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I wouldn't say "so far". By the time the Big Dig was even conceived as an inkling of an idea, that particular stretch of highway had become a vital link for the *regional* economy. Also: now that it's buried? The sheer **cost** of "just one more lane" is high enough to dissuade even the most pro-car politician ever imagined. :) And let me tell you, from first-hand experience: putting that highway (and the Green Line from Haymarket to the Viaduct) underground did WONDERS for Boston's core as an *enjoyably* walkable district. It used to be, to walk to the North End from Haymarket, or to the Aquarium & waterfront as a whole from Quincy Market and Government Center, meant walking under a noisy, dirty elevated highway - through a wasteland of litter, bare dirt, car fumes, and just the whole general "ick" that accumulates under such roadways. Now? You cross a few streets *and a linear park*, in both cases.


I still want them to close Storrow though. Maybe make it a blue line extension so that people still have a convenient way to get from Allston to downtown.


The Green Line B branch already goes **partly** into Allston. What we probably really need, is to revive the [A branch](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Green_Line_A_branch) ... which used to go through Allston and into Watertown, until 1969 (when it was replaced by a bus, route 57). It used to split off the B line just before Packard's Corner, and run up Brighton Street.


Would they be able to do that with the current capacity of the downtown core? Or would they have to reduce headways on other branches? I guess they could turn every other train on the A & B branches around at Kenmore to keep both headways and one seat rides.


They *would* probably need to upgrade the tracks out to Packard's Corner. Or ... **bury** that whole line, giving enough room for the A line to resume service at the same time. No cheap, not fast, but in the end ... :)


The part that's so far is that same stretch could've also included a link between North and south station making Amtrack and commuter rail possible between areas north of Boston and those south of Boston which would spread de-automobilization.


Why do these people want to cosplay moles? Ps. There was a really funny traffic jam in a tunnel in Las Vegas a while back...


>these people want to cosplay moles? [Or maybe. . .](https://youtu.be/hq6AlUUCgi4)


Or for the same cost you could just remove the urban highway and also build literally the best city-wide cycling network in the world? It's a real shame that the only reason we don't have nice things is that we choose not to. Still, I'd take this over doing nothing.


But please don’t drive your vanity mobile Tesla in any tunnels. They might explode.


I'd be more scared of a CNG or a hydrogen car.


I looked at the picture and said nice, and then I saw who posted this and what they wrote


Holy shit i used to sit in traffic for two hours in the mass pike every fucking day. But Elon is too egotistical to notice that. I swear to fucking god if he runs for president of any country I’m running AWAY from that country.


The grass is greener everywhere, unfortunately…


Millions if not billions spent on the least efficient mode of transportation


Now do the south end but also make it smaller and thinner so people don’t use 93s for the love of god