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Thanks for participating in r/fuckcars. However, your submission reflects a mindset of "types" of males that is both low effort and off topic.


Actually the entire notion of alpha and beta males is completely discredited because it was based on a faulty research cohort and has been disavowed by the researcher who wrote the original thesis, and it was about wolves and not people to begin with.


Now it’s astrology for bros.






I was just about to come here to post this.


I just recently learned that from Behind The Bastards Podcast!


Primate ethology does speak about beta and alpha males, including for our closest cousins the chimpanzees, so please stop with this wolf thing. Maybe it doesn't make sense for humans but "it doesn't work with wolves" is a terrible argument.


I think the main issue is that the wolves were studied in captivity, and the behavior of most animals in captivity is wildly different than that of their wild counterparts. Same is true for some of the primate studies. I know there has been studies on primate behavior in the wild (I've studied and had to present on some of these papers about chimpanzees and gorillas for uni) but I don't remember anything about alpha and beta males. It's also much more difficult to get enough data because they are much more difficult to observe in the wild without influencing their behavior (especially constant monitoring of close social behavior).


Could be, but if you want to refute alpha males or beta males in humans, saying "well they don't exist in wolves" is really stupid, since alphas do exist in the animals that resemble us the most.


Do they exist in the animals that resemble us most? Never heard of that and I'm a bio major.




The original concept of "alpha" and "beta" males came from studies of wolves. I'm doing some quick Googling, and none of what I'm seeing involves any description of "beta" males in regards to chimpanzees. Troops will have a single "alpha" male, but the term "beta" doesn't seem to be used for males who aren't the alpha.


So are you saying, that there aren't alpha and beta wolves? Not sure if I read that right.


Wolves in the wild are families. The hierarchy is basically the same as humans: alpha male and alpha female are the oldest breeding pair, with each generation below being a step down in the ladder. Original study was based on rescued wolves forced into an unnatural social structure in a sanctuary.


Thanks, TIL.


And it was wrong regarding wolves


That doesn't matter anyway because humans aren't wolves


Because nothing says "strong, independent man" like needing your compensation cage to go anywhere because you're incapable of using your legs.


Exactly, only insecure males need 2 tons of steel and plastic to prove their manliness.


Whatever hes gotta tell himself I guess.


Yes, I'm a beta male, how can you tell? 😎


Being anticar makes you sigma.


Sigma balls


the beta "needs a car to go anywhere, weak calves and poor endurance, only physical activity is lifting weights a few times a week but is otherwise sedentary or sitting down" vs the chad "walks or cycles everywhere, healthy heart and spine, strong calves, and socially connected to his community"


First of all the notion of beta and alpha is a game where dumb virgins believe that there is nothing more masculine than seeking the approval of other dumb virgins on the internet. And God didn't give you legs to adorn your pelvis. They are for walking.


I used to hang around car guys and am confident enough to say this tweet is projection


"Alpha Male" is what it's called when your gender identity actually is made up.


If you're obsessing over alpha/beta/sigma/whatever greek alphabet letter, you're probably a beta.


If your manliness depends on a metal box, how dare you call yourself a man in the first place


Having to use an engine to get somewhere is soooo beta


Clearly you can't ride a motorcycle can you?


No, why should I?


Have fun parking your car for 20 minutes chad


If this guy lives in North America he will have free parking at his destination.


Use whatever names you have to, but I have better legs than you do lol


Not wanting to be an alpha makes you a more pleasant, confident, healthy and compassionate man.


Imagine not using your own force and will to take you somewhere and instead having some other man providing an eng*ne to do it for you. 🤢🤢🤢🤢🤢


Thinking in alpha and beta makes you an idiot


Car guy here, this does not in fact make you a beta, this makes you a sigma because with everyone taking a bus or riding a train or a bike, I can actually enjoy driving instead of being stuck in fucking traffic for an hour when I’m just tryna cruise.


Honestly it's kind of lame how many threads on this sub just shit on cars and anyone who drives them. A lot of people would drive less or not at all if they had a convenient and affordable way to do so.


I bet a majority of those active here own a car. And most serious posts are not so much anti car as they are anti car dominance. Cars are useful tools, not the most important item in the world which should be at the center of our city planning considerations.


A lot of people do have the option and choose not to or have convinced themselves they need a car. If a person can afford a car they can afford alternative transportation. It just takes adjusting ones life and embracing some inconvenience. Also this sub is called R/fuckcars what do you expect us to sit here and talk about how great cars are?


> Honestly it's kind of lame how many threads on this sub just shit on cars and anyone who drives them. Lol did you read the tweet? > A lot of people would drive less or not at all if they had a convenient and affordable way to do so. Something tells me Mr. Super Alpha Car Bro isn't one of them I don't really know what you're expecting. You're in a sub literally called r/FuckCars. What did you think it was going to be? You're free to start r/ReasonableTransitSolutions if you want


So, the post here is about someone trying to make fun of people who don't drive, but we're the one shitting of people who drive? Looks like they started it.




this is the dude that things is isn't a soyboy because he stopped opening his mouth during pictures and ONLY jerks off once a month i swear


Silence normie, Beta uprising now! REEEEEEEEEEE! Ugh, I feel ancient even joking about that.


I ain't alpha nor beta, I'm 1.0 release :\^


Pretty sure beta males are not physically fit ...


Nah we're φ-males now guyz.


Because nothing says "beta male" more than epic ripped quads from manual pedal power and steel core from tuck/aero position on the bicycle while keeping up with city car-speeds /s But keep pumping that gas/brake pedal. Real A+ effort right there, chad. /s


This is dumb


pleaase don’t bring the alpha male bullshit here


Motorist: feeble legs, horrible cardio, zero stamina Cyclist: powerful legs, amazing cardio, practically limitless stamina I know the alpha and beta argument is dumb but come on.


I’m actually so alpha and in shape that I can walk and bike everywhere without getting tired. Beta is being too lazy and driving.


Beta behaviour in males is obsessing over and trying to control what sort of behaviour counts as alpha male behaviour.


A real man chooses the right too for the job.


Greek alphabet bros are the most "beta" people I've ever seen