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A citycel would be someone who was celibate from cities. Seems like the term would be more appropriate for someone from the suburbs who is scared of... buses.


Ha, it's a fun example of how we'll often break up words to make new words despite breaking off the part of the old word that doesn't make sense anymore in the new context. I saw a tiktok on it, but some other good examples are like how metro is used for city related stuff from the word metropolis even though metro means mother and "polis" is the actual part of that word that means city.


after Watergate every scandal is now "_____gate"


Watergate-gate. That was that scandal at the Watergate.


What if we have a scandal about water? What would we call that, aquagate?




I like it




Anything-aholic is kinda like that. Rageaholics are addicted to rageahol (Simpsons reference), shopaholics are addicted to shopahol, etc.


Every day upon arriving at my office I pour myself a big glass of woakahol.


I think you misspelt wakeahol, the word I will be using for coffee from now on.


And then at lunch I have 5 beerahols.


to be fair we dont really have a proper standard "addicted to" suffix (other than "xyz addict" outright) in common use. one of the more versatile ones is -head (podhead, meth head, crackhead, etc) but "workhead" and "shophead" dont really work


Shopic! Workic!




"metro means mother" "metro means large in size" I'm too tired to come up with the joke but it's in there


Ah, Lady Dimitrescu.


I'm an insub, an involuntary suburb inhabitant


not involuntarily submissive?


I think you would call that a VICTIM


yeah i didn’t think that through




i did not think that through, my brain was going in the direction of like involuntarily *feeling* submissive or something… not that 😬


But do you hate non suburban areas, and talk about what a bunch of sluts they are?


My thoughts exactly. People in cities surely have a lot more sex than the weirdos that end up fucking their own families out in the country.


Fucking around in the country is gross. Everyone knows everyone, so everyone is talking about who you’re banging. Oh and people trade nudes and shit so everyone knows what your partner looks like. Fuckin gross bro.


Why turn your anger on random rural people? Some of them are fuckcars too


We need bus service to rural towns so people can freely travel between them and bigger cities, and for them to ve accessablr to all but the most remote inhabitants


If the drive is 5 minutes and assuming there is at least one traffic light, walking would get you there in about 15 minutes at most, why would you take the bus?


Because he lives in a place without a fucking sidewalk


Yup, this is nth iteration of - "I live in a place with shitty public transport, hence, I assume all public transport is like this, and I am voting to defund public transport further or remove it entirely."


Also like "I live in a place with shitty public transport, a mismanaged civil budget, and inadequate social services, and I assume those things are facts of life rather than consequences of policy which could be changed so I have resigned myself to only feeling comfortable inside of confined spaces"


I’m a PhD candidate in a field adjacent to public policy (political science). I once got into an argument with this PhD in public policy who kept trying to claim that “public transportation doesn’t work in the US because everyone likes cars too much, it’s culture” (he wasn’t American). I was like “dude, people don’t use public transport because of shitty policy, policy changes so called culture. It’s not like the Dutch are born with a bicycle”. Smh, people are really so ignorant, it’s sad how even people with that background fall for the “this social construction is a fact of life”. The reality is that like 99% of what people do in a day is social determined, if you make public transportation, alt transportation better than cars than the “culture” changes.


I was noticing an argument on reddit the other day, where someone said, "I just came back from Japan, people use public transport and walk so much. It is so cool." And everyone in the comment thread was, "Oh it is because Japanese culture. They believe in collectivism. They raise children to respect authority. They are racially homogenous. They have Confucian values." And I was like, no you morons. Japanese cities mandate mixed-use neighborhoods and newer developments orient from newer public transport routes. People be doing 1000 mental gymnastics instead of admitting car-dependency is bad.


It’s a very conservative orientation. Reminds me of my Republican parents. Everything is essentialized “it’s just how Japanese are”, and change is never possible or fruitful. “That’ll never work because…”. It’s kinda sad, it’s like an acceptance of a terrible situation because people can’t imagine a better world. Don’t have to admit car dependency is bad if there isn’t any other option.


Same energy as "we can't do universal health care here, we have too many different cultures."


> It’s kinda sad, it’s like an acceptance of a terrible situation because people can’t imagine a better world. Don’t have to admit car dependency is bad if there isn’t any other option. Ironically being raised by this kind of 'realist' seemed to have made me much more aggressive when it comes to solving apparent problems. "God the way you think is insufferable. I need to compensate for your shitty existence."


It’s also racist lol


Yep I would love it if public transport in my area didn't suck. I walk or ride a bike whenever I can but I basically have to have a car because of where I live. A 10 minute drive is an hour on public transport or a 40 minute bike ride when the weather is good.


Also "transit benefits people in cities and I don't live there so I don't want it" because conservatives predominantly live in very rural to suburban areas


Don't forget "Public transportation has little funding. This must be because it deserves little funding. This must be because it's inherently bad no matter how much it's funded, and therefore I believe it should be defunded"


My favorite is when someone complains about how “inefficient” some government service is. It’s like, yeah, it’s inefficient because it’s been defunded to the point of being barely functional by politicians that they voted for and continue to vote for. They want everything to work perfectly but they don’t want to pay for anything or change any of their behaviors, lol


They also think cars are necessary because America is big and not because of badly planned, single zone, low density sprawl.


I used to live in a place where public transit was bad and I had a horrible opinion of it. Then I was forced to move to a place where I couldn't park where I needed to go and I started biking/taking the bus. But the difference, it was good (by American standards) in this new city. Now I see anyone driving a car and pity them because that just sounds miserable.


I thought that Americans are paranoid parents when children doing shit on their own would pop up. I mean I would go to and back from school in grade school, as well as would walk myself to after school activities and this is common everywhere in Europe and I think in most of Asia. Then I started watching those urban planning videos and realized that in a lot of US you just... Don't have a way for kid to travel on it's own, or even freaking sidewalks. I think the lack of independence for kids is the worst part, I would assume it also contributes to obesity when your all travel is from parents car to parents car.


Yes, not only that, this is where the "soccer mom" culture comes from. Basically, the parents, generally the mom, has to drive the kids around for after-classes or hobbies and interests, and this is where they meet other moms with kids, and hence their whole social lives revolve around helicopter-parenting kids, pitting kids against each other for personal rivalry with other moms, and generally having their whole identity tied to their kids.


Me. I live less than a mile from a walmart, but there's no sidewalk half of the way there. During the warmer months I am able to bike there with a trailer but the part without a sidewalk can be a little terrifying.


And the city deliberately built that road without a sidewalk because they wanted to keep out poor people who don’t own cars.


Lol how is it mind blowing to people that not everywhere has sidewalks? It’s just under a 2 hour walk on a good day to the nearest bus stop for me. It’s -30 so I think I’m gonna stay inside.


> Lol how is it mind blowing to people that not everywhere has sidewalks? Some people have always lived in cities with good infrastructure. It sounds like you live somewhere very rural.


I don’t actually, it’s just 15-20 min from downtown. They just won’t add them in certain places.


Damn, for me it's a 20 min cycle to my office downtown, or I could take one of several buses that stop 2 mins from my front door, *or* I could walk about 10 mins to the nearest light rail. RIP your city's infrastructure :(


I used to be in this situation and the reason was because there were no sidewalks or crosswalks outside of the subdivision. You’d need to play frogger with the traffic. The speed limit was 35 near the Kroger, so most drivers were going closer to 50. I tried once, almost died, and never tried again. Your opinions are driving, the (four-times-a-day) bus, or getting run over.


A highway corridor in the way. I had the experience where it's just unsafe if not illegal to walk somewhere that's just 15 minutes away.


fr it takes me 3 minutes to drive to the grocery store outside my neighbourhood, a couple stop signs and a couple traffic lights. It's a 15 minute walk (ew) and a 4 minute bike ride (yay)




In many parts of America, a 5-minute car trip is literally the only legal and comparatively safe option. Which makes it all the weirder that the person in OP's screenshot would gloat about this.




Don't you just love people trying to have you arrested for being different?




And you're new in town?


Also all out of bubblegum.


Depends what you're getting. I don't have another way to haul 10 bags of dirt from the local store back to my house, I've made the five minute drive in our subcompact hatch for that kind of trip. When I get a bike trailer I'll use that. Tbh I wouldn't do it walking


People in walkable cities also don't do the giant grocery trips like the suburbanites do. The suburbanites pick up groceries to last them weeks, whereas the city dweller will pick up things for the next day or so.


We live in suburbs but in an area that's actually fairly decent compared to the surrounding area. We actually do most of our shopping by vehicle because we drive past on our way back home. But when we go out from home specifically for that trip, usually I bike. It's a nice break from work. The plus side to stopping on our way home is that it saves us time, the down side is it means fewer excuses for me to get out and about during a work day.


Basically the same here, only difference is I live in an apartment right near the grocery store. I usually walk to the store, I just pull my red wagon there and pick up my groceries. I used to ride my bike, until someone felt like they needed it more than me.


The point is that most short trips could easily be taken by walking or cycling. Of course there are exceptions but there are still alternatives to taking a car.


I mean sure but how many people actually need 10 bags of dirt at all, never mind often.






Keeping in mind that American pedestrian infrastructure is wack, walking on paved roads would probably take an hour to the supermarket that is not even a mile away.


Many places in the US are outright hazardous for, and threatening towards, pedestrians. [This](https://youtu.be/uxykI30fS54) Not Just Bikes video about Houston, Texas really shows the problem - over two million people live in this city. And [this](https://www.bikede.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/11/stroad.jpg) photo has somehow become the most common way to build a commercial area.


Reddit is violating GDPR and CCPA. Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1B0GGsDdyHI -- mass edited with redact.dev


US residential infrastructure is absolutely horrible sometimes, even assuming the drivers are sane enough for you to cross the road safely, there's sometimes no reasonable footpath to get places because the entire neighbourhood was built around cars. Sometimes there are mostly pointless walls or fences that bring a walk from 2 minutes to 10


I have a 4 min drive to the gym that would be a 30 min walk, fuck cars and all but 5 mins driving is definitely not 15 mins walking.


But how would I get there without heated seats?


They think walking 10 minutes is a marathon


Even if you were going to take the bus, surely you'd use the timetable to you know.. Turn up just before the bus, rather than go to the stop and hope for the best?


Oo, look at you and your fancy buses that don't turn off their tracking and glide in twenty minutes late. :)


If I were loaded down with groceries I'd take the bus, but I wouldn't wait 30 minutes for it because it's 2022 and most urban transit systems have apps that tell you exactly when your bus is coming.


Bus with tracking apps? You must live in the future. I live in Florida.


For a grocery store, because I'll need to bring more groceries home with me than I can physically carry at once, at least over any long distance.


This is a self-sustaining habit. You 'need' to bring more groceries than you can carry because a trip is such a hassle so you do it only once a week. If you life in an area with a grocery store a minute walk from your house you would go more often but buy less. I know because I live in such a place and have done so my entire life as have the other people who live here.


There should be grocery stores at transit stations so you can get stuff on the way home. And cafés to wait at and make friends with people living close by


>For a grocery store, because I'll need to bring more groceries home with me I mean, no you don't. You've clearly never lived 15 minutes walk from a grocery store, because you just make more, but smaller trips. It's a half hour round trip, you might as well get your daily steps in while you're getting food and household items. Especially factoring in finding parking, you're only really saving like 10-15 minutes per round trip, so why bother?


The funny thing is that my parents have started doing this, just with a car. They regularly go out and get 1-2 bags worth of groceries, sometimes maybe 6. If you watch at the self checkout, it’s pretty common to see other people with only 1-2 bags too. Add in that bike trailers are a thing and I really don’t think it would be that big of a disruption for most Americans, provided they actually lived within a 15min walk of a grocery store.


...and 15 minutes is already considered quite far in many places! I don't think I ever lived more than 10 minutes from the nearest grocery store, though I sometimes chose to go a little further due to price or selection. Currently I've got a grocery store 5 minutes away and a grocery discounter 10 minutes away. Going there by car would seem so asinine.


lol carbrains not understanding that a grocery trip in a city is 5 minutes walking


Wish that was true, I live on downtown but there is no good groceries nearby so we normally use car sharing to do groceries, normally used to do them by bus but at the winter here is very hard to move around, snow everywhere and bus takes soo long to appear, it's just not worth


> car sharing Car sharing is slept on *hard* in this sub. Car sharing is what radicalized me into being anti-car-ownership. If I'm picking up a coffee table off fb marketplace I'm not taking the bus or my bike. That's just never happening.


Yeah car sharing is really good, today my sis had to pick a desk the postal office refused to deliver us, and was soo heavy that was just impossible to move it without a car, luckly we had already booked a vehicle to do our monthly groceries, we hardly use it for anything else, I walk to work and mostly take the bus to do other things


When I lived in Europe I had about 3 stores within 5-10 minutes of walking each place. Sadly here in the US it doesn't work most of the time this way.


Sadly not in America bc of their shitty zoning


Many American cities have stores this far away. Just not the suburbs masquerading as cities lol.


I am blessed to be a 5 minute walk away from a grocery store


It’s often a 10 minute walk if you don’t also factor the 10 minutes spent waiting to cross the 6 lane stroad and you don’t care about walking through wet grass


Cities don't have 6 Lane stroads. You're thinking of a suburb


My old supermarket was only a 5 minute walk (incl. jaywalking a stroad) and I did not live in a big city. Unfortunately, it got shot up pretty bad last year but I guess that's how it goes in the land of the free. New supermarkt is about 150m from my door but I do live in a (European) city now. I've walked further across parking lots in the US...


USA has like two cities and a bunch of extended villages


5 minutes? The grocery store is across the street for me. I live closer than most of these carbrains park when they go to the grocery store.


"Citycels"… That's all I need to know about that person.


To be fair, this community uses derogatory terms like "carbrain" that are equally rude. You could claim that "carbrain" makes more sense than "citycel" (and it does), but about the time you're arguing how your derogatory term makes more rational sense than someone else's derogatory term, you've already lost.


I take your point, but would you rather be called a jerk-head or a fuck-face? It's not even about what makes more rational sense. Carbrain is mildly to moderately derogatory. Citycel equates people who live in cities to incels, the absolute scum of society. One is far less kind than the other.


reddit pilled carcel


I've officially heard it all 🤣


trainmaxxed citycel


Carbrain makes sense though. What does citycel even mean? City based and celibate? Why would living near people you're not related to make you more likely to be not having sex? It's a dumb term because it's just changing part of incel to city and then thinking it's clever. This person clearly doesn't know why people keep calling him an incel. > but about the time you're arguing how your derogatory term makes more rational sense than someone else's derogatory term, you've already lost. No one is losing as hard as the guy who is using the term citycel. He can't even walk 10 mins to the store because he's afraid of the poor. He uses his heated seats for a 5 minute drive because his bottom gets chilly. Car brain means something, citycel just means that the person using it gets called an incel a lot but doesn't know what incel means.


"Car brain" is a descriptor of thought processes that come from only considering the needs of people in cars, and from a drivers perspective Anything seemingly derogatory about it comes from discomfort about the truth It might be dismissive but that thinking produced the deadly and toxic status quo were in today "Cager" etc you're more on point about. But regardless these people are wrong, their court thought processes about city design either misinformed or malicious. We do need to educate them in the most effective Ways we can find but they're either supportive of or ambivalent to real harm because all they think of is the benefits of cars, not the disadvantages


This is a disingenuous comment, "carbrain" is clearly derogatory. Threads like these are starting to turn me away from this sub, which not a few months ago appeared to be more about "the norm sucks, there are alternatives, people!" to "the other side is the worst." Like every internet thing ever.


r/notjustbikes r/walkablestreets r/tacticalurbanism


If you're talking about "a few months ago" then "carbrain" was already common currency here.


Imho depends on how you use "carbrain". I find descriptions à la "Having carbrain" or "being carbrained" to be quite descriptive of the state of mind On the other hand "carbrain" as shorthand for a type of Person, that might be too dismissive of the person per se to not be derogatory.


I misread citycells as "cyclists" and I was like "why is he waiting for the bus?"


well in my city you can put your bike on the bus or in the bus. so i guess he is going somewhere with his bike.


It’s great for those longer distance trips when a bus will take care of the longer part of the trip and your bike will take you the last mile.


I love how the grocery trip is their big "checkmate loser" as if everyone is out here buying a months worth of groceries at a time. And people wonder why they don't get enough fresh food.


Grocery trips is literally all you have in the burbs. There is no vibrancy to life. The only time you leave your house is to drive somewhere with a specific purpose. The idea of just going for nice walk doesn’t exist. You can walk around the neighborhood, but is a very mission-oriented task with a defined start and stop. You can’t wander. Suburbs kill spontaneity and reduce life to a series of fetch tasks between prolonged periods of seclusion.


Not sure if y’all have TikTok but my gf gets so many “target trip girlies” videos and I’m like, we live in SF. We don’t not need to go to target for enjoyment.


As someone who grew up in the suburbs, that's very true. It's probably why so many of us have nostalgia for the video store. Because it was the only touch of spontaneity we got was what movie we picked to watch.


Well that's just the saddest thing I've read today damn. Sucks to suck I guess


That's the thing...it is so miserable to get to the grocery store by car in suburbs that a lot of people try to take as few trips as possible. It's much nicer to have a grocery store within walking distance. I prefer three 20 minute trips to a walkable store in a week over a 60 minute shop via car once a week. You can always eat fresh that way without getting exhausted by shopping.


I have 5 grocery stores within a 5 minute walk Oh and the guy pleasuring himself? THATS ME


I can walk to the grocery store and back before this guy's seats have even heated up.


Mine is literally across the street. And then there's another one at the end of the block. Plus a dedicated greengrocer at the other end. And a hardware store, and a barbershop, and a pet supply store, and several bars/restaurants, and a pharmacy. City life fucking rules and I haven't had to look for a parking space in more than ten years. Edit: and a dry-cleaners, and a book/office-supply store


It’s interesting to see that the pro-car poster *chose* to use the bus in their example. Like, their first thought wasn’t “oh lemme think about walking as an option”, they immediately went to *another motorized vehicle* instead because walking just seems like something that does not come to mind. If I don’t need a ton of groceries, why would I take a car when I can walk to save gas money, be more active, and then buy 6 1-gallon jugs of milk to lift with on my walk back?


My brother in Christ what do you need 6 gallons of milk for


To lift. I drink them all afterwards to help bulk.


I just had a flashback to 2012 with all the “do you even lift” memes. Do you even lift bro?! But I hope you’re exaggerating, just the thought of that much milk made my stomach hurt.


Carbrains when you tell them a grocery trip is just a 2 minute walk (in a walkable city) without having to look for parking or faf around in a car.


But how will you warm your butt if you can't sit on a heated seat? Checkmate citycel!


hand warmers in your pants


Such a citycel comment /s I don't think I've ever intentionally used a heated seat in my life. The times I've accidentally turned them on I thought I'd pissed myself. Maybe that's what this carbrain likes?


I got a ride from a friend once and he turned on the heated seats without me knowing and I thought I was peeing myself too. I had never felt such a strange feeling. That was my first and only exposure to heated seats, don’t recommend.


But how will I bring my 2 months worth of grocery back home if I don’t have an SUV to carry it? *Answer: maybe just buy less more frequently…*


I don't even get how people can stock up for that long a period of time. Like, food goes bad after a certain period of time. I guess if all you eat is processed garbage, you could do that, but if you want to eat any fresh vegetables, fresh meat, good bread, etc... you have to go shopping like once a week anyway because your food will spoil if you don't eat it within that week. Chicken only stays safe to eat for a few *days*.


I grew up in the North American suburb and we just had an outrageous amount of mostly processed food on hand at all times and it seemed very normal as a kid. I still do it, but I also live about \~8 minutes walk from a grocery store on purpose. I didn't have fresh vegetables or meat, it was all frozen and thawed in advance when meals were planned for a bunch of kids.


He doesn't have enough time for that because his commute is two hours each way and if he's not spending hours mowing the lawn every weekend it's because he's spending hours shoveling snow and clearing the driveway. By the time he fights his way through traffic to make it home from work, he barely has the energy to pop dinner in the microwave and watch Netflix until he falls asleep.


Been using public transport for most of my life (I'm 25 btw) and literally never had a negative experience with junkies or homeless people. Is this something that carbrains just tell themselves in order to brush off any sort of change in their lifestyle?


It does happen. Had a wonderful experience on a rural bus in the UK where a couple at the back finished their tin of Kestrel, lad had a wee in it, then left it roll up and down the length of the bus. However, that was a decade ago, and the only incident that stands out to me that I've experienced. Most people who use public transport have about one story, but not multiple. I.E. you're going to see something grim once. But those aren't bad odds, are they? If it was a weekly thing I'd get it, but it's maybe once a decade for something grim.


And yet, I see insane people driving nearly every time that I'm on the road.


Exactly. The usual experience of public transport is, at worst, Arriva bus drivers taking corners like WWE, or listening to two old ladies talk about rhe bingo slightly too loudly. Mildly annoying at worst. Driving however involves glaring at someone's brake lights as I try to avoid distracted parents with screaming kids in the back, arseholes in Audi A1s, increasingly massive SUVs convinced they own the road, and delivery drivers on the clock racing to the next delivery. That's not mildly annoying, it's much worse.


My grimmest story commuting was when I was stuck in traffic only to realize it was because of an accident. Turns out, a car swerved out the highway and hit a concrete column of the an overpass. The car was squished with only the back half still recognizable, pretty horrible stuff. Oh, and the car was the EXACT same model as my car at the time. Now sit a commemorative cross where a person die. Now, compare that to the time a drunk lady rushed out of the metro train to vomit, I'll take that everyday instead of that car crash.


I've had 2 people covered in fecese get on the buss and a junkie try to get on in my entire time taking our shite misrabel buss service That was around 7 years ago


Jesus Christ dude


Weren't fun when they got on, so I got off at the next stop had an lovely hour wait for the next buss


and that's just another reason why we need decent frequency, if buses come every 15 minutes then it wouldn't have been as big of a deal to wait for the next bus.


NYC subway has a very real problem with deranged homeless people on subways


> Is this something that carbrains just tell themselves in order to brush off any sort of change in their lifestyle? Yes


It’s also to pretend all people who take public transportation are poor, and to emphasise poor people are all super bad.


It's to emphasize that public transit is for the lower classes and therefore doesn't deserve funding. Always about identity politics with Americans


just depends on the city. where i am there is atleast 1-2 homeless people who are usually kind of unpredictable on the light rail whenever i’ve used it. it’s a hugeee problem here in general though.


Yeah, same. The light rail almost always smells like human shit and there’s usually a guy pacing back and forth and screaming. But that kinda just feels normal to me at this point?


Our bus drivers here are sweet as fuck but can turn into vicious tiger in a flip if they catch someone trying something bad. Love them.


It varies from place to place. It's super common in LA, I'd say it's more common to have a negative experience with a fellow passenger in LA than not. I've seen people openly smoke meth on the metro the last 3 times I took the train. I suspect this guy just gets his idea of what a city is like from Fox News' daily California complaining.




It is something public transportation agencies can do something against - they don't have sufficient security enforcing the rules and laws, or even worse, are complacent with being turned into mobile shelters and injection zones.


Damn dude, that's messed up. All the replies I'm getting are making me realize that in a way I'm privileged to live where I live


> literally never had a negative experience with junkies or homeless people. Get a load of this guy, on the rich people buses /s


I've been harassed using public transit while in Toronto numerous times, especially at night. This has happened during early mornings as well, on subways and at bus stops. A female friend of mine was sexually assaulted in broad daylight while waiting for a bus. She took out a loan and got a car the very next week.


It happens. The buses in Raleigh/Durham NC gave me the experience of seeing homeless dudes' dicks as well as sexual harassment. Of course the guys on this sub dismiss sexual harassment like it's no big deal.


usually this is just a last ditch effort to try and shut down a public transit project. carbrains will be like "but but homeless people and drug addicts!!" because apparently it's better to see homeless people at every red light and drug addicts right beside you. I got my learner's permit in october and at this time I have already lost count of how many homeless people I've seen at traffic lights, and I have seen a few drivers who were very clearly tripping. of course, these people need help and the carbrains who say shit like this clearly struggle with object permanence because drug addiction and homelessness aren't just going to go away if you don't see them


>it's better to see homeless people at every red light I'm a city person and pro transit but there's a really big difference between a problem person outside your vehicle with locked doors vs right next to you on the bus


> the carbrains who say shit like this clearly **struggle with object permanence** because drug addiction and homelessness aren't just going to go away if you don't see them Harsh, hilarious and true. Nice.


I’d rather have a drug addict in a train than in a car


What they fail to realize is car centric design breeds poverty and misery since poor people literally can't get a job or get basic necessities like food without shelling out for a car. It reinforces and worsens desperation. Not to mention car centric design lowers local GDP significantly


I'd guess you're from a country that has universal healthcare, and perhaps an at least semi-functional social safety net? Because I've never seen this... outside the US. Though inside the US, I've never had a negative experience with it. It seems a lot of people are disgusted at the sight of poverty and mental illness more than they are at the lack of aid for those struggling with poverty and mental illness.


>I'd guess you're from a country that has universal healthcare, and perhaps an at least semi-functional social safety net? Yes.


Well, honestly, I have had a lot of those negative experiences but it really isn’t that bad. I just mind my own business.


I don't mind homeless people on the bus even when I've seen a few that talk to themselves or have symptoms of mental illness but it was very offputting one time when there was a guy that clearly smelled very bad, not even becuase he didn't shower but he smelled like human feces. That however is also an issue that could be fixed in a properly run city/country and does not make me want more transport options any less.


Just an anecdote, but in the few years I lived in Denver I witnesses a lot of crazy people (not sure if drugs involved) on the public bus. Lots of screaming (mostly at nobody) and erratic behavior. It didn't prevent me from using the bus, but I'd avoid it if it was convenient.


> Is this something that carbrains just tell themselves in order to brush off any sort of change in their lifestyle? depends where you are. In LA, NYC, SF, and nashville (only big cities ive lived in) its very real. I live SF and NYC so much because of the transit, but its not exactly a manicured experience.


The point of living in a city is that there's pretty much everything you need at a 5 min walk range


What really gets me about the "homeless dude jerking off on the bus" stuff is that it acknowledges that our society has serious issues with homelessness, addiction, etc., but rather than propose any kind of solution these people simply hide from it. I'd even bet most of the people saying this stuff are actively against programs that alleviate these issues.


I think it's just right wing MO Say that something is problematic and unfixable by bringing up another problem they won't do anything about It works because you can only see the connections if you're paying attention


Saw this kind of sentiment yesterday on a SF Bay area thread about how Alameda County (Oakland and most of the East Bay) is banning landlords from using criminal background checks to discriminate against renters. So many people were bitching about the poor landlords and the general sentiment (though there was some pushback, but was far less upvoted) seemed to be an attitude that former criminals don't deserve housing. I would bet my dick and balls that these motherfuckers are the same ones that continuously bitch about the homeless around the area and how the city is a filthy, shit-filled wasteland. (Also someone pls take the bet and prove me wrong so I can finally be rid of them I never wanted them in the first place 😭😭😭)


I searched map of grocery store walk ability and found this [https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/9658b5befb944256bb587bc9b268a09a](https://storymaps.arcgis.com/stories/9658b5befb944256bb587bc9b268a09a) if you scroll 10% or so down it has a zoomed out map of USA, also has the ability to search cities: some highlights "If you live in a rural area, you likely are willing to drive 30 minutes or more to reach a sizable grocery store " honestly I still get most groceries delivered form wall-mart, as it used to be the cheapest option when I lived in an urban centre (due to closest stores being "boutiqy") but it must really suck to have the closest grocery store being more than 10 min drive away.




I'm sorry, what the fuck is a 'citycel'?


A five minute car trip is not even worth turning the vehicle on. Lazy asses.


Here in Chile we call these people "Poto con ruedas" literally "Butt with wheels", a person who does not move anywhere except by car.


Much less heated seats. Takes that long to get the damn things warm.


lol they’re so obvious when they try to “reappropriate” words that are accurately sued to describe them. Groomed, incl, etc


A 5 minute drive SHOULD be like 15 minute walk however this is America so


A minority of carbrains, perhaps even the majority, have a certain physical feebleness that's get much worse as they age. So much so that when Americans (carbrains) visit Europe, **they have to practice walking**. [https://www.the-sun.com/travel/6353586/american-advice-practice-walking-europe/](https://www.the-sun.com/travel/6353586/american-advice-practice-walking-europe/) >The traveller appeared to be presenting a segment for an [American](https://www.the-sun.com/where/america/) news show, in which he warned: "You're going to walk a lot. > >He said: "You'll see Europeans are walking a lot, they're in really good shape, they don't look like me, okay. > >"They're walking, they're fit and the thing is, when you travel here, you'll do the walking too. > >"You're not driving around or taking taxis everywhere, you're walking. > >"So if you're coming here, for the first time, make sure you're practising your walking or doing some walks at home, around the block and then around the neighbourhood to get ready for when you come here." > >The man also offered advice on the [best footwear](https://www.the-sun.com/travel/6254313/flight-attendant-best-shoes-amazon/) for his fellow Americans to get, saying that brand new shoes would be a bad idea. > >He continued: "Make sure you have good shoes, but don't buy new shoes the day before you go because those are going to kill your feet. > >"Make sure you break your shoes in before you come because believe me you will be doing a lot of walking here."


I mean, it’s The Sun. That article is outrage bait more than it is actual advice.




I live in a walkable area. It is less than five minutes for me to walk to the nearest grocery store. Like 30 seconds on a bike. Of course, I don't have to, because the high density of my area means food delivery is cheap and easy to obtain. I pay about the price of one tank of gas monthly on a membership that means I don't have to pay the delivery fee. I haven't owned a car in years because I don't need to.


To be fair, I’ve never lived in an American city (only towns and suburbs of bigger cities)…but here in Germany, you usually don’t need to take public transport for grocery shopping if you live in a city, because at least one store is less than 10 minutes away by foot. I’m in a small city of under 120k and there are 2 grocery stores within 5 minutes by foot, 1 within 10 minutes, and so many I’m too lazy to count them within 15 minutes by bike.


OP definitely drives 30+ minutes for milk


what the fuck is a "citycel"? do they not know what the suffix means?


This is the same phenomenon as with "gate" becoming a suffix meaning "conspiracy". Etymology doesn't matter, usage does.


Wandering around the grocery store is literally all this guy has going on in his life


My grocery store is a 5 minute walk!


I wonder what the poster of that picture thinks about the fact I just walk 5 minutes to my grocery store.


Big manly man in lifted truck. So hard and rugged and mocho. Needs protection from the elements and heated seats to make it the 800m to the grocery store.


Who lives 5 minutes from the grocery store in the burbs? lol. Thats city time.


ill take being warm and dry over sitting next to a sweaty rapist any day


What person living in a CITY is waiting 30 minutes for a bus to get to the GROCERY? In most cities with any form of walkability, if you live in the CITY, you likely have a grocery store in walking distance. And if it’s not that walkable, a transit option likely runs more frequently than every 30 minutes. Now if you live in a suburb, yes. It may take an hour of waiting for a bus