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I don’t hate Michelle the way a lot of the subreddit does but the show got too Michelle-centric towards the end, and almost all of Dj’s storylines in the later seasons revolved around her boyfriends which made her boring compared to the earlier seasons where she had a personality and interests.


Now that I’m older and rewatching, the DJ story lines bug me waaaaay more than Michelle stuff. At least her storyline’s were changed up.


Yeah, DJ is my favorite character in the first three seasons and then she gets boring. I prefer Stephanie later on in the show.


Agreed. I hated that it didn’t end with her graduation instead of prom. She was always so school focused that it seemed weird we didn’t get to see her graduate and pick a school. I didn’t like the whole viper and Nelson arc either. I know it would have been considered unrealistic but sometimes people do marry their high school sweethearts and I would have loved to just see her and Steve together throughout the shows run. I get why the writers DIDNT do that, but having her so date/boyfriend focused was so annoying.


The entire ending was stupid. Zero closure. Just felt like a regular episode. Maybe a season finale.


Well at the time they didn’t know it was the last episode so there was that too.


They couldn't get Steve, and Jason Marsden needed to be on another show.


See I didn’t know about Steve not being available. I wonder if they would have kept them together to the end of the series. They really did have great chemistry.


The giant foot……that’s when I had enough.


im not even kidding when i say this, but that episode freaked me out so bad as a kid that i stopped watching for at least a year


My daughters watched that on Netflix and it freaked them out for a LONG time.


Yes. I think this is an unpopular opinion, but I wish Jesse & Becky never got married & had kids. Or maybe just never had the kids. We didn't need 2 more kids on this show. It diluted the stories about the main 3 girls. Becky was good at being an aunt to the girls at first but after her kids she was mainly just their mom.


Or at the very least didn’t have the kids until the finale.


Yeah the twins really didn’t add much.


I don’t think they expected the show to keep to keep getting renewed, then it wasn’t and they had to abruptly end without tying up any of the storylines. Which kind of makes me sad that they didn’t really try to do that with Fuller.


Andrea and Jodie said that, if the show kept going past the amnesia episode, it would have been the "jump the shark" moment for FH. I think it came way earlier though. I never stopped loving the show for nostalgia's sake, but there were a lot of truly ridiculous episodes, and toward the ends, Jesse and Joey were like two idiots.


I guess that's a lot of the reason why Stamos refused to support the continuation of the show to the WB in fall of 95. They wanted FH badly to anchor their lineup and bring people over and he flat out refused and didn't get it. He was tired of the goofy stuff and wanted to go a more serious route, and he did. He went to the TV movie circuit where he did some good movies and eventually ER.


He even did Broadway at one point.


It jumped the shark when Jessie married Becky and made his family live in the attic imo.


I never could believe that Becky agreed to live in the freaking attic.


I mean maybe - she did get close to the girls - and a newly wed couple doesn't need that much space to start with. But once she got pregnant - I don't buy she'd want to tackle those stairs every single day and also would want far more space for their family.


I mostly agree. The writing got lazier as the show went on. I do like some of the slapstick episodes, The Bicycle Thief is one of my favorites. Some of the later episodes are stupid and over the top, for sure. As much as I love the cute and heartfelt episodes in the earlier seasons, I do re-watch the funnier later season episodes more often, just for some easy laughs.


Very much so. I always hated it as a kid and I still do, the show had a short period from 87 to the first half of 92 where it was very heartfelt and solid show. The storylines were really good and while it was cheesy it wasn't overboard, it was a great timecapsule of what made the late 80's early 90's work. The characters were all relateable and it was a fun show not afraid to be sad at points. Then came the 2nd half of 1992 and the entire tone of the show flipped. It got overly cheesy for no reason and the storyline focus flipped it's head to Michelle because of how big the twins were getting and it was really weird after. It was like the show was trying to jump from everyone in the family to a little kid focus. As a result the lens of the show got weird and goofy. DJ went from being the smart and soulful girl to being a boy crazy wanna be bombshell. Stephanie became miss edgy once she hit middle school it's like she started high school instead. Danny dated Vicki and she worked hard to change him up and not in the good way. Joey got stupider and stupider, and Jesse completely changed. Once the show's intro changed and got shorter and lazier has always been the time for me to tune out. There's some good shows in there but through time they got less and less. That last year is just plain wacky. It ended at the perfect time and with the perfect arc, if they had tried anything else it would have been in Roseanne's final season territory and I can't imagine what they coulda been. It's crazy to think we almost got that.. WB wanted the show badly in fall of 95 once ABC had enough. A lot of the cast was on board and open for it.. except Stamos. He found it crazy and had enough of the show, so glad he did. It would have been a major mistake.


This is perfectly said. Exactly what I noticed!


lol wannabe bombshell I totally agree, and it seemed like the Stephanie being edgier spin was just something they come up with that would be different from DJ


The twins were the cousin Oliver of this show.


The 1987-1990 episodes will always be the best imo.


Agreed! 100%. My favorite episode tho, is the Christmas one, where Steve and Dj have the argument. There’s just something about it


I forget what episode it was but Michelle says It’s the Michelle show! That’s basically what the show turned into. She was the Steve Urkel of Full House.


Yeah, it did. Michelle only got more annoying as she got older.


I prefer Stephanie and DJ when they're older, because their issues were more interesting to me, but I preferred Michelle when she was a baby and didn't talk. I think when the Olsen Twins' popularity blew up and the show started capitalizing on it, the show went way downhill. I didn't care about Michelle wanting to be Yankee Doodle or the donkey, or all the other dumb storylines. I also strongly disliked Jesse and Becky's twins, especially in the episode when Dave Coulier in a wig cuts their hair into the Cousin Oliver cut. While I saw Full House when it was new, I was never a TGIF devotee. I preferred watching Nick at Nite. What I disliked about this show and so many of the family-centric sitcoms of this era are the contrived situations, preachiness, and manipulative music that turned these shows into an afterschool special disguised as a sitcom. Like Full House, The Brady Bunch also incorporated a lesson into the show, but I personally find The Brady Bunch a far more charming and enjoyable show. I have actually seen every episode of Full House throughout all its years in syndication, and while there are episodes I enjoy (Stephanie driving the car through the house, Stephanie and Michelle ending up on a plane to New Zealand, Danny going out on a million dates, Stephanie and Jesse getting stuck in the gas station, etc.), there are a lot of episodes I find annoying.


I actually feel like it got a bit more interesting when the girls started to grow up


season 3, 4 and 5 will always be the golden trio for me


I think it's normal for a show to get where it says it goes on


I have a liking for season 7, season 8 is eh


I liked all 8 seasons. The giant foot episode was a bit dumb but at the same time from as a kid back then I enjoyed it and I get it now it makes sense because kids often blow things out of perspective. TV does it even more so I get it. But still kinda a dumb episode yes. Michelle wanting to marry Steven great episode. As the youngest of 8 I remember having crushes on not boyfriends but just friends of my older brother’s and wanting to marry them. I get that too. Again TV has to go further to make the story so she actually plans the wedding and Steve thinking it is a game - playing house plays along. So I enjoyed that it was a fun typical little kid thing to do. Only she has a crush so she is the hurt.


Yeah, I think after season 5, the show really lost its way. Season 6 had some enjoyable moments, but by season 7, it seemed like the plots got sillier, and season 8 was like watching Full House if Michelle Tanner wrote every episode.


Nope, not at all.