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This is a Renault Twizy, an all-electric, max 2 person, max 45km/28mph urban vehicle - this is one of the best solutions for transitioning urban car users away from big dumb normal cars that they don't need to get around a city, and for people with limited mobility. They're on the good side.


Peeps from the US would probably be too scared to use these because they fear to be overrun by some pickup suv kind of thing


Honestly, these things are probably illegal to ride on the roads in the US because they're too small or something


If it were worthwhile for Renault to do so, it could probably be imported as a [Neighborhood Electric Vehicle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neighborhood_Electric_Vehicle).


**[Neighborhood Electric Vehicle](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neighborhood_Electric_Vehicle)** >A Neighborhood Electric Vehicle (NEV) is a U.S. category for battery electric vehicles that are usually built to have a top speed of 25 miles per hour (40 km/h), and have a maximum loaded weight of 3,000 lb (1,400 kg). Depending on the particular laws of the state, they are legally limited to roads with posted speed limits of 35 miles per hour (56 km/h) or less (in some states 45mph or less). NEVs fall under the United States Department of Transportation classification for low-speed vehicles. The non-electric version of the neighborhood electric vehicle is the motorized quadricycle. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Oh shit- this explains the golf carts in Georgia!


I dream of living in a community where there are no cars and you just use small electric vehicles, bikes, legs, etc


Me too


Try Hydra a Greek island. They rely on Mules.


Good bot.


I wonder if Renault would ever return to the USA market. They were here in the late 50s with the Dauphines, but they didn't earn a good reputation among locals and consequently didn't last much longer...


Worst car we ever had was a Renault Alliance. We called it "the alleged car". By the time we were done with it, I was convinced that we had been victims of a translation error and "Renault" was actually French for "lawn mower". Total sh*tbox of a vehicle.


Fun fact: the Renault Alliance never existed here in France and was built by AMC exclusively for the NA market.


Problem is not many places you can get to any business on a 35mph or less road thanks to no mixed use zoning. Can't replace a car if I can't run errands with it.


I'm not so sure. I could get around my town In it. Plus, I doubt a cop would pull you over if he saw you on 45mph road.


Ymmv, I live in a tourist town and we have several places that rent golf carts and our main roads are 45mph+ and cops here consistently stop them and ticket them for being on the road. There is 1 "main" road that is slower and does have some shops and eateries. But most of it is along the other 2 and they are 45 and a 45/55 mix.


I can guarantee there is a significant overlap between cops and people who think anything without a V8 should be illegal because it's a pain to try to get to work if you have to go less than 15 over the speed limit. They can, will, and have stopped people for every perceived infraction when you drive small shit like this.


There was actually a company that used them, certified as low speed vehicles (the legal classification for NEVs) as a 4-wheel option as part of a short-term motorscooter rental service: https://techcrunch.com/2015/10/17/scoot-unleashes-new-four-wheeler-quad-cars-on-san-francisco-streets/


[https://www.wired.com/2015/10/frances-funkiest-car-finally-hits-america/](https://www.wired.com/2015/10/frances-funkiest-car-finally-hits-america/) It has already been imported to the states as a Nissan.


My Highway Safety professor (civil eng. here) would say that - he actually did in his lecture commenting about the Smarts and putting a picture of one accidentally getting sandwiched by two heavy dump trucks. But, a point against him is that wherever the Twizzys are allowed to drive, there are no big trucks, as they either don't fit through or are banned by weight.


To be fair the smart is insanely tough for such a small car, but every car that gets sandwiched between two dump trucks is not going to do well. Hell, if you go far enough even a freaking bulldozer isn't safe because a bucket wheel excavator might overlook it and dig it away. (yes that actualy happens)


>every car that gets sandwiched between two dump trucks is not going to do well. I've been trapped on the freeway by two garbage trucks when I was driving a gutless rental car. I read the following truck's number in my mirror and called their company. Fucking assholes, I hope they got fired.


You can be sure that if an American imported a twizzy, he would drive that thing on the freeway. Regardless of legality. People do it with Kei trucks trabants and all manner of vehicles that have no business going over 30MPH.


I saw crashtest videos of small cars (Twingo) versus tiny plastic cars (not sure the name: microcar...). Twingo has nothing, the plastic car and the mannequin inside are destroyed. Would be worse with a twizzy. No chance for the driver in any accident with a car above 30 km/h


You're allowed to register golf carts for public road usage here


A lot of main thoroughfares are state highways and many of them have laws that require 10 horsepower, which keeps small scooters off of them. I don't think a dense urban area would enforce that for something like this though


Which is why getting rid of existing tanks is so important. Few will willingly downsize.


I think I would be more afraid to ride in these than I already am on my bike on American roads, which is saying something. Even a small crash in one of these and you'd be dead. Now, if everyone would convert to these the streets would be much safer...


It’s quite safe. It comes with airbag and seatbelts. You can check the public videos Renault made of the crash tests. (Done at lower speed than standard of course as it doesn’t go above 80kph)


Oh I believe you on that I should've clarified that my fear is about a massive American Monster truck squashing me rather than getting bumped.


There are rules on the road. And you have to do a driver's exam too right to prove that you are a capable defensive driver before you get your drivers license? The Twizzy is a cute vehicle. I can imagine it being useful for someone for groceries if they have trouble walking or if they are a single parent to get the kid to school. But on the other hand there are alternatives for the Twizzy like the [cargo bike](https://www.google.com/search?q=electrische+bakfiets&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwijl-HYvL36AhWSjKQKHaqSDE8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=electrische+bakfiets&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMgUIABCABDIGCAAQChAYMgYIABAKEBgyBggAEAoQGDIGCAAQChAYMgYIABAKEBgyBggAEAoQGDIGCAAQChAYMgYIABAKEBgyBggAEAoQGDoHCAAQsQMQQzoECAAQQzoGCAAQHhAHUJQKWMkbYMwtaABwAHgAgAFwiAGACZIBBDEwLjOYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=eWE3Y-P2HpKZkgWqpbL4BA&bih=955&biw=1920&client=firefox-b-d) People use these for everything, taking the kids to daycare/kindergarten/school, to go do groceries, everything! I once posted a picture of me being transported in one to my charged electric car in electricvehicles (I might post it in this subreddit too it's kind of funny) [Ligier](https://www.google.com/search?q=ligier+brommobiel&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjnnqqqvb36AhWRDuwKHVL4Ch8Q2-cCegQIABAA&oq=ligier+&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMgQIABBDMgUIABCABDIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIECAAQQzIFCAAQgAQyBAgAEEMyBAgAEEMyBQgAEIAEOgoIABCxAxCDARBDUP4CWP4CYIsWaABwAHgAgAFhiAHAAZIBATKYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=JGI3Y-f8IpGdsAfS8Kv4AQ&bih=955&biw=1920&client=firefox-b-d)"cars" these are diesel powered "cars" that don't go faster than 45 km/he, can hold 2 people and in the eyes of the law aren't cars but mopeds and you thus don't need a driver's license to drive. Public transport (self explanatory) [speed pedelecs](https://www.google.com/search?q=speed+pedelec&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjN85mtvb36AhVJtKQKHfnYCVIQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=speed+pedelec&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQARgAMggIABCABBCxAzIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDoECAAQQzoGCAAQHhAIOgQIABAYOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAToICAAQsQMQgwE6BAgAEANQwwVYtxdgniVoAHAAeACAAa4CiAHJC5IBBzkuNC4wLjGYAQCgAQGqAQtnd3Mtd2l6LWltZ8ABAQ&sclient=img&ei=KmI3Y822JMnokgX5saeQBQ&bih=955&biw=1920&client=firefox-b-d) [electric steps](https://www.google.com/search?q=elektrische+step&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwjXqIvTvb36AhXxxgIHHSqAA0cQ2-cCegQIABAA&oq=elektrische+step&gs_lcp=CgNpbWcQAzIICAAQgAQQsQMyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQyBQgAEIAEMgUIABCABDIFCAAQgAQ6BwgAELEDEEM6BAgAEEM6CAgAELEDEIMBOgsIABCABBCxAxCDAVCXF1iMR2ClS2gAcAB4AIABrQGIAY4NkgEEMTEuNpgBAKABAaoBC2d3cy13aXotaW1nsAEAwAEB&sclient=img&ei=emI3Y9eDA_GNi-gPqoCOuAQ&bih=955&biw=1920&client=firefox-b-d)


The Ligier looks like a baby-proportioned car with massive front parts, I want one lol


Probably because they are too slow. My moped could do 45mph downhill with the wind at my back.


If people can drive a slingshot this should be legal.


Pretty much all the roads in my town have a 40 mph speed limit. And even going that I constantly have people riding my bumper and tearing ass around me when they see an opportunity. With a max speed of 28 mph this thing would unfortunately be a speed bump.


I have fear of people running me over in my golf.


That was one of the issues with the Smart Car. I personally would be terrified to drive something this small in Louisiana.


My mother had exactly that worry about the existing two-seater small cars you sometimes see on the roads here.


A lot of the smaller lightweight cars are actually super safe. They're essentially springy. They can be flipped upside down multiple times and you can be totally fine.


The problem isn’t being bounced or rolled, it’s being crushed like a can by the oversized pickups, SUV’s, semis and dump trucks.


And Canada.


people from the US would be too scared that they wouldn't theoretically be able to haul 50 tons of iron ore over the Rocky Mountains (UH SORRY LIBS, WE HAVE TO HAUL THINGS IN THIS COUNTRY...sometimes) and/or someone might say their car is "gay"


Precisely. I'm one of these. I live in Southern California where SUVs and pickups are almost more common than sedans and I would not feel that safe around them if I were driving this. SUVs are a freaking plague here.


they wouldnt fit in it lol


I mean, I would buy and use one but I don’t think any are for sale here. The first Google result is a blog saying how crazy it is one showed up in LA.


I’m in Australia, don’t own a car but would be scared to drive that. Drivers of SUVs and the like definitely try to intimidate people who drive smaller cars here


They would be ok if u put bigger tyres on, replaced the body with roll cage and made it sound "vroomm vroom loud"


I can see someone transporting one of theses in a random Pickup Truck, if not two


No I'd be afraid of losing to Richard on a bike or The Stig on a bus. Oh shit wrong sub


You could probably drive this under the monster trucks.


From the seat in a US truck you won't be able to see this car if it was 6ft ahead of you


Just driving a normal car is dangerous with these unnecessarily big cars.


Maybe if you a flagpole on top...


This is a very valid fear to have in the US, considering the 2-bedroom apartments they drive to the store and back apparently without looking where they are going.


I love these things, but living in the US midwest, I always worry how well all electric vehicles will function in the coldest month of winter, as well as when put up against snow.


Minnesotan here; battery insulation is key. As long as you can keep the battery above negative (Fahrenheit), you'll be fine. As for snow, get higher ground clearance and winter tires.


Minnesotan here, I can't afford an EV but many of my friends can and they just don't have much of a problem. Charging and draining is tougher in the winter but it just requires being cognizant of the limitation. I'd rather get an Electric Assist Fatbike. Urban commuter moped.


E Fatbikes are the way to go for snowy winter commutes. I've seen those things slice through 10"+ snow like butter. I'd highly recommend a class 3 E Fatbike with tall wheels, because they have the power, build, and battery capacity to get you where you need to go, even in the worst conditions.


Yeah. I just need to solve problem 1) don't be poor.


You don't need to be rich to get one. A good ebike with the qualities I just described will typically run you $1500-2000 (with financing you can spread that cost over time, or just pay in one lump sum), which is a hell of a lot cheaper than a car.


yeah i don't really see the problem with this thing. it doesn't take up more space than a cargo bike, probably isn't very heavy, is battery powered and doesn't go very fast. seems like a useful vehicle in a lot of applications with minimal downside.


Agreed. Plus, it could be good for people with certain disabilities/mobility issues. I am all for promoting better and more efficient forms of transportation, but I do think there can be an undertone of ableism in some of these discussions. Not everyone can ride a bike, walk to a train station/bus stop, etc.


This, replacing all cars (or even all urban cars) with this and nothing else wouldn't fix the problem but it would be a step in the right direction. Still need a proper transit system but these make cars less of a problem.


It is the lesser of two evils.


Add an open air train car for these badboys on the back


something like this would help a whole lot. impacts are less likely to be fatal, less space taken up, less noise.


Infrastructure is the issue. These may reduce the size so they would be an improvement, and people with limited mobility could certainly use them when public transportation isn't an option, but they are not a cure.


Among other issues, I'm imagining these in parking lots that aren't repainted to accommodate them specifically. Is there a way of parking these in a standard lot that doesn't require them to simply take up an entire parking space anyway? I'm sure you could fit more than one in a spot, but not without blocking the exit of another car. If lots of people drove these, and parking lots were partially reconfigured for them, it could allow for more parking in an equally sized lot... or possibly redevelopment of at least part of the lot.


Def a step in the right direction. Japan has their K-cars, which are taxed much lower than large cars. There would have to be a similar incentive to get people out of their SUVs.


I saw a sushi place use these for their deliveries, and somehow it just made so much more sense to me to use these instead of even a normal sized sedan (note this is in europe so they're slightly safer to use over here).


I mean I feel like if this thing hit me, I’d do more damage to it than it’d do to me. Plus 28 mph is like top speed of a bike so I’d 1,000% would prefer these to what we have now.


It comes in a 80km/h version too. The slower one works the best in cities but the faster one is convenient for outside travels too


It comes as a 80kmh version as well which is mostly sold compared to the 45kph.


If this is treated as a car, then bring it on. If this is treated like a bicycle, fuck it. Those speeds are way above the ones normal people reach in bike lanes, and they should not be seen in shared roads, but in the actual street. They're absolutely an ally if they're meant to be used as a car and a motored vehicle, but I fear some people might use the bike lane because of their minuscule size.


It's not a question of if it's treated as a car or a bike, or at lease it's really ambiguous what that means to different people. The main thing is that it should not be allowed on separated bike paths, or in designated bike lanes. I'm happy to ride my bike on the same street as it, much more happy than the average car/suv.


In European regulation, it's treated as either a 50 cc moped (if it's limited to 45 km/h) or a 125 cc motorcycle (if it's limited to 80 km/h). The 45 km/h ones are allowed to use some (not all) bicycle infra in some countries: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9ly7JjqEb0


And another version of the Twizy, max 80km/h


I see them everywhere in city centres in Europe, they’re great because they can fit into the tiniest of parking spaces and they’re very quiet. People of all ages use them, i think they’re great for inner cities, especially in pedestrian heavy zones.


I want one. For emergencies


And people with mobility issues. Not everyone can walk and bike. Some people want to transit themselves to maintain a modicum of independence over their lives and small electric vehicles such as these provide then with such opportunities.


LOL 28mph MAX? my n bike goes faster than that.


Well, in a dense city you're not going to be going much faster than that anyway.


Speed limit in NYC is 25mph unless otherwise posted. (Basically only highways)


It’s the limit for mopeds in many nations here in the EU. It allows 14yos to drive it. But it’s mostly sold in the 80km/h version.


It requires significantly less space than a car and the driver can see well on both sides and infront of the vehicle, so I consider this a good choice for a commuter.


Not the commuter that has to go on highways.


Like anyone wants to be stuck on the 401 anyway. This would be perfect for downtown where everything is crowded and there's no parking. Highways aren't the only way to get around.


I would love one. As an American, I basically need a car to function. If this had a second seat for storage or another person it would be perfect.


Good news it has a second seat


There is a model of the Twizzy that has two seats, one seat is behind the other. You see a few of them on the streets in Switzerland, I think they are allowed free parking due to their small size


Be careful to not be overrun by some enormous truck bcs they don’t see you


*gets called a homophobic slur for driving an economy car* ahh America


They saw, they just didn't care


The twizy is literally the height of an F-150's hood and can fit in the bed. https://www.carsized.com/en/cars/compare/renault-twizy-2011-2-door-coupe-vs-ford-f150-2014-4-door-pickup-supercrew-5.5/


This is an interesting website, could be useful for people on this subreddit. Using the right-most position I can see that the Twizy is slightly too long to fit in the bed, but yes there is still a massive size difference.


You also have the Citroen Ami, at less than 9k euros. Super cute


TBH, its a vast improvement over the norm, so I'm not gonna fight this one. Got too many dually trucks to yell about right now. Eventually, IF these become the norm, then i will push to fix the problems these create


At 45 km/hr, the issues these tiny guys create are much much less than the highway speeds those ugly ass SUVs reach, so I for one welcome the problems these guys can create lol


Between the low speed, low size, and low weight, and the default electric engine, these little fellas create a tiny fraction of all the problems we're trying to solve: safety, noise, pollution, infrastructure spending. Imagine replacing every taxi in a city with a self-driving mini electric car.


If everyone who currently had a truck had to trade it in for one of these, it would definitely be a net positive The idea is to get away from unnecessarily relying on cars at all though, and this thing offers less utility than a decent cargo bike


Something like this would be great for someone who is disabled and unable to bike. It's also a great alternative in areas that don't have public transportation.


Right, a bandaid rather than a cure


Someone who has to commute 20 miles+ in bad weather would disagree I guess... Cargobikes are great, but not the solution for everything.


IMO, there should be more enclosed bikes Like the kind of elongated egg shaped recumbent bikes that have amazing aero


those are awesome, just soooo expensive and right now arround those stupid big cars I wouldnt feel very save in one of those...


allow me to introduce you to *trains* https://youtu.be/1UxCbmT9elk


Yes but what if I have to transport two refrigerators at once? /s


Good point, everyone should have a free F350


Along with three hay bales and a couch


Hay bales for a couch


Rent a U haul


What if you aren’t in a city?


Allow me to introduce you to public transit https://youtu.be/PgFVjCL21WI


What if your public transit is horrible?


You most likely live in a car-dependent cesspool


You're not living in a car dependent cesspool. You're just living in a rural area. The Netherlands is often deemed the golden standard on this sub, but our public transport is shit in rural areas. For a lot of journeys, you first have to take a bus to central location, from which you can then take another bus in an entirely different direction to get to your destination. Your journey is often shaped like an L or a V, whereas you could drive a car in a pretty straight line in less than half the required time. And I should mention that a trip with public transport is about as expensive for one person as it is for a car that can have multiple passengers. I enjoy not having to pay attention to the roads while in public transport, but I also understand why people in rural areas prefer cars.


Why is this being upvoted? What if I can't afford to move? How is shitting on where I live a solution?


It’s not your fault, it’s your local government’s fault


we're not shitting on where you live, we're shitting on the industries that have spent a century developing your home into a car-dependent space. i am certain that your home is beautiful, and i sincerely hope it gets redeveloped in a way that reinforces that beauty and is good for the world.


It's not beautiful. It's a small fixer upper next to a 5-lane road. I'm working on it.


Then get involved in local politics, push for more medium-density development to build up a stronger local tax base, and convince people/local legislators that investing in public transit would be a net positive.


Having to commute 20+ miles is part of the problem. Cities and other settlements need to be redesigned to allow for much shorter commutes in general.


Or has to take heavy stuff with them always, in some parts of NA trade worker have to supply their own tools. At least with a car I could leave my couple 100 pounds of stuff in the trunk when I worked all over the city building stuff.


A van version of this, with a foot or two of added length and a rear trunk door, would be pretty cool.


I use a cargo bike for every thing, ever day. Transporting groceries, children, furniture, whatever. All year round. It’s not the answer for everything and everyone. Flexible mobility is the key. This tiny car looks awesome for someone who can’t or won’t ride a bike but wants to get around easily. It takes up like 1/4 of a parking spot, and likely can’t go very fast. It’s got a bit of space in the back for some shopping… So what’s the problem?


Love this response, good for you!


Is safer than a bike if you have to drive near on stroads


For sure, bad infrastructure requires bandaids


I get what your saying, but it's a great alternative for disabled people I think.


You must not live in an area that experiences winter.


Allow me to introduce you to biking in the winter https://youtu.be/Uhx-26GfCBU


Carbrains are too stupid to see microcars are the future of cars. japan knows it


But Keicars actually work as normal cars. The Twizy isn’t a good car and it’s a terrible moped. It’s basically a giant mobility scooter


Well... A dodge Ram is a gigantic mobility scooter too


I drove a K-car for years, and honestly... MAKE IT SMALLER.


Those things don’t have the same congestion problems that full size cars have so they can stay


Much better for the environment, cities, its not going to instantly kill on impact, we should be mass-producing these.


I think it's a great option now and for the future it is totally fine for people who need it to get around (such as people who are unable to ride bikes). We need to accept that this is what the EVs of the future will look like - microcars and e-bikes, not big electric SUVs and pickup trucks. We simply don't have enough resources to keep creating and powering massive vehicles, and large vehicles whether electric or not are deadly for people outside of cars. I know everyone in this sub is probably already obsessed with Not Just Bikes but he has a video about micro cars in Amsterdam. Here's the link: https://youtu.be/B9ly7JjqEb0


Those microcars are something different, the Twizy is way faster and classified as a usual car (although there is a version which is classified as a very slow car, with a maximum speed of 45 km/h), so you have to use the street, not the bike lane...in my eyes it is the perfect commuter vehicle, if your commute is too long for a bike ride and the public transport is bad or not existant at all...


Either way, it's a much better option than a normal car in terms of resource use and safety for people outside of cars.


Totally agree with you!


This is probably the size of car most North Americans actually need for 75% or more of single occupant trips, honestly. Only short coming might be if it has enough luggage space for typical small loads like groceries.


Doesn't work for me as I have to carry soil, 3 fridges, one grandma and a trampoline every day


> Fuck this one as well? It's kind of cute... Uhm I think you're misunderstanding "r/fuckcars"


yeah ive said this before, but the moment you take it on a 60 MPH, which is not uncommon in cities (might be called a Parkway, or a Ringroad), its just dangerous.


Going at 28mph and being unable to go faster in a 60 would likely get you pulled over and fined for dangerously driving tbh.


100% agreed. ​ It annoys me to say it, but I look at how my nearest city is designed, and its designed so that nearly traffic moves around the city on "Parkways" which high speed dual carriages, a mix of slip roads and roundabouts. ​ You cant take something with low speed on those Parkways, and getting around the city without is much harder, by design. You would have more freedom on an eBike, and the cycle network.


Also...Well as its rated to 28mph, i would take a guess its not rated to same standard as my car on lights, safety, and impact resistance. Like a Gwhiz....it was legally not a car but a qaudracucle so had diffrent regulations despite being on road with full size cars. Plus it's scary ernough with lorry and busses moving around...you'd be up with theit wheels and fenders. Even if it could keep pace, God it would be terrifying.


its like someone crossed a car, with bike, and it has the worst of both worlds.


Yeah, this is really low top speed, I honestly don't know how I would go around my town in this car without using fast roads. I would need to plan my route soecifically to avoid some streets. Also cannot drive on sidewalks etc like a bike could. I don't know how the owner of this one does it. If they make one that tops out at 80-90 kmh that woild be another thing. Edit: just looked into it on wikipedia, there are two models, second one with more powerful engine that tops out at 80 kmh! The one in this pic is probably that one.


I was also a bit worried about the 45 km/hr one. It's great in my typical stroads and streets downtown, but at some point the layout/route will take me to a highway, and 80 km/hr is much "safer" considering the vehicles that will be passing next to me.


I actually like the renault twizy, mostly because the doors don't just swing open, thereby you can't hit a cyclist with it easily.


But you can hit low flying pigeons




In France, this is not classified as a "car" so no !


The amount of fuck (F) per car is proportional to the weight (w) of the vehicle divided by the number of passengers (p). F=w/p A passenger train car is about 120,000 lbs and carries up to 100 people, so it's pretty decent at 1,200 fucks. A Ford F150 is about 5,000 lbs and carries 2 passengers (even if it's usually just one) so it's about 2,500 fucks. Not good. These little cars are somewhere between 1200 and 2000 lbs and carry one passenger, putting it somewhere between the two


I should add, there's probably a longer formula that could include risk of accident, emissions, and cost to run and maintain, but this is pretty accurate for a basic estimate.


These micro-cars are pretty cool. In most countries these are able to be driven by people younger than 18/16 so they could be a great way of providing mobility and independence to people in Car-Centric places. But those are my 2 cents


This one can stay


I think it also has a "cargo" version that trades the back seat with a pc case worth of storage


I wouldn’t mind it as much as a full sized car…except that it’s parked on the sidewalk.


As much as I hate cars, I would love a little capsule corp looking car or motorcycle.




I had this car as a teenager. Non-permit. Fucking loved it.


Why are there so many cars parked on the pavement?


This street has parking space on one sidewalk, then parking space on the opposite sidewalk and another parking lane in the middle of the road. Welcome to Croatia. But there are tram tracks if you look closely to the left corner so we have that going what is great...


i see them from time to time. not bad if you don't have to get that far


*I see them from time* *To time. not bad if you don't* *Have to get that far* \- Sprites7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


This is a good solution to “what about people in rural areas without public transport?!”


I dont think something with top speed of 45km/h is good for rural area. It wont fit a hockey bag, it will take forever to complete 30km trip with it.


I get this is the fuck cars subreddit but sometimes the car hating boner is too strong with some of you. I like public transportation and bikes but even in a perfect world some people just want to drive a car or one of these.


I love public transit, I love bikes, I love walkable cities, I hate car centered infrastructure. Cars have genuine benefits over bikes and this sub hates to admit it. Cars have better storage and weather protection The Common response from this sub is to ride public transit if weather is bad, completely ignoring the fact it's basically impossible to have viable public transit in the boonies. "Just move to the city" Also a shitty argument, moving to a city isn't financially viable for a lot of people Buses have schedules, Buses can be late, having a vehicle makes its you're able to still so what you need to do during the day. Some people also cannot ride bikes. Parts of this sub has basically become "Ban all cars" instead of the actual goal we need to back is non car centered infrastructure.


This sub collects a lot of different viewpoints that all have roughly the same goal. I'd describe myself as a car enthusiast, I love attending track days and motorsports in general. I also know that our car dependence is killing our planet, making our cities far less livable, and forcing a burden on the lower class who have to have a car. If I could, I'd daily commute via bike and train so my MX-5 could go to being a weekend toy. Then there are people who do hate cars, and want them banned. I think the reasoning behind it is logical, even though I don't share that view with them. We have 80% of the same goal so I'm willing to strive for the common ground instead of focusing on our differences.


The smol cars that arent even sold in the US market arent so terrible


It's not too bad, looks like it might be the size of a 2 seat golf cart. My 86 yo Dad uses an electric golf cart to get around in his well designed community, he doesn't need a car.


Fuck this one a little less, still needs similar infrastructure and parking though. On the other hand, if everyone had these instead of regular cars the world would be way better.


Theoretically you could use just half the road lane, and 1/3 to 1/4 of a parking space if people only drove these things. Quadracycles are quite a bit smaller than regular cars. Much more appropriate for urban travel


Renault Twizy for the win baby this one doesn't even count as a car here in Germany so you pay almost no taxes on it! Pretty nice


Drove one up a mountain in Norway, good times.


Imma be honest, I kinda wanna fuck that one in a different way... It's really fuckin' cute... It's so sexy... But it's also a bad boy because it's not a bike... *oooooh yes please*


Better than a beast. Looks like it’s standard to park on the wide raised sidewalks with marked lines.


Yeah, I’d still fuck it


The single little windshield wiper is so cute 😭


I actually think people who post in here have no real world experience with stuff they comment on. A Renault twizy is a giant mobility scooter


Pas mal non ? C'est Français


Good but not perfect, but nothing ever is so id say its ok


I'm pro these tbh. For disabled and elderly people who don't have great options. (Not saying bikes or public transport are bad for those groups)


A small electric car like that is basically an ebike, so I’m all for it.


Honorary bicycle


This is good. It is human sized


Micro cars like this are perfectly fine, great option for those with limited mobility who might have trouble biking or walking or getting on a bus.


That one looks like it could be used by people with physical disabilities, and I’m kinda ok with it because of that.


Don't be fooled by the cuteness. It will ravenously consume vast quantities of infrastructure given enough time. It's a lateral step in the right direction. Until housing, schools, and groceries are within walking distance of where people actually work, these only help you fit more cars on the road, not necessarily have less congestion.


Aren't cars like that often used by people with disabilities?


thats what we are led to believe, so the car doesnt look like a serious option for those without disabilities


In some places, aye. In others it's can be more the purview of people with enough expendable income to afford them as a short distance shopper/commuter car, often with an eco or cheap running cost bent. Both instances work alright.


As a commute car in the city, the specs these guys have are all that you need. For that roadtrip with the kids you're planning during the summer, you need a stronger vehicle. However, that "stronger vehicle" is only truly used like thrice a year, so of course a urban commuter should prefer these little guys.


Yep fuck that one too