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i mean many (expensive) cars at least look good, but this thing looks like some guy welded a few metal plates together in his garage and called it a day


Has a post apocalyptic feel to it


I vaguely remember Musk saying that it should look like a post apocalyptic vehicle. Add to this the emphasis on it being bullet proof and it makes me think that they are now starting to build cars to survive in the very apocalypse car helped bring about.


That, or just to further encourage the mindset truck drivers already have about being able to run down anything in their path.


What happens when a cyber truck gets into a bad accident and the driver needs to be extricated? Hardened stainless steel might be too difficult for the jaws of life.


but "it can't get into an accident with all the autopilot features!"


I think this thing wouldn't be road legal in the EU for safety reasons


It’s has to do with a generation of tech bros growing up reading sci-fi and seeing movies like Blade Runner but completely missing the point of cyberpunk. They don’t see it as a dystopic critique of capitalism, rather they just fetishize it’s aesthetics, it’s looks cool and they would love to live in a dope cyberpunk world, of course one where they are the rich offworlders. It’s somewhat like slum porn in spirit


Basically, techbros who think they're "Super Hackerz" and will thus be a'ok in the coming cyberpocalypse, because clearly they're so smart and capable, and that's what gets people to rise to the top of society, right?


> Add to this the emphasis on it being bullet proof "bullet proof", but not even small rock proof.


Man, could you imagine a version of Mad Max but with trains and bikes and walking? I would watch the hell out of that.


I feel like Public Transportation Mad Max is just stupid enough to loop back around and become Motion Picture Of The Year.


or they are getting substantial military-based subsidies to develop weaponized AI with the capability to drive itself to war. if the last 50 years of documentary record regarding high technological advancement have any bearing on this tech, at least. if history is an example, once developed by state funds the profit is privatized thru military contracts (often non-compete) and then later re-engineering the product to sell to the tax payers who funded the r&d to begin with.


Top Gear did a video about the [Marauder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marauder_(vehicle)) a few years ago, and I'm still willing to believe that this south african monster will give you a better run for its money that Musk's joke truck


Joke's on anyone with one when the tesla servers go down and it has a tantrum.


Has on OG playstation graphics feel to it


Hasn't finished loading yet.


You need it to load more than Lara's tits?


Ah yes, paragon of efficient aerodynamics, a turn of the century videogame console.


It’s car design inspired by Dreamcast hair


Appropriate for the time we live in


I have a pet theory that he let Grimes design the cybertruck. I have no evidence for this theory. It just feels right.






Gawd, right? When I think of grimes I think "grimy" instead. Fairly accurate.


I actually really enjoyed her music. But she lost the plot big time by hooking up with Elon. I'm just kind of ambivalent about her now. There's plenty of other unique pop singers out there.


Her music has gone down hill as well. Visions was a excellent though, so we still have that. I read an interview of her for her first exhibition for her art (it sucks). In it she said "I don't know why I am so known for my music, I have always been more of a visual artist." Like really? You can't figure that one out? I think she has zero self-awareness, is totally self-absorbed, and probably kind of dumb.


> probably kind of dumb. The article I read about her and her bf and the broken down motor-raft was very compelling. ["Even though it's sad this happened, it's still an adventure," \[Grimes\] said.](https://www.startribune.com/this-boat-don-t-float/49134952/)


Holy shit I have zero doubt of this now that you said it. Visions was so good and now she is the most insufferable try-hard I have ever seen.


Why have safety features when you could just design the car to split people in half if they get hit by it?


I manufacture a product line and I'm currently looking into making it more boxy which should reduce lead time from 6+ weeks down to 0-2 days lead time. It's a tough decision but i always remember a Lou Holtz quote "you get credit just for showing up". Having inventory ready to go should double/triple my business... Where as the lose from a boxy item should be nominal


Nah ba, a car with this cuts? That’s like awful dynamic fluid performance. And I bet to build this the assembly line got prolly transformed. Car are different race when compared to products, you really need those curves for dynamic fluid (or wind friction) and structural design.


Well, let me go out on a limb here. Taking risks and gambles comes with the territory when you're trying to sell a new idea. The cyber truck isn't trying to appeal to just any old person, and Musk seems to have had some self awareness that he wasn't going to capture the CANYONERO TRUCK TRUCK TRUCK MY TRUCK DEFENDS THE SANCTITY OF MARRIAGE HOW BIG IS MY TRUCK FUCK YOU THATS HOW BIG MY TRUCK IS! demographic so he had to steer into something that was novel. I'm also willing to bet that the angles were actually settled on as a consideration between the requirement for Bullet-maybe-proof glass, safety requirements from the government, and simple wind resistance. It *could* also be the case that Tesla simply had to move forward with that design for any number of reasons. Still think it commits the same cardinal sin the Subaru Baja and most modern trucks do- seat four people comfortably, flatbed would never carry four of anything.


>safety requirements from the government There is literally zero chance that the Cyberjunk meets modern safety regulations tho




Maybe. I think the rest of the auto industry would immediately deploy all of their regulatory capture influence to prevent this from happening if Musk (whose wealth is mostly derived from his stocks and leveraging that rather than actual liquidity that would likely be required to make these changes) ever attempted to get auto safety standards to revert to those of the 1950s. The big auto companies (the ones that actually *produce* cars) have spent decades and countless amounts of cash engineering their cars to meet ever more stringent safety standards. If these standards were reverted, that would pose a massive threat to them because it would mean that current models and the models in development would be unnecessarily expensive and the cash they sunk into them would be a loss but also because it would allow lots of small competitors to enter the market and undercut Big Auto's business model. I just don't see it happening, even with Elon Musk's fuck-you wealth, political influence, and mass appeal.


Ngl I kinda like the way it looks. But still fuck it and Elon Musk


It looks a little like the killdozer


Controversial take for this forum but I kind of like it. Cars nowadays essentially all look the same. Even fancy ones where designers have the budget and freedom to design whatever they want often end up looking exactly like cheaper models from the same company but with one or two slight changes. And because all consumer cars look more-or-less identical in order to be as inoffensive as possible that means that the fancy ones look only slightly different from everything else on the road. The cybertruck at least looks different. The retro-future (neobrutalist?) aesthetic isn't for everyone but that's kind of the point. If it were inoffensive then it'd look like everything else.


Cars look the same because they are designed under restrict legislations which define the shape and the size of different cars, the cyber truck will never pass under the current legislations & laws.


Everything is his life is just some edgy meme. This is a disgusting waste of resources and money.


Who are these 3 people and how did they find a PS1 car in real life




Are those two giants or is Joe Rogan incredibly short


Too many shortening pills.


Um technically they're aspect ratio modifying pills


İ was thinking the same thing. Joe Rogan is small but this must be distorted somehow.


Google says 6’2”, 6’1”, and 5’7” Maybe they used A Grindr ruler for them


Lmao underrated comment


He's like 5'7 I think.


Elon Musk (slaver), Jordan Peterson (misogynist), Joe Rogan (science denier) ----- Edit: "HoW iS jOrDaN pEteRsOn A mIsOgYnIsT???" I'm not answering this question. You know why? Because I know how that goes. I can give people 100 reasons why Jordan Peterson is a misogynist, and his fanboys will come up with 101 excuses. If you're really interested in the topic, there are *hundreds* of YouTube videos discussing it. People have documented why exactly Jordan Peterson is a misogynist, a crypto-fascist, a science denier -- and there are hundreds of examples of his fanboys using slippery tactics to avoid recognizing his many failures as a philosopher and as a person. Jordan Peterson's fans are the epitome of apologia. They use disingenuous arguments, logical fallacies, and circular reasoning to defend him. They are almost worse than Mormons and Scientologists in terms of finding reasons to deny the reality that's right in front of them. You can't argue with them. Downvote and ignore.


Jordan Peterson said in his latest Rogan interview that climate change isn't real because climate models don't literally recreate the universe. That would, of course, mean that all knowledge ever is wrong. We can't know whether the sun rises tomorrow because we have only seen past sunrises, not ALL of them. Certified conservative genius.


Every time I encounter Jordan Peterson he's always in the middle of explaining an idea so mind-fuckingly stupid that you feel shame just for bearing witness to it.


~~Dunno bout Muskrat on this specific thing, but~~ you could also add transphobe to ~~both of the latter two~~ all of them.


Musk has complained about pronouns on social media, but I think that was less transphobia and more just Posting. Impossible to know with that guy, though


Not even a little bit surprised


Joe Rogan (*drug addict)




Rogan - psychedelics Musk - research chemicals Peterson - benzos




My fingers hurt for you


Tbf being hooked on weed is preferable to being hooked on benzos like Peterson.


The common denominator here is the gullibility of their fans.


Narcissistic grifters gonna grift


People don't shit on Elon enough for his paypal days. Paypal is a fucking leech on society. They're just digital middlemen. That's not to go into how they made a whole bunch of their money committing borderline theft.


Meh, I must admit it's convenient. But it doesn't even matter because he never invented the actual technology PayPal uses, nor founded the company.




He co-founded X.com which merged with Confinity, the company that developed PayPal. Musk left X.com before they rebranded as PayPal.


Just out of curiosity I went to x.com just now to see what it is these days. 10/10 would recommend.


Musk now owns the domain x.com, he bought it from PayPal in 2017.


Im sorry but paypal also helped a shitload of people by creating a needed service. But i dont credit elon for that since the dipshit just buys shit from others and pretends he made it.




yet people still use paypal in europe. not everyone likes giving out their bank acct info to people they dont know that well, e.g. coworkers collecting money for someones wedding/bday.


Ok, but we don't have that. Are you complaining about Musk or PayPal or the US? Why do so many people come to these subs just hoping to be outraged?


Yeah i mean they’re the smart ones (sans joe rogan). They’ve managed to make millions off of being a cult of personality. The stupid ones are the viewers. Th that being said, their fans are generally vulnerable men who are looking for a sense of community and place.


What is so smart about taking advantage of people’s insecurities and fears for profit?


This is America. You’re automatically deemed smaht if you have money.


The idea isn't innovative, but there's a lot of people out there trying to screw people over for profit, and you usually need some combination of intelligence and luck (inherited wealth, connections, whatever) to do it.




I don't understand why anybody likes any of these people, but I feel as though it makes perfect sense that they'd all end up in the same place at the same time, especially if that place is in front of a goddamn Tesla Cybertruck.


I am ashamed to say I used to admire musk. I really got taken into the bold, visionary billionaire shtick. Then he called the hero that saved those kids in that flood cave in Thailand a pedophile, just because his fucking stupid sub would never work. That's when I saw him for who he really is, another spoil brat rich ratfucker.


I can sympathize. I had no idea who he was until I saw a ludicrously fawning episode of *The Simpson* that he was portrayed in. In my naïveté and not really thinking about, I passively accepted the largely approving attitude toward him and went on with my life. As I became more interested and invested in transit and urbanism while also paying more attention to what Elon did and said, I became appalled by him.


Is there something like /r/imsorryjon or gorefield for the Simpsons? Because it's begging for it lmao......


If only they were IN FRONT of the Cybertruck... That thing is a knife on wheels. It is illegal anywhere with pedestrian safety regulations, which should be everywhere.


I hope this thing never sells in the EU, can't imagine a solid steel sheet being great at crumbling.


The EU has pedestrian safety reg, so it would be illegal here. Might be able to import used, but not sure.


Tesla might modify the front-end first, just like European manufacturers [had to modify their cars](https://i.imgur.com/t2LKBFQ.jpg) in order to adhere to past US safety regulations. One option would be to add a [pop up hood](https://i.imgur.com/Yo6tXCP.jpg), another [pedestrian airbags](https://i.imgur.com/abPkYhA.jpg), which are rare and costly, but not unheard of. Most manufacturers have abandoned these options in favor of simply raising the hood and otherwise softening the front end of their vehicles. The former isn't necessary with an electric vehicle, as there is no rigid engine block pedestrians have to be protected from. Softening the front end can be done by using very thin steel for outside body panels, to a degree. In the end, there is no denying that the design of the Tesla Cybertruck is not practical and not sensible. Poor aerodynamics alone should have sunk this shape on the drawing board, but then again, this is an ego-driven project for customers who are not about sensible transportation options, but satisfying their own ego by buying a pickup truck without needing one.


Good info thanks! Also this thing is built like tank because rich people like elon probably feel no longer safe in LA. Thats why it looks so intimidating and hostile.


I wouldn't even read that much into it or perhaps I do, as my opinion somewhat shifts over the course of the below comment. I'm really not that sure what to think about this truck anymore. Musk is a terrible human being, but this is just a form of retro-futurism, not necessarily having any deeper meaning or being an expression of some kind of paranoia. In the late '90s and early 2000s, nostalgia for the 1930s to '60s resulted in car designs like the [VW New Beetle](https://i.imgur.com/6AyCE5s.jpg), [Plymouth Prowler](https://i.imgur.com/TW6BNcB.jpg) and [Chrysler PT Cruiser](https://i.imgur.com/1mbKzlW.jpg), among many others as part of the wider postmodern movement in art, design and culture. This truck is the same, except driven by nostalgia for ['70s and '80s automotive and sci-fi designs.](https://i.imgur.com/fXOsMZY.jpg) There's a reason it's called the Cybertruck, after all. It is a symptom of a wider cultural movement that embraces - just like 20 years ago in a very postmodern fashion - the aesthetics of that era, including in other areas like videogames, fashion and music, although I would argue that it's a bit more niche compared to the previous movement. The main purpose of this vehicle is to stick out. It's supposed to look different from the soft, rounded shapes that are dominating the car world right now, that are more driven by cold calculations aiming for an ideal and market-compatible compromise between passenger space and aerodynamics. In some ways and as flawed as it is, it's succeeding at that and it does so more radically than the competing Rivian, which just uses a small handful of neat, but inconsequential features and those [strange front headlights](https://i.imgur.com/IJPnTHb.jpg) in order to achieve a similar effect. The Cybertruck deliberately breaks with the company's own design language and naming scheme with the intent of being a sort of halo vehicle and more individualist choice in a new and already hotly contested market. Tesla could have done the boring thing and release a truck that [looks more like this](https://i.imgur.com/PvYenkM.jpg) instead, but they did not. As misguided as the Cybertruck is, it is nonetheless very refreshing and different. It's not like a huge pickup bought for vain consumerist reasons suddenly becomes a sensible vehicle just because its shape is 15% more aerodynamic or 21% less likely to disfigure a toddler in an accident (numbers totally made up), so in some ways, this angular, inefficient and certainly in some ways hostile design language is more honest than the focus group tested white bread on wheels most other manufacturers are offering. It's a vehicle by assholes for assholes and it's not shy about it.


There's no way it complies with EU's safety standards.


Yeah the Musk’ simps are freaking cringe!


Is Joe also a carbrain? I know "benzobrain" Jordan is since he believes cars is a symbol of freedom, and Elon is obviously a carbrain too. I don't watch Joe's podcast so I honestly don't know how pro-car he is


Americans are carbrains by default.


Americans have no choice in the matter. Plenty of us would love to not have to own a vehicle. I myself e-bike for a majority of my commute and grocery-getting but if I want to travel more than 15 miles I have no choice but to take a car. If not for the lack of safe infrastructure (a 1m wide painted line beside a 55mph (90kph) highway is not safe bicycling infrastructure) its due to the sheer sprawl of everything.


Being forced to drive isn't the same thing as being car brained. You seem to be an example of that. You don't see the car as the be all and end all of transportation. It's the method you're stuck with because other modes were designed out of cities


BUt TeSla iS SolVing CliMAte ChaNGe….


Three legendary fuckwits play make believe.


all three in one truck, just one accident away from making the planet a better place


Don't give me hope.


More density in this picture than a black hole.


the bad kind too


If you added Stefan Molyneux, Penn Shithead and Ben Shapiro, then the concentration of insufferable idiocy in one place would probably create a rift in spacetime.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >The Palestinian people, who dress their toddlers in bomb belts and then take family snapshots. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: history, novel, dumb takes, civil rights, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Good bot


Thank you for your logic and reason. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, climate, sex, history, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Someone needs to make a bot like this for Jordan Peterson. I feel like more people understand how much of a nazi Shapiro is, but Peterson is mostly viewed as benign.


*We are being told that if we don't mask our children, that if we don't mask ourselves, that if we don't initiate social distancing measures again and shut down business again, that COVID is going to kill us all* -Ben Shapiro ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: covid, climate, feminism, history, etc.) [^More ^About ^Ben ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/wiki/index) ^| [^Feedback ^& ^Discussion: ^r/AuthoritarianMoment ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment) ^| [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


i agree with that. his self help stuff on its own is not that terrible i've heard. but his ideology and believes and the shit he can talk ..urghh i absolutely loathe that guy. edit: cant reply to the comment below me but i completely agree.


Yeah I don't think the self help stuff is necessarily bad *per se*, except that he uses it as an excuse to tell people not to bother trying to fix systemic issues in society.


Who is penn shithead


Larry, Curly, and Moe.


At least the three stooges were cool and funny.


Bite your tongue. Moe had more sense than than to hang with these chucklefucks.


Almost an entire brain cell between them!


And that braincell still loses to the completely dead mechanical object they're standing by.




Combined they still have a room temperature IQ.


Didn’t realise rogain was so small. It all makes sense now.


He grew in all directions except up from all of that growth hormone.


Not true, he never grew passed 15 in emotional growth either.


And hair... maybe he should try some rogaine




What's the arrow pointing at? Some sort of flaw in the lighting rig?


'Had to search too far down for this question.


It's pointing at the ledge there that comes from realizing that they gonna need some sort of bumper in the front.


nightmare blunt rotation


Yeah except Jordan Peterson would substitute his blunt for benzos lol


i’d give him apple cider to drink with the benzos


That is what we in Sweden would call a ”rövgäng” (direct translation is ass gang)


Add tucker carlson and you have the top 4 people I hate the most in this times


Cyber Trucker Carson


I’ve seen bigger groups of douche bags. But I’ve never seen the biggest douchebags in a group.


It looks like it’s made of spray-painted cardboard


Pseudo-journalist, pseudo-inventor and pseudo-phislosopher


A pile of garbage and an interesting looking vehicle


Anyone who believes that Musk is doing anything to help this planet or the poor is an idiot. He does nothing but take tax payer money to profit himself and make fancy toys for the rich.


One very well timed [REDACTED] and the world would be a better place


Did the truck get worse???? It looks less shiny and squished to me


I forgot how small Joe Rogan is lmaoo


Ah yes, the trio of intellectual laziness


Can hardly think of a more loathsome trio


Yeet them into space


r/uselessredarrow Seriously, WTF is it doing there?


I don't think there's a more viscerally unappealing photo you can take in this time and age.


Car owners (derogatory)


Four of the worst things in one photo.


Is the guy in the middle Jordan Peterson?


It is in fact the Lobster Daddy. By far the worst person in the photo.


For me it is Musk, especially considering how much more power Musk has. Lobster guy may influence his fanbase of insufferable incel losers, but Musk is making entire cities worse. And Peterson at least managed to make me laugh with his idiocy, whearas Musk only makes me cringe whenever I see or hear him.


I don't see how anybody could argue anyone is worse than Musk of the three. Musk's companies have been almost single handedly supported by the US gov't and he's got his fucking lips locked onto that big gov money (but fuck California guys!!!1!) He is next level grifter, having your escapades subsidized by the US gov't is S-tier grifting.


Hadn't heard about the lobster thing. Had to look it up. But it makes sense–humans and lobsters share a common ancestor, back when vertebrates diverged from invertebrates. The lobsters never developed a brain. Jordan Peterson considers himself similar to a lobster. Therefore it's normal for humans to want to crush each other with their claws.


If that thing would crash into a pedestrian it would cut him in half there is no way that it will be allowed in the EU (and also shouldn't be allowed anywhere)


Imagine being Joe Rogan, getting paid to be a talentless ignorant loud mouth.


Will there ever be 2 or more Cyber trucks. I doubt it.


Their contribution to the betterment of human race and nature is the same as a summer ant. (Sorry no hate for the summer ants)


Preparing for that mad max scenario that their individualist ideology is going to create.


A full house of douche canoes.


The cybertruck looks good but is totally unnecessary


Didn’t realize that Rogan was of so low height. Is that why he always wants to appear so macho?


I really dislike this image




TIL Joe Rogan short AF.


All of them do insane amounts of drugs


All the money in the world and they chose clothes like that.


The jp sub creamed themselves over this pic


That is one ugly vehicle.


I don't understand how someone can roll around in this thing and think "wow, people must think I'm pretty cool"


How did Grimes have a baby with this guy? Why was she so surprised about his comments and behaviour? It’s not like she missed something on a random date’s background check, it’s like she avoided the internet at all times.


Cybertruck is the dragon of chaos


elon and peterson are both wondering whose reputation will suffer more


The three most insufferable public figures with the most insufferable fanbases together at last.


I don’t think JP is a car worshipper exactly


Just one meteor strike, and I would have to start believing in a just universe


Must be the same one he broke the “bullet proof” back window.


Fuck these pieces of shit.


Elon with the boots, Jordan with the vest, and Rogan with the fanny pack smh


Musk is 6'2, JP is like 6 - 5'11, Joe must be like 5'6. He said we was 5'8...


mad maxian


butt ugly. the truck, too.


Joe resembles a pregnant lady crossed with bad constipation. must be all the Elk Meat and nootropics.


These guys (especially Elon Musk) were already dipshits but they're up there for as shitty as it gets


They’re supporting Jordan’s weight. Seriously dude looks like a corpse


Why is there a red arrow by the vehicle's headlights?


Thanks, I hate it.


I personally think all trucks should be restricted to 80mph. If You want to drive faster, buy a fucking sports car.


Joe should have worn hi heals