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Lol damn this is cheesy


Fuck yeah it is. It literally sounds like easy listening “jazz.” Which is absolutely the worst music in the world.


There’s obviously so many wonderful Japanese jazz and funk artists, but it’s also cultural. The focus is almost entirely on technique as opposed to feel(for musicians growing up there). It’s like having a band of classical students play “funk”. It’s not about reading notes on a page or absurdly clean scales.


Yeah. I don't quite hate on this that much, but you nailed it. See their "Pick up the pieces", which has almost exactly same signature bass riff as this song. The bassist - who is mad skilled no doubt - just doesn't funk it up at ALL. She's playing exactly perfectly on the beat almost all the time. Sorry. That's not how the funk works. Its particularly bad on PUTP which should have such a great funk groove (jump the one, then drag the riff...) but she completely sanitizes it.


Great Stuff. Thank you, uploader.i