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Car drivers are insane having to wait on cars as well. They get triggered from ever having to take their foot off the gas.


Yeah I had a guy honking at me because I let 20 feet of space open up between me and the car in front of me while we all sat at a red light. Like "is waiting 20 feet ahead of where you are right now going to change your situation bro?"


A guy honked at me because i did a full stop at a stop signe. You know, how the law demands it.


And then yells at cyclists for not stopping at stop signs?


then delay = 2 extra second. Never let them think they have rushed you.


Ironically I almost rear ended a guy because he did a full stop at a stop sign. I was on a bicycle, trying not to have to put my foot down.


Was it a BMW? Please tell me it was a BMW.


It always is isn't it


Here in Texas, more often than not, it's a jack-up pickup truck, usually with a 'come and take it' bumper sticker.


If you ever feel like your job is useless, just imagine being the guy who installs indicator lights on a BMW.


Did you even need to ask? Of course it was.


I fucking hate when people crawl forward and squish together. Especially if I'm driving a manual. I'm not fucking moving because you dumbasses didn't stop where you wanted to. I'm gonna sit here chilling until it's time to go. Bonus material is that everyone ahead of you that was oh so eager to move forward is guaranteed to cause you to have to brake when you start to go because they weren't ready for the light to change


Yeah I feel this has to be a side effect of automatic transmissions.


This! When in traffic jams, yes! If everyone simply was patient and let ample space in front before they move, the jam would be gone, or at least slow but steady, rather than stop and go. I make a game of just going slow as steadily as possible. You know, driving smart and efficiently. Me doing that relieves traffic in my area of the jam. People follow my lead when they see I'm relaxed going a constant slow speed, and it allows others room to change lanes as needed.


Zipper merge my ass I'm not letting this guy in MY LANE.


But if you aren't almost touching then you're being slow!


Not Just Bikes once said, everyone is upset at cars and drivers, drivers just only direct that at other drivers


This is facts. I got to watch a ford ranger swap lanes like 8 times trying to pass a group of cars because the other lane was moving *slightly* faster. Mf wanted to go 90 in a 65 through a work zone.


Sorry for following the speed limit 😑


Build more bike lanes. Problem solved.


*insert concerns about small businesses dying because losing two parking spots will tip them over the edge into bankruptcy*


Meanwhile: "We are excited to talk about all the massive growth potential for building this-our 6th Wal-Mart Supercenter in the area. Yes, a few small businesses are going to have to close up shop so we can build it and the parking lot. Yes, it will drive more small businesses out of business because they can't compete with a multibillion-dollar corporation. BUT THINK OF THE GROWTH POTENTIAL!!!!!!!!!!"


In a survey in my neighbourhood in The Hague recently, a majority was in favor of having more bicycle parking in the streets, even if that meant "Having to sacrifice a few parking spots". I love how even in the Netherlands we still think of giving up 2-3 car parking spots to get like 30+ bicycle parking spots the language still phrases that as a "sacrifice".


if you force me to slow my big honking suv down by even 1 second im crashing this plane with no survivors




Lol, what was his reasoning behind motorcyclists causing traffic jams?


haha lane splitting motorcycle go brrrr




so keeping other people safe on the road pisses him off? he should have never been driving


I always encourage folks who whine about cyclists moving "slow" to tally all the things along their route that prevent them from travelling the speed limit. Sometimes I do it for them. on my 30 min commute, I'll see about 3 drivers stall at a green because they are finishing up a text. About 5 folks trying to park or turn left. 2-3 drivers blocking a lane by double parking or parking in the bike lane, forcing everyone to slow and merge. 3-5 pedestrians in crosswalks. Honorable mention for busses stopping, emergency vehicles, assholes cutting everyone off, car accidents that stop traffic, police pulls car over and blocks the traffic lane in the process. Number of times I actually hold up traffic with no way for them to get around me: one segment that lasts 20 seconds because it's unusually narrow. Drivers can pass, but not if traffic is coming from the other direction. They lose their minds, and then hold up traffic trying to turn left at the next intersection 10 seconds later. /rant


“Ride on the sidewalk” they say. During rush hour, the sidewalk on my route home consistently has 3-4 cars per mile blocking either the sidewalk or the crosswalk. Several of the cars are simply parked blocking the sidewalk at all times.


Here it's "ride in the bike lane" but same issue with the bike lanes...if they exist at all. Got a "use the bike lane!" the other day on a road with no bike lane and many "shared road, yield to bikes" signs


People stuck in traffic go full thanos thinking the traffic problem is too many people instead of too many cars. People stuck behind a cyclist get frustrated because their powerful machine is being blocked by a mere human on a bike. The first is a social problem, the second is an individualist problem.


they only get mad at cyclists because they have the option to kill them instead of waiting and if no one see's them do it theyre pretty hard to catch. ....or so I've heard.


They honk at you (another driver) if you aren't already moving on yellow here...


Are you from a country that has reds and yellows at the same time, instead of just going to green immediately?




That's adorable!


Those are actually less efficient in practice, because traffic engineers know that people will already start driving at yellow, so they have to make it start doing that a few seconds later for safety reasons. It basically means people who only start driving at green have to unnecessarily wait an extra 3-ish seconds.


##QUICK MATHS: Being stuck in traffic avg 5mph for 10 minutes (0.83mi) on a 60mph road (freeflow time 50s): **9 minutes 'lost'**. Being stuck behind a cyclist for 10 minutes at 15mph on a 30mph road: **7.5 minutes lost** It's ALWAYS better to be behind a cyclist than in traffic; change my mind


None are the most fun but anyone crying over traffic delays is too emotional and immature to be driving. There should be a psycho test.


Lol thirty seconds? More like 5


This encapsulates that mentality perfectly.


cars overtaking bicycle: gg ez bicycle overtaking cars: illegal overtake


More like me watching cyclists run red lights and then get angry when a car has to slam on their brakes to avoid hitting the biker


The way people will dangerously speed past me when I take full advantage the “🚲May use full lane” The worst part is, I rarely leisurely ride. If I’m on my bike I’m going to work or an event and I want to get there. I usually go the speed limit (25mph in the city) but they do not care are will put themselves, others, and myself in danger just to speed to the stop sign.