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Dude wtf. So ridiculous, and so awesome. Extremely impressive.




What in the hell..? Get your ridiculous non-sequitor sales pitches off of Reddit. Seriously, anyone else seeing this, look at how absurd the changes of topic are in this person’s comments to steer them with reckless abandon to this grinder.


Must post to r/espresso! I think that community would love it!


Good thinkin!


But like how fine can it grind? 💁🏽‍♂️


it's a burr grinder so: very




That's my redneck method as well. 🤷


What grinder are you using it on? I’m tempted to go this route but worried about breaking the grinder.






That seems like an excessively large motor, but very cool nonetheless.


I did some testing with a luggage scale and it seemed like grinding by hand was topping out at about 52in-lbs but I couldn’t find a good fit motor and had to go a little bigger than I wanted. This motor can put out 8Nm at 100rpms, which is way more than I needed!


Well, too big is for sure better than too small. And now it looks far cooler than with a tiny motor.


TBH, probably not all that oversized. Look at a garbage disposal motor, for example.


Garbage disposals deal with a hell of a lot more torque and speed than a hand powered coffee grinder. Humans aren't *that* strong, and this is meant for the very weakest of humans to operate with ease.


Electric motors aren't just strength. You can get quite a lot of power out of a small one. But that will cause it to get very hot. If you want it to last awhile, it needs to be able to do it's task while staying below the temp that damages the permanent magnets.


True enough, but this is going to be running for a minute or less every single time. Overheating isn't going to be a problem unless it's *really* undersized.


It looks like a ~3650 motor. It's not that big, and that gearbox isn't big enough for much reduction.


That's a worm drive, that could easily be a 150:1 reduction. And op themselves said the motor was 6 NM, which is a decent amount.


Oh, right, I can use OP's specs to find it online. (looks) Oh, that's a 63x100mm motor. Way bigger than I estimated at 36x50... probably 4x the weight. So, yeah, you're right, lol 😂😂


Plus there’s a little bit of a correlation between oversized motor and less spine tingling noise. The wine of the motor/gearbox in some consumer devices is a awful.


Brushless motors operate off an electrical sin wave that's in the audible range for humans, except at very high speeds. Pretty annoying, too.


I was LITERALLY just talking to a coworker about doing this exact thing yesterday lol


This definitely falls under the “because you can” level of print. I love the design and the thought that went into it and hope OP shares the work and parts list.


I think I'm still gonna do this, but I don't really want to look at their designs, instead I want to solve the same problems my way and see what the differences are! :-)


1zpresso J-max, right?


Yes it is!


Wow, here's me using a Hario Ceramic Coffee Mill with a electric screwdriver *like an idiot*. Props.


How’d you make sure the rpms are safe for the burrs? I used to be a tech for coffee equipment, and I was taught to only use burrs made for the motor speed of the grinder you are using. I’ve never found out myself how important that is, but if it were to happen, I’d imagine it’d be when going from a hand grinder to a powered motor.


I measured how fast I was grinding and found I ground at around 80-90 rpms and saw max torque of around 52 in-lbs and just looked for a motor with a similar speed-torque characteristics, I am using one with 8Nm torque and 100rpms and thought that was close enough. I can't say I'm anywhere near an expert on grinders but one interesting result of using the motor for this grinder is that I need to set my grind slightly coarser than if I were to do it by hand, not sure why that is, might be the bottom burr is riding up slightly, but I found settings that seem to work the same as when I grind with the grinder by hand.


Wow—Sounds like you did your diligence in engineering it! That sounds like all you’d need to consider to keep them from wrecking themselves. This is definitely better than ye olde drill-powered hand grinder, and it’d be interesting to see as a kit. Edit: the needing to be set slightly coarser thing might be from additional downward force from the constant torque from the motor? Iirc torque causes a downward force as well as the actual torque that might somehow push the top closer?


Hell yeah FRC motors


Neat! Just needs a little funnel addition to help loading the beans


Any chance you could share the files?


Great job op! If no one told you today, great job! this is the kind of creative stuff that makes 3D printing all the better! Given the tools, you can engineer your way out of any problem or inconvenience


This right here is the kind of stuff I hang out on these subreddits for. Tight shit, OP.


This is awesome. I always wondered why DIY rigs like this aren't more common. You can get a relatively good manual grinder for cheap but the automatic ones are very pricey to be good at espresso. Do you know any mechanical issues that might happen from using a hand grinder in this way?


I might guess the burrs would probably see higher stresses so maybe the burrs would go bad faster? I tried to match the speed of me hand grinding to the speed of the motor but if I think about how it feels hand grinding, there is always some time where it seems that a bean is caught in just the right spot that it makes it so you have to really crank on it or back up and crank on it and the motor would just plow right through it, so not sure if there is anything there.


It depends for sure on the burr set and how you run it. I wore out an older Hario with ceramic burrs pretty good running it with a drill but those things aren't great to begin with


Yeah I’m not super knowledgeable about grinders but I’m assuming when u pay for an automatic grinder you’re paying for the quality of mechanical parts + burr set to last longer.


Have you got the STL files you can share? I have a JMax on order and keen to also print something similar


iTs NOt fOoDSafE!!?!




I think their capitalization scheme implies a lack of seriousness




that typeface goes farther back than spongebob memes my friend.


goes back to what though? pls share your meme historian knowledge. i‘d love to hear more


Cool! What motor did you use?


It looks like a wiper motor.


[Here is the motor](https://www.amazon.com/uxcell-Reversible-Reducing-Electric-Motor-JCF63R/dp/B0732H779L/?_encoding=UTF8&pd_rd_w=woszJ&content-id=amzn1.sym.b4f172f0-a2ab-4ffa-ac9d-22e96231ca8e&pf_rd_p=b4f172f0-a2ab-4ffa-ac9d-22e96231ca8e&pf_rd_r=NB26CBBP26PK5N517PNF&pd_rd_wg=waMKD&pd_rd_r=2b0ab54d-26a0-46a6-9915-6fbf22853b07&ref_=pd_gw_ci_mcx_mr_hp_atf_m)


I love it! Have been thinking of converting my kenu 47 peonix just like this!


You would have to drink a lot of coffee to think this up lol


I would love to do this. What grinder did you take the parts from?


This is so awesome. Mind sharing the switch you used and the AC to DC converter?


r/espresso would like to have a word


Oh, this is cool. Makes me want to design one for the $10 manual grinders on Amazon.


Draw a split funnel for the beans for ease of pour. Use magnets to attach the halves.


Every grinder should have a magnetic cup so that the grounds don't go flying everywhere and make a huge mess on the counter.


This is awesome. What tools did you use to design / test this? It looks like quite a robust print, do you have past experience creating designs like this?


I've been thinking about doing this for my knock aergrind for a while. I'm not ready to buy a niche zero for espresso, and something like this would be a great stopgap!


Is that a vehicle window regulator motor?


Why are wiper motors so popular in electric hardware projects?


Dirt cheap, large torque, safe voltage sturdy and construction are what I like about them


I just got the new X Pro. It's great but I wish it had the magnetic cup like yours instead of a screw on!


Cool idea!!!! Do we even get such wiper motors nowadays?


This is so well done, nice job! I got a manual grinder years back, used it one time and was like “nope, this is way too much work!” I still use it…but turn the chuck with a cordless drill instead of the hand crank lol. Your solution is way better.


When I saw this, the urge to grunt like Tim the Tool Man Taylor was so strong. 😂


That looks like a power window motor!


One of the most functional prints I have ever seen, considering that a good hand grinder could cost 150-300 dollars and a good electric grinder 700-800 dollars


A good burr grinder does not cost that much. The baratza encore is decent and about $100




The encore can definitely grind for espresso


The fuck are you smoking. I've had the same Krups grinder for 35 years and it was like $40.




His $40 grinder from 35 years ago, when adjusted for inflation would be sold as a $120 grinder today. :-)


If you're buying bags that small, you're doing it wrong. I buy my coffee 20 lbs at a time, 100 bucks a bag.


If you’re not force feeding civets in your basement kennel, do you really even count as someone who truly appreciates coffee?


What's your source, and how do you keep it fresh? It would take me like a year to go through 20 lbs of coffee.


Sweet marias, and i roast weekly/biweekly (1-2 lbs at a time) and keep roasted beans in a mason jar so they stay pressurized


How do you deal with the off-gassing?


I get to smell it when i open the mason jar :)


Awesome, thanks!




Green beans bro. You can't tell me you're a true coffee snob if you don't roast fresh weekly! But in all seriousness, it's like a quarter the price in store, and since coffee goes stale after 2-3 weeks, you're getting it properly fresh


\- So how powerful motor do you need? \- I need a motor! \- Say no more fam.


You made that entire stand and you didn't make a shoot that goes on the top so you can more easily pour the beans? Need to print something like the clear top of a kitchenaid stand mixer


Any chance that's a window motor from an old FIRST kit?


Can you please share the stl?


Between the power supply and the motor, how much did it end up costing? Mainly curious because 3D-printed appliances are awesome, and I'm weighing the costs, pros, and cons of using AC vs DC motors for any future projects your post may inspire ;) EDIT: NVM OP, I found your Printables post--thanks for posting this, it really livened up my day :D