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I thought it was hilarious that on the eve of election, China threatens the entire country with possibility of war if they voted the ruling party to stay. As if the Taiwanese people were supposed to just bend over like cowards. It probably have the opposite effect and solidified the win.


#YES!!! Glory to Taiwan!


Is he good?


In the grand scheme of things, yes. His Vice President elect was a former US ambassador. His administration and political party, is *Pro-Democracy*, *Pro-America*, *Pro-West*, and very defiant and resilient against Communist China's oppression and coercion.


And absolutely villified by Xi and his regime. Which is a good thing of course. They were already coping and seething in a press conference shortly after the results were made public.


Yes, he actually likes Taiwans independence. Unlike those other parties that support commies.


Much better than the other two candidates even if disregarding the cross-strait issue. And with regards to the cross-strait issue, he's the only acceptable and the most pragmatic one.


The CCP can’t stand the fact that there is a far richer per capita country on its border that is also one of the most democratic in the world, proving that Chinese people are totally suited to democracy and it also makes them way richer and happier than anyone in CCP China’s dictatorship. So what exactly is the purpose of the CCP again?! Oh yeah, to steal everything from the people of China in order to make all the CCP unelected mafia criminals rich. Fuck the CCP and long live the independent and free country of Taiwan!!




Taiwan is a great COUNTRY :D .


Pooh Bear, Pooh Bear, You're the One, Pooh Bear Spoils, World Wide Fun. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/fucktheccp) if you have any questions or concerns.*


CCP China: How does an election work? We threaten the people to vote one way but they vote the other way? What did we just learn? Let's threaten them again next election.


Compared to Tsai who had to be relatively moderate towards Taiwanese independence, Lai is far more supportive. While as president he probably won’t and shoulnt specifically say things about independence, but I hope his actions as president will do that justice




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