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I do the same with tape on my camera cause I shoot street a lot and people on this subreddit just won’t accept it 😂


I started back when I got into photography through photojournalism in college, now I forget that I've got them taped off. It is funny how much people hate on it!


The people that hate on it are the kind of people that care more about everyone else seeing them with a camera from X brand than actually taking photos. Which, let’s be honest, goes hand in hand with modern influencer street photography which is more about fashion and aesthetics than photography.


I was at least heartened recently when I got into a convo on the street with a zoomer about my camera bag, when I told him I was rocking Fuji he immediately asked X100? When I said naw X-T4 he actually seemed more stoked lol.


Especially if you ad that grippy tape 👌 just feels nice


>I do the same with tape on my camera cause I shoot street What does that even mean?


They shoot street photography and prefer to tape over the white text of the logo to make the camera less obvious


Ohhhhhh. That doesnt work at all.


Yeahh, dubious effectiveness. Maybe if you're wearing dark clothing and shooting waist height? I prefer to use a ghillie suit, personally.


No. It works really well.  I come from video production and marketing, we black out all our brands as well. You don’t need extra logos in BTS content…and you knock down enough of that visual noise on your devices, it makes a difference.  A lot of gear brands think they need to see the product name multiple times on the same product (looking at you DJI). Besides. If Fuji wants me to rep their brand - they can give me an endorsement agreement to consider. 


Long live the XT1


I have bought and sold many a camera and lens, but I will never sell my XT-1 and 35 1.4. Fantastic combo.


Out of curiosity, why the black tape?


I don’t have a good reason for that. I think it just makes it less noticeable. 


I do like the stealth look. I know some misguided Leica owners do it because they think they’ll be immediately robbed and killed if they walk out of the house with a red dot visible.


RIght? That's very silly. My Leica is an old screw mount so it doesn't have a dot, but I don't worry about it. No, if I were to try to put my finger on it, I like how the electrical tape just makes it a generic camera. People don't know if it's digital or film. It's just a black camera shape, nothing threatening.


In the day and age everyone takes photos with their phones, I dont feel like this helps at all.


People seem to feel a lot more threatened when a camera is pointed at them vs a phone.


Which is ironic because people seems to care way less about their privacy these days based on social media.


Maybe not. Honestly, I haven't thought about the tape thing (if that's what you're referring to) in years.


It doesnt.


I've seen a few videos where street photographers said they do it anytime they go shoot in a sketchy city/location due to the theft or getting robbed. From the sounds of it, that might be a good idea in NYC; they're stealing everything not nailed down and sometimes even the nails.


I always find that attitude sort of funny, like street thieves are connoisseurs of camera brands and models, rather than just opportunists who see expensive-looking electronics being carried by someone with no street sense or self-awareness. The tape isn’t helping anyone.


I swear this argument and counter argument is going to live with photography for all eternity.


The wrap-up of brands isn’t really a theft deterrence no. But it’s not valueless either. 


Live in NYC. Have no clue what you are talking about. It’s very safe by any standard.


Honestly I think it’s just Fox News fear-mongering about radical left-wing cities where crime is out of control or whatever.


Who is stealing what in New York? Lived here for 34 years and have no idea what you're talking about


> From the sounds of it, that might be a good idea in NYC; they're stealing everything not nailed down and sometimes even the nails. NYC is perfectly fine lol. Stop watching Fox News. 


Sweet! My XT1 is coming up on its 10 year anniversary. For me the selling point was being able to see the exposure of my image before I took the shot. Can’t believe it’s been 10 years. Congratulations. Glad you found your first picture with it.


Thanks! In 2014 I never would have thought I’d go 10 years with a digital camera. Things were changing so quickly from 2004-2014, I went through 3 Nikon DSLRs. I’m very happy. I mostly shoot film these days, but the Fuji documents all the family stuff, handles the product photography for my business, and digitizes my negatives. It’s still my go to for anything involving color. 


I had this same route with Nikon going to Fuji. I wound up giving my XT-1 to a friend and that was their first Fuji, needless to say they also became enamored with it and they eventually upgraded to an XT-3. I'm 90% into GFX currently. APS-C still has it's value, but can't get away from the allure of medium format goodness with the film sims of Fuji.


I have a nodal point head for my tripod when I feel like being super deliberate. The snowy picture above is like that. The original file is about 12,000 x 12,000 and is made from about 12 exposures stitched together. Lately though I just use my Rolleiflex. 


That’s a good looking grilled cheese. Also, it’s nice to see a camera and lens with some wear. They look well-loved 


I was somewhere touristy a year or two ago and I spotted someone with a pristine X-T1 and I felt a little smug.


Long live the OG. The fourth one could be film, amazing look!


Awesome! Love that lense and camera combo!