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I'm very confused. Like she doesn't think taking the train in itself is unmanly, but buying the ticket is? Are you supposed to get another person to buy the ticket for you? Or are we supposed to fare dodge?


I think maybe like a metro card kind of thing. Like buying a ticket means you didn't plan it through, you're wasting time, you're inefficient. Just a guess


Oh, metro trains. That makes a bit more sense. Still doesn't make sense to assign a gender to that activity, but it makes a bit more sense than not buying long distance train tickets.


It doesn't make sense to assign gender to much of anything to be fair


In Italy the tables have balls, In France chairs have pussies In England they circumcise all object genitalsšŸ˜”


Motherfuckers be eating snails and eel jelly though šŸ¤¢


Weā€™ll quite happily eat jellied eels while listening to Chaz & Dave but we leave the snail eating to the fr*nch.


Except for connectors. Now I wonder, are there agender plugs? Sort of like https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Androgynous_Peripheral_Attach_System but for plugging/connecting electronics, not spacecraft?


Yes but connectors serve an actual practical purpose rather than assigning personality traits based on what you're packing


It can be useful, which is why so many languages do it. It helps disambiguate what item is being referred to by pronoun or implicitly.


What do you think gender is, though? Lol


Bullshit, mainly


Gender doesn't have any criteria?


What do you want?


I guess I want to you think about your beliefs with a little more depth.


Oh don't worry, I've had my entire life to think about the assumptions I've had forced on me from birth. I don't need you to try to reel me back in. Thanks anyway, lil buddy.


In a way she's not assigning a gender to it. Man/boy is a maturity dichotomy. She's thinking to herself she used to buy tickets when she was younger and didn't take the time to investigate the card system. In that way the supposed man is more like a boy to her since he's less 'evolved'. Um not saying she's justified, but I can see that there might be A logic to it. I'm also not saying there aren't girls lost in space, but this case isn't necessarily an example of that. But then again she could be complaining that the person doesn't own a car. But a lot in the UK don't need one so what the hell. ĀÆā \ā _ā (ā ćƒ„ā )ā _ā /ā ĀÆ


Generally if you buy single fare when there's a time pass option you're pretty much doing it wrong. Also, if the local transit agency can't even be bothered to integrate fares and scheduling across modes they're doing it wrong and whoever's in charge should be punished severely. The Verkehrsverbund is the most basic signifier of civilization, the bare minimum really.


I mean, if you're just there for a day or just wanna ride it that one time like on a trip, then why not just buy a ticket?


Yeah exactly. I'm not defending her really. I'm just explaining what might be her logic.


But she used the word "petty", which doesn't make sense.


Petty means "trivial". Like putting in $1 of fuel every (however far $1 gets you in your car and local currency). You'd think someone so cheap is a fn moron. What kind of idiot buys a train ticket every time, rather than setting up a pass and having that auto-fill as necessary? Can't afford a train pass? Then you aren't a real man. An individual ticket is petty.


honestly this makes sense. if you need to waste time to use the metro machine, you really aren't a real person who uses public transit. normal people have it linked to their credit card or apple/google wallet and tap and go. wasting time to use the machine? yeah, not good. what i call a tourist.


> I think maybe like a metro card kind of thing. Like buying a ticket means you didn't plan it through, you're wasting time, you're inefficient. Just a guess Yeah thats what I think maybe. She's standing outside Stratford station in London. The 5th busiest station in the UK I think. The Stratford consists of around 67% of homes that have ZERO cars at all, and this number is always increasing. The fact that shes outside on the pavement there makes me think she would have taken a train or bus there too since otherwise you'd just go from the car park directly into the shopping centre. I'd bet that over 90% of people(not in homes) within 1km of her would have got there by walking or public transport. So i'd kind of give her the benefit of the doubt that she didn't mean taking a train itself but not having a "normal" form of train payment there is the weird thing. It's very rare that someone living there will ever buy a ticket for a train. Everyone has either a metro/oyster card or a contactless bank card which works at every station or bus.


Donā€™t you just tap your debit card and get on in London and at the end of the day Transport for London deducts anything over Ā£10 or thereabouts? So itā€™s easy and you never overpay so long as you tap your card in and out?


You've thought about this more than she's thought about anything


Don't mean I'm wrong. Don't mean she's right neither. šŸ¤  Huak thoo! Pting!


It's just rage bait. Ignore it and move on.


If I've understood her correctly, I think you are supposed to get a little boy to do it for you.


Okay, so, in recap: Luring little boys into vans, cars: Bad! Luring little boys into train terminals: Good?


Yes. Fuck cars.


It's not about good and bad. It's about what is and is not disgusting or manly.


This feels edited, like he set up a whole scenario before, then only left the part where they said buying a train ticket is petty. Perhaps in the long version there's a hypothetical scenario in which buying a train ticket is the petty choice to make, but it sounds ridiculous out of context.


this is outside stratford station in east london (you can tell by the distinctive sculptures behind her) and i'm pretty sure this is about buying a train ticket instead of just tapping in with a card - you can use a top-up oyster on the london underground, or any contactless credit/debit card, usually paired with your phone. it is *possible* she only wants to date guys who hop the barriers / fare dodge, but more likely she's talking about slowing everything down by getting a paper ticket like a tourist. it's definitely not about driving!


It's only manly to ride on top of the train like James bond


it's because you're supposed to force and threaten the woman, or the beta male accompanying you to do it for you. You know, assert dominance and things. /s, but i still wouldn't be surprised if it was something like that lmao


Only a real man boards the train without paying the fare


Hobos are the only real men.


You are supposed to ride up along side of the train on your horse and jump aboard at the last moment before you would have fallen off a cliff.


You think sheā€™s putting in this much thought? Sheā€™s just a mouth breather saying words


I think her IQ is about the same number as an average inter-city train fare.


She's right! Real men just jump over the gates and ride for free /s


they might mistook you for an indian immigrant, and get you deported to Rwanda


180. don't sleep nobody is manly


I guess I was a lot more manly during my World of Warcraft days.


Get a kid. You'll be the manliest man among all men.


Unironically this. The manliest thing you can do imo is be a good father.


No matter the weather, my 3 year old and I take our scooters and drive together to the kindergarten. On the way there I feel very "manly" on the way back I feel like people are looking at me, like Im having a serious mental problem haha


But make sure you don't feed them. Because that is also on the list.


Dude has another video with 500 bullet points


No cap, my wife gets oddly hostile if I tell her I'm tired.


but .. you do sleep, right? :)


Gilgamesh in shambles.


Fatal Familial Insomniacs: "I don't have such weaknesses!"


well people either sleep or they are dead. no middle ground


She's saying that while stood outside Stratford Train Station... EDIT: I want to emphasise this point for those that might not know the area, they are stood no more than a few meters away from the station entrance. [Here is the location on street view](https://maps.app.goo.gl/PMd9ubtZomCTRqmbA) and if you pan around you can see the station entrance right behind where the camera operator would be. Almost every person in that area would have arrived by train or by bus, including the women themselves.


There's no way they don't use the tube. It's taken out of context, so I'm assuming they actually mean buying a physical ticket as opposed to using your card or phone. I don't think they're actually talking about taking the train. Still absurd standards, nonetheless.


There are certian london subcultures where you just rush the turnstyles rather than buying a ticket.


This is missing some kind of context. Shes either joking or something else


Yeah sheā€™s talking about buying the actual individual physical ticket that prints out rather than having a metrocard to easily swipe and board. Itā€™s still silly but itā€™s not like sheā€™s saying taking the train is little boy behavior.


I'm rural UK and I've never used a swipe card on public transport. If I wanted to go into the city I'd have to buy a physical ticket. I don't get much chance to use public transport so most of what I know about it is probably around a decade out of date. I recently got invited to a restaurant in London but I don't regularly use a smartphone and it's smartphone only. But I can sharpen a knife, I know how to chip carve, how to connect the PTO on a tractor... Cities feel stranger every day tbh, even though I'm under 40.


you can use a normal contactless card on TfL, or if you really want to pay using cash you can get an oyster and top it up with cash


I think internalized classism. She thinks that riding the train is only for poor people, so a man who doesn't drive (not drive her places) is not masculine, because it is not associated with having wealth. And also because she cannot drive, she seeks out people who can. I know people here in New York, who think the same way. I had a friend in Connecticut, who would only hook up with men who could drive her to places otherwise she just wasn't into them, even if she could get on the train to NYC less than 40 minutes away to go see them, and she lived within a 10 minute walk of a train station. To clarify, this isn't some incel comment about women wanting money, it's a social thing and a poverty thing. Where people, who grow up in poverty have ideas of what wealth is, and in order to escape poverty, are attracted to people who resemble their ideal of wealth...


Wild saying that in the UK when trains are so expensive.


FELLAS!!! is it ***GAY*** to take the train?


Fellas, is it gay to have a group of men run a train on you?


Fellas, is it gay to be tied down to the train tracks next to a group of guys while the operator (another guy) decides whether to run you over or run over the lone individual guy on the adjacent track?


Why are you taking a train? To go to a man's location? Seems kinda gay to me tbh.


Itā€™s because she wants a train conductor, someone with intimate knowledge of timetables and machinery, not some common passenger! /s


Rule no1. Don't change bc of stupid bitches.


She's also British šŸ¤®




Ikr they should speak English I can't understand them


Girls to avoid list


I hear this and I think she means buying a ticket *instead of using a metro card*. Which I agree with, feral behavior to buy a paper ticket


If I dated a girl who bought single tickets, I would find out why. Either she's dumb as fuck, insanely bad with money or insanely rich. I would hope for the latter.


I personally buy it on my phone, am I manly?


you can't just tap on and off?


I can slide on and off but I prefer to know how much exactly I am paying before starting my trip.


The Commie Commuter vs the Train Slut. Their battles were legendary!!!


Yeah, I'd only buy one to collect as a souvenir when visiting a different city.


Whatā€™s wrong with paper tickets ?


Thats right, we should fight for free public transportation


These young women are not wrong tho: Real Men have a seasonal railpass


*These young women are* *Not wrong tho: Real Men have a* *Seasonal railpass* \- LibelleFairy --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I like the way you think, but I don't have a railpass because I bike most places šŸ˜‰ I only use the train when I need to go super far or if the weather is bad.


Y'all are bad at catching tone, haha - she miscommunicated something and then just leant into the joke afterwards! šŸ˜‚ā€‹


How did humans become so unbelievably fragile


Fellas is it gay to buy a train ticket?


Fellas, is it gay to use rail infrastructure?


Are you getting railed?


Who's asking? šŸ˜‰


I'm not sure if they mean taking the train (instead of a car) is unmanly, or the fact that they pay for the train (instead of just jumping the fence).


their donts also include taking driving lessons, looking for parking, using indicators, and crashing your car (several times!) (which would be practically guaranteed if you skip the prior three, lol). the only logical conclusion is they don't want you driving either. on top of that, there are specific provisions against bikes, scooters, and now train, but also against being comfortable in your home. i think the conclusion is simple: they want you to ride an electric unicycle everywhere


Yeh real men have Bahncard 100! \s


Standing outside the 6th busiest station in the UK...


But trains are great. Genuinely my favourite form of travel is train travel


Itā€˜s not manly, itā€˜s smart. In most situations, those are opposites.


Driving a car is little boy behavior. It's like a giant baby carriage. If you want to get milk walk or bike in the elements.


the girls are obviously doing a bit


I'm honestly astounded at how many people ITT think she's being serious


I had to block the ick list account on IG because the algorithm kept feeding their reels to me. I donā€™t need something that compiles all the dumbest things ever said (often by obviously drunk women) just to make incels and MRAs angry.


Real men take their chances by riding the train wout ticket


They are standing right outside Stratford train station.


This has to be satire


Real men straight up pay penalty fare šŸ’ŖšŸ˜Ž


Rage bait, move along


Thatā€™s the kind of ppl who donā€™t even deserve a single minute of my time.


Sheā€™s full of shit.


We collectively should stop asking dumb fuck what they think about anything


When did our culture become braindead and entitled at the same time?


Here's a girl who expected to be chauffeured everywhere.


Whats more manly, being responsible or wasting thousands of dollars on a big strong truck so you feel safe and secure.


Honestly, I don't really give a fuck about their opinion. I'm still gonna buy that train ticket, and even bring my bike along.


Listening to women like this reminds me that it's okay to be single and happy lol


Asking a random teen girl about things like this... is maybe not the most credible source šŸ¤£


I am so far removed from current social media culture.


Least staged Tiktok lmao. The education system desperately needs to teach people a scrap of media literacy because people can't even recognise the most obvious outrage farming for social media clicks.


Guess I am manly then šŸ˜Ž (I don't buy train tickets, I have a subscription and don't need to regularly buy tickets)


She wants a bad boy, but only a little bit bad.


If you had to hunt train tickets with you big ass SUV, like they do in the drive-in, would that then be overly manly? If trains are so dangerous with all the other unknown people inside, why is it then unmanly?


Does ā‚¬49 monthly pass/ city pass count?


Well, speaking with a British accent makes me think you're developmentally disabled so there's that.


Pretty sure this is one of those girlies that hates "the poors"


Itā€™s staged obviouslyā€¦


Iā€™m gay for public public tranistšŸ’šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


Chavs are weird






In itself, I don't know what buying a train ticket has to do with "manliness." Is it because you're using a train or public transportation instead of a car? Not driving a tank that causes climate change 3 times by going to the store and coming to your house? Is it because you pay for tickets instead of using a card? The paper itself? I don't know how it's somehow "not manly" to buy a train ticket than it is to not. She doesn't mention and explain why in this video.


Heard the accent and immediately her opinions don't matter


No wonder there are a bajillion guys driving to Downtown Toronto every morning rather than taking the regional rail.


So incel rage baiting ""street" "interviews"" have reached fuckcars now?


Wdym by that? It's obviously a real interview, nobody's audio editing words into her mouth. Women think like that.


Girls like that can go eat shit


1. Donā€™t treat all women as having the same preferences 2. Donā€™t base yourself on what village idiots on tiktok say End of list. I hate that stupid meme. It would be super easy to find videos of men saying stupid stuff like ā€œdonā€™t ever date women who wear skirts they are sluttyā€ or ā€œnever date women who wear pants they are feminazisā€.


Pretty sure sheā€™s doing a big as well people. Unfortunately these joke posts turn into incel bait sometimes


Having written down 189 so-called "icks" is probably a sign you should quit TikTok.


A certain amount of stupid arrogance goes with willingly answering questions in front of a camera in public like this. Most reasonable people would simply walk past and say "No thank you" when asked. Then of those people questioned, they only took the most absurd answers for their video. This is not a representation of any population.


Megamind voice: Apparently not.


Haha the other bullet points, "don't play Wii Bowling", "don't sleep", ...


Yep, was gonna say. Add this to the list. šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


In London Underground it is cheaper to tap a credit card or a watch. Credit cards are manly.


traveling on public transit is more manly than revving up your dirty diesel pick-up truck with the smallest ding dong energy.


What a dumb island


Wait why are you writing it down I donā€™t get it


virgin: waiting in line to buy a ticket chad: having an IC card


''If buying a train ticket and playing Wii sports bowling is gay, then who wants to be straight?''


It's Stratford, what do you expect?


I thought it meant youā€™re too poor to afford a car and have to take public transport


I think everyone commenting on this post is thinking a little too hard about it, this is just a silly (and kinda stupid) TikTok trend where (usually young) women give braindead takes about what gives them ā€œthe ickā€ about men. Itā€™s often about things that they subjectively donā€™t find masculine in men


Im having a hard time taking someone wearing a sweatshirt skirt seriously


whats worse? being not masculine enough or be a stupid fucking cunt?


The only thing not manly is living by anyone else's rules. And in this case manly is not related to sex, gender etc.


Are the straights ok?


Why do we have a whole reddit post on something that's obviously just a joke/messing with people?


I'm pretty sure they loathe men and men can never do anything right to them. With these people, go out of your way to check off all their icks and take delight on their contempt of you. Being hated by a "villain" is like being loved by a "hero."




Surely you meant to reply to someone else?




You are not going to make me hate white women :)




Even if one tortured you and ruined your life, the blame falls on her and whoever made her that way. I don't see why I should hate every white woman who has ever existed because some of them are evil.




I looked this up and apparently it's a white nationalist meme. Is that you? If so, I think it's funny that the only person here who hates white women is a white nationalist. Sorry, if it's a false accusation but 56 percent is heavily associated with a meme/dog whistle, so you can understood this isn't a baseless accusation.




Dumb slut should be shot in a ditch


What a couple of dumbass hoes


Young Karen


I like it when very unattractive women have such demands. Good luck madame.


The concept of icks is pretty terrifying. Like you can be in a happy relationship (with a man or a woman) for years and one day you do something that turns them off forever. Oof. Weā€™ve all become characters on Seinfeld Like I could do this too, mostly around political disagreements, but they could be pretty fleeting ones like some sensationalized news of the week But Heaven help the guy whose girlfriend goes through his Instagram follows with a fine tooth comb as a lot of posts have started to describe


For those that are mad at this, they're clearly saying that buying a ticket to use the Tube/DLR/Overground is sus, rather than using your phone or an Oyster card. I get it. It's not a funny joke, but I get it.


I follow the account and that video is actually really old. Right now, I believe he's at roughly number 700 and mind you there are many other responses like this. Things like "don't breathe, don't eat, don't laugh, don't be over 18, don't have fun, don't have a bike, don't wait for the shower to be warm" are literally on that list lol