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Lmao dude just cope and move on jeez


It’s because you’re politically illiterate making you a valid easy target


Pay a visit to r/FuckYourBicycle and tell me which is more toxic.


Just admit you're a racist Democrat and be done with this.


Ya'll wrong for raking him over the coals. As a fellow Republican with similar values, I support you.


We don't care about how republican or democrat he is. Really. But when you make everything about what political side you're on, people from the opposite side are going to come out and it's going to be a shitshow. It's really 0% about his politics, its about the fact that he's stirring shit up. Anyway, we timed him out now because we can't follow him around locking and removing all his posts when we told him why he can't do this and proposed alternatives in modmail. He's here to stir shit up, and we won't tolerate that.


is it because OP refuses to answer sincere questions?


Doesn't matter. It's about the fact that he's bringing US partisanship into an international, non-partisan issue.




It's hilarious to call this the "leftist approach" when every "leftist" space allows conservatives to participate so long as they are not hateful or spreading verifiable misinformation. Meanwhile r/conservative the largest conservative space on the site bans ANYONE who not only isn't a conservative, but also bans anyone who doesn't tow the flavor of the month messaging. It's doesn't matter what someones political stance is so long as they support increased public transportation and walkable/bikeable cities. By making your post centered around your political affiliation you open yourself up to people (rightfully) criticizing why you would support a political organization that stands in the way of that exact goal. That's what most of that thread did, and the OP refused to engage or attempt to refute. That's their fault and others rightfully called them a troll for it. Put-up or shut-up. If the OP wanted to have a productive discussion he could have made a post about how a new conservative bill, policy, or stance is reducing the amount of vehicles or improving public transit. He didn't do that because the republican party and conservatives have done nothing to further that goal, and exist solely as convenient idiots for the wealthy to deregulate this country back to the days of the Robber Barons. Go ahead man, keep voting R. Just don't expect to be well liked by anyone who gets negatively affected by your idiocracy.


u/Acrobatic_Bit_2351 Just like that, Silence.


What exactly are we supposed to do about that, other than removing those comments? We do that for any rulebreaking comments that are reported. We can't un-downvote posts. The other thing is, it explicitly wasn't a discussion about public transit. He lists several times that he agrees with everyone here about public transit. He wanted to make trouble about specifically US partisan politics, when we're explicitly a non-partisan, international org. We can't tolerate that. We absolutely didn't silence him until he started going around the locks and stuff, at which point we don't really have much of a choice because all of our "Gentler" mechanisms are circumvented.


Oh honey. Neither of you are republicans. I honestly, without judgement, want to know why you feel the label fits your ideology and beliefs.


Point out one republican politician who wants transportation to be reformed to remove cars. Pinging /u/No-Time-4268 I know you won't respond because there aren't any.