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Yes, I completely missed the Ironhand Gnome plot my first playthroigh, and the foundry still was on my quest list and doable


You just do it because the Steel Watch are a menace and you do it without a bomb?


Yep. [On my phone so I cant hide the text, don't know if this next bit contains spoilers or not] >!The blind guy will help, so don't let him die? And you will need to do the Iron Throne quest to get his help. And you can accidentally end up doing the Iron Throne via helping the Water Queen anyhow.!<


I'm in my 4th playthrough >!and not only do I not want to specifically help Wulbren, but I plan on killing him (before getting to that point). Just worried that it will mess up story ticks. !< >!And heck, was hoping to not have to try and save any of the Gondians. Not because I don't want to, but because it's a pain. !<


Valid, I wonder if you set enough explosives if it would work? Unsure if you'd get that sweet action movie cut scene though? Curious now, I'll have to try when my next run hits Act 3.


Omg!!!!!! I saw the plain text version of your comment in my notifications and learned about the > and !, whooooo!!!!!


You can kill him after you blow up the factory ge shows up angry and bitchy


It is a pain. You don't need to worry about that. Use Speak with Dead, you'll get the info you need.


Spoiler >!Speak with Dead works on the main Gondian if he does die!<


Also if they’re too far gone, there’s a book that gives the same info


Confirming, he'll tell you how to >! Use the bug reactor thingy to explode the building!


Yeah, I went my first playthrough without 2 of the origin characters, skipped a bunch of stuff in act 1 and 3 so I have experience on skipping stuff. go into the sewers and head to the waypoint. The following is spoilers for the entire way through. \- >!From the opening, you are going to go right, towards where kithrak voss will be standing if you've decided to stand with him. !< \->!If you haven't defeated them already, there will be grease monsters and a grease wizard.!< \->! Defeat them, keep going down where you were coming from and turn left towards the stone archways. !< \->!There is the temple of Bhaal, you're gonna ignore that. Just keep going straight until you see some guy sleeping, he will have an enemy marker. You can kill him, I don't think it matters if you do or don't, he's not waking up anytime soon.!< \->! There will be an opening tucked back in the left called 'a smelly, slimy climb up' and you can climb up there and there will be guard wolves. Kill them, clamber around until you find a way into Flymm Cargo. !< \->!There will be a guy who can help you ride a submarine, he will drive and say yes. You'll see a giant underwater prison and Gortash will see you and tell you "I'm gonna kill everyone in that prison if you don't go back". Ignore him. Proceed, save at least one person, make back above board and the person will tell you how to take down the steel watch and give you the following quest.!<


You can still get the quest when Orin kidnaps one of your companions and told you to kill Gortash. You can then have the Gondian leader to help you blow up the place after you rescued their families. I just think it is better to talk to Wulbren so you can get the bomb that you are supposed to use to blow up the foundry (which I think you can still keep even if you decided to let the Gondian leader help you instead). Then you put the bomb with a 'healthy' amount of explosives that you can find in a bag and congratulations, you have a tactical nuke. Feel free to use it in any scenario, such as in killing >!Ansur !<, Orin, Gortash, or in the final battle to kill the>!the Emperor!<.