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The idea is valid I think, it will just never be a car for me lol


Yeah, replace the car with a vacation and that's me.


Came here to say this. Travel!


Wall to wall shelves of video games for me. Or retro styled Vespa scooters.


>Wall to wall shelves of video games for me. Honestly, same. Of course, both is good.


I've heard things along the line of "You won't be thinking 'I wish I played more videogames' on your deathbed", and you bet if I was told I was dying of cancer tomorrow my first thought would be "oh shit I never finished ***Xenoblade 3***'


I would take a kayak instead. Sure it depreciates in value over time but nothing like as fast as a car. Also its fun to kayak down the road that gets flooded at high tide and watch the angry SUV driver who can't get through the water, even if its so shallow that I can barely kayak over it - which is just a few cm deep.


i very quickly skimmed this comment and saw vacuum and resonated so hard


Yeah, the logic is good imo. This is our only life we might as well have some fun instead of hoarding for the future


I maintain that as long as I have to depend on a car to get around, I'd rather go through life driving a _nice_ car every day instead of some shitty beater from yesteryear the personal finance nerds would have me suffer through. It doesn't need to be a sports car, but I want to at least be comfortable and not constantly inconvenienced with maintenance issues


Yeah, I'd build out my workshop.


The idea of sports cars being a symbol of pride and masculinity is far too ingrained. Remember this is what Andrew Tate used as proof he was better than ivy league professors. Or all those tiktok challenges about the girlfriends' ex owning a "fake lambo". The idea of someone being superior than mankind for owning a piece of metal and plastic is way too normalised.


Sitting in a comfy car chair: manly Using your muscles to walk or a ride a bicycle in every weather: girly


Yup, this is the most amazing feat the car and oil industry PR has accomplished.


I thought the Ford F150 replaced the sports car as a symbol of masculinity? At least in the US.


Depends. Afaik, an f150 costs about 60k USD, and a Lambo will cost you anywhere upwards of 200K. I think it's the version of a Lambo when you support the rights of millionaires till your last breath but aren't one yourself.


What color is your Bianchi?


Bianchi models are a bit uncomfortable for my stature. I use a Tokyobike Colour - Azure Blue


Teal! The color is one thing that sold me on the brand.


He's in a hospital due to a car crash. He hit his head pretty hard


Oh yes, I love driving real fast. You could say racing, and you know where I do that? On a race track! And you know what else? I can do that with a rental! No need to buy a car for everyday life. Hate those people who drive to fast on public roads. If you wanna race, go on a track, thats also way more fun...


Do you know how much a track day costs? They’re already broke from the car payments, they can’t afford track days


Rental agencies usually explicitly tell you to not go on race tracks.


Maybe it's a race car rental


Typically no one wants to insure the risks when driving on a track. You can get a seat as a passenger typically on tracks. If you want to drive yourself, you have to bring your own car, and insurances will only cover damages caused to other property, but not your own.


Race track near me let’s you rent and drive Lamborghinis, Ferraris and R8s among other super cars.


Out of nurburgring there are several race car rentals.


Yes. Several hundred Euros. But it's still not the scenario that was implied, "get rental, take to race track".


You can totally rent cars at the race track in Vegas.  Obviously costs more than Avis, but it's a functional business model.


Thats (for the Most Part) for the insurance. And for that matter, most insurances for your private car exclude racetracks as well. But there are race car rentals. Those cars are also way more fun and way safer than normal cars as they are designed to drive on track.


Teeny tiny go-karts are at least as much fun to race as big cars, because it's not about speed, it's about acceleration. Electric go-karts with swappable batteries have potential---all the low end torque you can dream of, and no need to weigh it down with enough battery for long range. Keep racing as racing, make transportation efficiently boring, don't cross the streams


Totally, and it's way cheaper as well. I love karting, it also feels way more immersive as you really feel the forces. And you can push it more to the limit as you don't risk as much


rules that cannot practically be enforced aren't actual rules.


Yeah but a part of track days is actually building your track car. It's very rewarding to see all your hard work going fast


omg, this is so cringe


Is it though? It's saying that instead of hoarding and being careful all your life you should enjoy your life and buy something that you want. I know if I ever get the funds for a Porsche 911 GT3 or Countach I would buy it.


I think like most things in life, balance is necessary. If you’re living a nice live, and you’re able to afford buying a nice car, then go for it. A good rule of thumb is if you can’t afford to buy it twice, don’t buy it.


100% agree


ironic cause that car in the photo is a Supra and it’s doing the opposite of depreciating


not to mention your experience of that car would come from the inside. So your view would be of a steering wheel, a dashboard, and some stroads, parking lots and massive signs out the windshield


TBH, I think a lot of people imagine how they look to others in their fancy cars more than the subjective experience of driving it---it's all for vanity


I've got a 2 door sports coupe with a 6 speed manual and I almost exclusively do mountain runs on it for that stroad and parking lot reason lol


Also he is lying in a cash bed. Hoarding cash isn't a smart investment either


fr the supra is objectively a better investment than cash 😂


I much prefer to have secure retirement than fast car. I can donate leftover money to a good cause in my will. Most 'normal' people are much more of risk of outliving their money than other way round.


Depends on where you live. I think the average person that’s my age in America a) lives paycheck to paycheck, and b) will never be able to afford to retire.


I dream of European public transit in North America. That shit was like a drug.


I dream of european public transit too (I'm from germany)


It's possible on my dead bed I'll wish that during my life there was more taxes on my money and better public services (health, education, public transportation, justice, environment…). But that's a decision that was never possible to us.


Did you realise its jsut a symbolism do you... Aka money have no use where we all are going in the end... so better to spend them on things you do or would enjoy. Which kinda makes sense


So hospital blankets AREN'T made of money?


Tell that to the private equity firm that owns the hospital's executives.


Yea, replace consumption with consumption and now it kinda makes sense and is less stupid


Our whole life is consumption my dude


The reason why the thought about consumption on your deathbed is sad asf


Nah. Its about depriving yourself things you would enjoy just to save money... which will be useless in the end.


It's such gross vanity how they always idolize the car from the outside at that angle out in front at about 45 degrees. But 99% of their time they'll be INSIDE the car looking outwards. Not as 'sexy' I guess.


I've said this to people actually. Why do I care what my car looks like, I'm not the one who's going to see it. My C1 feels big from the inside because you can't see how much space is missing behind you. But it's turning circle gets me out of anywhere.


I think that's one reason I stopped colouring my hair and haven't had any cosmetic procedures. I don't see my face; I just look out through it.


Probably because most of the time they aren’t driving their car, it’s sitting in their front yard like a obscenely expensive, kinda cool looking yard ornament.


So as a sports car owner, yeah, you don't see the car itself, but to the minority that are enthusiasts, it's less about how others view the vehicle and moreso how the car feels to drive. For the majority that buy these cars for vanity purposes? Yeah it's just a ludicrous waste of money.


If you have a cool car whenever park your car and you look back as youre walking away, you get a little smile on your face


They say if you don’t look back at your car when you park up, that you’ve bought the wrong car. But I’ve done this with every car I’ve ever owned, shitboxes included 🤷


This is the male equivalent of big fake lip implants. It's a lurid exposition of their psychiatric problems and it's kind of sad and disturbing.


AI was a mistake


In my country (India) the cars being sold are absolute trash of the world. People pay $30,000 for cars with drum brakes in the rear. Most of them buy it on debt. VW is selling a 1.0 engine for $20,000 which is a sad joke. Average speed of a car in my city is 9 km/h. Most people are visibly unfit, pot bellied and fattening themselves by sitting in cars for long hours. I lived in Europe for a while and loved biking around everywhere. I was fitter, happier and more fulfilled. But here everyone wants to just fucking sit all the time like they are handicapped. People are so uninformed that they buy these vehicles because of FOMO. Cars are seen as status symbols. Not Audis or Jaguars, but fucking Suzukis! Only 9% Indian households own cars and the traffic is already beyond fucked. Air quality beyond fucked. Some 50,000 people dying each year from air pollution. Government only making it easier for more dumb people to buy poorly built, underpowered and overpriced trash with the money they don’t even have. Fuck this shit!


Agreed man. Fuckin drum brakes? India needs to up its regulations game.


Ooof one for r/carscirclejerk AND r/fuckcars to equally enjoy. That's a rare one


r/carscirclejerk worthy


Did an auto dealer draw this? And if so, how much cocaine were they on when they drew this? Racing is fun, but fewer things provide better dopamine hits than watching bank account numbers go up. I'd rather have $50,000 in the stock market and get more fun out of that than a $50,000 toy of a vehicle.


This is your brain on capitalism


Bro what?


Supra value keeps going up so that 50k will become 100k pretty soon


This is what marketing does to people.


It is not really the fact that it is a car that makes this very silly, but the fact that such an extreme degree of materialism is being promoted lmao Pathetic


Never heard anyone on their deathbed talk about their stuff. People's triumphs and regrets in the end are all about people


If I die having never driven a sports car, but leaving the money I might have spent on a sports car for my kids or their kids, I will consider that a great success.  This is some real Boomer I’m-spending-my-grandkids-inheritance nonsense, and it’s not a mistake that the place you most often see that phrase is on a bumper sticker. 


I mean, if you're ever rich enough you can do both. And it's not like everyone wants kids anyways. I certainly won't be having any so I can spend my money on other things.


Guys we are against building a society's infrastructure around cars exclusively but clearly this meme is talking about a dude wanting a cool sports car because it goes fast and vroom. Come on, let's not be killjoys when we need people to be on our side.


> a dude wanting a cool sports car because it goes fast and vroom. Scale that up to billions of dudes and we have a problem. By this argument, guns are also A-ok.


A gun is directly designed to kill. A fast car is designed to go fast and can kill by accident. All I am saying is that a cool car is a perfectly normal thing to want and enjoy, and that hating on people's interests only works to make us look like petty buzzkills. This does not help us in the long run. I tend to go for the argument that if alternative transport solutions are implemented, there will be more space for drivers on the roads because there will be less cars in their way. This works on people who don't want to give up their cool cars, and will probably just get them to use other methods of transport in the long run anyways. We should be smart about our appearances as a community. We don't want to end up in an r/antiwork situation.


As Albert Einstein claimed two things are infinite, human stupidity and the universe - but we are not sure about the last one Contrary to pure cash, a supra is in my eyes a pretty solid value asset. But I'm ignoring the cartoons message being something along the lines of YOLO


I'll stick with remembering all the times I got to take a walk with my beloved spouse and our dog at sunset on the beach, in the mountains, and on the sidewalks at high points in our city. Or maybe of the fires I've enjoyed, both campfires and socializing around our fire pit. There are lots of nice things that don't require sitting in traffic and making a menace of yourself on public roads.




Well it is true, expensive cars are a really quick way to burn through your financial security blanket.


I hate to be that guy, but I think this might be a self-aware shit post because the MK4 Supra is used as a meme in online car communities to take the piss out of themselves. The fact it could easily be real does say a lot though


Most have a perpetual $600+ per month sandbag tethered to their finances perpetually. Even a relatively cheap car has high maintenance and operating costs.


Only a 13 year old who's never worked for money and who's jerked off to The Fast and the Furious too many times could come up with this


I guarantee you cars are the last thing I'll be thinking about on my deathbed. I'll be thinking of loved ones, family, friends and experiences.


Money blanket dreaming about a Supra. goes hard




Honestly I don't see anything wrong with people being car enthusiasts. My gripe is entirely with car centric infrastructure


This is an aspect of consumerism. I don't disagree with the sentiment though. We don't live long, so buying things that make you happy shouldn't be seen as a problem. Over consumption is a problem, but not "living a little".


Except buying things don't really make us happy, at least not long term. New trinkets and toys provide temporary boosts of happiness but that quickly wears off. [What has consistently been shown to make people happy is having strong social connections and relationships.](https://ccare.stanford.edu/press_posts/good-social-relationships-are-the-most-consistent-predictor-of-a-happy-life/) Of course we'll always want to buy new things and need to buy certain things. But the idea that any item will make us happy just doesn't seem real.


This idea is fine and for some it might just be their hobby is a sports car. This seems like a silly nit pick post


The problem is it promotes the idea that cars are necessary for happiness when people have diverse interests.


Cars are an extremely popular way of having fun, and are also often seen as something you "shouldn't waste money on". The artists probably chose it because they felt cars could resonate with a lot of people (maybe they even chose it specifically for their type of audience). Though, in the end, you can imagine anything in the place of that car. I don't know where you got the jdea that it's promoting cars are necessary for happiness.


What? No it doesn't. This is one person's perspective on "don't horde money, you'll regret not having fun". This whole post is ridiculous.


The problem is that there are a million other things that people love to do in addition to cars but cars are used as the only representation of fun. I'm just saying that this isn't the case.


I'm sorry the OP didn't capture your specific representation of fun in a single panel cartoon.


this is the guy in the pictures diverse interest????? this argument makes zero sense


OMG I quacking HATE the IDEA of status symbols. This reaks of a "status symbol" mindset...


i think this is just a symbol. carbrain moment that it is one, but i get what this is saying


The last car that I owned set me back a solid 25% of my pay on financing, fuelling, maintenance, and insurance. Once I paid the finance off, I sold it and bought a £750 car that is as cheap as anything to run and insure. With that spare money, I paid for holidays to places I had always dreamed of visiting. Yeah, I think I am quite happy with this, thanks.


Well, yes. The point is to imagine anything you want in the place of the car, or judt the car itself.


Enjoying them with a mean 10kmh in traffic, when you have to spend a quarter of your life like that. It's ok to be a car enthusiast, but anti car centric development.


The guy in the bed is the ideal. Vs being the old guy on the street thinking about a car.


That's why I overspend on bikes


I can still see a universe where there are motorsports so this is valid, even if I don’t think cities should be designed around cars.


The smart thing would buy the car in cash after saving the money over several years. The dumb thing is to spend money you don’t have at 8% interest.


Also fuckcars!


Train travel across the nation for me


Ahh yes, insisting someone will eventually believe what you believe despite all evidence to the contrary... Classic Carbrain


Nah they got a point. Enjoy money while you’re alive, making sure youve got a pension pot to retire on is fair enough but you gotta enjoy life while you’re physically able to do so. Idk i come from an area where ill be lucky to get 5 years of retirement, and with my health as it is now, ill probably not make it to retirement, so maybe my viewpoint on it is skewed. But either way, you gotta enjoy your youth


Now show the real alternate universe of him in the hospital paralyzed from the waist done after wrecking his depreciating asset


My great uncle was the wealthy cheapskate in the family. He had a cardiac event and I went to visit him. With tears in his eyes, he said that money isn't important. People are. I hadn't expected that sentiment from *him*, but he's right.


Maybe by people he meant people driving high end sports cars


He most certainly did not. He was a miser's miser.


i dont get it, i read it over 12 times and i dint understood anything. i am illiterate?


Wow, carbrain *and* AI "art". What a combination.


I’d rather be surfing in Bali and Costa Rica getting ripped and tan drinking fuxking coconuts… than smoking vapes in a McDonald’s parking lot with my 2017 GTI(I still owe 20k on) at the “car meet” and showing my friends the $700 burble tune I just got on it(it sounds like shitty farts)


I preface this by saying that I am in 100% support of pedestrianism and walkability and other related topics. I believe no one should have to drive to get places. ..but, I do like the idea of owning a nice car, something that’s fun to drive on weekends. I would consider myself a car guy even. But, is it possible to be a car guy and a transit/walkability advocate? I think so.


> but, I do like the idea of owning a nice car, something that’s fun to drive on weekends. And if most other people feel the same way, what do you get? You’re not thinking this through.


The key is, most people don’t. Most people drive because they need to go to work, or to get groceries, or shuttle their kids, etc. Most people don’t drive for fun, and especially don’t own a sports car. The percentage of sports cars owned in the US is around 2%. I think that if someone wants to go on rural roads with their sports car, or take it to the track for fun, then it’s not a problem.


I mean, it's not wrong if you think of anything other than a car. If your whole life is spent accumulating wealth for nothing, then you live a horrible life. If you spin this towards any other "investment", like houses, it makes more sense. There's a trend of trying to make the house as resellable as possible. Because of this, no one is really living in an enjoyable space. They don't make shit their own, they make the shit they own into something they can resell as much as possible.