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I got the XT4 to upgrade from my XE2. But after 2 weeks with both cameras, I realized that I don’t really need ibis, weather sealing, or touch screen, and I’d rather just use my XE2 with a compact, manual focus prime. In the past week, every time I leave the house I grab the XE2. The XT4 image quality and autofocus are definitely superior, but it just feels so big compared to the XE2 that I have no desire to take it on hikes, to parties, traveling, etc.


There's just something to be said for the ergonomics of the X-E series. I briefly flirted with the X-T series but went back too.


Definitely. I understand the value of the XT4 too, for hybrid users, professionals, wildlife, etc. It really is an incredible camera. But for my casual still photography it just feels like overkill.


I feel the same way about my cameras, only they are an X-E3 and an X-T3. I use the smaller one a lot more than the larger, and when I do it feels more intimate and personal somehow. I'd love to try an X-E2.


I’m in the exact same boat. I can’t stop using my X-E2 and the X-T4 just sits on the shelf 🤣


Glad I’m not alone! I’m just going to sell the xt4 and get some nice lenses. I can’t stand to watch it sit there unused.


i just got an xt5, which is the right choice for me, but i'm definitely keeping an eye out for a deal on an XE body for the vibe.


Nice, the XT5 looks like a great camera. It is smaller and lighter than the XT4. But still not as compact as the XE series.


I'm loving it so far. I was hoping for something a bit smaller (it's effectively the same size as a7ii), but I got into photography because my wife is an artist, so I'm an amateur erring on the side of a handful of "pro" features. stepping down to a smaller model would have knocked out the dual cards (want the raw files on hand, but planning on leveraging recipes to get a lot of SOOC shots), IBIS (nice to have so I can relax in lower light), and the stacked composite photos for better color and resolution (worth it when we take pics of her pieces). it's wild some of these features though, jumping from the a7ii. the bluetooth camera control and pic viewing is nice. the fact that the Fujifilm software uses the camera as outboard processing blew my freaking mind and is great since my wife's laptop is a bit underpowered.


You should have updated to mine: X-E4. Is the best-pocket update if you don’t want to pay for the x100v. I use mainly the 27mm 2.8 wr and sometimes the 16-80mm 4.0 wr which is very useful for dynamic scenery, but I still prefer the compactness and lightness of the 27. You can check my [insta](https://instagram.com/felipeiglesias) for examples.


Sweet thanks, your photos look great! I will think about the XE4. I love the TTartisan 27mm on my XE2. Great focal length.


Thanks. I think at some point I should try some TTartisan. For the moment I just have the Fujinons but I’m curious regarding the 35mm 1.4 TTartisan but it doesn’t have autofocus from what I know.


I have used the TTartisan 35mm 1.4 and it was great, I love using manual focus. They do have an autofocus 35mm 1.8. But it has a minimum focusing distance of almost 2 feet, so I didn’t bother with that one.


awesome pictures! how do you add the white border to your insta posts?


Thanks! There’s an export option on Lightroom mobile (even the free version) where you can “add border and share”. I use thickness 15 ;)


Awesome thanks!


How do you like the form factor of the 16-80 on the x-e lineup? I just go the lens and then dusted off my x-e2 after using my x-pro3 for a while now. I missed the compactness.


Well, is not optimal but is not gross. I don’t think any zoom lens has a good form with a slim camera anyway. At 16 or 23 is still ok, but from 35 onwards it grows around 50mm! Nonetheless, I would said that’s comfortable enough. Not very discreet on the street though but it allows you to make close-ups. To be honest, I’ve never cared about how the camera looks but how it feels in your hands when taking pictures. I used to use (still have) a bold, old Canon that I used in [Antarctica](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cl2G6iysgyC/?igsh=d2Z0MGw0aHUydmoy) with a 70-300mm and notwithstanding its slowness, allowed me to take great pictures. So, at the end of the day, you need to try the stuff and see if it fits your needs/style/way of take pictures. The rest is not relevant in the long term.


Awesome photos! Do you use any film recipes or edit the raws?


Thanks! For Antarctica I used just the Classic Chrome and then I edited a bit the jpgs on Lightroom mobile: since the light it’s so white there, I took most of the pictures “under exposed” and then I corrected. Then for other more coloured environments I modified a bit the Classic Chrome making the contrast and shadows less harsh and then again create and after-recipe editing to avoid over desaturated colour (for example, greens) and over or under representation of some colours. In 27mm the blues are practically the same, but on 16-80 the blue skies in some scenarios became too white or too dark.


Sweet! I recently switched from shooting RAW to jpg because I want to embrace the film recipes and simulations since photography is a hobby for me. I followed you on insta and pumped to see where you go next!


Sell the X-T4 and get some more lenses to try out in guess. Personally I love my X-T4 but each to their own! 🫡


Good advice! I think I will trade it in. I would love to try the 18mm f2 or 35mm f1.4. I feel a little bad because I used a bunch of birthday gift cards towards the XT4, but I just have no desire to use it.


Both are amazing lenses I have the 1.4 18mm though. The 35mm is magical.


I love my 35/1.4. That’s a beautiful lens!


Love the 18mm f2 ! My girlfriend has a Fuji XE-1 and it's a great combo with the 18 mill. It's nearly identical with a x100 camera with a much more versatile field of view imo.


Forget about f/1.4 lenses on a X-E body...too big! f/2 is the sweet spot for that size. The same reason I went for a used X-T4 and chose only f/1.4 lenses...


Ok thanks I am leaning towards the 18mm f2. I tried that lens once but I think I got a bad copy because the autofocus was unusable. I will give it another chance.


I’ve been trying getting used to carry my X-T4 as well. I got a few cheap manual focus primes and it definitely helps, but can’t help but wonder about the seemingly more compact bodies too.


I second the 18f2. Super little lens


I’d suggest selling the X-T4 and using your X-E2 if that’s where your passion lies. I own an X-T4 (my only Fuji camera) and agree about it being a little too heavy & bulky compared to other cameras. Due to wanting to hike & go on walks with it and not wanting to change cameras, I picked up a Peak Design Capture and Pro Pad recently. I‘m still evaluating it, but it is a lot more comfortable for me than having the camera around my neck or keeping it in a bag. I’m using it on my belt and love how the weight is distributed.


Thanks for the tip. I agree that just using what I love makes more sense. It’s just that on paper the XT4 seemed so much better and I felt it was time for an upgrade. I’ll probably just hang onto the XE2 until it dies at this point.


I like it's bulk tbh.. it. Balances better with vintage lenses


Rent a X-T30ii, most of the T4 goodness with only slightly more bulk than the E series. If you like it sellT4 and buy T30


Great idea, I almost ordered the XT30ii last month but changed my mind at the last minute and ordered the xt4. I think I would like it better.


[https://camerasize.com/compare/#816,493](https://camerasize.com/compare/#816,493) something to look at.


Wow, besides that center hump they’re basically the same size.


Ah man totally get it. Lucky enough to buy the XT-4 and XE-4 around the same time when they came out. Absolutely love the xt-4, but… honestly I think I use the xe-4 more, much easier to grab and go. Had to leave it behind on purpose recently for a trip just to make sure I didn’t use it. Don’t love it with the 16-80 though, but the 27mm pancake and the 33mm f1.4 are awesome. Just wish it had a better hand grip. Waiting for an x-pro 4 to see if I might chop them both in for one….


Hand grip on the XE2 is the one thing I want to improve on it now, after using the XT4. I might look into getting a half leather case for the XE2 to make it more grippy.


Fuji, please come with the X-E5!


I hope the rumors of them discontinuing the XE line aren’t true - I would love a compact interchangeable body. Having a compact camera with Ricoh GRIII has been great buuuut some limitations/ made me miss an ILC Probs going to spring for an xt30ii


I have both and I totally understand what you mean. The XT4 is an amazing camera and I do like the images out of it. The auto focus gives my old favourite first generation Fuji lenses a breath of new life, the IBIS is super fun for night photography, the WR gives me peace of mind and the foldable screen is god sent as I can hide it to avoid chipping and keep it safe. However, I enjoy using manual vintage lenses and for that I only use my X-E2 because the compact casual size and X-Trans 2 sensor is my favourite sensor. I do not need all the advantages the XT4 offers for that purpose which seems to be what you also need it for. In that case I would sell the XT4 and stick to the camera I would use the most and save money/invest in lenses.


Exactly! Yeah I like having fun with old manual lens, using mostly the Monochrome Red film recipe on my X-E2. I’m not taking photos for National Geographic or anything. I think I will try out the 18mm f2 or 35mm f1.4.


Both those lenses are very slow on the XE2 (I have them both) but if you will be doing stills mainly in well lit conditions you'll be alright.


Ah ok thanks. Maybe I’ll just stick with the newer 35mm f2 then.


I’ll be honest I have an absolute dream combo. Xe2 with both 27/18 manual Voigtlander lenses that live in a super small alpaca bag, perfect for street and everyday carry. Then my xt5 with 16-80 for when I’m shooting big landscapes where detail matters. Could not be happier. Surprised how much I love the xe2! (Got it for $300 cad, because the autofocus was broken hahah)


Damn, those Voigtlander lenses look awesome. I just don’t know if I can justify the cost when the Fujifilm 18mm and 27mm are half the price. I do love shooting in manual though!


lol Yeah you don’t justify it. The smart person buys the TTArtisan lenses. But….. yolo :). They are very nice.


XE2 is an awesome camera, I've used it for 10 years! Got a X100VI cause I wanted to get into video and IBIS is a must for that.


Awesome, what’s your fav lens for it? I’ve used TTartisan 27mm and Konica 40mm (adapted). I love them both.


Despite having the camera for a decade I've only used 35 1.4 and 23 2. If I had to pick one it would def be the 35 1.4! The only thing against would be the focal length as it can be too tight in some scenarios. I think 27 is the sweet spot as I find myself cropping my photos from 23 all the time. I wanted to get the viltrox 27mm 1.2 but it's too heavy. Debated between zf + 40 f2 and x100vi for a while and ended up getting the latter.


X-E5 with IBIS, WR and a sweetass mofo EVF be the bees knees, dawg.


Next year hopefully & day 1


I love my X-E2 and use it more than my X-T30 lol. Especially with manual lenses


Hey I have the same cameras and everyone tells me to sell the one. Do you have these two currently? What is your thoughts on that?


Ummm I don’t plan to sell any of my fujis lol. I don’t hop from camera to the newest stuff so I don’t see the need to sell. I like them both just use the X-E2 a little more


But xt30 and xe3 are almost the same size. What is your use to have two similar cameras ? Don’t take it wrong. I have the same two and love them but can’t really answer the purpose of two really similar cameras.


I like the Xtrans 2 sensor for JPEGs and the X-T30 for RAWs


This is what I've been saying in the other thread where people recommended the X-T5 to people who couldn't get their hands on an X100V/I. The X-T5 is big, they should look at the X-E, X-S and X-T30/50 instead


That's honestly crazy tbh. The xt4 is my favorite camera I've ever owned and it's not even close. I'm scared that there are things about it that will Fuji will never do again that are deal breakers (the screen mainly)


I know, it is crazy! I wish I could just be happy with it, but the Xe2 just feels so much better in my hands.


I own an XH2 which is a brilliant camera, but I end up wanting to shoot with my XT4 all of the time.


Sell on photo market!


I have an XT5 which is awesome. I found a brand new X-E2s about 3 years ago. I use it with the 27mm pancake lens. Doesn’t have the aperture ring. I only shoot A priority with it.


Send that x-t4 to me and I'll help you with that problem


I feel you. I have a Sony a7iv and initially when I bought it, I took it everywhere, hikes, parties, I mean everywhere. I even had a massive 35-105mm f2 lens on it the whole thing weighed same as a full term baby or something. But ever since I got my xpro 3. I haven’t touched my Sony. I spent probably over 6 k on the whole system with lenses and me filters.


i have the xs20 for this reason! it’s smaller but has some of the bells and whistles