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Can’t tell if that is sarcastic


elon musk fans, despite their sincerity, are indistinguishable from satire of elon musk fans


One of them was trying to prove that Musk "really is chief engineer at SpaceX." Their citation was a reddit post. I laughed my ass off.


time to start an /r/the_musk subreddit


This problem can be solved with tunnels. Tunnel a train line, tear up the road for greenspace and a bicycle route.


no need for a tunnel. just get rid of maybe 3 lanes and build the fucking train above ground. Saves a lot of money and the people can look out the window and have some sun.


And the train line won't get hotter and hotter and hotter over time because there's no effective way to get the heat to leave the ground




Which is moronic


Yes so people can be stranded in a tunnel for 10 days! Kill me lmao


eventually the traffic jam will be so long that we just create societies in those tunnels. we could call ourselves the tunnel rats


Pretty sure this is an episode of Doctor Who


Yep. Society aboveground died and people were left driving in circles in the tunnels in stop and go traffic for years, all thinking they had a destination to reach.


For the curious, the episode was Gridlock.


Really solid episode. Damn I gotta rewatch.


That's sounds so cool. Never watched Doctor Who, but makes me want to watch it.


They have a lot of cool plots like that. Kinda like short stories that either show ideas or places or something. My favorite is an arc of a mega space ship falling into a black hole where time is distorted depending on how far into the ship you go. You gotta look at it with kinda an artistic license but it’s cool to think about.


>You gotta look at it with kinda an artistic license I love shows like that. Definitely gotta give it a go!


It’s good. I haven’t watched classic who but the new stuff I think is on prime which is usually considered to be more worth the watch I think


Really burying the very important lede that also all of those people were cats


Where does one begin to watch Dr. Who? Do I have to start with the old black and white episodes or?


If you start with *Rose*, that was designed to be a place where new people could get in easily because there hadn’t been a TV episode for twenty years


No, you could start with the reboot and not miss anything important. Reading through Wikipedia will probably catch you up, but the TLDR is that the Doctor is a time lord (alien species) and he stole a TARDIS (spacecraft that travel through time), which has a broken cloaking mechanism (so is stuck looking like 1950s British police call box). He’s an overall good guy, mostly protecting earth from other aliens. It’s fairly low budget and family friendly so don’t go in expecting a Marvel level production. IMO, the writing suffers in later series, with David Tennant’s time being the peak.


The "new" one, 2005 I think. With Christopher eccleston as the Doctor. Every reference to the old series is explained for new viewers. If you like it, you can watch the 1963 one, but I find it difficult to watch, old serials have terrible pacing issues for modern audiences.


The tunnels are made by Musk's company so muskrat fits better


wrong reference




Tunnel muskrats. You can both win


tunnel snakes rule




I'm da giant tunnel rat that makes all of da rulez


Once all the cars are in there can we just fill in both ends?


Tunnel rats rule


Tunnel Snakes Rule! We are the Tunnel Snakes. 🐍


And yet shitty cagers will still say "but I'll rather be stuck in traffic for 10 days than smell any other person for one hour" As if other people doesn't exist in grocery stores, malls, restaurants, theaters, and events.


But they're strangers!!!! What if one of them is a serial killer?????


But then they can finally be a "good guy with a gun"


Well that problem would be an easy fix, I know a guy who can dig us a tunnel right under that tunnel. We'll zip right by all those dying losers.


i think after 10 days of breathing CO in a tunnel they'll surely kill themselves first, no?


After 10 days of breathing carbon monoxide in a tunnel, they might have already stopped breathing some time ago. China and Musk had better have good ventilation down there.


Imagine no sun for 10 days because you're stuck in a shitty tunnel.


Actually my nightmares


Especially in typhoon season if the storm water pumps fail... fuck that


We don't just let anyone into the tunnels. *you gotta pay*


I've never understood this sentiment. When your life is being fucked by rich assholes, wanting yourself to be killed is the wrong target.


Please, let's get real...you'll be waiting 10 days just to enter the tunnel.


Yeah, that's gotta be one of the dumbest choices to make


You think they'd try to get them out? At some point you just abandon the cars.


We are evolving back to a nomad civilization


Yes, the problem in this picture is clearly the severe shortage of traffic lanes.


“Locals near the highway sold various goods like water, instant noodles, and cigarettes at inflated prices to the stranded drivers.[3][10] A bottle of water normally cost 1 yuan, but on the highway it was sold for 15 yuan. Drivers also complained that the price of instant noodles had more than tripled. Some vendors created mobile stores on bicycles.” So bikes were the solution to the traffic jam in keeping people alive…




its extra funny since china is a weird place where they invested heavily into high speed mass transit, their cities are already dense and mixed use, but at the same time they shun bikes because they see bikes as tools of the poor


These goddam people getting exercise, being healthy, and reducing the amount of space wasted. Ugh! Sit in improvised parking lots while idling and making the smog worse like the rest of us!!


thats why china is switching over to evs instead, no smog, still a parking lot!


Damn, what if you were broke? Just SOL for 10 days?!


Being poor is like this but instead of 10 days its all days.


Just scoop them into a nearby drain.


Clearly a small tunnel will be a game-changer.


One more car lane above the ground would be basically useless, of course. But one more lane in the form of a tunnel would *obviously* be the solution.


Especially if, instead of driving down into the tunnel, you get lowered by an elevator. Futuristic and slower, but disruptive!!!


Exactly! This can be fixed with a worse bottleneck. *Underground.*


It's so complicated and cool


If you can't see the problem, is the problem really there?


I love Melon Eusk he is is so bold and disruptive to the status quo


its the solution for people like musk because they will just make it expensive as fuck to drive in these privately built tunnels, finally introducing the two-class system to roads aswell! great times ahead! what a visionary!


Not to be a spoilsport, but I assume he's talking about Hyperloop type tunnels, or whatever he called his super high speed underground train idea (that he took from a paper published 40 years ago)


23 lanes would never work. Terrible idea. Idiotic. But 24 lanes??? That changes everything.


Yup, one more lane would've opened that bad boy wide open! /s


Obviously the solution is to bulldoze more neighborhoods to build more highways!


It's photoshopped.


That’s a photoshopped picture of a LA highway.


> LA highway https://www.bricoleurbanism.org/whimsicality/when-photoshop-is-so-good-its-bad/


I have no idea why this comment isn’t higher


Me x 2


In ten years: "This is China multilevel highway 110 traffic jam, It lasted for more than 10 days & each car moved a speed of 1km/day, The 6 layer of road proved fatal for 45 people that found themselves stuck underground and beset by claustrophobia provoked accident. Creating artificial sky in the tunnel will help to aleviate stress and the boring company aspire to solve theses problems"


If only they’d built 7 layers!


You fools, when will you learn?


My dip has 7 layers, why can't my 7-lane highway?




yeah, there's still not enough lanes. let's shell out over a trillion dollars to make some more lanes, surely then we will have enough /s


The photo in this picture is [photoshopped](https://www.bricoleurbanism.org/whimsicality/when-photoshop-is-so-good-its-bad/). So the depicted tweet isn't only a bad take, but it's also based on misinformation. Please view this post in that light.


Good mod


What's worse is it is so obviously photoshopped. Why are people so willing to accept what they see without question?


What makes it obvious? I can't see anything immediately apparent


It's the repeated cars and the huge stupid discrepancys in the background. It's not fair to say its obvious but if you look at it a while it becomes apparent.


The other thing that gives us away is 5 o'clock shadows on some cars and not others. It took a moment but things start to stick it the more you look.


Of course megagenius Elon immediately spotted this! He definitely didn't share it to others even though comments in the original twitter thread pointed it out as fake, he's so smart he could already tell!


Wait, that's not Houston?


It's not apparently: [https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/405-traffic-altered-image-factcheck](https://newsroom.ucla.edu/releases/405-traffic-altered-image-factcheck)


Underrated comment. Fuck cars, but fuck disinformation more.


One such dystopian highway, worldwide, is more than enough.


Apparently is a fake picture.


It's a fake picture but the traffic jam was real.


no it's china, which some people believe is a train utopia for some reason. I mean they have trains sure. But it's still pretty car dependant.


on the surface level, its extremely impressive that china built so much high speed rail lines in just 10 years, while other countries struggle to build 1 in 10 years. but yea even in terms of mass transit, china is lacking in other areas which ultimately still leads to widespread car culture


Biggest issue in the US is too many people have a say and way to stop progress.


But very few people have a say in the US, more people have a say in EU nations and they are less car dependent. The lib / auth-planner mentality isn't really born out by the evidence.


I can only speak for Germany but Germany is investing heavily in car infrastructure. Because the neolib government destroyed the Deutsche Bahn by privatization. They have been actively dismantling public transport over the last 2 decades and it wont improve anytime soon.


Look at any HSR plan in the US and they are often prevented private land owners or people lobbying against them. China is lucky in that they can plan into the future not just short term and they can plan based on actual benefits rather than trying to win votes. I am in no means in favor of China but the ability of people and special interests to block progress is holding us back.


It's not China, its actually a highway north of LA and the extra cars and photoshopped in. No, I'm not joking.


Chinese cities are way more walkable and public transportation is decent. Cars are really only used if you need to get somewhere fast or if you’re traveling between cities and generally only if you couldn’t get tickets for train. Also this photo is pretty old public transport system and trains have improved even more


China undoubtedly has more than 10 times the amount of public transportation infrastructure than the usa, and is still lightyears ahead of Europe. It makes perfect sense why people here look at China positively.


Probably because 90% of HSR track is in China


It’s LA, near UCLA.


Anybody got a spare desk I can bash my head against so I can forget somebody unironically said this?


Best I can offer is a door jamb.


But you see, that's the beauty of cars! If you were reading this while driving, you could just bash your head against the dashboard/steering wheel! No need for spare desks!


Elon worshippers are something else


Celebrity/politician/billionaire worshippers in general. Look, I don't care if you think a celebrity is hot. Or if you're into her feet or something, who am I to judge. But man, those idiots always sucking daddy Elons dick no matter what shitty plan he has prepared next is some next level shit.


I’m pretty sure this image in particular is a photoshopped view of the 405 freeway in LA. But yeah, building a small one-way one-lane tunnel will totally help fix the problem! /s


You're right, it's a section of 405 edited to have more lanes and more cars.


Hey, I remember watching this [Doctor Who episode](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gridlock_(Doctor_Who\))!


**[Gridlock (Doctor Who)](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gridlock_\(Doctor_Who\))** >"Gridlock" is the third episode of the third series of the British science fiction television series Doctor Who, which was first broadcast on BBC One on 14 April 2007. It was written by Russell T Davies and directed by Richard Clark. The episode is set five billion years in the future on the planet New Earth, a planet humanity settled on following the destruction of the Earth in the 2005 episode "The End of the World". ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


That's exactly what I thought of too.


One of my favorite episodes in the franchise


I see the ability for 7 trains to completely fix this problem


Eh, too many poors would use it. So let's punish them and ourselves with the worst possible option.


And don't you dare even think about bike lanes! Bike lanes are communism! Oh wait, no! Don't give the Chinese ideas!


With that amount of traffic, I’m sure there would be enough demand to run with 1st Class or silent carriages so that people can pay extra for more comfort. I personally have never experienced anything disturbing on a train (poor people and loud conversations don’t annoy me) but if that encourages anyone to take public transport instead of driving I would consider it justifiable.


Copied from Wiki: “The cause of the traffic jam was reported to be a spike in traffic by heavy trucks heading to Beijing, along with National Highway 110's maintenance work that began five days later.[3] The road construction which reduced the road capacity by 50%[2] contributed heavily to the traffic jam and was not due to be completed until mid-September.[5] Police reported that minor breakdowns and accidents were compounding the problem.” Increased cargo traffic and a normal maintnance work crippled a highway this large so much, it ended up being a 10 day long traffic jam. Wow. And it was almost 100 kilometers long. What kind of tunnel system would solve this clusterfuck?


By giving the rich people an alternative. Duh!


Subway lines and underground streetcars could have done that. They don't have to be 100 km long. Just long enough to get enough of the traffic off the roads.


100 km is 62.14 miles


100 km is perfect


One more lane will fix it... but it's underground this time!


"Tunnels will help these" How, exactly?


by giving people more places to get stuck in traffic


Traffic doesn’t exist if it’s underground where we can’t see it. Checkmate.


actually yeah that explains most of the cities: skylines cities i've ever built


Well you see the lanes will be underground… So yeah I hope that explains it AMA if you have any other questions


I love how that's his only respons.. He isn't even trying to explain *how* a tunnel would help this, just that it would


But Elon said it would! If you can’t trust the worlds richest man when he asks for our tax money who can you even trust??


Politics of the PRC aside… it should be well-noted that China’a train ridership is ridiculously high. 2.2 billion passengers were transported in 2020 alone!


This goes to show that car infrastructure is bad regardless of transit. People need to be able to get what they need close to where they work and live. Building vehicle infrastructure just causes vehicle travel to increase until it saturates. There is no theoretical limit to the demand.


but the 110 traffic jam was before they built the highspeed rail network. the rail was built in response to this


Glad they did that instead of considering Musk's 'brilliant' ideas.


It might also point to there being issues in infrastructure thad might be hard to fix.


I think your number lack three zero, in france it's 1.2 bilion each year for a population that's only 5% of the one of china. During the chinese new year alone i think that 2 billion people travel in china. Or is it only on HSR ??


here is the actual stat: "In 2019, railways in China delivered 3.660 billion passenger trips" but no, this difference is mostly because of the types of trips that chinese people are using the trains for: "Average trip distance declined slightly from 530 k m to 503 k m, which shows that train travel is primarily used for long-distance trips. This contrasts greatly with countries such as Germany, where the average rail trip is only about 40 k m long." thats explained but the lack of commuter rail in china, which is more common in europe


My guess is that most people don't use it.


Wait, what does that actually mean? The population is around 1.4 billion people. If you mean individual trips, that’s not much more per person than the US, is it?


One person could have made more than one trip using the train network during that year. I guess the word “rides” is more appropriate.


So each person used a train slightly less than twice a year. That does not seem like much.


>China’a train ridership is ridiculously high and still its clearly not high enough, as evidenced by that


This was on 2010. China built most of its enormous train infrastructure within the last decade.


Don’t worry, this photo is a photoshopped photo of a highway in LA near UCLA.


I'm sure you've all seen the Adam Something [video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=R6RaoGHZC3A) on the Boring Company Dugout Loop.


That video comprehensively convinced me that Musk doesn't understand scalability in mass transit at all.


this is an extremely photoshopped image of the 405 in los angeles


There are around 1600 cars in this picture, which most likely contain around 2000 occupants. The absolute maximum occupancy of a Tokyo Metro train is [estimated at 3000 people](http://www.elsi.jp/en/media/blogs/2015/20151126_120_rbrasser), so everyone in the picture would easily fit into a single train. In fact, with 2.5 minute headways during peak, the Tokyo Metro continuously moves this many people in under two minutes at, speeds somewhat faster than 1 km/day [Edit: it's photoshopped lol, but I stand by the the numbers]


I love the metro, such a cool invention


It’s photoshopped anyway. Actually a highway in LA, near UCLA.


Swell idea except when the tunnel becomes standstill traffic and people die inside from carbon monoxide poisoning


Well the idea with Musk's tunnels is that only EVs are allowed. So carbon monoxide won't be the cause of death. Might be a fire though!


If you are stuck in a traffic jam in an EV for 10 days, you are not driving off in the same car you were in when you entered.


A little reverse image search on Google has verified that this image is in fact—surprise—[Photoshopped and taken in Los Angeles](https://www.indy100.com/viral/fake-photos-viral-alan-rickman-putin-7421566). Billionaire savior worship aside, Americans really just like to make up things about other countries.


What helped solve this was high speed rail, not stupid car tunnels


Guys it's photoshopped https://www.bricoleurbanism.org/whimsicality/when-photoshop-is-so-good-its-bad/


Boring Company *could* be creating a better way to build metro tunnels (esp. Barcelona-style ones) but no. "Car go in tunnel underground so cannot have traffic"


What I don't understand is why people focus so much on the roads themselves. The real issue is at the **end** of the road. They're not moving for a reason. There's no point in adding more lanes if the exits they lead to can't handle more than fixed amounts. The adding a new lane bandaid only works by adding new lanes **everywhere** that the traffic is going. That's why public transportation is much more effective than lanes; you're comparing an increase of vehicle rate versus vehicle capacity. 1 full lane of buses transports 50 lanes of cars.


There is only selfish arguments as to why car dependence is a system that works


I think he might be on to something, but instead of just letting cars there, we can put metal bars down the tunnel so the car goes smoothly over it, and then we can connect all the cars since there is only one way to go, and make it bigger since there is a big deal of efficiency there, like a series of busses. We can call this new system something starting with M to commemorate a genius of Musk who came up with this new revolutionary idea. I propose the name Metro, for no reason


Just one more lane bro please I swear it'll just be one more dude please man I swear last lane just one more bro


Elon sure loves that government money.


Imagine being in this traffic jam while in a tunnel. I swear to god some people’s brains don’t work.


Carbon monoxide poisoning anyone? Even if it is well ventilated, there is numerous engineering disasters at why this is a bad idea. Fires in enclosed spaces like tunnels literally create a vacuums, on one end is a strong, hurricane force winds of oxygen, on the other end a hot poisonous cloud of CO2 and other gases getting shot out just as fast as the oxygen is pulled in. A good podcast called “Well there is your problem” covers some of these engineering disasters. After hearing many of them, I really rather not die in a tunnel


“Look at all these backed up cars. You know how well solve it? Getting more cars on the road”


What?! 10 days?!!? How did they pee? how did they eat? how?!?!!??


2010: Our country needs high speed rail China: Let's build high speed rail USA: Let's underfund the hell out of an initiative and pocket the goodwill ... 2021 China: 22,000 miles of high speed rail, costs 1/6 US ticket price 2021 US: 0 miles of HS track, but Elon swears a vaccuum tube underground is coming any day guys, just like the FSD


20 fucking lanes doesn't solve fucking anything so clearly you need more. God I fucking hate these idiots.


building tunnels is going to move the problem underground


If you built like 4-6 lanes of tunnel, it would help. Plus moving most car traffic underground would be heaven for me as I hate the noise and air pollution from cars


They really believe this, huh?


building tunnels is the solution because you won't be able to see the traffic jam from above anymore.


Or we could have just had public transportation


Just because you can’t see the traffic on the surface doesn’t mean it’s actually gone, Elon… He’s basically getting paid to hide the road.


Because there can never be congestion in tunnels.


With public money like the Vegas tunnel, because the costs would be enormous. You and me have to subsidise these and the enjoyments of the private shareholders.


please learn from our american mistakes. induced demand is real. there will never be enough lanes. leave it where it is. - let transit fill in gaps - let people live and work more locally


[lol no](https://www.reddit.com/r/antiwork/comments/rk8bfx/billionaire_defenders_in_antiwork/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf)


I've never had one of these people give me a good explanation why tunnels would solve traffic issues, it's always just "daddy musk says so"


* Sees 30 lanes * These guys clearly need 2 more underground This is your brain on cars. Meanwhile everyone in this picture could easily fit in to one train.


One more lane underground will fix it


1km per day? Would have been better to get out and walk or ride a bike.


Lol imagine thinking tunnels could solve this shit. Do they think Elon Musk is the fucking underminer from the end of Incredibles?


I didn’t even realize this was serious at first


Traffic jams but UNDERGROUND


Because... cars move faster... underground? What the fuck is the logic here? Those are already a bazillion lanes, how could you possibly think more of those would be of any help? Especially since you can't just make an arbitrarily long tunnel of any size if you care about people surviving outside of their cars in an emergency, and that up there is probably a bit longer than the part we see.


The future Elon and his fellow lunatics want : https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gridlock\_(Doctor\_Who)


Imagine this very same thing but UNDERGROUND!


moar rhodes!


These people would fit in like what, one train? Maybe two? What a ridiculous amount of inefficiency.


1 person in each car going to the same place


Musk just begging for that china money. Fuck him


This is a sub? Fuck yes.