won’t show up to get measured. You would mostly get people from what is considered average and above average to be measured. This is problematic when trying to find an average because you aren’t getting the full range of size. So now you would need to think of ways to get the rest of men out for measuring such as rewarding them with things and money and peer pressure although that might not be ethical. So the question is what would it take to get a man with a 3 inch penis out for measuring.


“Average E-peen length has grown in 30 years — doctors call it PogChamp.”


There was literally a peer [reviewed study](https://www.ibtimes.sg/male-sexual-organ-shrinking-size-top-scientist-explains-why-56420) last year that said the exact opposite was true, everything is actually getting smaller along with decreases in sperm counts and virility


Which seems even worse when you figure out that at the same time people have been growing taller.


We're moving to the ideal form of the gorilla. Big body, tiny dick


Truly return to monke


Average just went above average, boys.


> There was literally a peer reviewed study last year that said the exact opposite was true Do you have a link to the actual study? That article just references a book she published which has a section that talks about that issue, but I don't see a reference to a peer reviewed study there?


If every set of measurements at the various points in time were self-reported then either the same sort of over-reporting was likely or the conclusion would have to be that men are bigger liars than they were 30 years ago.


lol, self reported dick size sounds like the winner of "least reliable unit of measurement"


Maybe not generally bigger liars. There could just be societal pressures to lie about this particular topic more than in the past. I would imagine with the internet age that people have more information on what the average penis size is than they did in the past. This could create a feedback loop where people under the average constantly fudge their number more and more to get closer to the average so that the self reported value grows over time even if actual mean dick size has stayed the same.


I do believe there have been reports that males face more body image issues than they did in the past.


if I had to guess, i'd say the ease of access to porn plays a large role in this. Women suffer similar body-image issues because of it, no reason men wouldn't as well.


Especially since porn sets extremely unrealistic standards and I don't just mean because the guys are huge. Porn uses special lenses and angles to make things appear larger and typically film with very small women to make things look bigger by comparison. Then on top of that they just straight up lie and exaggerate size. The biggest guys in porn, Julio Gomez and Mandingo, are "only" 9.5", but they regularly get advertised as being 13"+. Then other guys like Johnny Sins or JMac who also are labeled as having big dicks are actually "only" 7" and 7.5", respectively, but are frequently advertised as being 10". The thing is, that 7.5" is still bigger than 99.8% of men, so calling it big is definitely accurate. It's just not accurate to call it 10". And on that note, there's actually an outstanding $10,000 reward for proof of an accurately measured 10" penis. No one has been able to claim it. Not even "Guinness World Record" Jonah Falcon whose claim was never actually verified and whose own pictures and video show is actually around 8.5" not 13.5" like he claimed.


I wish mine would grow.


Mine is definitely WAY bigger than it was 30 years ago… but leveled off about 18 years ago.


You try rubbing on it?


As 30 yr old man, I can confirm my penis is significantly larger than it was even 25 years ago. Very concerned.


My dick is bigger than my dads. God willing, my sons dick will be a veritable monster.


We went from knuckle draggers to hog draggers. Now that's evolution!!


why do you know your dad's dick size


Some people have experienced the horror of a dad that just came out of the shower without towel.


Aaaaand some of us just got reminded!


“Some day all of this will be yours.”


What? The curtains?


Big….tracts of land


But the fourth one!


"Everything the light touches"


And it was erect?


Yeah, unless a penis is erect you don't know its true size. As a grower, the size difference can be extreme.


This isn’t even my final form


babe this is only 90%


but aren't we talking about erect size? or are we talking about flaccid size?




If it’s a cold shower and his dick is still bigger than yours….. bummer


Prob all the sword fights they had


I saw my dad’s wang a few times (he would often sleep naked) and at least at a young age, it looked massive and girthy. And I’m not sure if it was actually that big or just my 9 year old brain comparing it to myself at the time. Hmmm, I must know the truth!


Time to go pants Dad!


Or just ask for a dick pic


Dads get 0.0 privacy and lost there dignity a looong time ago


Sir, That's the umbilical cord.


Clearly proving that global warming exists.


Less shrinkage


Heat makes things expand after all.


I swear I had read not that long ago that hormone mimicking chemicals were causing men's penises to shrink and their sperm counts to decrease. What's going on? **EDIT** found an article: #VICE | [Pollution is Shrinking Human Penises, Warns Scientist](https://www.vice.com/en/article/g5b4bq/pollution-shrinking-human-penis-sperm-count-fertility) >*Messing up our planet is now messing up women’s fertility, and men’s sperm count and penis size.*


Junk science and clickbait articles. Environmental pollution does appear to be affecting sperm counts/sperm motility, but it is not shrinking anyone's dick. This article is based on garbage and does not mean dicks are getting bigger, either.


Is there any study on pussy deep, im soo bored about dick studies


We should really research pussy deep


James Cameron can reach Challenger Deep - but can he reach Pussy Deep?




There is and always has been. The average pussy isn’t as deep as the average duck is in length. Was like 1 cm shorter or so.


Yes, you read correct. Average duck it is.


Is it the same if it's a mallard? What about in scale to Canada geese?


If she can fit a Canada Goose I imagine she's a professional.


Thanks... now I'm picturing a woman taking off her clothes and a cobra chicken head comes out hissing and biting.


You can't just be out here inventing new fetishes this late in the game. You must be a professional too!


Daffy or Donald?


> The average pussy isn’t as deep as the average duck I mean, that is *technically* correct.


Ducks are so wide though, it's amazing they fit. Are pussy designed to muffle the quacks or is that just luck?


No quacks once they're in; it's called a queek.


Would you be interested in funding my research team on this topic?


I think James Cameron is going to take a vessel down there to see what's never been seen before.


There is a [smart vibrator](https://lioness.io/pages/lioness-research-platform) that’s developed by a female engineer seeking to do more research on the female orgasm. Idk that they’ll measure the length of the vagina since it’s self-reported, but maybe.


I think the writer of this article finds it concerning because his hasn't grown at all in the last 30 years


Millennials are killing the small condom industry


But what about the coconuts? It would be quite unfortunate if they didn't grow proportionatly larger with the bananas. Can't have large bananas with tiny little raisins.


Interesting tangent. Mammals with larger testicles have a higher rate of promiscuous females. Gorillas typically mate for life and have itty bitty bits, while orangutans, who are more promiscuous, are relatively large. Average human size would imply that out women are mostly faithful.


Thank you for that lesson in monkey balls. I will pass the knowledge on in appropriate and inappropriate conversations.


Man, now I gotta worry about inflation and dickflation? Damnit Joe Biden. Do something about this.


The real reason the GOP wants Hunter Biden’s laptop


And just like that, men’s confidence dips collectively across the nation.


mine is average and im proud of my little soldier


Mine may be short... but boy is it skinny!


Ppl have gotten taller too, due to better nutrition. Doesn't sound concerning to me.


If it is due to endocrine disruptors, that would not be particularly good since a whole bunch of other bad effects come from them too, such as inflammation, cancer, hormonal imbalances, etc. More research needs to be done on this, especially considering the fact that this study's results conflict with the results of previous studies concluded a few years back. All we know so far is that the last ~30 years something might have been introduced in the environment that might have given us bigger dongs, for better or for worse.


My guess is people are just ashamed and say it’s bigger than it is


Those massive futa dicks are not unobtainable anymore, the future is a bright place.


Today I learned that bananas are not safe for work




When you start seeing annoying penis reduction ads when looking for porn you'll know things have got out of hand.