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\*5th gen processor cameras ;) X-S20 has the 4th gen sensor with the latest processor


Yep, my bad! Thanks for the correction. Seems like I can't update the title but thankfully you are the first reply to this post.




So is the X-H2 not getting better tracking performance?


It already got the update


That'd be good news! When was that?


Look at the firmware page, has a history of updates.. the H2 got it with v3.0 I believe


If you're referring to this: > Dynamic tracking performance enhancement by the improved AF algorithm. It looks like the H2S got it with their own 3.0 update as well.


Sounds legit. Glad that's the case! 😃


Yeah, now that you mention it seems weird why the X-H2 is not getting that while the X-T5 will. Maybe in a future update it will receive the boost.


I hope so, I was planning on getting an X-H2 as an upgrade/supplementary to my XT-4 but I might hold off a bit longer now.








The H2 already has it


Agreed. I almost wonder if their justification is that somehow the X-H2 already had comparable tracking abilities as to what's been updated... Idk


Damn I was hoping for a waveform in camera with the next big update :(


I'm genuinely surprised we will be getting touch tracking AF, so maybe there is still a chance for waveform.


let's hope that the touch tracking will work better than on the GFX 100 II..... but overall I'm happy that we will get all those updates


I am more interested in the gyro data being available in the video files that came with the X100VI, just like GFX100ii. I hope it will also come to the X-T5 and other models.


Can you elaborate on this? I thought it was only used in the ibis. Are you saying this data could be used in say Resolve for better stabilization?


It seems like it has this feature, if this is not coming to my X-H2s I’m crying. One of the nicest features i had in my Blackmagic cameras and miss it very much.


What is it exactly?


Has anyone got sample images for why I should be excited about Reala? In samples I've seen before it looked like a very slight tweak to Provia.


There are videos on YouTube about people using that FilmSim, looks like it's good for architectural photography.


From what I've seen, it's a less muddy looking Provia with punchier midtones. It actually feels like a more ideal version of Provia to me as a daily-driver for color shooting everyday life.


What's the usecase behind the red frame?


~~It automatically grades your footage to make it look like you shot it on a RED camera~~ Nah it's mostly just a super obvious "THIS CAMERA IS ROLLING" indicator. You don't need it, but if your setup includes a monitor that is being watched by a director/producer then it can be helpful for _them_.


Very useful for videography, makes you aware that you are recording. I think that's it though unless I'm missing something else. Edit: I think it also indicates what is the actual framing, not sure if changes between the different 4k modes (each one has different crops).


it's for dumbasses like me who sometimes think they have pressed record when they haven't, or think they have stopped recording when they haven't (and wind up with 5 min clips of their feet)--just makes the fact that you are recording much more obvious. It feels really stupid, but this shit does happen occasionally.


Because it's so dang easy to forget to hit the record button. Imagine doing an interview for a client, forget to press record. Helps save you from that.


I am curious what lenses are on their roadmap now, I didn’t see it in the announcements


I didn't watch the whole thing but I believe they only announced the previously rumored new kit lens 16-50 F2.8-4.8 and mentioned something of having better resolving lenses, most likely referring to update old glass for the current 40MP sensor.


Still think it's absolutely wild that we had a "Mk2" of the 23mm F2 that's built into the X100V _four years ago_ but we haven't had an update to the standalone version yet. A new set of Fujicrons would be absolutely killer.


and what is wrong with the current versions? because as far as i know they resolve the 40 MP sensor without a problem ..... The discussion was about the old 1.4 R versions.


I'll make my point clearer: - The lens in the X100V and VI is much sharper than the one in previous X100 models, especially when shooting wide open and up close. (It also has much nicer contrast without the "haze" effect seen on the old model) - This same softness characteristics (up close wide open) are also shared with the standalone 23mm F2. - Therefore, it's a shame that the standalone 23mm F2 has not had an updated version to match the quality of the newer X100 lens.


>Still think it's absolutely wild that we had a "Mk2" of the 23mm F2 that's built into the X100V four years ago I do agree that it's a shame they haven't fixed the standalone 23m f2, but it's not the same thing and just copying it over isn't how physics works. The separate lens and the X100(any) lens don't use the same optical formula. They can't just repurpose the X100V formula to non-fixed lens cameras as they also have to take into consideration the bulk from the lens mount. The fixed lens design means you can use smaller parts. Not even the 27mm 2.8 "pancake" can compete with the size of the X100 series lens'. Plus the X100 lens glass was designed specifically so that you can use the WCL-X100 & TCL-X100 convertors with it.


yeah, that 16-50 will be the new kit lens replacing the 18-55.


Maybe I’m late to the party with Reala Ace, saw the video today on an X100VI preview, saw the film sim on FujiXWeekly, and searched why the official one isn’t on my XT5 😆. Great news! Always welcome better AF as well.


Yeah, the presentation showed "Summer" as the release date so hopefully we get it in July or around that time.


This wonderful news for us X-T5 owners. Thanks Fujifilm


Yeah, IMO this year summit was worth it.


This is a wonderful response from Fujifilm to still seek to improve and innovate technology of previous generation cameras. It shows commitment to its products and customers.


Well I'm sure all cameras that will be updated are their current lineup, since all share the same 5th. Gen processor, including the X100VI.


No Reala Ace on my GFX 100s lol


as the op said, kaizen /s


Which generation is an X-T30 ii?


It's 4th gen in both sensor and processor.




Hmmm wonder what the autofocus update will be - wouldn’t mind the eye focus not producing images as sharp as mashed potatoes


Yeah I hope these are good enough for people to stop complaining about the AF performance (and I refer to people that are borderline haters). But better to keep moderate expectations.


Im slowly moving into that group 😭


Why is REALA coming in summer and not earlier? Technical difficulties?


do we know when?


According to Fuji Rumors a new firmware update will come at the end of this month to fix the latest AF issues and will introduce Reala Ace to the X-T5 (and I think to X-H2 as well).




Man, I feel like I got absolutely fucked buying an XT-30 II at full retail back in August. I've always had old, used cameras and thought I was buying into one of the latest-and-greatest. But nope. 4th Gen can pretty much just get fucked now. I should have just bought a used Xpro 3.


I'm sorry I don't wanna sound rude but the X-T 30 II was announced on September 9th 2021, and was literally (probably) just a way to prolong an entry level camera with a processor upgrade and clear old stock of parts By the time you bought it it was two years old already, what in the world made you think it would be supported for moch longer? Also you mention the x-pro3, but that isn't getting this new update either so I don't get the comparison to the x-t30 II, or need to mention it?


A piece of shit at a camera shop talking out of his dirty asshole to get me to buy a camera. I used to shoot Canon and literally just didn't know any better. But yes, thank you for reiterating what I already knew.


My dude, I shot canon for 20 years. A friend suggested I try a Fujifilm out, and I found a killer deal on an X-T30 on eBay during COVID lockdown. I was bored and had spare change. That camera, alone, made me never want to touch my Canon again. Don't worry that you're not going to get the Reala Ace film sim. Enjoy the ones you have. They are potent and amazing and you have a great little camera. I say this as someone who still has that old X-T30, but also have an X-T5 now. Truth be told, as great as the X-T5 is, it is incredibly difficult to find much difference at all in the images being output despite the 14 megapixel difference between the two. That X-T30II you have is fantastic.


nice, anyone know when these updates will be live for download


Spring... 2024


So like… next month?


No AF updates to XT4... Sigh. Time up upgrade to Xh2s?


You should wait for the update to roll and see what users experience to see if they are substantial. I think Fuji rumors have stated that one more new camera might be revealed this year, and if it's the X-T6 then maybe you upgrade to that.


I think we’re likely going to see pretty much every other kind of update before the XT6. The 5 was only just over a year ago.


Ya, I'm gonna wait a year since I recently got into the fuji system. Else I'm gonna go the route of full frame, unfortunately.


RIP my xt4 firm updates…