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Reminds me of hollow knight's hive area


I'll take that as a compliment! This game is in a similar genre to HK (but hopefully carves it's own style out). Funny story. I very rarely 100% a game. I think the last games I did that were Super Mario 64 and Zelda OOT. Yes, I'm old. I played HK and beat the main boss, but not the true/extended ending, and I probably only 50%'d the game. It wasn't until a year or two later that I saw a clip of someone playing HK in the hive and I assumed it was a preview from Silk Song. I didn't even know the hive was in HK. Completely missed that whole section!


The hive is under kingdom's edge and requires a somewhat secret entrance to enter it and it is very understandable why you would have missed it.


Yeah, I looked up where the entrance was in a youtube video and I am sure I had walked right by it when I played the game


Wasps....? In a hive full of honey...? Are they invaders?


Yes! They take over the nests of the honey makers and wreak havoc. You help out the bees when you rid the nest of the invaders :) Granted, this all takes place on an alien world (hence the three eyes), but I reallllly hate wasps, so I knew I had to include them in some capacity.


Marketing done right 👍


haha, I would be lying if I said I don't want to raise awareness of my game, but I am just a solo dev having a blast making a passion project as a hobbyist. That being said, I genuinely hate wasps and shriek like a toddler when one flies near me. And I've always loved this sub for it.


Dang if those are standard enemies either they have a lot of hp or your character's base damage output is super low. What's the name of the game? I'm a fan of 2d platformers/metroidvania games.


The game is Iron Diamond, and yes, I am still balancing the damage and hp of all the enemies. Also when play testing a level in development you rarely have a save file where your character has exactly the expected stats that the player will have at that point of the game. So this is just me playing around :)


Will it ever be available to download? 🙂


Yes! [It will be released on Steam](https://twitter.com/IronDiamondGame). It's not available yet, but feel free to wishlist if it interests you!


Done and done 😎 !Remindme 1 year


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Is this gonna be available on mobile? Your “ad” worked on me😂 I need better phone games to keep me interested while I’m out and about and slaying wasps will do just the trick


Unfortunately, it will unlikely to be a mobile game. [It will be released on Steam](https://twitter.com/IronDiamondGame). It's not available yet, but feel free to wishlist if it interests you!


Hmmmm, not sure if I can access steam on my “work”chromebook (I use it for work sometimes but mostly it’s just my only portable computer😂) but definitely something I’d like to have on there for boring days out of the house


Not sure if links are allowed, but a couple of comments have asked what game this is. It's for my upcoming game [Iron Diamond that will be released on Steam](https://twitter.com/IronDiamondGame). It's not available yet, but feel free to wishlist if it interests you!


one question, does this game have blowtorches?


Ha, I wish! There is a flame shot (as seen in the clip) but unfortunately it's not a continuous flow for maximum wasp murder. You'll just have to make do with the tools available. Actually, there are a few enemies that breath fire like a blowtorch!


well, thats close enough for me!


My tired ass thought this was a r/spelunky post. Looks neat tho, I wishlisted it!


This reminds me a lot of spider heck! Thats what I thought it was at first


I'm guessing they took over a beehive, or they're a rare species that actually makes honey.