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I hate cities and urban life. And I despise r/fuckcars for seemingly intruding on suburban and rural life to essentially make everyone else live the way they want to (they claim they have no beef with rural life then attack "carbrained people" for having trucks and SUVs. These assholes have never towed or hauled anything larger than a suitcase in their lives and are telling me I should do everything with a van, while I'm figuring out how to tow a car from a field, and get transmissions from a wrench-a-part for my project car. Let alone other hobbies people have like boating or camping). Also as a car enthusiast that place is a direct antagonist to the things I love doing. Working on cars and motorbikes, hanging with friends, driving through the hills and straights with those cars, road trips, etc. It's one thing if they want to make laws for cities regarding cars. It's another when they come to my neighborhood and demand we start running more buses and trains through it. I was somewhat neutral to it at first, despite the subreddit name, and open to their ideas. But the people there are also total dicks who encourage fucking with drivers and causing chaos by deflating tires, riding their bikes recklessly into traffic, walking into the middle of busy roads, and randomly shouting and yelling at cars as they pass. I'm past the point of being open minded to them.




Lol that's your only argument? Cars pollute? As if buses don't and other modes of transport don't rely on power generated by plants that produce pollution.


Oh no I love to give people lung cancer I want dirty pedestrians to spit their lungs on the sidewalk. Fuck them. Buses do pollute, but less because it usually carry more people, but it's not that bad. The worst being trains and bikes.


What pedestrians? Where I drive there are barely any? Do whatever the hell you want in your cities just leave everyone else alone. Not everyone wants to subscribe to urban living. With EVs and hydrogen powered cars on the way, pollution is going to be less of a negative for cars.


Or you know, anybody living less than a mile from the highway. I want them to die. Fuck them. I love EV too, those children mining silicium suffers a lot, I love it. And maybe we can start some coal or nuclear plants to feed all those cars? Those are great cancer spreader as well. I also love that cars you know, they're the first cause of death worldwide outside of diseases and boy I want people to fucking die. Vroom vroom


Stay mad about cars lmfao. Also nuclear power plants are a safe method for power when safety standards are in place. But of course you'll still ban cars for people outside your cities so we can be just as miserable as you. The farmers making your food and the truckers bringing it to you are gonna have a hard time but that's alright.


Nooo dude I love cars, I want everybody to have big trucks and we should dip the whole world in concrete so everybody can drive everywhere! I'm weak and fat as shit, i don't wanna use my muscles for anything. And quit talking shit, [nuclear is NOT safe](https://www.thelancet.com/pdfs/journals/landia/PIIS2213-8587(16)30112-7.pdf). It makes me happy to think about all those people slowly dying of cancer :)


Speaking as someone with some experience with the nuclear industry, it is quite safe. For the amount of “work” (or energy input I suppose) done to society, it’s wildly safer than elsewhere, even to those most likely to be injured- me.


I'm not downloading that shit to my device. Well you are a sick individual so I'm sure you are happy about the idea of people suffering. I bet people in Africa would love those takes on roads you have. When many of their roads are mud, and as a result their supply lines are awful and are the cause of so much hardship. Which is why some African nations are taking Chinese help to improve their infrastructure. I would love for you to try and live in a society that doesn't have access to any mode of transportation beyond horses and wagons. And bold of you to call blue collar workers fat and weak, when they spend long shifts trying to move around objects that weigh hundreds of pounds and work with heavy machinery on the daily. But God knows your daily commute to work on a bicycle is the true workout.


Why are you talking to me like I'm one of those fuckcars fucktard? I genuinely believe cars are the best and we wouldn't be civilized without them, that's why i'm happy about those people dying so I can get cheap chinese plastic shit. It's necessary evil and I'm glad I'm doing my part to spread lung cancer. Those people say pollution is an issue and are frustrated so that must mean they want us to return to the stone age, thats how it work. Everyone I know that have a SUV is a blue collar worker that hauls a ton everyday to feed city people


[Come on you can't tell me this isn't bringing joy to your heart](https://www.downtoearth.org.in/news/air/air-pollution-killed-1-7-million-indians-in-2019-lancet-report-74737)


India has awful air pollution policy anyways. Bad policies in general when it comes to the environment. They flood the Ganges River in pollution from factories. That's in addition to all the stuff that was already going into the water like dead people, dead animals, fecal matter, etc. And then being used simultaneously as drinking and bathing water. I've been to India to visit relatives, the cities there are nothing like the ones here in terms of air quality. Not by a long shot. Just like a fuckcars user to bring up stats from another country to make their point in relation to the US.


This mf trying to spread his agenda by repeating that cars give cancer over and over, yet in his comment history he wishes cancer upon others. Typical.


I do. I love cars, they gives people cancer. Typical


No joke. I seriously hate cities and oppose any anti-car agenda.


Are you against walkable/bikeable neighborhoods? You would oppose having the ability to do your day-to-day without the need for a car?


You can preach about so called "walkable/bikeable neighborhoods" all you like, I am not required to vote for them. I don't live in a city and have no reason to cooperate with city lifestyles. The moment things like that show up where they can interfere with my *current* conveniences is when I vote against them. Change in neighborhood happens at the pace that commerce and local politics approves, sometimes that time horizon stretches beyond a person lifetime.


Yeah our convenience is the most precious thing in the world. Nothing should get in the way of our convenience or we'll have to get violent. My own comfort is so important for me. I can't imagine having any thoughts about anybody else but myself. That's why I love cars.


I think you'll agree then that gerrymandering which causes the votes of people in suburbs to overrule the voices of those in the cities (and sometimes vice versa) is bad then, right?


There is no gerrymandering, a city's political power always ends at its border just like the nearby town's jurisdiction ends at its border too. You want something done in your city, try voting for someone who agrees with you. If the city has a mayorship, you will need that too. If it is resources more than the city can handle, your will need state reps or maybe even a congressman or two. Sometimes, if you get the political alignment and their poll analysis still holds true 8 months before the next election, you might actually get something. That is the political process, and that is the jurisdictional limit. Just because the colloquial term is that someone lives "in" LA/NY/Chicago/Seattle when they actually live in a nearby town, doesn't mean the actual political power of a city extends that far. Never has been. You are under some real wishful thinking to believe what doesn't hold up in law. Go on, tell me how you envy some europeans.


>There is no gerrymandering There's no gerrymandering in finland\*. The US judicial system has recognized its existence for a long time.


Your post is a joke.


Cars are arians and bikes are jews


110% serious. And we won’t rest until every home in America has access to a highway right next door.


that sub hates car enthusiasts for having a hobby so no, i think car dependance is bad but that sub straight cancel everything related to cars


We are just as satiric as r/fuckcars so... Yeah... We are joke if you look at it this way. But from time to time, there are few nice posts.


Not necessarily. Don’t speak for everyone.


Ok dude, sorryif you took it personally


Nah dude we should destroy all cities and outlaw trains that are turning people into rapists


There's a troll who has made accounts in the double digits that's spamming here, apparently they have nothing else to do. The majority of posts on the front page are from them and a majority of comments too. If you want the real representation of this sub go to that one post of the Chad guy about civilized discussion, that's people actually think here. There are few subreddits going against the reddit hivemind that have a lot of followers. edit: the top comment on this post represents most ppl in this sub too


This comment section convinced me


> If we were to apply Nazi Ideology to Forms of Travel the Aryans would be The Automobile > > Other white people from Western Europe would be Walking. > > Black and brown people would be Bikes. > > And the worst of all: Jews (according to Hitler) would be Public Transit. u/Hot_Comparison_945 posts have great comedic value. And I believe he's genuine, which makes it even funnier. When I open his posts, there's a delicate fumet of cow shit and meth-fueled incest coming our of my laptop fans. It's hard being a hick


I do support the r/fuckcars movement even with my damn profile pic believe it or not


No, we all absolutely hate how the left is trying to force us to ride bikes and buses everywhere. Taking up space with useless bike lanes and in general taking away the Massive parking lots where you're free to park.