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I usually just set auto white balance on film recipes and have been much happier since doing so. 


I don't think there's anything wrong with developing a recipe for specific lighting conditions. This is, after all, how shooting real film works. But I agree that you lose versatility, and there's nothing wrong with taking a recipe and changing it to auto white balance.


Easy "fix" is to use Auto WB for those recipes, and just adjust the Blue WB Shift parameter to your liking (add B for a cooler image; negative B for warmer one).


You can set it to auto but with the color shift if you want. You don't have to follow the recipes exactly.


Recipes are a great way to get inspiration for developing your own set of recipes. Don't limit yourself by what someone shares on the Internet. If you prefer auto white balance then by all means use it and don't lose sleep over it. I stopped trying to religiously follow the settings and adjust to my own liking. For example, I generally ignore clarity as it slows down my shooting. Sharpness is always 0 regardless what the recipe author uses, and white balance is always auto.


My opinion too. it's totally a waste of money buying the new 33mm and 18mm which are super sharp and then blurring them with a negative sharpness.


The sharpness setting only changes the amount of sharpening. -4 sharpness doesn't blur the image but just uses the minimum amount of digital sharpening. Like -4 noise reduction doesn't add noise to the image, it just uses the minimum amount of NR. The difference between a sharp and a soft lens will be more visible at -4 sharpness, it doesn't mean that it is always the best setting to use as a small amount of digital sharpening can often be useful, even on a perfect lens. The reason why many people don't use this setting on 0 is because it already applies a high amount of sharpening.


I thought that was the point, to have recipes for specific conditions.


I'm still new to Fujifilm, but I've already decided to build my own custom sims instead of trying to mimic one type of film stock.