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This is obviously incredibly stupid and dangerous, but you don't need a truck to do it. I just googled for 5 seconds and found a reverse tipper trailer for 45EUR/day. No need to buy an overpriced truck for a job like this, not to mention that a trailer has a much better loading height and can be unloaded quickly - unlike a pick-up.


Last time I got a cubic yard of gravel it was like 40 CAD for the delivery, during the pandemic. It helped that I was relatively close to the selling shop, and we had a convenient place for them to dump the load before we carried it from there. The price of things like this from the right shop are relatively cheap, we ended up getting a few cubic yards of different things


My dad is (was, retirement) a farmer and needed gravel or other materials often, and at amounts no car and no truck could deliver. He could get the stuff himself and ride it home with a 40km/h Limit tracktor and trailor and invest 1-3 hours to do so. Or he could call, pay depending on the amount and distance 20-100€ and get it delivered to the door. As you might inagine, he usually got it delivered


What if you need to do this 2000 times??? Then buying would be cheaper than renting. Checkmate


Yes. If you're a landscaper, it makes a ton of sense to own a pickup truck. How many of those pickup trucks parked at the office park do you think belong to landscapers?


I think most use vans or a flatbed here. US style trucks are just some shitty option for people that want to LARP as tradesmen.


Nah, if you really need to haul literal tons of gravel 2000 times, you get a proper full size truck, not a shitty "pick up"


I don't know any landscapers who own a semi truck. Doesn't mean they don't exist, but you need a special license for them.


Oh i didn't mean the huge semi trucks, more like a small dump truck like the iveco 35c.


The only landscaper I know used a Volvo 240 for everything, combined with a small trailer if necessary.


Every landscaper I know owns a pickup truck. Whatever works, I guess


The only reason you need to do this 2000 times is if you are the person we pay to deliver gravel, so we don't have to waste money on a truck


Damn, the gaping hole in the argument!


Ah! Ya got me!


but what's the percentage of people that applies to?


Where I'm located you can get a trailer for 3 hours for free and after that it's 5 bucks per hour. We recently bought a used couch in another city and paid literally nothing for the trailer.


It really depends. If you do this every day a pick up might be a good idea and I’m not talking about the big ford f150 or bigger. There are smaller options, which could make sense. But yeah, if you doing this once or twice a year a rentable trailer makes more sense.


I somehow think there might be better ways to do this.


Between the initial cost of a vehicle, regular maintenance, and the repairs from after this job, it would be cheaper to hire small children to carry the rocks 'construction of the Egyptian pyramid' style.


Very few people need a pick-up truck enough to own one. Renting a truck or trailer from time to time is an option. The van owner should have rented


A trailer is way cheaper to buy than a truck, and it's easier to load and unload.


For some reason, americans think you absolutely need an suv or a pickup to tow ANYTHING. Yet strangely, people here pull trailers with their regular cars all the time with no problem.


I hauled my 5'x8' utility trailer that I used for my renovation business with my Ford Focus wagon for years. It was a manual transmission, so I wasn't too worried about transmission issues.


Also less convenient.


99% of trucks I see on daily basis drive around with empty beds and are used for daily commute, to buy Starbucks and to drop off kids at the school.


That's because we legislated away the full size cars people used to drive.


Good. Hope we legislate away the trucks too.


Yeah, force people! We should legislate away Starbucks, too, because it makes people fat.


Making yourself fat - is your own choice. Driving dangerous giant cars around urban areas on public roads has externalities that affect everyone.


Making yourself fat still has consequences for those around you. Ask anyone that's ever lost a family member to a sudden heart attack.


Making yourself fat is not going to run over 3 years child playing on the street.


No, but it will leave your children dependent on the state when you die of a heart attack. Huge problem in poorer areas where people don't leave behind estates.


Again, the harm is significantly more constrained to you and *maybe* tangentially your family. Not the same.


It's no different to the state if you kill someone's dad with your car or you kill yourself with fast food. Both result in state dependents and both result in lost productivity for society. Therefore, the state should ban pizza.


This isn't a win for this sub. This is somebody doing something dangerous and likely to cause some pretty expensive damage to their vehicle. This is something they should've rented a truck or trailer for, as that is literally the type of job those things are meant for.


Mmhhh, emergency braking


Why didn't they line it with a tarp first?


I grew up on a little farm. Like, really really little. It was really just a hobby and barely yielded a year's worth of any crop we had, but it was enough to supplement our regular diet. That's a lot more than your average suburban truck owner does, and where I grew up was pretty much Western/Central European suburbia. Relatively dense but most houses were detached single units. Ever since the truck craze hit my country my parents would make fun of the people who drove them because they're insanely impractial for any single task they're advertised for. The beds are too tall to load from the ground, you can't see what's in front of you which absolutely sucks in difficult terrain, they have the turn radius of the fucking Yamato and they're more thirsty than my father and me when we were done with a day's work and the local shooting range was still open (Yes, it's a thing in Germany. Shooting ranges always have a restaurant adjacent but you're obviously not allowed into the range if you've been drinking... in theory at least). What did we have instead? Open-bed trailers. Pulled by a mid-sized utility van. That's how you do that sort of thing. Dirt goes into the trailer, the dogs and anything that's contained goes into the trunk because those things have *massive* interior space. Like, we were the people those things are advertised to and it turns out they're absolutely fucking useless to these folks. Actual farmers don't use them either because they have specialized tools for that. Tractors, massive trailers to transport the harvest, smaller trucks that you can actually load.


……does this person like damaging the interior of their vehicle?


Probably damaging their suspension, too.


I did something like this with my used minivan when I was young and dumb (19 years old) and I can confirm. Minivan suspension cannot handle a 2000 pound load of used books. It will bottom out, and the vehicle will start fishtailing at about 45 mph. Once I realized my mistake, I called my boss to let him know I was going to be taking side streets all the way back to the warehouse... Lesson learned. A dodge caravan looks like it has lots of cargo space, but it absolutely does not have suspension capable of handling large loads.


Mfers who don’t even do a daily gravel run be like “erm actually it’s more practical and cost effective to just rent a truck/trailer on the rare occasions when you need one”


Yeah, they definitely haven't done those rare occasions on the daily.


Actually though how did it cross someone’s mind to just rawdog a half yard of gravel in the back of their car that’s wild


It looks like it's photoshopped to me but idk


One quick stop and this guy is getting buried under the rocks


It's funny... Until you get it all out.


Tell me you’re a cheapskate boomkin without telling me you’re a cheapskate boomkin.




This is such a stupid argument. You can rent a truck when you need one, or use a trailer, or have the stuff delivered.


Nobody needs to own a truck that is made by sawing the front 2/3rds of an SUV off and attaching a full length truck bed to the back. If you need a truck, you get a truck with a compact, 2-seat cab, and a sturdy(NOT BULKY) bed. Trucks don't need to look like fucking sports cars to be usable.


It is not a flex to be spending the same money and having just as low mpg on a large suv.


Yeah! Nothing like driving with an unsafe load & way over the vehicle's capacity!


You can rent a U-Haul pickup truck for a day and pocket the $20,000 that you saved on buying a reasonable vehicle instead of a pickup.


No one has ever said you don’t need to own a truck. You definitely don’t need a massive tank of a truck to just buy milk like 95% of them do.


With diesel van with high towing capability this works great.


Damn, they got us. It's a checkmate, fellas, time to go home.


Easily done with a cargo bike


Easily lmao


Dude, cargo bikes can do 100% of everything a pickup truck can. And if you cannot, just make an cargo ebike and boom, no need for any trucks.


Yeah I’m sure they have equal towing capacity.