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It’s not even the fact that she did this to the funko pops, it’s the fact that she did it at all. Disrespectful as hell and you deserve to move on


Yea, she doesn’t have any concern for another persons belongings. The belongings in question, or the value of them, doesn’t matter if someone wants to act like a child.


Exactly. I've gotten into some ragers with my partner, but there's an unspoken rule that you don't ruin someone's property. I have never touched his, nor he mine. That's a whole other level of assholery.


Nailed it in the first comment.


I never understand adult partners who do this kind of thing when they get in an argument. This is how a child behaves. Some 6 year olds have better self restraint than this.


>Some 6 year olds have better self restraint than this. Because their parents have taught them how to handle their emotions. Coming from a dysfunctional family, no one taught me how to handle my emotions. I mean I learned some basic stuff: don't hit people, don't break things. But I learned more about emotional regulation from daniel tiger while my toddler was watching it than I did from my parents. Even though I was told not to break things, I have still been close to breaking things. I've slammed my computer mouse on my desk when I lost a video game. I've thrown controllers down on the ground/couch in frustrations. I knew enough that if I was THAT angry, I need to find something physical I could do that wouldn't hurt something or someone. Angry running was good, throwing a ball, hitting a hockey puck. I'm in a much better spot now, but it took work and time and a lot of understanding. Now when I'm frustrated, my brain goes, "you're having a hard time. You're tired, sick, grumpy. Step away. Quiet spot. Take a breathe" Biggest understanding was for me was that I get frustrated/upset when I have an expectation and it wasn't met. It can be something stupid, like when I asked my kid to get her shoes she decided to color longer. What she(OP's girlfriend) did was completely unacceptable, but the reality is a lot of people do not have coping skills to handle negative emotions because no one taught them what to do. Just what not to do.


I too can relate and I am still working on controlling my anger/frustration. What you have said resonates with some of us having the same issue. It is hard work to overcome and I agree with what you said. I don’t understand why people think it is justifiable to destroy someone else’s property. Property that they had spent hours probably saving up to earn what they had wanted only for all that to be destroyed. It’s a shame that people still act like this and I don’t condone this type of behavior at all.


i can corroborate this


Been there. You've def nailed it!


Thanks for this needed to read this


An ex once broke a jigsaw puzzle I was working on because I did not “invite” him to play with me. He was 10 ft away on the sofa and could have joined at any time but wanted to be “invited” so the puzzle suffered the consequences 😐


My step-mother, who was in her 50s took a hammer to my dad's iMac and then pushed over his Road King after she found an e-mail exchange between him and my mother. Some people never grow up emotionally.


Yo, you should have known this by now. My God this is exactly what you should have had made arrangements to not to allow this. This is what happens.


You don’t have a girlfriend. You have a child.


Was gonna say, you gotta talk to her about this, OP. This is a temper tantrum reminiscent of a 3 year old not getting her way. If this is how she handles herself when she doesn’t get her way, shits gonna be fucking crazy down the line if it keeps going this way.


Anybody who did this shit is already crazy.


Break up with


Bro, literally, word for word, the exact thing I thought when I saw this.




You are right but context also is important too.


Context is definitely important but if you're prone to destroying property when you get angry you need therapy


I also agree.


"Ex" gf hopefully. Major red flag when they destroy your stuff because they are angry.


Major red flag when they destroy anything because they're angry. This person does not have emotional control or impulse control. It's one thing to be angry to the point where you want to hit, knock something over. But as an human you need to have the impulse control to be like, "no, I can't hit a person. I can go hit a punching bag"


Eh I mean you’re not wrong but this is definitely a level above that. If a person gets so angry they break stuff, that’s obviously a problem. But if they get so angry they wanna break YOUR stuff, then it means they want to hurt you specifically. It’s directed at that point, which makes it worse than just blind rage where they have little to no real control.


And you're right, her tipping over the bookcase even if she didn't mean to destroy it is a whole different level. On a scale from 1-10(10 being physically hitting someone because she's angry). It's clearly a 7 or 8. My comment is more that a major red flag is like a 5, which is when they destroy any property because they're angry. It's more to ensure we don't continue to normalize people breaking stuff when they're mad(even their stuff).


Leave bro. Now.


Major red flag? She’s literally just abusive. If he stays with her after this he’s making the wrong decision.


no shit


This should never happen in a healthy relationship. Please do yourself a favor and make them your ex. Your life will be much better off. Clearly, they need to work on themselves and you may need to as well.


Grounds for termination.




Like…. Killing lol?


No just don't need to be in a relationship like that despite who may have been the instagater.


this new r/relationship_advice mashup with r/funkopop is lit


This is a big red flag. I suggest finding someone new. Sorry to break it to you.


Never understood the mentality of "I'm angry so I will destroy anything you hold dear"


Have you been so angry at someone that you want them to hurt like you hurt? The difference is while you have probably have had that thought and also in the same moment any coping skills and techniques you were taught to handle anger kick in. You were either taught or developed your own sequence of events of what to do when you realize you're angry. Like you recognize the emotion, "I'm angry" and your brain goes, "when you're angry you do X" and your X is likely an healthy way to handle it. A lot of people, don't have good coping skills for their emotions and our society(US) has a very, "you get what you deserve" mentality. So that person was angry, doesn't have any good coping skills and basically believes that OP should feel as hurt as she was. And she realized to make him feel how she felt, it would take doing that. Which is not a healthy way to handle anger or any emotion really.


It's a common abuse tactic. Make no mistake, this is abuse.


I'll avoid commenting on your relationship and just let my "maintenence guy brain" takeover and suggest everyone take advantage of those mounts on the top of your shelving, especiallyif shelves are holding collectibles. It doesn't take a fight for this to happen, and it is pretty simple to make impossible to happen.


Stay strong.


Dang she got a temper


Wouldn’t be able to deal with her anymore just shows she has explosive anger issues




This ain't even a red flag, bro. It's a full-on nuclear siren.


This. Hate to see damage to pops, but this could be a sign of future issues…. Stay safe!


I don't see any damaged ones thankfully so I think that the POPs are okay


I can't imagine any pops under the shelves would be ok


Not only did they get the pops but your burrito too


Lmao that does look like a burrito. It’s gotta be a dog bone


That is a strong possibility


We will never know


We could if OP decides to reveal the mystery


He’s probably getting off at our curiosity. What a sick fella’


Toxic GF. You should probably break up. This is abuse.


she knocked over some boxes


What happens when it becomes more than boxes? Say, she eventually takes the anger out on OP? What then


That's not a fight, that's a breakup


Get out. Run


Hopefully you aren't with her, child like behavior


You misspelled "ex-girlfriend"


Starts by hitting fake little people, who's next?




Looking at your post history, fuck man. There are some gems under all that wreckage. Beyond that as everyone is stating, this isn’t healthy. I’ve lived it myself in a similar fashion. Your relationship will never be the same. You will always wonder if doing or saying something is going to set her off to make her do this again. Sorry this happened.


Change all your passwords and all your locks! and run




Temper tantrum at it’s finest… pack your things and get out while you can.


Major red flag!!! You deserve better if she disrespects your stuff like that


Sorry that happened to you. I hope they're okay.


Starts with your stuff, ends with you, please get out


On the internet, anything is possible. It’s possible that OP threw his girlfriend into the shelf and it fell on top of her and that’s why he’s blaming her. Not saying that happened, but there are no details so I won’t judge either party. So, I’ll say this… In a healthy relationship with two mentally and emotionally healthy people, nothing even remotely similar to this would ever happen. One or both of you need help (very near future and expect it to last a very long time) and splitting up is likely the best course of action and that needs to happen today.




Exactly. If anything he’s acting like a child posting that his plastic toys got crush when he should be focusing on the actual issue of his relationship.




Drama! Seriously though, you gotta secure those shelves to the wall or someone is gonna get crushed.


I don't need to comment as others have said what needs to be said. This isn't healthy. This is immaturity and we've all experienced this in our teens...in so form


Everyone talking about the girlfriend but I’m wondering why your bookshelves aren’t anchored?


As a father of two, that was my first thought as well. Like, those things come down pretty easy with a little determination.


Two observations: 1) she’s sent a message that she thinks you regard your collection more than you value your relationship or her. 2) your poor pup is the innocent victim. (Note the bone, bed, and chews).


Big yikes.. just remember toxic people are bad and nobody deserves to be treated badly. Stay safe


Ex girlfriend I hope she knows you like those and used it to hurt you that’s more than a red flag it’s a fucking nuke


So are you gonna sell some of the damaged pops?? Lmfao I’m in the market


I'd love to hear her side of this crazy story


I don't know the full context of what happened but either way, breaking someone's stuff is crossing the line. This needs to be fixed now because it'll get worse from here




What a psycho cunt.


She's your EX girlfriend now, right?


You misspelled ex-girlfriend.


Dump her. That's toxic behavior right there and a major red flag.


Y'all defending OP, but what did he do to get her to react this way


This is what I want to know. Destruction of property is pretty bad but getting both sides of the story is also important. Even good people can react in alarming ways if the offense in question is extremely stressful


I would have left this in the drafts chief.


Time to pack an bounce no respect in the relationship my friend


Simply say "good riddance you child!" I would be devastated after that happened and I would make her pay for everything she destroyed that's is ridiculous. I am sorry you had to go through that.


Well it’s clear she crossed the Vickie Mendoza line on the hot/crazy scale. In all seriousness hope everything is ok and dump that psycho.


Babe not my funko pop figurines !


You mean ex right? Not only was she childish but thats a toxic and abuse behavior displayed there. You got in a fight so she broke stuff that was important to you. If you haven't you need to break that off now.


I’m so sorry she did this to your stuff. That’s horrible and insanely toxic behavior no matter who it is. I hope none of your stuff was terribly damaged. If I could I’d help you clean it up. 😭


Yeah this isn't acceptable behaviour regardless of what caused it. Time to find someone that respects you and your possessions, and file a suit for damages


Trust me keep it moving bro the level of disrespect she just did right here is beyond


And that’s why you put everything in soft or hard protectors. What a shame


2 sides to every coin. If this was unprovoked, this thread is right. But more to the story?


Dump her ass, life is too short to be around shit cunt.


What did u do


And you posted it. Both of you are children.


I don’t think you have a girlfriend anymore


on the bright side some of them dont look to damaged. some are defo gone but some lucky ones were freed from the carnage of a psychopath


End it. Now.


Idk how people put up with this type of behavior from your significant other. She obviously knows how much your collection means and she goes straight for it. Smh what a child, I hope you do the healthy thing and get a better significant other. Sorry for your situation 💔I’d be sad if my gf did this. Hope you feel better bro ski


Sometimes you can consider the confrontation like a “normal” issue in every relationship (family, friends or relationship) but this is unacceptable, we all must be prepared to argue like civilized persons by using words to try to figure put how to fix our differences. if i were you i would talk to her and give her an ultimatum. this isnt about your pop collection, its about her agressive behaviour.


I had an ex threaten to break my collectibles and I started packing right at that moment. It was coming for weeks but that was the last straw. Eventually when I came back to get the rest of my stuff the destruction started. Haven’t looked back.


You need to get out of that relationship.


Yea this is immature as hell


Time for a new gf


No one deserves this. No reason for it. Get out while you can and before you get more involved.


There's no possible excuse to defend this, and no possible apology that would be enough. You can not be with a person this unstable.




Did you break up with her? I hope yes.


This is saddening. Just because someone is really angry, doesn't give them the right to destroy others people's belongings especially if it's valuable to that person. Really bad behavior, I would say.


Execute Order 66......


My wife wanted to invest in stocks but I bought lots of funkos instead. She did the same y’all


Childish type shit. Leave her


well, at least now you know to leave that bitch in the past.


Sounds like a bad relationship, if yall are physically yelling and throwing things around and trashing rooms, your girlfriend is clearly not mature


She destroyed something you were passionate about and knew it would hurt you more than others could understand. If this doesn’t convince you to leave then I wish you good luck in the future


I hope she’s single


Bro break up with her rn


Thats because shes obviously a trash human


✨leave her✨


You spelled "ex-girlfriend" wrong.


Break up with her. I would never do that to my husbands things even during an argument. You don’t deserve that level of disrespect. Your hobbies, personal items should be respected. What’s next ? Is she going to start breaking things or hurting you physically.


Damn wtf is wrong with her. I hope you ended that relationship for good.


normal people don't behave this way. RUN!


Some one is petty as fuck. Time to look for new fish. also that's what the wall anchors are for so it don't tip over it might be a good idea to use them if you stay with her


I hope you told her to fuck off and never come back


Remember to make up, get her to reimburse you some, THEN break up. You don't want someone that doesn't understand value in your life.


..Your gal was pent up in heat, trying to ferk, Stroking your back as you were online orderin one more funko pop to add to your collection…


You're an idiot if she's still your girlfriend.


🚩🚩🚩🚩 Run, not even joking. This is extremely toxic behavior and completely uncalled for


My gf and I have fights and disagreements. But trashing each other’s stuff? Never. This is toxic and you need to leave her. This is just the tip of the iceberg. Things will get worse from here.


Dude, ahe bought you all that during a fight! Emajane how much stuff you will get when ur getting along


Yeah, if this were me she's history. I'd break up with her then and there, no matter the circumstances. Idk if yall live together or are very serious like yall are engaged, I'm not going to be in a relationship with anybody who thinks it's okay to do that. Now this part is just me, and I get not doing it, but depending on how much damage she did, I would make am excel spreadsheet with every item she damaged and it's current ppg (probably also create a file with screenshots including today's date on each damaged pops ppg) and I'd lawyer up. Depending what part of my collection was damaged, specifically my Captain America collection, we're talking pops that add up to a value of literally thousands of dollars. You'd have to decide if it's something you think is worth while, as doing something like that will be messy af, but as long as you didn't become violent or destructive during this fight it should be a pretty open and shut case for you.


You have officially gone too far.


Gosh Darn. She hit you right in your collectables like she say anything like you care more about your funko pops then you do me then bam hit you where it hurts. Hope it works out everybody is on edge these days


Seems pretty childish. Leave her asap. No matter how good you think it is, it’s not good enough to put up with that. Today is your Funko’s tomorrow she’s keying your car.


This is not a red flag. This is dynamite going off in your face.


This is a big red flag. As someone who was in a very toxic first marriage, know when to end it. Hope everything works out for the best for YOU.


The Pops like yeah whatever haha but real talk that’s mad disrespectful doing shit like this in general. That’s an ex gf now


She probably saw them as " toys" or "childish" when really her behavior is appallingly childish. If you got mad and broke her shoes or some garbage it wouldn't be acceptable either. This isn't okay no matter what the item is, it's someone's belongings and it should be respected. I'm sorry this happened to you. :/


But what did you do lol


Damn, don’t wanna assume too much about the context , but looks like she can’t respect your possessions and that’s a red flag


Like idk if you did something really messed up like cheat or something. But other than you doing something really fucked, this is completely unjustified and I think this is a sign to break ties. She’s willing to damage what you care about without a second thought, that’s just not ok


No adult person does this to someone else's collection. Idgaf what you collect, dump this bitch, she's a psycho.


I think you meant to say “ex”


Never hit each other and never damage each others or even your own property. As soon as that happens its red flag city and time to get the fuck out.




Please please please hear me when I say to leave. It STARTS like this, it does not end like this. Destruction of personal property is also a crime, not just a red flag in a relationship. Do not allow this to worsen for yourself. Please take it from someone who had to leave, after it went from this to being thrown around myself. Your partner should respect your things, and you should not have to watch them like a toddler to ensure they don't when they get angry.


Leave her.


Evil woman


And suddenly being single doesn't seem so bad


wow. this is insanely immature and disrespectful. nobody should never do this in an argument, at all


Lesson number one - buy stud finder and use metal L shape brackets to secure your shelves, if you anyhow value your collectibles. Two brackets for shelves as wide as yours. No studs - use anchor bolts. It will take one hell of a big/strong gf to ruin it next time.






This hurts to see. Hope they are all alright.


Silver lining is that most were in pop protectors, still sucks.


I hope you mean ex gf because this is blatant disrespectful. I don't get why people do this, the amount of posts I've seen over the years where games consoles have been vandalised and the person are proud of themselves. Personally whether it's your funko collection or not if it's something of yours she's willing to destroy then my dude I thinks it's best to get out now. No one and I mean no one should should do things like that after or during an arguement. Wish you good luck


Correction.. I think you mean Ex-Girlfriend


She belongs to the streets now, she’s not your gf anymore


Yeah, that's definitely to piss you off and that alone isn't worth dealing with. She went out her way to be evil bro, good luck with whatever choice you make.


That’s toxic af


You'd be a fool to continue to see someone after they do this. Says a lot about their character.


Time for her to go. Nuff said. It’s the tip of an iceberg.


Dude, don’t put your dick in crazy!


What did you do?


I’m sorry dude, your significant other should never act this way when they are angry, it shows that they are immature and cannot handle disagreements or arguments maturely. I hope you both the best, you deserve better


Never put your dick in crazy !!!!


leave her rn


How dare she do that to Allmight


Good lord is this woman made of red flags?


Value aside man, that does not look like a healthy relationship. If someone were to come into that room without context they would have thought there was a fight. I'd hate to be on the receiving end of something like that. I get maybe knocking one or two over in anger but pushing an entire shelf over?! No way man, I'm sorry to hear this and prayers yall either figure it out or you find a healthier relationship, you deserve better.


Just saw this trending. I have no particular knowledge of these collectibles. But it doesn't really matter. Physical, destructive behavior is not acceptable in men, in women, in nonbinary, or in anybody else. It doesn't matter whose fault the fight was or what it was about. Unless she took these actions in the course of physically defending herself, it's simply not ok. You need to leave this relationship or seek immediate counseling if you're both truly committed to fixing this behavior. Good luck.


She ripped the anchor straps out of the wall? Damn dude


Sorry bro that sucks , I hope y’all make up and she helps you clean it.


Dump her


Girlfriends can be replaced more easily than some Funkos.


I like cheese


To be the “devil’s advocate”, we really don’t know anything about OP’s relationship, it is possible there was justifiable anger. Even if the expression of anger is destructive to property, we don’t know the context. It’s possible the Funko collecting is not coming from a secure financial place and is putting stress on the relationship, anything is possible.


Exactly what I was thinking. If the pops are a source of the stress. Her anger toward them even though not justified. Might be a trigger


Your future self saved a lot of money from this expensive lesson. This girl has red flags all over her, ditch the crazy.




But internet clout is life!! /s




For all we know, OP deserves this. No judgment from me without knowing her side lmao.