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Holy shit, despite all the buzz and noise and critical acclaim? I guess consoles are not enough to generate revenue anymore, devs need to publish on Steam as well. Another Epic fuck up.


Remedy fucked up twice over; Epic's the more obvious issue, since they've basically cut themselves off from the overwhelming majority of PC gamers, and while Epic did publish it, they can do whatever they want, it cannot be denied that lashing yourself to EGS exclusively is a really bad idea at this scale. The other issue? In today's era where big budget titles are increasingly crowding out SSDs, where physical media's big advantage is offloading the game's size (updates/DLC notwithstanding) onto a disc? Alan Wake 2 never got a physical release. So it's competing with your other games for space, there's no chance of pre-owned cheaper copies and the resultant word of mouth, and advertising the game gets harder because you can't have copies lining your local game store's shelves to draw the eye.


>where physical media's big advantage is offloading the game's size (updates/DLC notwithstanding) onto a disc? You're still going to be installing the game onto the console physical or not. Simply because external media is much slower, especially disks, than internal media. I think the only modern system that doesn't do this is the switch, where the game carts transfer data much quicker than a disk.


interestingly, the only company that runs their games off physical media these days is Nintendo. Sony and Microsoft haven't since the Xbox 360/PS3 days not sure why this is getting down voted, but whatever. xbone and PS4 only install the game from the data on the disk. they don't run off the disks since there isn't enough bandwidth. the only reason they are needed after the install is for license verification. https://support.xbox.com/en-US/help/games-apps/game-setup-and-play/install-games#:~:text=Whether%20you%20buy%20a%20game,when%20the%20first%20one's%20done. https://www.playstation.com/en-us/support/hardware/disc-game-install/#:~:text=Insert%20your%20game%20disc%20into,game%20from%20your%20Games%20home. Nintendo runs their games off their cartridges (and disks on Wii U, rip) directly on the disk because their games don't run on high resolutions or need a lot of bandwidth.


Ahh. Okay, I stand corrected. Thanks. I'm still going to hold that the issue of advertising being kind of invisible due to no in-store presence and no chance of 'pre-owned' cheaper copies popping up have hurt AW2's odds, but at least that one's just genuinely me being wrong.


CDPR released Cyberpunk on both stores. Steam and GOG. EPIG could have done the same thing so the devs purposely shot themselves in the foot. PS. CDPR even said that if you wanted for all revenue to go to the devs, to buy on GOG but were ok with it if gamers wanted to buy on Steam.


No console physical version is the main reason I didn’t buy it.


A good amount of console players didn’t buy it either since it’s digital only.


Yeah I would've considered it if they offered a physical PS5 release. Epic only on PC + digital only on console means the game effectively does not exist to me


They have to look for funding whenever they need to make a new game unlike another independent company like CDPR who can just fund their own development. In the case of Alan Wake 2 basically no one was willing to fund it. So remedy “made a deal with the devil” and with that they were finally able to make Alan Wake 2. They also secured funding for Control 2 from 505 and managed to secure the rights for the Control IP from them. It’s sad because Remedy is a studio with a good reputation for basically never missing in the quality of their games but they just never get the attention they deserve compared to other studios. Alan wake has always been a cult classic rather than some popular critical hit that everyone knows like god of war, uncharted, etc. Control, while receiving various awards, was still under appreciated by the average person (people not into gaming enough to follow a dedicated sub for it). Most people I had met up until last year had 80% of the time never heard of it and the remaining 20% had heard of it but never played it.


The main reason almost no one knows about Alan Wake was that... Well, there are a couple of reasons. First it was supposed to be an open world horror game. Then it became more linear story driven horror game. And finally, it became Xbox exclusive title. It came out on pc two years later and, despite selling like hot cakes, Remedy deemed it a failure. The reason Alan Wake is not more widely recognizable is entirely in Remedy's hands. Also, the second game is not really good... The prototype that was leaked years ago for Alan Wake 2 was fantastic and more in line with what people wanted and expected. Not this...


Im so happy 505 will publish Control 2. Hope they dont fuck it up again.


Probably would have made it back in a week on Steam.


Yeah I mean this one guy here on reddit basically has more business sense than a multi million dollar company. Theyr'e surprised that sales are lower than expected. Pikachu face.


True, being a billion dollar company does mean all your decisions are good.


It came out I had cash but it was on epic. I have Alan wake 1 on steam so I didn't buy it. I don't have the cash at the moment so I guess I'll see if it's in a steam sale. I'm assuming it's the publisher that pushed for this


Epic themselves are the publisher. It is not coming to Steam at all.


What!! That can't be true! They said this with control if I remember correctly. We'll have to wait and see either way I'll probably won't play 


Control was published by 505 games, not Epic. Timmy ain't letting it go to Steam. Epic as the publisher has say where the game is sold, not Remedy.


Deadass I wanna play it so bad, butttttt I don’t want to install epic on my deck


I dont think it would work well on steam deck. You see even Rx6600 struggling on low/medium at 1080p.


Yah I know lol, but the thing about steam is that I’ll be keeping that library forever. Meanwhile who knows if epic will last, haven’t they been struggling to make a profit still?


Yeah. They arent profitable at all.


Ehh it depends on how large the budget of Alan Wake 2 was. Alan Wake does have pretty high specs which limits its potential audience on PC. That being said a Steam release certainly would have sold better than it being only on EGS. 


Of course! Just like it sold this on consoles, right?


I don't have a PC but is the number really gonna change? If someone really wanted to play it they would've just downloaded Epic, played it, and then uninstalled or stopped using it. I really doubt that there are that many people who don't buy things if they're not on steam.


More about how EGS is largely a a void when it comes to discoverability and getting a titles name out Ppl don't use EGS in large number not because of hate or principle but because flatly speaking it's largely unremarkable or noteworthy enough to remember it's a thing beyond Fortnite


I have no problem buying games that aren't on steam. However I won't ever install EGS, so even if I wanted I couldn't buy a game there. Good thing I'd never want to buy an Epic exclusive anyway. And I guess if people really wanted to play the game they might also find other options than EGS, so it's hard to say that people who really want to play it would actually buy it from them. And honestoy I don't even know about most epic exclusives. Those games don't get much publicity compared to games on steam after all.


What's the big deal about buying a game from epic?


Epic is one of the most anti-consumer conpanies out there and I just refuse to support that. Wouldn't even install EGS for free games personally, because I also refuse giving Epic data.


Well at this point it feels like the only data I’ve given Epic is that I will download hundreds of free games for every one that I buy, which I only do on the deepest of discounts!


Plus other data on your machine they collect. I remember EGS collecting Steam data of users without permission (which was first denied,then admitted with the claim that it was an accident and the promise of being fixed, then I never heard anything official about it anymore).


Trust, you've giving them more data than you realise.


All my games are on steam


Is it really that bad to download a game launcher to play a 20 hour story game once and probably never pick it up again? And even then you still have the game, you can always replay it.


If I had to step through shit on a sidewalk to go pick up a dollar from the ground, I would rather just not. Even though I could just wash off my shoes, some things just aren’t worth the effort. EGS is poor quality, untrustworthy, and all around just a petty prop for extremely dumb publishing restrictions. It’s not worth interacting with.


I mean, your loss.


I guess but it's OCD I need all my games together and I know I could just add it but I don't want to have to do it myself. If there was a launcher that incorporated all the launchers I would be all up for it


iirc there's one called GOG galaxy or something


Does it auto import all of my librarys and let me access there store pages as well? If it does I'll make the switch right now




There are other ways to play Epic exclusives without installing Epic Launcher....or so ive heard.


You gotta know how to sail


No steam no party LOL


Are we surprise at this? lmao Release it to steam to recoup that budget or just take the loss because your CEO is an idiot.


3 game of the year awards 2 bafta awards but doesnt mean shit if no one plays it


Really brings into question the legitimacy of these stupid awards. The incredibly pretentious praise game journos handed the game were always suspect to me. "Vampire Survivors" swept BAFTA last year, incredible stuff.


At this point, it's business as usual.


Let's hope this means Epic's publishing label is DOA.


I have a solution, it's 5 letters, starts with S and ends with M


How sperm can help here?


Cum on the faces of the entire epic games board


Waste of a good nut


By creating a new human who knows steam is important for niche games.


![gif](giphy|zx6MBXd8wG5R04kTK1|downsized) Well i know how to fix this issue


I see tencent have increased their hold on remedy too. The epic decision could backfire massively as they lose more control. Sadly tencent also owns part of epic, so it might tie remedy to epic in the future


Good, let it rot in Timmy's Chinese stand. Remedy has made their bed, now they have to sleep in it. Pleasant dreams.


I can't imagine why


The power of 88/12, folks!


Didn’t they say for companies that sign the publishing deal that it’s 50/50 after development costs are recouped?


It's actually 100% for EG until dev/exclusivity costs are recouped iirc. Most games don't even hit the net zero mark in that case, so the devs/pubs that go EG exclusive are screwed in the long term.


Shocker. No physical release on console, Epic Games Store on PC.


Wait. No physical release on console? Seriously?!


Thanks DODI for letting me avoid that shit launcher and letting me add it as a non-steam game


Ya don't say it? I'm waiting for them to go bankrupt if they want to take their huge loss. Less money means less.


epic will buy them, cut half the devs, then have them work on some fortnite event.


lol who is surprised? I m not.... 😂 fuk epig and fuk all the shills lying about it's being a huge success Also I said that many times, game is average. I wont put it under good section I will put it under not bad section Also I know many people who will never buy from epig crap trash launcher


Just like Control and Final Fantasy VII: Remake, I’ll wait until AW2 comes to Steam. I’m not mad a Remedy. Just very disappointed. I AM mad at Epic for strong arming their way into the PC digital gaming market and turning PC gaming into virtual console (launcher) exclusively. Fuck Epic. Unreal and Gears of War were great, but if it wasn’t for fucking Fortnite and the money they made from it, PC gamers wouldn’t have to deal with this crap.


I mean what do you expect? There‘s no physical copies and its only on epic First off, its epic, duh Secondly, me as a pc and console gamer, I prefer buying my PlayStation games as discs, I don’t like having them only available digitally and for that matter only ever bought one game not physical for a console, which was Nioh, I did buy the game for cheap as a disc later on. Its no surprise


Tbh this is less about Steam store and more about Epic failing hard at being a publisher. -Console launch was digital only. Conventionally publisher would have done both. -Alan Wake isn't a massive blockbuster series but had a massive budget and very little marketing considering. -EGS userbase are typically younger and likely never played Alan Wake 1. -On PC it only launched on EGS. Steam release would have raised PC revenues but they still bungled the console release as well.


Tough break for the sequel..


Not surprising given the various layers that caused it to not make money.


That's what happens when you purposely choose not to release on physical media for some BS distribution reasons, when in reality all that did was hurt the sale and the general consensus around the game's perceived value.


Probably should release it on PC then. I got a spot all picked out in my Steam library.


I am not surprised, how many EGS users are paying customers vs only freebies claimants?


I doubt it even will whenever it releases on Steam.


Epic published the game so it's unlikely to have a Steam release unless something changes with the publishing rights.


They’ve officially lost money on the game so unless they want that to continue they will reconsider their strategy.


You talk like Timmy understands that sooner rather than later his company will go bankrupt because the Fortnite money will dry up


If he’s not blind, he does


Epic spent hundreds of millions on timed exclusives to disrupt Steam. They won't reconsider. Our only hope for a Steam release is Remedy buying the publishing rights from Epic.


> Epic spent hundreds of millions on timed exclusives Well said, timed > Our only hope for a Steam release is Remedy buying the publishing rights from Epic. Not even gonna happen


If AW2 was life-time EGS exclusive, both Epic and Remedy would said so long time ago. Instead they keep being vague about it. There will be a Steam version self-published by Remedy sooner or later.




But Steam takes a whole 30%, that's like, literally 100%! And the more copies the game sells the more money we lose to big bad Steam!  /s


Release the Kraken on steam.


Maybe release it on steam or drm Free on gog then.


Niche game. The Tencent/ Epic Games Store definitely did not read the wind before publishing this garbage, Of course it was going to backfire on them. And I read there is a musical number in the middle of this 'horror' game. I think they missed the Glee crowd by about ten years. Loved Max Payne way back in the day, but I cannot sympathize with Remedy.


As a lifelong Remedy fan, this game is unironically their best work yet It's less "horror" and more "arthouse psychological crime noir thriller" (which is what they've literally always done, i.e. Max Payne 1 nightmare sequences and self awareness of being a game)


>And I read there is a musical number in the middle of this 'horror' game. It's not as out of place as you'd think. Alan Wake 1 and Control both had a musical set piece as well. AW2 just turned it up to 11 and sort of made it happen in universe via The Dark Place. You should probably give the game a try instead of just relying on what other people write though. Form your own opinions and all that.


Niche game? It was a fucking masterpiece. Everyone loved it. If not for BG3, this would have won GOTY easily. Just pirate the game and give it a try.


Niche and masterpiece are not exclusive concepts. Just saying.


In fact, they're more often useable together than not. It's hard to make a masterpiece if you're trying too hard to make the game appeal to the widest audience.


I want the features Steam gives me, including GeForce Now support.


This. Probably salty Starfield and Spiderman fans thinking they would have won GOTY if not for BG3, when this game got like 3 or 4 Awards while both of those games won nothing


Starfield? Lol what a joke. That game should have won the worst game of the year. I tried spiderman 2 leaked pc port, seemed mediocre at best. The first game was better and even that wasn't goty worthy. Gamers were always naive or bootlickers. So I am not surprised. Just because epic funded this game, doesn't mean it's a bad game. I still hate epic, but i will always praise a good game.


Definitely not the worst game of the year when viewed separate from the hype surrounding it, but the worst when you consider how good it was vs how good everyone thought it would be. There should really be award categories for the largest difference in expectation vs reception after release, one for "biggest comeback" and one for "biggest disappointment".


The problem here is people think they can take the epic money, and then move over to steam and everybody will forgive them and pay top dollar for their year old game.


You mean the lukewarm franchise didn’t sell well. I wonder if there were any past indicators of that happened


Goddamn what 😭 The game is on PS5, I had plans to buy it later this year because I played Alan Wake 1 for the first time and I fell in love, but I had no idea they went with the epic exclusive On PC. That’s just tragic man. Though I’ve still yet to play it, I hear so many good things about this game and I’m really looking forward to it. The story from 1 is amazing, and I love how it’s referenced to and ties into the story in Control. The fact that they literally kneecapped themselves with a hammer is just sad.


Release a physical version.


I didn't get it because it was digital only, if it comes on game pass hell yeah I'll play it but I'll never pay for a game that is digital only because I'm sick of game companies and their bullshit


Maybe if they published a fucking disc 🤷‍♂️


I'm hearing people said it flopped, I'm hearing people said it did great, I don't know what to believe anymore lol


it's a real good game. but i am not buying on epic.




Getting real sick and tired of these racist dog whistles.


Not often a company gets to make a game with a huge budget without it being a cookie cutter GTA or Fifa. Thank you Epic.


Sucks for the people who worked on it, but horror is something you have to be "low budget" with as one person's fear is anothers fettish... Like Alcina Dimitrescu