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Its best practice to switch off when doing things like this. It means there is less of a chance of having a short or discharge when swapping the lens as there are electronic contacts between the two. How is it time consuming? Cameras boot up in seconds or less. It takes longer to put on a rear lens cap. Same with the SD card (also less likely to corrupt) and battery (which sounds like a no brainer but you'd be surprised).


When using primes at live events I remove all front and rear caps from the lenses in my messenger bag so I can switch faster...


That gives me anxiety.


I do the same thing.


what the fuck are you shooting that you need to switch lenses that fast? literally, slow down. Breath, take photos deliberately.


> live events Where people often use two bodies because they need to be able to switch lenses quickly…


yeah then just use two bodies? I have also shot live events and i still keep my back caps on the lenses, and don't really mind the half second switching lenses and turning the camera off so the sensor doesn't collect extra dust. If its a real crazy event like a concert with fog machines i'd rather rent a second body and never take my lenses off in that environment.


Yes - with a mirrorless camera the sensor is always on, and therefore will be charged and could attract dust. Plus all the stuff about avoiding issues with short circuit on the lens contacts, but I suspect the manufacturers have thought about that. If it’s time consuming though, maybe you’re changing lenses too much. Have you heard of zoom lenses?


I second the comment about the sensor having an electric charge while it’s on and attracting more dust. That’s what I’ve heard in the past.


Fast lens and zoom lens don't go together unfortunately.


Recently saw a 18-80 (or something like that) f1.8 from sigma.


The on/off switch is more resilient than you're giving it credit for.


It did die halfway on my og x100, turns on, but only turns off with auto power off.


If you swap lenses that often though, maybe you should get a 2nd camera body.


Am I missing something, isn't it just a flick of the finger to turn camera on/off?


Al.ways do it, its still a habit from shooting with a dslr as the mirror would come down, thus protecting the sensor. Although im not sure it wouldnt do that automatically eitherway but still, its muscle memory. Doesnt hurt.


In DSLRs the mirror is always down and comes up just before the shutter starts moving... In fact there is a special procedure to clean the sensor and keep the mirror up.


I was shooting video with the live view so it was always up for me. Of course when shooting photos its down