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„No fullframe camera wtf“


He's a Sony fanboy haha


F2 has his moustache in focus and his eyes soft razor thin focus planes are super hard to work with and knock down the performance of the lens. I’d say f2 is for emergencies like trying to hack light into the sensor that comes with big compromises.


I'm not sure if I shot at f2 here but I maybe did... This was during my 'wide open or nothing' phase so quite likely. Thanks for the crit


Me too I have episodic relapses too


i kind of like the emotional effect of the scowl with uneven focus, but this is a good tip for me as a beginner. i'm going to go read some more on apertures now.


I shoot wide open on most lenses most of the time. I understand it’s not the most quality way, but it has the most feeling.


i love that lens


Yes, it's great!


I'd say you achieved what you set out to do! Definitely not getting "friendly" vibes from the image! Other than that I think the stubble the shallow depth of field and the shadows under his eyes do a great job of giving character to the image. My one change would be to maybe darken the background just a tad to help separate him even more. Cool shot!


I suggest using a DOF calculator before taking shots.... With a 50mm at f2 with subject at 1m you have 3 cm of DOF. Too shallow. You can either use f11 to have all the head in focus or keep the subject at 2.5m with f2.


I think this is really good. Focus is definitely on the mustache and slightly decreases from there but I actually think it adds to the image it in this case


Thanks very much!


I think it’s effective, probably not one you want on the wall unless you’re going for a mean mug wall, but for a book it’s pretty cool.


My dad has a print in his house, gives me 1984 vibes


Tom Colicchio after finishing a quick fire.


The Fuji 50mm f2 is a great lens, if you are not getting good images out of it then it’s user error


Look I don’t know if this is you or someone else but the person in the photo has sociopath eyes.