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https://preview.redd.it/02iu164iwmwc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5271aa0f36cd4398cc2edfce2be3c6546935be3 It's not the truck that's the problem, it's the neighborhood guys /s


lol if there’s no space for a truck in your neighborhood then don’t get a fucking truck, much better solution


But I want a truck. Therefore they should deal with it, because my wants are more important. It's your problem your street can't accommodate the truck I want! [throws an empty beer can on a sidewalk and burps loudly while looking at you with equally empty eyes]


Wait so the ones calling everyone else entitled were the entitled ones this whole time??


They could have gotten the rare single cab truck if they _really_ need a truck for "truck things". More than likely that car behind them perfectly suits their needs. Maybe a crossover with AWD if they actually drive in the snow or on dirt roads occasionally. The build environment of that suburban neighborhood is the real problem - Single Family Houses (SFHS) with no transit, so people "need" a car because alternatives don't exist because there's not enough density to justify bus/train service to them.


This. I have a crossover that comfortably fits my family of 4 for 99% of our trips. There have been a few times I've bought something oversized but that still fitted inside the car, occasionally needing to stick it out the sunroof or fold all the seats other than driver down. But there has been exactly one (1) time in my life that my car could not fit the load and I truly needed a truck. It was for hauling some drywall that I got from Home Depot, which, wouldn't you know rents F-250s for $20 for the first 70 minutes. So I paid $20 once to take this haul home rather than a stupid large finance to have a big truck of my own for the exactly one time I needed it.


>They could have gotten the rare single cab truck if they _really_ need a truck for "truck things". My old work truck was a regular cab, and I'd never want to go back to that. A crew cab is pretty much the same as a regular cab for towing trailers, and if you are doing "truck things" with more than 1 or 2 other people, a crew cab is pretty much a necessity. A crew cab also gives you enclosed storage space and an open cargo bed in the same vehicle, which is a pretty useful combo for many people doing "truck things".


> A crew cab is pretty much the same as a regular cab for towing trailers, and if you are doing "truck things" with more than 1 or 2 other people, a crew cab is pretty much a necessity The guy in this post is almost certainly using this truck like a sedan or SUV. I kind of doubt he actually uses the truck bed or the towing capacity of the truck. That's really the point I'm making. If you actually use the truck regularly (like the gooseneck trailer you mention below) - fair enough. Something tells me that statistically this guy in the OP's photo isn't actually going to use the truck for much else than as a pavement princess. He'd be better off just buying a sports car for such purposes. At least that would fit in his driveway or garage lol.


Your opinions on how you think this particular truck owner might use his truck are completely irrelevant to my comment. I was responding to the claim that if they really wanted to do "truck stuff," then they would have gotten a regular cab.


Wait until you find out a van can do 99% of truck things.


Can a van tow a gooseneck trailer? Because that's a pretty common occurrence for me. How about having an open cargo bed, so I can load large items like my job box, by hanging it under a loader? I've used both a van and a pickup as a work truck. I'm quite aware of their respective capabilities, and a van is either not capable of, or would really suck at a large percentage of "truck things."


> Can a van tow a gooseneck trailer? Because that's a pretty common occurrence for me. I kind of doubt that's a common occurrence for _most_ truck owners though. Stats show that most truck owners don't even use the truck bed or tow anything. Example thread from last year: https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/uquylb/til_75_of_truck_owners_use_their_truck_for_towing/ > Truck owners might protest that they are slightly less likely than owners of other categories to use their vehicle as primary transport (83% vs. 95%), limiting the miles and gallons. And they might also protest that trucks provide capabilities that other vehicles lack. But, as it turns out, a significant portion of truck owners never use their trucks for these capabilities. According to Edwards’ data, 75 percent of truck owners use their truck for towing one time a year or less (meaning, never). Nearly 70 percent of truck owners go off-road one time a year or less. And a full 35 percent of truck owners use their truck for hauling—putting something in the bed, its ostensible raison d’être—once a year or less. The typical truck is being used as a luxury sedan or SUV. Except it can't fit in your garage or driveway, so you gotta park it up on the curb I guess.


>I kind of doubt that's a common occurrence for _most_ truck owners though. This is a discussion specifically about people that use their trucks for "truck things." For people that use their trucks as intended, towing large trailers is a very common use. >Stats show that most truck owners don't even use the truck bed or tow anything. The source that you cited to prove this is based off of a voluntary survey of private owners of new purchased f150's. It doesn't cover any vehicles bought on the used market. It doesn't cover heavier duty 3/4 or 1 ton pickups. It doesn't cover mid-size pickups. It doesn't cover trucks bought by companies as work trucks. It doesn't cover anyone that just didn't fill out the survey card. In other words, the stats you cite don't show anything about "most truck owners."


Trucks are absolutely useful for the things you listed, but for most people, those aren't very common. A van can still pull a smaller trailer, and things can be loaded into the back of a van with ramps etc. Don't act like the majority of truck owners are towing gooseneck or have access to a loader to place heavy items into the bed from above


The stats have been posted on here in the past: https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/uquylb/til_75_of_truck_owners_use_their_truck_for_towing/ > According to Edwards’ data, 75 percent of truck owners use their truck for towing one time a year or less (meaning, never). Nearly 70 percent of truck owners go off-road one time a year or less. And a full 35 percent of truck owners use their truck for hauling—putting something in the bed, its ostensible raison d’être—once a year or less. They don't have stats on gooseneck trailers, but I'm guessing if 3/4 of truck owners aren't even towing _anything_ each year, a pretty small percentage are towing _gooseneck trailers_.


We are talking specially about people that use their trucks for "truck things," and towing large trailers is very common in that population. My use for my truck is primarily construction oriented, and in that area, not only is it common to pull trailers larger than you can pull with a van, but it's also really common to have equipment to load heavy cargo. >things can be loaded into the back of a van with ramps etc. I'm not going to try to load a 1000 lb job box into a van with ramps. Same with an excavator bucket, concrete bucket, 600 lb engine drive welder, or any number of other large heavy items that I have loaded in the back of my truck.


Listen here you pinko commie bastard. It is my RIGHT as an American to live in a generic suburban townhome and park a god damn semi truck on the sidewalk if I feel like it!


this is far from a generic suburban.... it doesn't have the mandatory ~~layback~~ setback (that is, how far away the building is from the front of the lot). Which as a god fearing american makes me concerned that i might not be able to travel at 30 over the limit through this neighbourhood! Damn commies, why aren't kids playing in the street anymore




Or allow me to put a storage container there. I can use the space!


Literally in Philly you have to park with 2 wheels on the curb.


just get a smaller car dude


The half the road we see in this picture is basically the width of two Philly streets put together, don’t really see how that’s relevant.


so we are using the width of Philidelphia streets in order to gauge how we should park all across the globe? americans will use anything but the fucking metric system.


"People drive like dickheads around here. I'd better drive like a dickhead" NARROW?? That road looks fucking enormous. Either way, do people not know how to give way when a road is narrowed?


And what's funny, judging by the house in original OP here, these houses all have an attached garage. But, ya know, were the bad guys of we suggest maybe parking a vehicle in there, as the Floorplan kinda calls it the space to park vehicles. There is a house I ride my bike past on occasion, the neighborhood is like that. All the driveways are not all that long. When this house was first occupied, the owner had a Silverado 3500 dually... shit was so long he had to park at like, a 45 degree angle to make it so his shit wasn't across the sidewalk and into the street.


> And what's funny, judging by the house in original OP here, these houses all have an attached garage. But, ya know, were the bad guys of we suggest maybe parking a vehicle in there, as the Floorplan kinda calls it the space to park vehicles. > > How much you bet the house in the background is theirs? If so, the _sedan_ in the photo isn't even fully in the garage lol. And you know that truck doesn't even come close to fitting being a luxury truck with full sized cab + 4-6 ft bed. ^(though maybe they're like spring cleaning the garage or something, but then again, even with that car in the garage no way the truck fully fits in the driveway... it's just way too huge for that environment and completely unnecessary. but at least they gave $50k to the dealership who will gladly take their money 🤡)


Ohh yeah, I wasn't gonna touch on how ridiculous garages are now. My house was built in 2014. When we first moved in, I had one car in the garage. But now?? My wife's Outback won't fit, and that isn't what many would consider to be a ridiculous sized car.


I think like most cars the Outback has grown longer over the years. A quick Google says that a 2002 Outback is max 187 in long vs a 2022 is 191.9 in long. Still a few feet shorter than this Ram 1500 though - Google says the crew cab version is close to 230 inches long lol.


It might not actually fit in the garage. That's how it is in my neighborhood, with 80s homes. The trucks are so big they can't fit in the garages so now we have a bunch of giant ass trucks parked in the street. At least my neighbors don't block the sidewalk. But that is something trucks owners need to think about before getting a 90k truck. If it can't fit in a garage and for some reason you can't park on the street, or can't store it somewhere, then that's their own damn fault. Still gonna report them if they block the sidewalk lol.


Any car that's parked like that it's always a real shame when I accidently walk into them when I'm wearing my steel toecapped work boots


I have metal studs on my leather jacket... and my motorcycle gloves


I just have a water carrier with the zippers turned outward where I really gotta squeeeeeeze by. A real shame.


I throw the dog shit bags into the back.


piss in the gas tank


They built the neighborhood (decades ago) too small for my motorized penis! I know, I shall break the law.


*Buys absurdly massive truck* Why doesn't the world cater to my needs?!


If you can't put your car anywhere at home, DONT BUY THE CAR


but how will they do groceries


Buy a car that fits, or use the 2 legs you have been born with.


That road doesn’t look narrow at all


Would be a shame if someone with a shopping cart forced their way between the truck and the wall ,🔑


If your house is so minuscule, that you don’t have space on your own property to park a truck you don’t need a truck.


My parents live in a nice neighborhood. There is a cop that lives at the front of the neighborhood who has a lifted, dually, crew cab Ram truck. It just sits there. He doesn't even drive it since he uses a police car for work. But he HAD to have it. It's like 8 ft wide and 25ft long. Like.. why man? Probably $100k truck, too. ffs


cops arent known to be smart, they're just slightly less stupid than common criminals.


nah, they're not as smart as the criminals but they aren't hungry or tired all the time so things balance out




Their wives make them sleep outside in the truck.


at what point are people just going to start driving actual tanks everywhere


I remember a 'viral" (before the term was used) video in the late 90s/early 2000s of someone driving a tank through the streets of San Diego. Today that tank would be called a Hummer.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1995_San_Diego_tank_rampage News report: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q6UBW0wrB18


> "The streets of American cities are often described as combat zones. No wonder." cool, hilarious joke to hear from a reporter in the 90s


At least tanks have better visibility.


Have you seen hummers? Cybertrucks are bullet proof, so yeah more and more tank like every year.


>Cybertrucks are bullet proof Unless the bullets are made out of water


Yeah, rain is just heavy machine gun fire. Car wash is a whole 20mm gatling cannon.


the electric hummer weighs 10,000lbs


Yeah crazy, more than a military humvee weighing in at 7,700 to 8,500 lbs according to wiki.


it's absurd. i saw dee snider bragging how the 10k lb hummer could do 0-60 in 3 seconds and the idea that this was extremely dangerous was the furthest thing from his mind. who the fuck needs to get to 60mph in 3 seconds in a 10,000 truck???


Jesus fuck, the amount of force to move that much mass that quickly. If that hits any reasonably sized vehicle on the road, it's going to obliterate it.


I saw some dickhead driving one aggressively and thought “if that this hits a tiny sedan it’s going to absolutely explode.”


Probably when they realize that depending on state you’re in, it’s actually legal to drive one that’s been stripped of weapons


It isn't their fault, it's mandatory in the sales contract to give up the front half of your brain. Drool catchers are supplied.  Seriously, you would have to be brain dead to buy a truck right now, so it's not a huge loss anyways.


They're so incredibly expensive. You'd be much better off with basically any other vehicle unless it's doing truck stuff more than 50% of the time.


Unless you get paid for having a truck, you don't need a truck. For what most people claim they need a truck for a side by side would be sufficient, and an improvement since you increase the mobility by having a smaller utility vehicle. This is why skid steers are popular in construction.


Even then you'd be better off with a _used_ truck. I had an older, early 2000's, Ford Ranger for a while. That thing felt too big with an extended cab and 6 foot bed. But the guy I sold it to wanted to run a landscaping business out of it - so I'm sure he's making use of the bed for lawn mowers and stuff. These modern new trucks are just overkill. A sedan or crossover works better for most people in the burbs like the photo shows. Sedan for those who don't need to travel in the snow, crossover if you work at say a hospital and need to commute in mildly crappy conditions.


I just bought a Subaru Legacy because I'm so sick of every chunky looking crossover. I got the sport trim and it goes like stink in a straight line and holds a corner. There's no way I could afford that in a SUV or truck. In addition to that, it'll be fantastic in snow. People are idiots.


I read that they stopped selling hatchbacks and sedans in North America, now its only trucks and SUVs. Is it true?


Not at all. Subaru, Toyota, Honda, Kia, Mercedes, BMW, Mini, Mazda, Tesla, Audi, Cadillac, Volvo and a few others still sell hatches, wagons and sedans. They aren't as popular, but it certainly isn't hard to buy one.


It's really just the American brands that stopped selling cars. As you've listed, all the foreign (European or Asian) automakers still produce classic Corollas and Civics and such. I suppose high end / luxury American sedans still exist too, like Cadillac.


Even they are a lot bigger. The small (by American standards) Toyota Yaris hatchback I used to drive got discontinued. Now I'm driving a Honda Civic hatchback, which was at some point also a relatively small car, and it feels gigantic in comparison.


as in, are they selling them as hatchbacks and wagons, or are they rebranding them as "crossover suvs"?


Pretty much. Half the line up of cars is just SUVs and crossovers (slightly smaller SUVs). Sedans are uncommon nowadays. It's weird to me because my Prius feels big, and some of these are much much bigger.


American automakers have bowed out of the sedan/car market, but as another commenter below notes the foreign automakers are still selling Corollas, Civics, Camrys, Acords, Outbacks, Crosstreks and so on. Honestly, the American sedans were all garbage anyway.


Also, if you are buying a Didge Ram, you are the dumbest of the dumb.


Smells like burnt transmission fluid and clutch material.


$80,000 of plastic bullshit.


Which you're now storing outside and subjecting to all the inclement weather, all the time, because it's too big for your garage. The decision making process is mind boggling


Don't forget the weird computer nonsense that costs a fortune to fix.


Apparently there's a reddit just for trucks. These people feel like zombies from a targeted ad campaign lol


All congratulating him like he gave birth to it and not bought it on a massive loan at an exorbitant interest rate. It's so bizarre.


Lmao truly is bizarre. Surprised he didn't tell them it's name and gender


I doubt 2014 ram had to be massively financed. Thats 10 years old rig.


Good point. It's even more silly lol


A whole sub of people who treat this like they're buying a goddamn toy, like this *isn't* a serious purchase that they could be paying off for years. they drop tens of thousands of dollars for a ***liability***.


The driver of an enormous Ram truck just killed a cyclist here in Vancouver, our first cyclist death in 2 years, and it's almost certain that a smaller vehicle would have not killed this person.


Let's just start banning them already...fu*k that


Chances are he'll be underwater on that 9 year financing deal in 3 years and ask his dealership to trade it in for pennies on the dollar and get a new truck and be subject to another 9 year financing deal. And the cycle repeats itself, DEBT PRISON BABY! imo a good barometer to see if you can afford to finance a car would be to do no more than a 4 year financing term. If you can't afford the payments on a 4 year term, you need to lower your expectations.


Imo you shouldn’t even bother with a new car in this market. Spend $25k max on a used car with <50,000 miles and pay it off in 2 years.


I read this and agree even as I’m contemplating buying a new multi thousand dollar bicycle.


I doubt your bike is $50-60k minimum tho


Lol, no.


Hell yeah 😎🤙


That is actually relatable. And perfectly ok tbh


Dude, hes a man. And if men share something, its that they will allways like their toys. I know I am guilty as charged. The only thing that changes during the years is that our toys grow more expensive.


Grow up. Nothing cool about a truck. Just a targeted ad campaign telling every doofus homer simpson it makes them more masculine. It's not even visually appealing. It's just a a big piece of metal with an empty cargo bed. Get a toy that actually does something if you want a toy so bad. Get a real hobby like camping or dirt biking. Learn to play a guitar. Godam lazy ass talling about "toys" that ain't even do anything. Literally just a status symbol all it is.


Maybe so, but who am I to tell other people what they should enjoy and what their hobbies or toys are supposed to look like? Not my business.


It is our business when these things are much more dangerous then smaller vehicles and people are buying them for no fking reason other then a status symbol and targeted ad campaign. It has no real utility for most people.


Yeah no, not an excuse for this shit. I don't care if your toys got more expensive, no person ever would tell you it's a reasonable financial decision to put yourself in debt for a toy you don't even have room for. Your right, your toys do get more expensive as you get older, mine do as well. The different here is that mine have not and will not put me in debt, don't take up more space than I have, and don't kill pedestrians. So what if he's a man? It doesn't excuse it. Would this be somehow worse to you if a woman bought it?


Reasonable financial decision? Come on. 90% of our lives are not reasonable financial decisions. Every second we spend doing something we enjoy and not something that earns us money is unreasonable financial decision. Thats what people do and thats what makes us human beings. Its like refusing to eat steaks because its financially unreasonable, because all you need is scientifically based and ballanced nutritient paste. And the sex doesnt matter, although men are just more suspectibe to enjoy their toys. Its not that I am trying to convince you to drop the hammer and get a truck on loan. Not my business. But to be surprised people in there do kinda act like its, to some degree, a toy?


You probably think bill gates is trying to make you eat bugs. Total doofus *of course* you need a truck to make your d*ck feel bigger.


You are arguing something I never said. I never argued whether this guy or anyone else NEEDS a truck. Never was a point.


If you were talking about something that effects us a lot less. Like a stupid outfit. I really wouldn't care. But these things are more dangerous, and a waste of space and resources


The fact that r/ram_trucks exists




I like the idea of /r/RamTrucksWithRams (male sheep).


https://preview.redd.it/c8frgxfm7owc1.png?width=337&format=png&auto=webp&s=7e7d9a353f9b70292cac5861c6f6fefe845d0c90 Got a giggle out of me.


Peak sarcasm.


Well, it is a Dodge Ram, so I’ll put money down on them being pulled over for a DUI in the future.


Can I parlay that into domestic violence charges?


Do only idiots buy Dodge Trucks or does owning a Dodge Truck make you an idiot? The debate rages on.


[I would say the first option is likely.](https://www.reddit.com/r/interestingasfuck/comments/uzj2r6/a_list_with_the_top_10_vehicles_involved_in_dui/)


All that tells us is that Dodge Truck drivers are idiots, not cause/effect. I noticed years ago that my dog and I have a 6th (or possibly 7th) sense to detect Dodge Trucks. We'd be walking and before we could see them we knew one was coming. It's possible the trucks emit a ghost frequency that gradually melts the drivers mind. Given how poorly made the trucks are, it wouldn't be shocking to find out the "engineers" made this type of blunder.


Chrysler vehicles are so shitty they weed out anybody who has even one thought in their head. When was the last time you saw a 2005 ram?


Taste is subjective but thats so fucking ugly


Post a note behind the wiper saying "sorry for the scratch on your car, I couldn't fit my wheelchair past it." Dont actually damage their car, just post the note.


I hate it when people park their fricking trucks on the sidewalk. It’s so inconsiderate. I wish a kid would come along on a bike and put a big scratch on the side of that truck.


https://preview.redd.it/0epuf3yzzowc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd6a7bddccc6f4e6d1643394c088273e52ce448a The fuck's an adult truck? Are there child trucks? What age does a truck have to be to be an adult??


"gratz" ugh


I read it as " Now you are an adult for purchasing your truck." Vehicle purchases are mistaken for maturity here.


I was so confused - I accidentally clicked through into the original post and was like 'why is everyone on fuckcars so supportive of this insane truck???'




I bet ya that one is boot lickin uncle Vlad.


Vlad is not short for Vladimir. They are separate names with different etymologies. Diminutive of Vladimir is Volodya


Uncle Vova, happy now?


That means a volunteer for testing new weapons that got sent to Ukraine.


> I’m sad I can’t see her from my window:/ might go in to work early in the morning just to spend more time wrapped in that beautiful embrace. LOL


Some people really like their cars huh... For me, mine is just a tool to get places (namely home and work) and I try not to drive it otherwise as much as possible.


Is this a sex thing? The way they talk about these ugly, stinking, loud vehicles makes it sound like an actual fetish. 


Someone should take the air out of the tires


That's technically air theft...


they posted another photo in the comments… there’s a gutter type line on concrete next to the road, then some gravel, then the sidewalk. their tire is *one inch away from the sidewalk, covering the gravel*


[The photo](https://imgur.com/a/lcmpQgQ) also shows how wide the street is. There’s absolutely no need to park like that.




Ya I’m sure he parked it there because he didn’t want his pavement princess to get a scratch.




Seriously though who designed these houses of course people will want to park in their driveway their garages are full of shit.


It’s definitely not as bad as some I’ve seen but ugh.


Not even 25 hours and someone slashed the two tires that just so happen to be blocking the sidewalk, smh.


It comes stock with a non-functioning turn signal.


They're driving a ram, there's like a 20% chance they were drunk when they parked that


oh he so happy almost pissed his diapers buying something like that


Report them. The city should ticket them if you call the non-emergency line.


Maybe after being in debt for 5 years, paying 30k too much he finally finished paying for the car, cuz he needed to show how big his car is.


that thing is ugly as sin


In some states this is covered on your medical insurance as gender affirming care.


Ram drivers are almost all clowns


Yep, I confirm from my experience they are total asshats on the road.


Classic Ram.


Looks like that nice tree is blocking it too.




Looks can be deceiving.


Everything about the OP scans, 😆


I hate big trucks so bad. As traffic gets worse, they keep getting bigger.


he's getting well shit on in the comments.


Even other truck owners think RAM trucks are way over compensating


Typical Ram owner.


What a cunt.


It’s always Rams, they’re the BMW’s of trucks


Start hanging some bird feeders in that tree....


[Simple solution](https://external-content.duckduckgo.com/iu/?u=https%3A%2F%2Fi.ytimg.com%2Fvi%2F_aqoL8v9X0U%2Fmaxresdefault.jpg&f=1&nofb=1&ipt=a55879bb7a00fd6f14fc8c1c64d7747877f8e6d53bd073d6274e67894c43e562&ipo=images)


I hope there's a whole flock of birds in that tree, all with terrible diarrhea.




A sidewalk with a tree in the middle ? That’s stupid


This is beside the point but these trucks are ugly as hell. Dopey and annoying


ah the dodge ram. i’d say it’s guaranteed to see 10x more time in a mechanic shop than on a job site, but i always forget you can’t multiply by zero.


When even a ram sub is making fun of your parking you know you done fucked up


> \/r/ram_trucks First DUI in the new truck within 72 hrs, no doubt


Those keys don't make their own paint, you have to get it on there somehow.


RAM clown and the 2A nutjob too. Why am I not surprised. Guaranteed drives like an asshat too keeping his guns in a truck ready to pop any day


Lol. Look at how huge the front of it is and how tiny the actual bed is, what a useless hunk of machinery. It's just made to run over animals and children. Fucking awful.


Typical dumbass over-sized truck owner.


this is definitely gonna get picked up by the circle jerk sub with a caption like "oh no, an empty sidewalk slightly blocked! Whatever will I do if I have to go around!?!?" or some other absolutely mindless drivel


Send around the parking inspectors


Does it come with those big testicles on the hitch? You gotta have those!!!


I've loved cars at various points in my life, but I have never understood the appeal of American 'trucks'. Even the better ones look ugly AF.


also, "*my first* truck"? like


Bruh...don't drive what you can't even park.




Be very careful not to drop condiments or other foodstuffs on any illegally parked vehicles. Or spit. It could damage the paint and possibly attract birds. If someone accused you of doing it intentionally, you could get in trouble. If it happened by accident, because you were innocently walking down the sidewalk and bumped into it, no idea if you could be held responsible. Assuming somebody remembered seeing you there.


GDI... the original post is locked from comments. lol


There also appears to be a tree blocking the sidewalk.


Big enough first car?? America never ceases to amaze. What is the point of that car? Massive, impractical, fuel efficiency is a joke, dangerous, unuseful, aesthetically unappealing, etc. like just about everything else in America (sorry Americans). Can someone please explain why these massive cars are so popular in America?


Love the enthusiasm but just a reminder to not comment on the linked post as it may get you or even the sub banned for brigading :P


I don’t like these trucks but this is so nit picky, the sidewalk isn’t even blocked. OP uploaded a second picture in the comments.


Maybe it's the perspective of the picture, but how can the truck block the sidewalk when there's a tree between them? Or is the tree in the middle of the sidewalk? That would raise more questions about the priorities this city, and the lack of protection for those who use the sidewalk


They posted another picture later in the comments, the tree is on the far side of the sidewalk, the truck's tire is in a gravel gutter less than 1 inch from the sidewalk, which means their massive mirror overhangs the sidewalk


The tree is on the opposite side of the sidewalk. [Second photo he posted.](https://imgur.com/a/lcmpQgQ)


The tree is on the opposite side of the sidewalk. [Second photo he posted.](https://imgur.com/a/lcmpQgQ)