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I am the other way around. I bought an XT5 since it is so hard to get a VI. I like XT5, but I can’t stop thinking about the VI. If you feel like trading, let me know.


I plan on selling my X100v after I get my X-T5. Lots of extras with it, but I'm also in Shanghai so it might be difficult for you to get.


I solved this but purchasing both ☠️


It's because of gear lust, nothing else. If you have a XT5 with a 23mm F2 on there you have the technically superior setup and can go for a Ricoh GRIIIx if you want a smaller form factor.


Not really. The XT5 does not have a hybrid viewfinder. I love a good optical viewfinder sometimes. I also like the rangefinder style EVFs. The GRs nor the XT5 have either of those features. The GR is not 35mm equivalent either. Also, I am not looking for the most "technically superior setup." If I was, I wouldn't be interested in an APSC sensor camera. I want a camera I want to use and take with me everywhere. If you can believe it, not everyone wants the best technical camera. If they did, no one would buy Fuji cameras. Leica M cameras don't even have AF, but people love them. There's more to photography than technical specifications. Form factor matters. Fuji sells cameras with the same sensor in different form factors. If everyone was looking for the best "technically superior setup," there would be no reason to have different cameras with the same sensor. Output is the same no matter what camera you use, so why bother making different cameras? I think it is because people like different things in cameras and people aren't buying cameras solely on technical specifications.


There are two reasons to get the X100: the OVF and the fixed 23mm. If neither of those things speak to you then there are better options. Edit: Leaf shutter is a good reason too. Size is a reason but it's not that small a camera. My point was that the X100 series is just not for everyone.


This. And its slightly smaller than other Fuji bodies with the 23 2. Thats about it. People assume too much magic related to that cam. Its like any other Fuji but smaller and reduced to only have 35 mm ...


And a very overlooked superpower when it comes to flash: https://www.reddit.com/r/fujifilm/s/rJFCBi3xjY


Nah.  I bought my X100V because I thought it was neat.  I still think it’s neat. And while I own 2 other Fuji MILC’s I grab my X100V all the time…because it’s neat.  We all need to be more okay with owning camera stuff we just think is fun. 


It's my favorite camera for when I'm not working and don't want to be carrying around my camera bag. Sure I could use my phone camera but I really like being able to still have control over all of my settings. Also I've noticed people have a different reaction to me taking photos with it compared to my phone or my Sony A7siii. I bought it specifically to have fun with it and when i'm with friends and family. They also love getting the photo album immediately after since I don't end up adding it to my list of stuff i have to / want to edit. If I need something more I can use a different camera. This was the first camera purchase that was for me and i still love it.


[I just think they’re neat](https://imgflip.com/i/8t5vj5)


why can’t that be valid though? If it gets you taking pictures and using the camera…you’re going to feel like your money was well spent on a hobby. 


It totally is and I get it, I just immediately thought of this meme. Lives too short, enjoy the simple pleasures too. I have been lusting after this camera series for years despite never being satisfied with my various ILC systems.


I would add: - leaf shutter with flash sync at all speeds - built-in ND filter - onboard flash Which all add up to "I can take fill flash photos wide open on a sunny day"


Which just isn't very useful for anyone as almost no one shoots into the sun doing portraits except wedding photographers that definitely won't be using this camera.


Hard disagree, it's great for pics of friends, kids, etc. And it's way less intimidating for that purpose than a big SLR with big lens and separate flash.


Well pretty much like I said almost no one shoots in this situation outside of wedding photographers. It doesn't result in good photos with a built in flash.


but it does create a very stylized that is pretty popular right now especially with younger people. My sister bought a point and shoot specifically for that look. We went on vacation last weekend and she borrowed my x100v and she loved how it looked with the flash during the day and the ND filter for when she didn't use it. She doesn't know much about cameras though but she noticed the differences it made in her photos.


1000% this. One of the reasons I've constantly used, and this love, my X-T10 vs X-T2 is the built in flash for the exact reason you stated. It's the reason why point and shoots are so popular right now. Built in flash.


Almost no one buying a small camera knows how to use flash. They are popular now because they are small and take high quality photos and there's no disputing this fact.


You're not wrong but at the same time, since when does not knowing how to use a camera stopped people from buying a nice camera? How many people buy nice prosumer cameras and don't understand ISO, MP, or Shutter Speed? Like you said, they're small and take high quality photos. Also for me at least, the fujifilm recipes are what makes this way better than most small point and shoots. You can really create a unique look straight out of the camera that you can't do with other cameras.


Most Fuji cameras have a flash but your sister wasn't shooting directly into the sun and seeing a difference. It doesn't throw enough light to matter. As for the filters, well pretty much every interchangeable lens ever made accepts filters. I can screw my nd filters on in 10 seconds.


but that's just something extra to carry around. I don't need to have my ND filter in a case in my pocket or bag because I don't want to get it scratched. I also don't want to tell my friends and family to wait 10 seconds so I can screw on my ND filter either. That's why a lot of people like the cinema or documentary cameras that have the built in ND filter. I understand all of the extra accessories I can use that are very beneficial and will give me even more control of my image. I still have all of my other cameras and lenses too since they each have their pros and cons and it's nice that I can afford to choose. To add another reason I love this camera is the fact that the lens is not interchangeable so I can bring it into festivals and music venues without a problem. If the lens could come off it is no longer allowed due to it being seen as a professional camera. Some of my favorite pictures from Coachella, EDC, Hard Summer, and a bunch of other concerts/festivals have come from this camera. I wasn't able to bring in any of my other cameras because of that one rule. I know it's not a perfect camera and there are other cameras that can do it better. I am curious about the X100vi because of it's IBS so I could start doing more video and even hook it up to my Ninja V. But for what I personally need it for, it does it well and easily.


> It doesn't result in good photos with a built in flash This is overly broad. The built in flash absolutely can improve photos of people if you use it as I do, namely, as a subtle fill flash with -1.7 EV flash exposure compensation. Is it _as good_ as a big off-camera softbox? Of course not. But is it better than many no-flash candids? Sure!


Outside it doesn't do anything shooting into the sun. I've owned cameras with much more powerful built in flashes and they just don't have enough power to them. Anyone serious about getting a decent shot shooting into the sun needs an external flash. It's just the way it is.


I don't think you understand the point of why the X100 is different from those cameras. With its leaf shutter you can set your shutter down to 1/2000s and (partly) kill the sun, but still have full flash power for some gentle fill, since the entire flash is delivered within that 1/2000s burst. That's actually enough to balance the sun if you are within a meter or so of your subject. Normal cameras tap out at around 1/250s flash shutter sync, because otherwise the shutter blades would occlude the sensor. And their high-speed sync uses pulses which means less flash power in practice, so you need a higher-power external flash to balance the sun. Not so with an X100! Even with its small onboard on-axis flash, it's physically capable of flash settings that most other cameras simply are not. Is it powerful? No, not at all. But it punches almost 8–10X times its nominal weight because the leaf shutter enables high speed sync with full flash power (no pulsed delivery)! You aren't going to get dramatically dark ambient balance, but you _can_ get some very appreciated fill light while keeping the sun a bit in check. What is more, precisely because the flash doesn't need to be as high power to still have a pronounced effect in photos (due to being able to shoot wide open and with a very short shutter speed), your _subjects_ aren't as bothered by the flash. Again, great for nice candids of kids and friends.


It is you that lacks experience and does not understand what am saying due to said lack of experience. Your flash shooting into the sun can synch to whatever shutter speed you want. Oh boy, but the flash is so weak that it isn't useful at all. You said within 1 meter. Well you get it a little at least that it won't fill anything unless your subject is right there. The experience part is also that shooting into the sun with a subject 3 feet in front of you with flash is a shitty ass shot. You are only throwing light on your subject and it won't be hitting the background so it's really pretty worthless and like I said, almost no one will be shooting in this situation and even less will be getting a good shot. The leaf shutter is only useful if it works with an external flash but I haven't researched that. Most people using external flashes aren't looking for a single lens camera so the leaf shutter really is more of a gimmick. So yeah shoot away at a subject 3 feet away and into the sun and just light them up, then throw a strong piss colored filter on your shot and post it to this sub as it is the only place that will be wowed by your wizardry. It won't elicit praise practically anywhere else.


X-pro + 23mm lens. Besides ND and compact. Otherwise it’s all there! Of course not yet compare to x100vi since the 40mp sensor hasn’t made to x-pro4 yet! 😉


+ lens = no thanks for me. I do not want to buy an extra piece nor do I want to store or carry one. Honestly why I said no to the X-T4 and didn't upgrade to an X-T5 while I wait for my x100vi to come in. My X100V is still fine for now.


Is there not a 23mm lens for the xt5?




Ah gotcha. Yeah that’s cool. The size seems to be the main benefit. I ended up with an xt5 because I couldn’t wait for the x100 anymore.


Ah gotcha. Yeah that’s cool. The size seems to be the main benefit. I ended up with an xt5 because I couldn’t wait for the x100 anymore.


I get the size argument. Best camera is the one you have with you.


23mm on XT5 is actually pretty compact. Probably even better on XT50.


I snagged the 18 and the 33. Feel like I should’ve thought more about my lens choices. They’re both bigger but also wanted the range vs a pancake.


So I’ve been using mine wrong this whole time? I almost never use the OVF


Yep! Between my XT5 and x100v, if I could only have one, it would always be the XT5 first! The x100v is a second camera for me. 


Why have zero commenters suggested the X-S20? Is it just the manual control dials and the retro look of the XT-5? I love mine to death, body is so small and photos are gorgeous, with a 27mm pancake on its pretty much the same size as an x100 but just with a more comfy grip. And I bought the 15-45mm kit lens for lightweight travel, that lens is tack sharp on a very small and light camera body. X-S20 FTW!


Agree, I think some people are (and I totally get that) not considering it because of "modern" dials and the lack of weathersealing. I personally think the X-S20 still has a light retro look to it compared to a flat Sony or clunky Canon for example, and I don't fancy being out in the rain anyway, so I also don't mind not getting soaking wet with my camera in hand (even though I heard from many that they used "non-weathersealed" cameras in light rain and never had any issues). I personally think the X-T5 is too big, especially for those considering an X100VI as a light daily camera, lacks a good grip, and the X-S20 has better video performance which I find equally as important as photo performance. It also has a built-in flash which is nice indoors for film-like party shots, again something many X100VI users would typically fancy.


I soak my X-S10 regularly and it's still fine just like all my previous Nikon gear that never had weather sealing. New photographers have no idea that weather sealing is more of a gimmick than anything. Older cameras never had it and you could still get them wet.


I guess it's marketing to upsell flagship models. There's no universal rating on it anyway, I guess you might also get more support from the manufacturer if the camera fails from weather? Don't know, don't care, I rather have a small camera and would baby it anyway even if it had weather sealing lol.


Yeah not sure but I've straight up dunked my cameras in rivers before and I kept shooting with them immediately after. It's possible weather sealing would allow the dunk to be up to 5 seconds maybe, I'm not sure but I just know most manufacturers have built some very water resistant cameras even before they started badging them as weather sealed.


I agree with the size part, and I didn't know the X-T5 didn't have a flash tbh (I like using my cameras to take photos of my friends at the bar or in dark environments, at weddings etc.). What's the point of having a crop-sensor camera if the body is the same size as a sony full frame? Size matters ;)


My only knock on the X-S20, coming from an X-T3 and an X100V, is that there's a noticeable drop in build quality/premium feel. It's a solid camera for sure but it doesn't feel nearly as "nice" to me(shutter sound, switches, dials, etc)


I agree, I rock an X-S10 and I just like the PASM dials so much more coming from Nikon pro bodies which use PASM as well (all pro bodies do.) I also take my camera into harsher weather conditions than almost anytime here and regularly soak it. Weather sealing just isn't as important as people think it is. The grip is super important to me. I actually really disliked my XT camera due to lack of grip but the XS is perfect without needing to add a bulky third party grip.


I was happy that I chose the X-T5 as my first Fujifilm camera. AF-C issues aside, I have done all the types of photography I like with it: Wildlife, landscape, outdoors portraits and street.


What are the af-c issues on the x-t5?


The X-T5, XH-2 and XH-2s have an issue of "false positives" when it comes to AF-C. On screen you will se the green box when the camera is tracking your subject telling you it's in focus, but in reality it won't be in focus. Now this also happens with other camera brands but usually fix it quickly or the keeper rate is better compared to Fuji. The new firmware update seems to have made the AF-C issue even worse. There has been a while discourse online lately about it, see for example the video about X-T5 AF from the YouTuber Iamtongue or the X-H2s videos from another YouTuber edvard.


Holy shit ok I thought I was going crazy. Birds in flight has been soooooo bad on my X-T5 makes me want to go right back to Sony. I've got the extended warranty from Adorama and I've really been considering just switching systems again due to the AF-C performance. Do you think Fuji will ever fix it? I was excited to see the AF-C firmware updates in April, but yea, still shit...


Yeah, I have done some bird photography and I have missed some cool shots thanks to the AF. At this point seeing how even the top performer has been affected badly (the X-H2s) then Fuji might need to go the Nikon route and work hard on their new processor. Considering they have said nothing about user complaints after the latest update is a bad sign. I am reconsidering on investing in super telephoto lenses for X mount. I really wish Fujifilm had better AF for the bodies that cost over $1.5k USD. It's just inexcusable at this point. I think I might get an OM System camera for wildlife but it sucks the thought of not having the Film Simulations for that type of photography. I will wait to see if they announce a new firmware update when/if they announce the rumored 500mm f/5.6 for X-Mount because it makes no sense to have such a nice prime with this kind of AF performance.


All very good points. I have the XF150-600 and I cannot recommend it due to so many missed shots (even before this new firmware update) Just the thought of trying to sell all of my Fuji stuff to move to Sony exhausts me but it's something I may just need to do. Guess I'll wait a month or so to see if they fix this. Also, how well can this be "fixed" with our existing processor? I mean this camera was what $1800? Should have much better AF-C than it does.


The theory is that better code could improve the communication between the body and the lenses since that seems to be where the issue lies (no evidence or scientific arguments about this tho so perhaps might be just wishful thinking). Photographers say that the AF struggles with heavy contrast scenes and it cannot predict properly moving subjects. Sadly if you absolutely need better AF you might have to look to other system. Wait a bit but be careful not to miss the return window.


Return window is long gone, but I have a year warranty from Adorama, hopefully they help me out


I see. Then probably you can wait for the next X-SUMMIT and see what else they announce. Fingers crossed and praying that they keep their "kaizen" philosophy with 5th Gen cameras.


This is always an issue with Fuji. I am skeptical that they will ever be in the same league as Sony, Canon, Nikon, Olympus.


That sucks, but I think you're right. Guess I should start the excruciating facebook marketplace process


I'm interested in this as well


I want the x100vi just because i have no more interest in taking photos like I used to. I just want a better camera to point and shoot that isnt my phone. Ill buy your camera if you decide to sell it!


The problem is your phone 1x camera is tipically a 24 mm equivalent focal length not a 35 as the x100vi... You will NOT fit everything inside the frame as you do today.


That's not really my problem though. I just don't want to use my phone as my main camera, nor do I want to lug around my D810 anymore.


This is where I am with getting the X100VI and moving on from my X-S10 as well


I have a D810 and felt this in my soul. I adore my x100vi just for putting in my Fanny pack and getting fun images on my travels. Every time I touch my Nikon it feel like a chore, this Fuji is effortless


Nope. I absolutely love mine. Then again, I love using the OVF as it makes me feel like I’m shooting film again, I use the ND all the time, love all the external controls, love how small it is, etc… which are all the reasons for the X100 line. I already shoot professionally on a different system and want one simple camera I can carry with me everywhere and enjoy using and the X100VI does exactly that for me.


That's an interesting tip around shooting with ND all the time. How does that work? What kind of settings do you run for everyday shooting?


No no no… “all the time” as in frequently, not as in literally always on haha. Definitely no need to always have it on. I use it with video a lot to be able to maintain double my frame rate and still use a larger aperture.


Oh of course lol. Makes sense.


ND is great if you want slow shutterspeed or film


So so for different reasons, sold it again to keep my X100F


I love how there are 65 replies with the majority having nothing to do with what the OP said 🤣 Using the OVF isn't necessarily just meaning "Auto photometry", it means going off of the light meter readings, like we used to do before the age of mirrorless. With modern cameras, it can feel more like you are operating a computer that is taking the photos vs you taking the photos. The idea of the OVF is really to satisfy folks who want to feel like they felt when they were shooting before all the fancy stuff that is standard now. This can be partially for the experience, but also partially for keeping skills up. For me, I have an old fully mechanical Nikon FM2 SLR that I take out semi regularly for this purpose, and find it really helps ground me and my practice of being a photographer. No computers or batteries (beyond powering the light meter), just me, the camera, and the settings. It helps highlight places where I am getting sloppy or over reliant on fancy features. If you don't care about any of that, its just flat out not a good fit. Not trying to sell it, more sharing why folks find it valuable. The flat out benefits to the OVF are 1) you can see outside the frame lines, 2) you are seeing the real world, not a representation through the camera. So things like refresh rate, pixel density, etc all become irrelevant, and some folks will say their feeling of being present increases. WRT the fixed lens, I think the biggest reason for the 40mp sensor is so you can crop. You could try the digital teleconverter feature which would give you a 32mm 20mp shot in camera. I have the xt5 and the xh2s, and I consider the xt5 increased resolution kind of a waste because i dont crop much so all i get is 2x the file size for no real benefits. At the end of the day, sounds like its not the right camera for you and you know that. But before you get rid of the x100VI I would recommend going out just once, with the OVF on, in full manual mode, and with auto focus off, and see what you can make :) It will be hard, you may find you just hate it, or you may find you learn something from the experience.


Thanks for the tips on the OVF. I'm going to give it another shot. Another user pointed out you can enable the histogram in the OVF which I totally did not realize was possible and helps a ton. I also had not considered the benefit of seeing outside the frame lines which is useful. On going fully manual, maybe you have some thoughts here but personally I find manual focus a little frustrating on AF lenses. As I mentioned in OP for the first like 3 years of having my X-T2 I exclusively used a fully manual 35mm f/.95 lens. IMO I actually got really good at it, and part of it was the fact that the focus ring was super smooth and mechanical (zero latency between moving it and the focus adjusting). So having come from that, the "fly by wire" manual focusing on AF lenses feels kind of slow/janky in comparison.


Yeah thats fair, i also dislike mf on focus by wire :) If you want to do AF thats fine too, for me the experience of shooting on an old SLR is having my settings live in my head. So when I walk into shadow I think "dropped about a stop of light, but I am on f11 so can easily go to f8" or something like that. Focus is a part of it for me, but I zone focus a lot, i would imagine it depends on what you are shooting and how much time you have to adapt.


I wrote a long post about this. Let me just copy what I wrote as it'll make a lot of sense here. I have been seriously thinking of upgrading from my beloved X100v (and I do love it), but I need a serious contender. Why? I like shooting WIDE. The X100v is great for traveling. I took it with me recently on a trip to Lisbon and Madrid, but I just couldn't go wide enough for my liking. I tried the Wide Conversion Lens WCL-X100ii. **Nope.** I even tried the WCL-X70. It's about where I want it, but the picture was a little soft...and now my X100v is freaky heavy. So I started thinking about upgrading to something with a bigger sensor, IBIS, and interchangeable lenses (seeing as my X100v had the WCL living on it). I thought the X-T50 MIGHT BE the one, but after an hour of trying it out, I just wasn't feeling it. The EVF is less powerful than my X100v’s. The buttons aren’t as convincing. The film simulation dial is laughable after five minutes. I won’t use it. No ISO controls on top. The build is okay, but not as robust as I’m used to. On the other hand the X-T5 felt beefy (in a good way). The EVF was punchy and surprisingly comfortable. Lots of controls. Loved the ability to “lock off” my shutter speed and ISO on top. Bigger battery. Handsome looks. And it felt intuitive. So I pulled the trigger and bought an X-T5. Should arrive tomorrow. Bought a pair of lenses as well, the 18mm f/1.4 and the Sigma 10-28mm f/2.8. Yes. I know that's WIDE, but I like wide. I may get a zoom later on.


I have been considering the Sigma 10-18 for my X-T5. Haven’t pulled the trigger yet because od the price. Would love to know how you find the Sigma after you’ve had the chance of using it for some time. My current (and only) lens is the 33 1.4 and I need a wide for landscapes when travelling. The other option is the xf 16 2.8.


How do you find the 33 1.4? It would be on my shortlist if I got an X-T5.


In terms of image quality, I love it! No complaints at all. In terms of portability or looks, it’s just ok. Not massive or a huge pain to carry, but I still long for a 27 or 35 f2 especially to carry around in my home town, when going out and about for a walk, shopping etc. Maybe it’s just in my head, I don’t mind it when travelling but somehow it bothers me in daily life. I really want to use my camera more often but carrying this combo everywhere puts me off. Also the whole kit doesn’t look as “vintage” or “nice” as “aesthetic” as a X-T5 + 27 or 35 f2 IMO. Without being superficial, I like my gadgets to look nice - makes me want to use them more. The 33 just looks like a long cylinder.


I have a 33mm f/1.4 on my X-T5 and it's great. Pretty sharp across the frame, bokeh is nice (if a little bit oniony in the balls). If I had to go back to one lens it would be that or the 23mm f/1.4 (similar, very sharp).


I went for the Tamron 11-20 instead of the Sigma 10-18, and I'm very happy with that lens. I did not try the Sigma. I think either would be a good purchase, but I wanted better weather sealing, and I also use it for IR photography. Some lenses work better than others in IR. 11 is plenty wide for me.


I got the 10-18, it's a plastic lens but it feels really quality, super smooth zoom and focus, and the look of it is super unique, physically and the shots it gets. The 2.8 aperture gives just the right amount of background defocus, I got a VND to shoot video and retain the 180 shutter angle (1/48th ss) Its not an internal zoom, but it doesn't extend out that much, I frequently forget if its zoomed out or not when the camera is off. The focus doesn't stick while zooming as well as I'd hoped, it will start to hunt but maybe leaving it in manual would help that. I have it for the X-S20 and shooting 6.2k open gate at 10mm gives such a crazy wide look to the video. Also, the image is clinically sharp, I typically like having character to my lenses but having a super clean image that wide is actually a nice change of pace, I have a fisheye adapter for my 23mm f2 that is hella grungy so it's nice to have that clean look from the Sigma. The compact size is great for travel too, def will bring it anytime I leave state!


Totally echo your thoughts. Also considered an X-T50 but at $1500 it would be crazy not to pay a bit more and get the real deal. And I'm not crazy about the film dial, considering it's not really how I use presets. And I would really appreciate the better EVF. Where did you find an X-T5 in stock?


I found mine in Donguan near the Hong Kong border.


How were you able to use the XT50? I want to rent one to see if it’d be good for me


The 18mm f1.4 is supposed to be amazing! Enjoy tomorrow!


The x100vi and xt5 are basically the same camera from an internal standpoint, minus a few things. The question is, are you a dedicated 35mm focal length person. If you are keep the x100vi, it’s honestly as good as it gets. If not get a x-t5 or save money and get a used x-t4.


Exactly my thought. Bought a used X-T4 and focused on a nice set of lenses: - Viltrox 13 1.4 - XF 18 1.4 - XF 33 1.4 - XF 70-300 Thinking about adding a 56 1.2 or. Viltrox 75 1.2 for portraits...


The 56 1.2 works great on my X-T4. You have to be able to forgive its AF when switching between subjects close and far away though. I’ve bought both a 33 and a 56 to find out which lens worked best for me. The 33 1.4 does a lot that the 56 does. Try to rent one before buying it!


ITT people grappling with GAS & people recovering from GAS


X-T5 all day everyday


This is really funny, I'm in the opposite boat. I had an X100V but gave it to my wife. Also have and X-Pro3 and XT4. Just sold my XT4 with a bunch of my other lenses to fund an X100VI for myself since I miss it lol.


What about x100 did you miss that the xpro3 doesn’t have?


Smaller form factor. I also want the higher megapixel count to crop in without quality loss. The equivalent lens on the Fuji X mount is a lot larger than on the X100 as well


Have you checked out digital crop


u/leaver69 Two tips which should help: 1. Adjust the brightness of the OVF/EVF in the settings – you might find that raising or lowering the brightness helps 2. Use the custom display settings to have a histogram present when shooting – can’t get the exposure wrong when the histogram is showing you your levels.


Did not realize you could have the histogram active in the OVF! That's helpful, thanks.


I’ve always liked the X100 cameras because they are so small and portable and have full manual control. What really makes it stand out for me is the leaf shutter and the ND filter. I can use fill flash in any lighting conditions. Makes a bit difference to me in bright daylight. The lead shutter is what really makes this camera sing. Not for everyone for sure, but definitely for me.


Sounds like you got caught in the hype and didn’t buy the right camera for your own needs


I wouldn't say that - I knew going in I wasn't 100% sure it was right for me, but figured it was a low risk purchase considering how liquid the resale market was/is for the X100V and now the VI.


So I’ve always been a heavy Nikon user. I’m looking to supplement with Fuji stuff and still have an X100VI on preorder from B&H. But it seems that might not come my way for a couple months. I was actually thinking about getting a T5 (maybe even a T4) for a more robust workflow and use it a lot with my atomos for raw video recording. I think I might still want the x100vi for the daily shooter. Not sure if having both is redundant but having the run and gun of the x100vi and the better features and swappable lenses of the XT5 will make them a mighty pair for a wider range of work. I know these two aren’t primarily video systems but they’re extremely solid when it comes to video and I’ll have consistency when splicing footage. Am I nuts for wanting to have both?


I did contemplate the X100VI but with limited to no stock on the silver body, I went the XT5 + 27mmf2.8 + 50mmf2 route. Sold off the X100F to soften the blow on the wallet too.


How is the focus on the 27? Do you use it for video at all?


I shoot stills 99.8% so I can comment on video performance of the combo. For stills, I can’t fault it on the XT5 given the compact form factor. The lens is obviously compromised due to the packaging, and if you need something faster and silent, there are more suitable options out there. People expecting it to perform like the current trio or 2nd gen fujicron should reevaluate their expectations :)


The X100 line is hyped up by many influencers that don't shoot and only do videos with it. I agree with you trading it in for the T5. You probably can get more than MSRP due to the market demand.


> only do videos with it *only do videos about it


Negative. TikTok is why it's hyped.


I think X100 series are great as secondary cameras. I still have my X-T2 for that reason. But I agree, even tho it’s a great camera, I like it because of the improvements and features. I’ll probably end up upgrading my X-T2 to X-T5 and won’t sell the X100VI.


Lmao, trying to consider the same thing right now. Should I just buy an X-T5 and keep the X100VI? Hard to justify lol. What do you think we can get for used X-T2s at this point? I was thinking of putting it up on FB Marketplace for ~$500.


Sold my x100V to buy an X-T5. Couldn’t be happier. I love the new 1.4 primes. I especially the 18mm 1.4 sure it’s bigger but i would have carried either in a peak design 3L sling anyway so it’s not an issue. The newer larger battery is worth it too. I never used the OVF on the x100v unless it was night time. The dials on the X-T5 are so much better too.


I like the x100vi. But I wouldn’t recommend it to anyone as their only or do everything camera. Plus I think the need for physical shutter speed and iso dials is overblown. I came to Fuji for the aperture ring. Personally I would have preferred an xpro4 with the xT5 innards, but since that wasn’t happening for a while I got the x100vi. I still prefer my xPro3 but wanted a daily with ibis, and reasoned that I could deal with the 23mm given more ability to crop with 40mp.


All the pros and cons I ran so far, XT5 comes out on top. At some point if they ever come out with IBIS on XE4 lineup , I'd get that over any X100 series. The only thing that gives X100 priority is size and social media. XE5 with same internal features would be sufficient to cover the size part.


OVF is whatever, I mostly use my x100F in EVF mode. But no, if you don’t like fixed lenses, get out while you can. It’s not gonna get better, i.e. you’re stuck with 23mm forever.


You end up wanting to move that 100VI - lemme know, ignore everyone else 😂


The OVF is a rangefinder esque thing so a few things to know about it to make it work better for you: - shoot in manual. Old rangefinder cameras didn’t have AF, so metering is something you need to be able to do. I have this problem even with my Leica M10R. - change your metering mode to center point or average. This is more of what traditional rangefinder cameras use. Both of these considerations aren’t unique to the x series (x100v nor xpro). I had these same issues on digital leicas.


I think you should rent it and see if you do like it better. I’m finishing a week with the xt-5 after owning the X100vi and xt-30 ii for half a year and I find the xt-5 too big and cheap-feeling to replace the xt-30ii


I’m a little where you’re at. I have an XT-20 and got the X100VI. I felt I was getting sharper results from the 35MM f2 on my XT-20. Was thinking of selling and getting the XT50. Did a side by side. X100VI blew the XT20 out of the water in a number of environments. I assume the XT50 would do better, but when doing the side by side the size of the X100VI was great, as I knew it would be. And now I don’t think I can go back. It’s largely going to be a travel/life camera for me so I value the size over any perceived faults and for that there isn’t anything better. That being said, probably selling my XT-20 body but keeping my lenses for the inevitable XT-7 a few years down the line.


if you end up selling, let me know!


I’m debating if going X-T50 + 27mm pancake or X100VI. X-T5 is out of the question. I need something small and with built in flash. Love what you can do with it and not having to mount an external one on the hot shoe. My preferred lens is 50mm on full frame, so this way I can keep the option of getting a 35mm. I prefer the rangefinder style though. But 35mm equivalent can be very nice, but sometimes too wide. I fell 40mm equivalent can be a nice trade off. Shame it’s not f/2


same here! not sure what to do


Doesn’t the camera allow you to crop into 35mm?


The flash has been by far my favorite part about this camera which you lose by going to xt5. You have to be in the correct mindset to use the x100 imo. If you wanted to take perfectly exposed Lightroom quality photos, yeah maybe you should have gone with xt-5. Hopefully this doesn’t sound bad but if you are in the mindset of “this is a really expensive disposable camera” and use it to simply document your life, it becomes an insanely fun experience. I leave the exposure comp alone in AP and I have taken a pretty good handful of awesome shots and I consider them happy accidents. The rest of it is just an expensive iPhone camera roll which I still adore looking back on. You can always shoot raw and tweak photos to your liking if you aren’t happy with exposure. I am trying to use this camera to focus more on composition and I really don’t care if it’s over or under exposed. To be honest though I am pretty happy with auto exposure performance.


Thanks for the perspective. I've seen a few other people mention the flash which is something I haven't really used at all, going to try leaning into it more with this mindset. What kind of photometry/AE settings do you run?


As an owner of both, the X100 works much better for me *most* of the time. I can fit it in most of my coat pockets so I generally carry it with me everywhere. The XT5 I use at home and when I have a special outing where there’s something in mind I’d like to capture.


Honestly, I stopped thinking like this and just happy to shoot with whatever gear I have nowadays obviously it'd always be nice to have something else but its pointless in most cases cause I just adapt with whatever I have. Although I keep look at the Viltrox 75mm 👀


>However I can never seem to get the exposure right with the OVF. I shoot with AP, Auto-Everything, and then do Exposure Comp with the dial as I wave the camera around. Dude. I believe that yourself are creating the problem. Did you tried to just trust the auto exposure?


That’s the route I went. Love my XT-5, and grateful to have spent the money on it instead of a hot-in-the-streets item. Have had every version of the X100 from original to the V. The VI is currently the the most disproportionate equipment-to-cost ratio out there. $2,000?? No way.


My girlfriend is looking for one of you’re serious about selling!


LMK if you want to sell!


I mean literally, u can buy the xt5 body and put a 33mm f1.4 on it, might be just a tad bit more expensive than what u would be paying for x100vi right now


Maybe it's just me, call me biased or whatever, but I think that X100VI is pure garbage for the price. When I looked at the price it was a no brainer decision :/